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Original to'Clty Clerk v'• ' r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE 1942 -09 That the principal and interest coming due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes shall be paid promptly when due, out of the general funds of said City of Saint Patil, and re- imbursement therefor shall be mad8 when said taxes shall have been received. And the City Clerk of said City of Saint P'ul is hereby instructed to file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, a certified copy of this ordinance, together with full information regarding the bonds for which this ta. is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made. Before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain from the County Auditor'and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the' County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied'as required by law, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended. Such taxes shall be-collected-and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner s other`taxes of the City of Saint Paul; and when collected shall be'used so- l -e -ly for paying the intere'st` and principal of' said- bonds-whgm and as the same shall mature. ` Section 5. That the general purpose and object of the law pursuant to which the Minneapolis - Saint Paul Sanitary_ District is organized and operating and pursuant to which these bonds are being issued is to promote the public health _and welfare by providing an adgquate and efficient system,and means for collecting, conveying, pumping, treatment and disposal of all domestic sewage and commercial and industrial waste and their produces within the ter itory of said Sanitary District, to prevent the pollution resulting from the -dis- charge thereof into any river, stream or water - course ithin Vsa id Sanitary District;.and whereas said City of Saint Paul included within said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District to effect the intent and purpose of said law is required to authorize and issue the afore- said bonds, therefore an emergency is hereby decla red' o exist and this ordinerc,-, declared necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety shall be in full force and a elect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication.. ti I Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest City Clerk 1M 1 -b7 . 8 Passed by the 1. Approved: CT 22195eJ OCT 22 1959 Favor QaadrapReate to Department -ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE O. 194259 0.- ' An ordinainva providing for the Issuances and so a of One Hundred Fifty 'Thousand Dollars ('S1.b0000Utoo) $*'Woo* oispoSol System Bonds, Series 7 of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Vinnesota, fixing the detalls and dascriptio of the game, and ptovding for the levy of ta,4+RS therefor a d thin i pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the payoont of the sally. This ordinance is an emiorgoncy ordl. -son t rendered necessary for the pxesarvatfon of th* public peace, *&1th and safety. i HER. , the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Mi.nnesotat heretofore on the 24th day of Nov 'Taber 1933, did, by vasolution duly adopted, 4$*clare its itntenti n to Auth±or- isO the issue of bonds of said City for the purposes and use of the Board of 'Trustoos of the �nnospoliu'.Saint Paul ani:trxY District in the constructions maintenance and operot on of the sewage disposal systom in Said Sanitary €1- Strict, co stituting the proportion of the cost of the construction, mai ansnee and oporation of such sewage disposal syates to be const ucted and established in said Sanitary District due from the said Cit . of Saint Paul, in amounts *nd for purposes respectively in full com- pliance with and pursuant to the dotail*d budgrt and comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collt tion treatment and disposal, of sewage and waste :w*teri.rl of the Xi apoii.$- Saint Paul Sanitory District, duly adopted and �Ide y the Board of Trustees of the Mnnoapolis i•Sant Paul Sand or i y i3 stfict, as certified to said Council of said City by the Board f rustees of said Minnespoii.s -Saint Paul Sanitary district, Al' in the sooner and form as required by Chapter 3410 Mianesota Sesai n lriAws 1933 and all other laws thereunto enabling and Chapter 47 , Ming sota stotutes 1957, as amended; and WHZR8ASg the Council of that City of Saint Paul did k�:r#tof'ors. ore the 6th day of November 1.935, adopt an ordinance ts#,gnated "Council Pile 101844 ", authotixing the issuance and ale of Two Million Two hundred Five Thousand Dollov s ($2,205600 ) Bonds of said City for the purposes her:i.nabove set forth: an WHEAPIA_$; it is