194269It_ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AN D RESOLUTION RATIFYING ANI ASSESSMENT THEREFOR CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS Council File No. 194289 --- ' > r•atter�of condemning and ASSESSMENT THEREFOR TR✓ ^7 3rAti strip of ""' I .0T4 eiFdy_ I In the matter of condemning -and taking-an easement ®n a strip of, lead 20 Peet y in width for the purposes of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the SE1- of the 1 of Section 21 Township 28, North, Range 22` . West, said easement extending from the west line of the SE�; of the of said; . Sectioa'2 to the east line of the S* of the- of said Section 2, the center line,of said 20 -foot wide easement being described as follows -s Commencing at ,a point on ,the west line of the S of the 9f Section 2, T' ®unship 28 ®rth, - Range 22, West said point being 966.8 feet north of the southwest corner of said SEJ of said of said Section 2; thence on a deflection angle of 12*34' to e: a. right as measured from the west line of the S of the NWJ of said Section 2 a, distance of 251.83 feet to a point; thence on a deflection angle of e4 ®38' to -thd ' right a-df:stance of -161.43 feet to a point; thence on a dePlecti�a angle of 18 00' i to the right.•a •distance of 150.51 feet to point; thence on a deflecti ®n aaigle _ of 10047' to the left a distance of 98.56 feet to a point; thence on A deflection angle,of 21 °55' to the left a distance of 26aoll feet to a point; thence on a 4 fi deflection angle of 0*46' to the left�a distance of 364.59 feet to a point; Peet toy, thence on a deflection angle,of 24015' to the right a distance of 59.5 w a point; said point being on the'east` line of said _Q and being 1017 >8 feet north of the southeast corner of said of Section 2, Township 28 1f®rth, Range 22West; Also`coademning and taking a temporary easement-on-ii-strip of ]end 30 feet in width for construction purposes in the SE�.of the of Seett" 2, Township 28 Korth, Range,22 West, said temporary easement extending from the west'liae of the S* of'the Jaof-said Section 2, to the east line of the Qf the f said Section" 2, said mporary easement lying northerly of and adjacent to the afore describes} perm eqt � easement; • x e t Also condemning and taking a temporary easement on'a etri� ®f�lansi 30 P et in width for construction pusses in the of the ©f Seistdn 2, the , a easement extending from the wept line of °the S o dj Range 22 West said tempoa°ax°y of said Section 2 to 10 feet west of the east line of the'8* of the of said, a] Section 21 said temporary easement lying southerly of and adjacent to the afore fd described permanent easement; V Ra -Also condemning and taking an easement on a strip of land 20,.Peet,in width for th the purposes cuff constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the ]North J of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 Neste the center line of said ease- of meat being on the east line of the II9 of Section 2,, - ' ship 28 ' forth', � Range, � 22 West, wig 22 and said�easement, extending from 1027.8 feet north of the southeast corner of the Nwt of said Section-2 to 500 feet north of the southeast corner of the NE ea Rection,2, Winship 20 North,`Range 22 West; Also coin8 VAd taking a temporary easement ®n,a strip of land 30 felt in wi width for conttructioa purposes is.the S* of the of Zection 2, Township! 28 berth, We 'Range 22 West, said tembbraz°Y easerltieit - being on the west ;30. feet of the east 40 Peet 'of the nortb;495 feet of the south 985 feet of the RW og Section 2, Township 28 Rorth, 2 �._. , me lr age 22 We at; • saf -Also condemni and taking a temporary easement on a strip of land 30 feet in (_- width fob° construct on purposes in`e ST of the of Section.2, Township. 