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s 194292 Council File No. 194292 —By Mrs. Donald ' M. DeCourcy- ORIGINA'�LTO CITY CLERK i Resolved, That there be and is hereby v CITY OF ST levied for the support of the various NO. k departments of the City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE government cc said °city uponalall ° they Ar COUNCIL RESOLUTION ofoSa nt Paul bforteach °Charte eF nd� a tax for the year 1959, collectible in � 1960, n amount equal to the annual! PRESENTED BY ` F estimate of expenditures for_gs- COMMISSIONE �a� hGrgin�reMcit^�q���d� RESOLVED, that there be and is hereby levied for the support of the various departments of the City of Saint Paul government and of the Special School District of said City upon all the property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for each Charter Fund a tax for the year 1959, collectible in 1960, in amount equal to the'annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as herein recited and set forth after deducting therefrom the departmental receipts, State and Federal.Aid, and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows: Code 1 2 3 4 6 7 -8 -9 7 8- 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -17 16 17 18 -20 18 20 21 SUMMARY Charter Fund City Officers' Salaries Mayor's Office Corporation Counsel City Clerk Finance Commissioner Public Safety Administration Police Fire Police and Fire Alarm Health Commissioner of Public Works Street Construction and Repair Sewer Construction and Repair Street and Sewer Cleaning Bridge Building and Repair Public Schools Libraries, Auditoriurp, Museums and Stadia Administration Public Library Auditorium Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Public Buildings Public Utilities and Public Buildings Administration .Amount 79,380.00 161,592.00 142,019.80 - ,124,832.00 214,914.00 152,081.00 2,853,903.00 2,850,621.00 170,450.00 _ 472,177.00 627,885.00 541,000.00 124,700.00 1,112,247.00 67,292.00 16,814,121.00 34,235.00 848,862.00 94,000.00 50,450.00 1,376,994.00 414,668.00 128,964.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against { Mr. President, Dillon pUBLISHM I d - L -7 - 5 I`1 SM 5.58 42PY02 r R 194292 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ OCT 91959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , DeCourcy 0 CT 9 1959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen _ Mayor Winkel Against f Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 Q , 22 Public Lighting 561,943.00 23 Water Department 3,625,000.00 24 Public Welfare _� 2,484,640.00 25 City Hall and Court House 204,4:8.00 26 Interest 930,260.00 28 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 1,795,666.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 1,000.00 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 225,353.00 31 General Fund 4,505,640.00 Total ChArter Funds $ 43,791,367.00 Less: State and Federal Aids Schools 5,508,367.00 Special Taxes - Schools 196,150.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,639,176.00 Departmental Receipts 2,048,200.00 Self- Sustaining Bureaus 3,719,000.00 16,110,893:00 _Tax Levy- Appropriated in 1960 Budget _27,6809474.00 Add Estimated Net Shrinkage 276,804.00 Total Tax Levy $ 27,957.278400 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk be directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1959, collectible in 1960, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. _ OCT 91959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , DeCourcy 0 CT 9 1959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen _ Mayor Winkel Against f Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 Q 194292 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED# that there be and Is hereby levied for the support of the various departments of the City of Saint Paul government and of the Special School 'District of said City upon all the property tastable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for each G aster Fund a tact for the year 1959, collQctible in 1960, in amount equal to tho annual estimate of expenditures for each wand, as herein recited and set forth after deducting therefrom the departmental. receipts, State and Federal Aid, and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows$ SU MARY t c �I�rtes _Feand 1 city Officers' Salaries 2 Mayor's Office 3 Corporation Counsel 4 . City Clerk Finande Commissioner J -8 "9 Public Safety Administration 7 Police 8 Fire 7 -8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health 10 Commissioner of Public Works 11 Stroet Construction and Repair 12 Sever Coostzuction and Repair '13 Streat &W Sewer Oleanin 14 Bridge Wilding and Repax 15 Public Schools 16 -17 Libxatries# Auditorium, Museums and Stadia Administration 16 Public Library 17 Auditorium 18.20 Parks and Recreation and Publio Buildings on Administration 16 Parks and Recreation. 