now the intention of the Counci of the City of Saint Paul, and it is now found and dstermined by l the Council of than City of Saint Paul *that it is urgent and nece sary to issue and sell. let this time On* Hundred Pifty Thousand Dol ars ($150o000 -00) of bonds of said City foX the purposes herelnabovee s t fortis, and to fix the det*114 and description of the samo. and to P ovid+e for the levy of taxos thexefor :*red the PlodSle of the full fa th arid credit of sold City for the psye*nt of the *am* WW THOREPORE THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY Of SAWj PA S QRDAINI Section 1. That for the purpose of obtainin unds required to pay the proportion of the oost of the construct maintenance Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk IM 12 -57 .4wos Passed by the Approved: Mayor Favor i •�' t x .4_ w ri •ice r > ' a and operation of .a sewage - disposal- system of the inneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary District due from.the City of aint .Paul and the territory served by said City in connectio with the construction ;,,operation�and= maintenance of such se .age disposal system to be constructed . and established in 'said M nneapolis -,. Saint_, Paul Sanitary District, in accordance with t e comprehenseive plan .and, program of procedure -and work for the -col' t eetion, treat.; ' meat and disposal -of sewage and waste material of the Minneaplis- Saint ,Paul Sanitary District and duly adopted -by the'Board of -Trustees of said Sanitary District,- -and in full co pliance with Up detailed budget made therefor by the said Hoard of Trustees of said Sanitary, District and certified to said Council of said City by the` said Board of Trustees; of said $anitar � District,, there' shall be " borrowe.d upon , the credit of the -Cit yl of `Saint - Paul, Ramsey County-, Minnesota.'the: sum. of.One Hundred Fifty Thousand. Dollars ({$150,000.00), and there are hereby ordered `issued and sold' the bonds , of -the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Ca nty; Minnesota, of the -par value of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) Said bonds.shall-be designated Sewage Disposal Syst m Bonds;.Series No.- 7,_ - shall 'be- one hundred f ifty. (150) in number, umbered from 37253-to 37402- inclusive; o.f -the - denomination'.of Onf Thousand Dollars ($1.,000.00)'-each, shall bear-date of Septe, ex 1-,:1959, and shall." become due ..and payable serially on'-the first ay of September in-each of -the years as.followsi- Date of Maturity Bond Numbers mount September .1, 1962-' --37253,- 37255 $ ; 3,000 . 1963 37256 -- ,37258 3,000 1, 1964 37259.- 37261 39000 it, -1, -1965 37262 - 37264 - 3,-000 it - 1, 1966. '37265 - 37267 3,000 !' 1, 1967 37268 - 37,271 4,000 It 1,, 1968,- 37272 37275 4,000 -1. 1969 - • 37276 - -37279 - .41000 " 1, 1970 �`' 37280 = 37283 4 000 " 1, 1971 37284 - 37287 4,000 " ' It 1972 - 37288,- -37292 5,000 rr 1, 1973 37293 - 37297 5,000 1974 37298 - 37302 - ' 5 , 000: " 1, 1975 31303 - 37307 59000 " 1, 1976 37308 - 37312 5,00'0 It 1977 = 37313 - 37318 56000 rr 1� 1978 37319 - 37324 6 >000 1,- ,1979: 37325 - _•37330 6,000 it 1, 1980 37331 37336 6,000 " it 1981 37337 - _37342 6,000 " 1,-1982 3734-8 - 37349 7,000 1, 1983 37350' 37356 7 '000 - " . 1,, 1984 37357 - 37363 7, 000 " l , ".1985 37364 37370. 000 " 1, 1986 637371 - :37378 ' E ,000 z n C 1, 1987 37379, = 37386 , 000 It 1988 37387 ' 37394 , . #000 . 1, 1989 37395 -'37402' r_ 000 Said .bonds shala : bearr.int.erest 'from date;.thereof -until paid _at, the - rate of four_per - cent (4%)' per - annum,` payable - semi -ann ally` on, the f irst days of March ' and September An each- year, which • nterest -Payments to the date of maturity of-the principal therefof shall be evidenced by proper-coupons attached to each bond, and oth` principal And interest shall=be payable at the office of the Comm ssioner of Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, -or at th - fiscal agent of the City of Sa,,int .Paul in either Saint Paul., Minneso a, or New York,. New' York, at the option -of the holder, in, one)r of the United States of America. • _ a ,94:259 Section 2.- That• said bonds and interest- coupo s- to be ' thereto attached shall-be -in swbstantially -the .following •for s (Forts .of bond) UNITED STATES OF' AMERICA _ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF • RAMS EY `CITY- OF SAINT- PAUL SEWAGE DISPO$AL SYSTEM! BONI? SERIES ,NUMBER 7 Number'...:.- X1,400.00 KNOW ALL MEWBY THESE PRESENTS,' that the. City o Saint,-Paul j ; in the County of Rapsey and State bf Minnesota for v ilue. received; hereby acknowledges itself to owe, and romises -to pe _to, bearer,- the sum of One 'Thousand Dollars•. (_$1, 000) on' the --f i 945 n section 2.. That, said bonds and interest- coupons to be..the'reto attached shall- be -in substantially .the following '.foram ` ( Form' of . bond). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,Y - STAIE.Og MINNESOTA _• COUNTY OF ' RAMS EY - -CITY Off` SAINT%PAUL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BONA , SERIES ;NUMBER 7 Number'...::. $J.0000. 04• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,, that- the. City of aint -Paul, .' in the County of Ramsey and State 'of Minnesota , for val e: rece.i.ved;' hereby acknowledges itself to ow.; and romises -to pay o, bearer,- the sum of One Thousand Dollars., 1, 00051 on ' ,the f irat d y of September 19....,...- together with.. interest on: ssaid sum fr m -the date _ hereof until paid,..at, the rats" of four per cent _(4%) pe annum payable- - semi- annually on the first days of March and Se,ptomber in'. each year' in accordance with and upon presentation an surrender _ oft the - intere-st coupons-hereto- attached as they severa l`y become due. Bothf principal hereof - and -interest h®reo- n are pa .ab,le 'at the.' office of the Commissioner of, Finance, in' the City of Saint ,Paul, _ Minnesota, or, at the option of .:the holder, at the F'is al A_ .dent- of said .City of Saint, Paul,:" in_ either the City. of Saint P ul, Minnesota, or in the City of .New- York; New York,•' in lawful- money f 'the'- United States of America. - And for: the. prompt payment of thi . bond and for the levy of taxes stiff cle.nt therefor' princi al and interest, at. maturity,- the full faith, ,Credit and resources of . ;id City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond-is issued by the City -,of Saint P4ul for the' - ,purpose + of providing funds required to pay said City's proport onate share- Of the cost of the construction,- .�aintenanoe, and oper tioh- of a sewage disposal system in the Minneapolis-Saint,Paul S nitary District, due from the City of-Saint Paul and the terr tort' - served -`- = by said City "in connection with the construction, open tio6, and maintenance of such sewage disposal system as dontempl ted to7 be constructed and established in said Minneapolis -Saint �P�aul Sanitary - District., all in accordance with th p e comprehensive plan.- and.pro rem of procedure and work for the colle.ction,.treatmenta Fd disposal- -' of towage and waste material of -the Minneapolis- Saintjpaul Sanitary,,-, . District,--duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of sa -d Sanitarld District, and in full 'compliance with.;the detailed b-of of .sae, Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District made they for and cer- ti£led to the Council of said City of Saint Paul, by ti e said .Board of Trustees of said Sanitary•'Distri.ct •and --is one of t e series of one hundred fift (150) ,bonds Of like date and enor, - save as-to- y date of maturity, such series cons- tituting - -the' 6-event. - issue of ; Sewage disposal System Bonds authorized byan ordinanc heretofore duly adopted. by the City of'Saint P$ul, and is. issued, heretofore duly in- all respects in compliance..with the provisions of Chapter 341 of the Minnesota ,Session Laws -f-or the year 1933, approve ''April 19 19331 and all other -laws thereunto enabling, and Chap er 475 - .Minnesota Statutes 1957, as amended. And -it is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditl.ons and things required by the Constitution and Laws of t.e State of;_ Minnesota to be done precedent to and in the- 'issue of this bond' _ have been properly done, happened "and been performed n regular and due'form and time, as, required by lave; that the total indebtedness - incurred under said Chapter 341, approved April l9, 1f933, including -this bond,- does.not exceed any- constitutional ox'', statutory limitation thereupon; and that provision. has been 'made, for- the ollection of a - x N, - N = 3 - ...4259 -direct annual irrepealable tax, in addition to all oth r taxes,_ - on'al1 of, the taxable property within said City of Sai t Paul, sufficient -to pay the - interest hereon_ and the principa hereof when -"and, as the same" mature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of. -Saint Pa is by its Council,' has caused this bond to be sealed by the -facsimile of its Of f is is 1 Seal, 1 ithographed - thereon; - to - be signedby - the lithographed facsimile "signature'.of its Mayor,,attest d by the lithographed facsimile signature of its`City Clerk; -a d counter- signed manually-by its Comptroller, _ and each .of the i terest coupons hereto attached to, be executed- by',the 'lithogr phed facsimile" signatures of said officers, this first day of Septe 'or 1959t ' " • r • r tom` a: ►' {L ayor , ` Attest: • • • ....' ......................T.. City Clerk - _. Countersigned ... *.•0-0dre :•••.