28 north, the Sg 4iest, said _temporary ,e�si uTrt being on the east 30 felt of the west 4b feet of :& " north 507.8 keet of � the ®uth 1057.8.feet -of =the _1 of Section 22 °township 33 28d Ito - �+ edas cTPIon 2, Township 28 Earth, Range 22 West and extealind from the previously described 50 -foot wide easement in said Section 2 to Upper 1f ton ,A Road; Aldo condemning and taking a temporary easement on a strip of land 37 feet in width for constructions purses in the of Section 2, Township 28 IIorth, Range- .22 West, said temporary easement being on the west 37 feet of the east 70 feet oP the of said Section 2 and extending from Upper Afton Road to the afore described '10 -foot wide temporary easement @@utherly of and adjacent to the afore described) 50 -foot wide easement in the of Section 2, Township 28 forth, Range 22 West.; . rf . aJ+ i 990 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 0 ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS, AND : MM'HEN'S' OP in the matter of condemning and taking an easement ®n a strip of land 20 feet in width for the purposes of constructing and maintaining a public serer on,!, under and acroes the S* of the NWt of'Section 2, Township 28, North, Range 22 West, said easement extending from the west line of the S* of the Nq of said Section 2 to the east line of the S of the of said Section 29 the.center line of said 20 -foot wide easement being described as follows; Commencing at'a point on the west line of the S1* of the F4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22, West said point being 966.8 feet north of the southwest corner of said S* of said of said Section 2; thence on a deflection angle of 72.34' td-,.the right as measured from the west line of the S of the N4 of said Section 2 a distance of'- 251.83 feet to a point; thence on a deflection angle of 24 038' -to the right a- distance of 161.43 feet to a point; thence on a deflection angle of �1.8 °00' to -the right -a - distance- of - 3.50.51 feet to a point; thence on a deflection angle of'10 °47' -to the left a distance of 98.56 feet to a point; thence on a deflection angle,of 21 055' to the left a distance of 260(.11 feet to a point; thence on #a deflection angle of'0 ®46' to the left a distance of 364.59 feet to a point; thence on a.deflection angle of 24 015' to the right a distance of 59.5 feet .1to a point; said point being on the east line of said NWT and being 1017.8 feet north of the southeast corner of said W4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West; Also condemning and taking a temporary easement on a strip of land 30 feet in width for construction purposes in the S of the of'Sedtlgn 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, said temporary easement extending from the west line of the qF of the 194 of said Section 2, to the east line of the of the 'mf eaid SecU6A 2, said temporary easement lying northerly of and adjacent to the af6r6 described permanent easement; Also condemning and taking a temporary easement on`a etrip of land. -30 feet width for construction purses in the of the ®f Se6r,, 2, ! Swnship 28., kith, Range 22 West, said temporary easement extending from the'weffitae of the S of the N*_of said Section 2 to 10 feet nest of the east line of the $1* of the of said Section 2, said tem)vrary easement lying southerly of and adjacent'to the afore described permanent easement; Also condemning and taking an easement on a strip of land 20 feet in width for the purposes 0 constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, and across the North J of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, the center line of rsaid ease- ment being on the east line of the I of Section 2,, reship 28 North.-.Range 22 West, and said easement ext@ndUng from 1027.8 feet worth of the southeast corner of the NWk of said Section. to 500 feet north of the satitheast corner of the Section.2, unship 2$ North,`Range 22 West; Also coAdkmning vAd taking a temporary easement on a strip of land 301!fe4t in width for construction purposes in.`the S* of the'* of-Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, said temporary easemeht being on the west ,30 feet of the east 40 feet of the north; 495 feet of the south 985 feet of the,* of -Section 2, Township 28 Korth, Range 22 West;. . Also coademainn� and taking a temporary easement on a strip of land 301feet in s 4Xdth fob° cadstructioa purposes in the SWt of the of Section '2, Township 28 North, Rgdge =•22 West, said temporary.eagerpent being on the east 30 fe4t of the west 40 feet op the north 507.8,Yeet of the south 1057.8 feet of the of Section 2, iowaship 20Nort ftnge 22_We3 s _ /_!t _1&_ e-'-' of Fin e. „/,o