20 Public Buildings 21 Public utilities COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 2 In Favor Against 79,380.00 161,592.00 142'019.00 1,24, 832.00 = 214 0914.00 152,081.00 2,853,903.013 2, 850, 621..00 170,450.00 472,177.00 627,885.00 541.• 000.00 124,700.00 1,1.12, 247.00 67,292.00 16,814,121.00 34,235.00 848,$62.00 94, OOO. 00 500450.00 1,376,994.00 414,668.00 128,964.00 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor 194292 QUA DRUPLICATE'TO DEPARTMENT • CITY OF ST. PAUL CO "C" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 22 Public Lighting 23 Water Departwont 24 Public Welfare 25 City Hall and Court House 26 Interest 28 Redemption of Bonds and dotes 29 Judgment and Comptomiso 30 Comptroller And Civil. Service 31 General Fund a Less State and Paderal Aids drools Special 'Taxes - Schools Miscellaneous Revenue Departmental Receipts Self -,Sustaining Bureaus 50508t367.00 196,150.00 4t639,176.00 2,048,200.00 3,-T9_ -QQ© ©b Il�l.r�r Mir 'ax Levy - Appropriated in 1960 Budget Add Estimated Not Shrinkage Total Tags Levu 561,E 943.00 3,6250000.00 204840540.00 2O4t478.00 930, 260.00 1 * "795, 666,00 10000.00 223, 353.00�, r:al � �t��Irr= 1i.i.:iQV S 43,791 *367*00 I _279680j474,i00 �, ms. •a RESOLVED FURTH� that the City Cleric be directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1959, collectible in 1960* to tl�e County Auditor of Ramsey County lomdiately upon the adoption and approval of this r€eolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 aQ Tn Favor Aroainst 0 CT 9 1959 Adopted by the Council '19— OCT 9 1959 Approved 19— Mayor Total Charter Funds Less: State and Federal Aids Schools Special Taxes - Schools Miscellaneous Revenue Departmental Receipts Self- Sustaining Bureaus Tax Levy - Appropriated in 1960 Budget Add Estimated Net Shrinkage Total Tax Levy 5,508,367.00 1 196,150.00 4,639,176.00 2,048,200.00 9.719.000.00 _ f 43,791,367.00 16,110.899.00 27,680,474.00 276.804.00 27,957,278.00 SUMMARY y Code Chapter Fund Amount 1 City Officers' Salaries 79,380.00 2 Mayor's Office 161,592.00 3 Corporation Counsel 142,019.00 4 City Clerk 124,832.00 6 Finance Commissioner _ 214,914.00 7 -8 -9 'Public Safety Administration - 15:2,081.00 7 Police = 2,853,903.00 8 Fire 2,850,621.00 7 -8 Police and Fire Alarm 170,450.00 9 Health 472,177.00 10 Commissioner of Public Works - 627,885.00 11 Street Construction and Repair 541,000.00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair = 124,700.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,112,247.00 14 Bridge Building and Repair 67,292.00 15 _- Public Schools 16,814,121.00 16 -17 Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia Administration = 34,235.00 16 Public Library 848,862.00 17 Auditorium 1 94,000.00 18 -20 Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings Administration 50,450.00 18 Parks and Recreation _ 1,376,994.00 20 Public Buildings 414,668.00 21 Public Utilities 128,964.00 22 Public Lighting 561,943.00 23 Water Department s 3,625,000.00 24 Public Welfare 2,484,640.00 25 City Hall and Court House 204,478.00 26 Interest _ 930,260.00 28 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 1,795,666.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 1,000.00 30 Comptroller and Civil Service t 225,353.00 31 General Fund - 4.505.640.00 Total Charter Funds Less: State and Federal Aids Schools Special Taxes - Schools Miscellaneous Revenue Departmental Receipts Self- Sustaining Bureaus Tax Levy - Appropriated in 1960 Budget Add Estimated Net Shrinkage Total Tax Levy 5,508,367.00 1 196,150.00 4,639,176.00 2,048,200.00 9.719.000.00 _ f 43,791,367.00 16,110.899.00 27,680,474.00 276.804.00 27,957,278.00