♦.• City Comptroller ( Form of Coupon,) No ....::... $20.00 September On the first -.day of March, 19:-• • • , _ the City of Saint Pau 1, - - Ramsey, County, Minnesota;- will pay to bearer, -at th off ice of its Commissioner' of Finance., -in the, City of Saint Paul,- Minnesota, or,= - at"the option of the holder, at'the Fiscal Agent of said City of Saint. Paul, im either the City of Saint•Paul,- Minnesota, r in the City of New Fork, New York, the sum of.Twenty Dollars ($20. 0),,,in lawful money of the United States .of- America, -being $ix months' interest due that day on its Sewage. Disposal System Bond, S `ries Number 7, %- dated September .1, 1959, numbered Mayor Attest: �. City Clerk Countersigned . • •. • . . •" • -• . • • • : • . • . , .'• • • City Comptroller Section 3: That said bonds-shall be sea ed With the 'signed of, the Official Seal' of the.City 'of Saint Paul an��sha11 be signed : by the 11thographed facsimile signature of the Ma or, attested by the lithographed facsimile'signature of the City leak = and counter= • -- signed. manually, by the Comptroller. and each of t e interest coupons shall be executed by.the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers, And said officers are hereby..suthorizetd' and. directed to execute-said bonds and coupons for and in behalf o€ ttie "City of Saint .Paul." The . proceeds derived from the. sale of sai bonds.! shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul' S nitary- District, to be, deposited - in the treasury of said Sanitary.Di' trict and to be used - solely for the pur,poses_. hereinbe €ore ;specified f- r.,which they are- being - issued, all as limited and- expressed in•said Act re ferred to in the- preamble hereof, ; Section,4. That for the purpose of pro ,iding for the payments of pr3ncipal.of -.and interest on said bonds promotly as the same mature, and for the.collection of an additional direct innual tax*in an amount not less . tha'n five per cent (5%) in excess of , t e sutra required to pay su6ti principal and interest when the same matur there is hereby levied on' all the taxable .property in the City' of S a ink . Paul -, in addition to all- 'other taxes, a' direct annual irrepealable •.tax s fficient for said ppurpose, and there is hereby levied, in-addition to all then taxes, the follow- ing direct annual irrepealable tax, to -wit :, 4 _ 'TAX REQUIRED BY WAPT . R 475, MIMU OT, STATUT S ` 19572 AS 91 DED, 5% of , a nd . BUDGET TAX FOR - TAX FOR IN EXCESS OF PRINCIP TCTAI, YEAR PRINCIPAL - ,INTREST AND INTIREST TAX 1940 . 6,000:00 300.00 - 69300,00 1961. 6,000.00 300.00 6030000, 1962 %000.00 6,000.00 450.00 9.45o.00 ' X963 54040.00 3j880.00 444:00' i 9,324.00 1964 3,:600 -.00 5;760.00' 438.00. 9.198.00 .1963 3,006.00 5i-040-00' 432.00 , 910M00 1966 3,000.00 ' $052000 426.00 G 8,946.00 1967 4,.000.00 50oo.00 . 47o.00, 9,870.00 1968 p,"000.06 5;240.00 462.00 9.709.00 1969 4.000.00 5,080.00 454.00 9, 534.00 1970 4,0oo.00 4.92040 446.00, 9066000 1971 4.0o0.00. 4060.0o 438.00 90190.00: 1972 56000.00 4,600.00 480.00 , 10908400, ' 1973 5,000,00 4.4o.00 470.00, 9,870.00 1974 5900040 4,200.00 460.00 9,660.00 � 197$ 5.000.00 4,000.00 450.0.0 99450,.00 1976 5,000.00 - 3,800.00 44o.00 99240.00 1977_ 6,000�o0 3,600.00 480.00 1o,o80.00 198 6,000'oo j :360.00 468.00 9.82800 1979 6,o0o..00 3,120.00. 456.00 9:,576.00 1980 6,000.Qo 2,880.00 444.0o 9y 324.00 1981 6,000.00 2,64o.00 432.00 f _ 9,072000 1982 79000.00 20400000 470.00 9,87o..00 1983 79000.00 2,120.00 456.00 9,576,00 1984 7,000,00 1,840.00 442.00 f 9,282.00 198,5 ?,,000.00 1,560.00 428.00 8,988.6o X966 8,000.60 1.,28©.00 464.00 9.744.00 19$7 81,0000.40 96o.00 448.00 9,'4o8.00 1988 89000.00 640.00 J 432.00 9072.00 1989 $,000.,00 320.00 416.00 8,136.Oo ' ; + r r 5 t QnadropUate to Department PRESENTED BY -ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. I �_9�259 I That the principal and i,nterost coming due psioxl to th* i xecept of the proceeds of sold tax** *hall be p4id p tly sthon due, out of the gootr 1 funds elf said City of Stint Paul:, aW ra- iaburs#in n tha;cof'or shell be sa a when said taxes shall have been rec#iv0d. And the City (:Ioxk of said City of Saint Pain. Ss hereby instructed to f it t in the office of the County Auditor q� Ramsay County, ginn+l sotob a certified copy of this ordinance, jogether with full information regarding the bonds for which this tas a leMvi*d, and the City Clerk is hereby ordeared ,ond dixocted to secure lfrow the County Auditor as caztificote that he has entered the ob;i.gations in the tax raegistex as ream d under the provisions of Ch pteokr 475# kinnotote Statute* 19570 as amndod, and that the tax 14vy xequ rod for the purpose hat boon oadae. Wox+lt the said .bond$ hall. be delivered to then p�rchalser# tho