194329k' ---- 194329
Council File No. 194329 —By Adrian P.
Winkel —
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Resolved, By the Council of the City JNCIL
CITY OF ST. of Saint Paul that the plans and spec-
ifications for the extension of t h e
OFFICE OF THE C sanitary sewer in 13th Ave. N.W. from
existing e crossing rRN W md Y by e 3 d Street and R '
McKnight Ave. to 890 feet easterly of
the existing sewer crossing 13th Ave.
0 " "' "T b, +ween 3rd Street and McKni ht 190,9
PRESENTED BY Wi nkel z , : - g
COMMISSIONER— "DAr Village of North St.
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the plans
and specifications for the extension of the sanitary sewer in 13th Ave.
N.W. from the existing sewer crossing 13th Ave. N.W. midway between-
3rd Street and McKnight Ave. to 690 feet easterly of the existing sewer
crossing 13th Ave. N.W. between 3rd Street and McKnight Avenue, all-An
the Village of North St. Paul, authorized by and subject to the pro=
visions, terms, and conditions of City of St. Paul Ordinance No. 10080,
approved May 13, 1953, and as amended under Ordinance No. 11299,
approved August 12, 1958, and as amended under Ordinance No. 11318,.
approved September 10, 1958, and as amended under Ordinance No. 11350,
approved October 29, 1958, for the connection of the public sewer sy,,stem
of the Village of North St. Paul with that of the City of St. Paul,I
prepared by the engineers of said Village and approved by the Village
Council of the Village of North St. Paul on September 21, 1959, andi
heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works
and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all things approved.
OCT 15 1959
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciIICtT 15 1959 19
- Yeas Nays
DeCourcy 0 CT 15{ 1959
Holland Approved �_ 19
fTn Pavor
Rosen / ayor
Winkel ✓Against
Mr. President, Dillon
PUgLISiIIM. I a - I 1 - 5
6M 7-69 .4!W8