Council of tho City of Paul shall obtain frp 'these County Auditor and dtliver to thee, ;aInt purchosor ae CoTti,ficate of than County Auditor that the issues has en enterad on his register and that * tax hat been levied is r+equl od by low, in tccozdanca with tho provisions of Chapter 475, Minn*0oto Statutes 1957, as Amendod. such , taxes >~holl be col..locted and payment thereof anforctd at tho same tiow and with and in like zonnex os other taxies of the City of Saint Paul, and when coll9cted shall be Used solely for paying the i.nt+ax*st and principal of slid bonds what and sae the same shall ma.tuxe. Section 5, That the genexal puxposo aw nd object of the law Pursuant to which the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District it; organill4d and op#xaati.ng and �ppurauaal�t to which the** bonds are being Issued is to proaota the pub3.i.c health and welfare by providing an adequato and nrfficiont as ast-to and suns for collecting,, conveying, Pumping, tx*aattaaaent and disp..sarl of ari1 d000sti.c sewage ,and comerci.al, and i.ndustri.ael waste and their producta;e within the taex�itory of said Sanitary Diatxict, to prevent the pollution resultinq roses the 414 - charge thereof into any xiv*r# st.ressa ox water- couxsee ithi.n said Sanitary Districts and whereas said City of Saint Paul If included within sold Minneapolis-Saint Paul. Sanitary District to *ffec than .intent and purpose of said law is requirod . tee authorise and i aqua the afore- avid bands, therefore an asargency is hoxoby declared o axiet and this ordi.narre declared necessary fox the presaevvoti.on the public peaeaace,r health and safety shall be in full force and effect impodiatoly upon its passage, approval, and publication, STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY (SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting County Auditor, of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was fil d in my office on the 23rd day of October, 19599 a certified copy of Council File No. 194259 being Ordinance No. 11590 adopted October 22nd, 1959 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $150, 0.00 Sewage Disposal System Bonds Series No. 7 dated September 19 19 9, as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof at maturity. It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.6 M nnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and r gistered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 281 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 26th day of Oc ber, 1959. Entered in Bond Register this 26th SLay of October, 1959. 0 A. MONICK, County Auditor, orlE(nai td City clerk ' r - O R D I N'`uncil File No. — Ordinance 1159D--By Robert rt F. F. Peterson- • A. ordinance providing for the i; *and sale of One Hundred F A, -td Dollars ($150,000.00) Sew r'^ :r l System Bonds, Series 7, ' id , °2� of Saint Paul, Ramsey Cow 1 i tt'CA,fixi•v :'he details and desc. PRESENTED_BY bns e+��:'�t rr3 providing for 'd �.. + 'dTCr,o a r +rr+')Ie Xifill. M410 4% - a• a_0 0:.Q `fan in 1LJ W r. �' U Nr% U 4 z 0 Q 0 CL I� An ordinance providing for the issuance and ? Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) Sewag System Bonds, Series 7, of the City of Saint Paul, County, Minnesota, fixing the details and descript same, and providing for the levy of taxes therefor pledge of the full faith and credit of said City f of the same. This ordinance is an emergency ordin. necessary for the presexvation of the public peace; safety. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Pat County, Minnesota, heretofore on.the 24th day of Nc did, by resolution duly adopted, declare it's intent ize the issue of bonds of said City for the purpos( the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Pau] District in the construction, maintenance and oper4 sewage disposal system in said Sanitary. Distxict, c the proportion of the cost of the construction, ma'. operation of such sewage disposal system to be, con: c established in said Sagi.tary District due from the Saint Paul, in amounts and for purposes respective! pliance with and pursuant to the detailed budget ai plan and program of procedure and work for the -col, and disposal of sewage and-waste material, "of the.-M. Saint Paul Sanitary District, duly adopted and mad( of Trustees of the,Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary' certified to said Council of said' City by the' Boar( of said Minneapolis- Saint-Paul Sanitary D :strict, and form as required =by`< Chapter- 341,- Minnesota - Ses! and all other laws thereunto enabling an`d Chapter Statutes 1957, as amended; and 194259 NO. NO. ale of One Disposal Ramsey on of the and the r the payment nce rendered health and 1, Ramsey vember 1933, ion to author- s and use of Sanitary tion of the onstituting nten6nce and tructed and said City of y in full com- ,d comprehensive Iection, txeatment In_neapolis- rby the Board Histrict, as of Trustees 11 in the manner ion 'Laws -.1933 �75;1 Minnesota T WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did heretofore, on the 6th day of November 1935, adopt an ordinance designated "Council File,101844 ", authorizing the issuance and sale of Two Million Two Hundred Five, Thousand Dollars ($2,205,0,00) Bonds of said City for the purposes hereinabove set forth; aid WHEREAS, it is now the, intention of the Counc of Saint Paul, and it is now found and determined b of the City of Saint Paul,that it is urgent and nec and sell at this time One Hundred Fifty Thousand Do of bonds of said City f6r the purposes hexei?rabove fix the details and "description of the same and to levy of taxes therefor and the - pledge of the full f of said City for the payment of the same; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA 1 of the City the Council ssary to issue la•rs ($150,000.00) et forth, and to rovide for the ith and credit PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That for the purpose of obtaining funds required to pay the proportion of the cost of the constructs. n, maintenance Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 Favor - _L4_5-i 9 ,N and operation of a sewage disposal system of. the IV inneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary District due from the City of • aint Paul -- ` and the territory served: by said-City in connection with the construction, operation and-maintenance of such se age disposal system to be constructed and established in said Minneapolis Saint Paul Sanitary District., in' `accordance,_'With t e comprehenseive plan and program of procedure and work fox the col ection, treat ment and disposal of-sewage and waste material, of he Minne_aplis= ` Saint Paul Sanitary District %and" duly adopted by t e Board of- Trustees of said Sanitary D`stric.t,. and in :ftrlh co - pliance - with the detailed budget ,ma.de - therefor`by the: said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District -and certified to -said C uncil df ,said - City by the said Board of•'Trustees of said Sanitary District, there _shall be. borrowed. upon ttie •credit of the CA 'of Saint Paul, F Ramsey County, Minnesota, - -the sum-of One - Hundred F fty- Thousand : Dollars ($150,000.00), and there are herby ordere issued and sold the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Caa my Minnesota.-of the par value of One Hundred Fifty'Thousand Dollar ($1501000.00,). Said bonds shall'be, designated Sewage, Disposal- Sys em'Bonds, Serie's No. 7,-shall be one hundred fifty (150); in number, [numbered from, 37253, to 37402_ inclusive, of. -the denomination of 0rr�a .Thousand Dollars ($1,000,.00) each,, shall beax- datip, of Sept2ber 1,..1959,`and ` shall become dues and payable serially on the first day, of September in each of the years as follows: _ Date of Maturity: Bond Numbers Amount - September. - 1; 1962 37253-- 37255 ' : $ 1--3, 000 ' 'r- 1, 1963 37256 = 37258 3;000 'r 1, 1964 37259 - 37261 3,000 - " I., 1965 37262 = 37264 3,000 '� • 1, 1966 3726.5 - 37267 3, 000 "+ 1;- 1967 -37268 � 37271 _ 4; 000 1, 1968 37272 = 37275 4,000 "• 1, 1969 - -37276 - 31279 _ 4,000 " 1, 1970 -- - 37280 - 37283 4,000 1, 1971, 37284 372871 4-000- 1,- 1972" - 37288 - - 37292 , • 5,000 'r 1, 1973 ` -' 37293 - 37297 £_: 5 ; 000 = " . 1,- 1974 37298-- 37302 5,000 - It 1, 1975 37303.37307- - ,51000 it 1, 1976 37308 - 37312- 5,000 'f- , • 1, 1977 - 37313--'37318 6, 000: ' It 1, 1978 :" 37319 - 37324 t 6,000 It 1, 1989 37325 -`- 37330,= 6, 000 It -1, 1980 -37331 - 37336 _ 6,000 ' !� -1, 1981- 37337 -:,37342 - -6- 000 " 1, 1982 373.43= 37349 7,000 n 1;, 1983. 37350-1 -� 37356 = = ;7;000 ; " 1,. 1984"- 37357 --37363' `7, 000 = _ 1, 1985 37364 -,373701 '7, 000- _ It 1, 19W; ,_ 37371 - 137378' °8,000= "I 1; -1987 a 37379. - 37386 8, 000 r , "{ ' 1, .1.1988 " 37387 - 37394 8, 000 'r 1, ` 1989 „ .T 37395'r- -37402 ' - 8O000 Said bonds shall beaxyintexest from date thereof until paid at the rate of four per cent,(4%) per annum, payable semi- annually -on the first -days of March and September in -each year, whic interest payments to the date_ of: maturity :of *"the ' princip -al, e therof shall be-. evidenced by proper coupons attached-to-each bond, a td: both principal and interest shall be ,payable,at the office -of the Co issionex of- Finance, -in -the City `of" Saint Paul', Minnesota, or at he fiscal 'agent of the City of Saint Paul, in either Saint• Paul, Minne ota, or New York, _ New York, _ at the option of the holder, in` la_wfu , money of the United States of - Amexica. - ; 2 Section 2. That6said bonds_and interest co pons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially -the following form: t (Form'of bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ; STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF�RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BOND SERIES NUMBER • 7 Number ..... $1,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the- City' of Saint Paul, in-the County. of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,' fo,r value received, hereby.acknowledges itself to owe, and romises tolpay to bearer,- ° the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000 on the f irst- day of September 19.,..... together with interest on said skim _ from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of four per cent ,(4 ,) per annum - payable semi - annually on the - first, days of_ March a nd September in each year, in accordance with and upon pzesentation, and surxendex of the interest coupons hereto attached as they se erally become due. Both • pr'incipal„ hereof and interest hereon ar : payable -at the office of the Commissioner- of Finance,* in the'Cit,y of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or, at the option of the holder, at-the Fiscal Agent of. said City of Saint Paul,,in either the City of Sai t Paul, Minnesota,_ or in the City of-New -York, New York, in lawful-_mo ey of the United States of America. And for 'the prompt; payment rof -this bond and for the levy of taxes sufficient therefor, loth ipr • ncipal and ,interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and'resour-ces f said City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond isissued by the City of Saint Paul for. the purpose of providing funds required to pay said - Cityts prp ortiopate share of the cost of . the constxuc,tion, maintenance, and �peration of a - sewage disposal system in the Minneapolis -Saint Pa 1 Sanitary District, due from the City of Saint Paul and the exxitory served by said City- in connection with:the construction, peration; and maintenance of such sewage disposal system is cont mplated to be constructed and established in said Minneapolis -Sa nt Paul Sanitary Dis,trict,'all in accordande with the comprehensive plan and program of - procedure and work-for the collection, treatmen -and disposal of sewage and waste matdrial of the Minneapolis-8a nt Paul Sanitary District, duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, and in full compliance the detailed budget of said Board of Trustees of said,SAanitary District made t exefor and cer- tified to the Council of said City. of Saint Paul �by `the - said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District and is one o the series of one hundred fifty' -(150) , bonds of like date and -ten. r, save as to t date of maurity, such series- constituting • the sev nth issue of Sewa -ge Disposal °.System Bonds authorized byan ordin nce, heretofore duly adopted'by the City.of Saint -Pahl, and is issled under and in all'xespects in compliance with'the provisions of- Chapter 341 of the Minnesota Session Laws for the year 1933, apps ved April 19,'. ` 1933, and all, other laws- thereunto enabling, and C apter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1957, a's amended. And it is hereby certified and recited that ll acts, conditions and things' required bit the Constitution and Laws o 'the State of Minnesota to be.. done - precedent to � and -in the issue of this - -bond have been properly done, happened and been performed in regular and due form and time as required by law; that the tot 1-indebtedness 'incurxed under 'said Chapter 341, approved -April' 19,, 1933, 'including _ this bond,. does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereupon;-and that provision has been made for the collection_of'a 194259- to all o her taxes direct annual irrepealable tax, in addition , on all of the - taxable property within said City of.S int Paul, sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the princi al hereof when and as the same mature, IN- WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint laul, by its Council, has caused this,bond to be sealed by the facsimile of its Official Seal, lithographed thereon, to be signe by the lithographed facsimile signature of its_ Mayor', attes .by by the lithographed facsimile signature of its City Clerk, a)nd counter- signed manually•by it's Comptroller,, and`each of the nterest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithog aphed facsimile signatures of said officers,. this first day of Septe ber 1959. Mayor Attest: .............. City Clerk Countersigned: ..:.............. City Comptroller (Form of Coupon) No. ......... $20,00, September On the first day of March. 19.... , the City of Saint Pain 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, -will pay to bearer`, at the office of its Commissioner of Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, or at the option 'of,the holder, at the Fiscal Agent of said City of Saint Paul, im either the -City of'Saint Paul, Minnesota, o� in the City of New York, New York, the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), in lawful money of the- United States of America; being six montfhs�. interest due that day on its Sewage Disposal System Bond, Series Number 7,, dated September 1, 1959, numbered ........... Mayor Attest: ......_..................... _ City Clerk Countersigned ......................�... ity Comptroller Section 3. That said bonds shall be sealed Nith the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of Saint Paul and shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimiled signature of the' City Clerk` and counter- signed manually by th-e Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons shall be executed -by the-lithographed facsimile signatures-of said officers. And said officers are hereby authorized an directed to' execute said bonds a,nd coupons for. and in behailf of t e City of Saint Paul. The proceeds derived from the sale-of said bon s shall be paid to the Treasurer of the.Mirineapolis -S aint Paul S anita y District, to be deposited in•the treasury of said Sanitary,Distric and to be used solely for the purposes hereinbefor-e specified-for wh - ch they are being issued, all as limited and expressed in said Ac_t_refe red to in the preamble hereof-. - Section 4. That for the purpose of providing for the payments - of principal of and interest on said bonds promptly as the same mature; and for the collection of an additional direct annual tax in an amount not less thati five per cent (5 %) in excess of the sum required to pay suck principal and interest,when the same mature,,the a �s hereby levied on all the taxable property 'in the City of Saint Paul _in addition to all other taxes, a direct,annual irrepealable tax Buff ici nt for said purpose, and there is hereby levied, in addition 'to all'•other taxes, the follow ing direct annual •irrepealable tax, to -wit: 4 5 i .�45,9 REQUIRED ') _ TAX BY C TER. _ 475, MINNESOTA. ST TUTES - 1957; 'AS -AMDED, 5% 'f and BUDGET TAX FOR TAX FOR IN EXCESS OF PRIM IPAL TOTAL YEAR PRINGIPAL' INTEREST AND INTEREST . TAX 196o - - -- - - 6000.00 - 300.00 69300.,00 1961 6,000.00 300.00 6,3oo.00 1962 39000.00 6,000.00 450:00 I 9 45o.00 1963 39000.00 5,880.00 444.00 9,324.00 1964 3,000.00 5,76o.00, 438.00 91198.00 1965 3,000.00 5,64o.00 432.00 907200 1966 39000000,. • 5,520 -.00 426.00 8,946.00 1967 4,000.00 5,400.00 470.00 9987000 1968 - 4,000.00 5,24o.0o 46z.00 9,702.00 1969 4,000.00 5,o80.00 454.oc 9 534•oo 1970 4,000.00 4,920000 44,6. oc 9,366.00 1971 4,000.00 : 4,76o.00 438.oc 91198.00 1972 5,000.00 4,600.00 480.o 1.. 10,080.00 1973 59000.00 4,400.00 47o.o, 99870.00 1974 5,000.00 4,200.00 46o.0 9,660,00 1975 5,000.00 4,000.00 450.0)` 9,450.00 1976 5,000,00 3000.00 44o.o0` 9,240.00 1977 6, 000,00 .,...�- 3, 600.00 480. do 10$080600 1978 6,000.00 3,36o.00 468.(o 9,828.00 1979 6,000.00 3,120.00 456. 0 9.576.00 1980 6,000.00 29880.00 444. o 9,324.00 1981 6,000.00 2,64o.00 43290 9 ,072.00 1982 79000.00 2,400.00 470. 0 i 9.870.00 1983 79000.00 2,120.00 456.)o 9,576.00 1984 7,000.00 1,84o.00 442. o 9,282.00 1985 79000.00 1,56o.00 428 oo 8,988.00 1986 8,000.00 1,280.00 464 oo 9,744.00 1987 8,000.00 96o.00 448 oo 9,4o8.00 1988 89000.00 �, 64o.00 432 0`0 9,072.00 1989 81000,00 320.00 416 oo 8,736.00 5 i REGISTERE W-t, -- 3 1_ Value $- I- ---- - - - - -- Spec. del'y fee $----- - - - - -- Fee $--4w ----- Ret. receipt fee $_,/Z_ Surcharge $___ __ _ _ _r-- Rest. Postage $____ _❑ From---- --- ----- - - - - -= - -- del'y fee $----- - - - - -- Airmail Postmaster -- ------- -- �-I - ------------------------------------- 0 ------ -- --- 7 --------- ----- - -- - -------------------------- T q--4- - -- ---- ,POD Form 3806 09-10- 70903 -2 Sept. 1955 #1- INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE ❑Deliver ONLY to Show address where addressee 0 delivered - (Additional charges required for these services) RETURN RECEIPT Received the numbered article described on other side. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (must always be filled in) First Natiom] Bank, 'SIGNATURE OF W7, S GEIyT, IF ANY I I b DATE DELIVERIM A ESS WHERE DELIVERED (onVif requested in item 1) OCT 2.7 C55- 16- 71544.4 GPO is i`c: 2nd fD I . Laid over to 3rd and app Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland morel c�b'r--, Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon 194,259 DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon -OBOD8