D001795CITY OF SAINT PAUL OF'FICE OF THE MAYOR � I: � ulUli.`yM7.v�li/�Z��;7��7 No: ��0l7 ��' DA�: i a-- g q s --�— ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 1999 budget ofthe Special Revenue Fund, Zoo Animal Fund (380), the Director ofthe Office ofFinancial5ervices is authorized to amend the said budget in the following manner: Financing Plan• 380 - Zoo Animal Fund 3314Q-Zoo Animal Fund 0849-Animals endin Plan: 0 - Zoo Animal Fund 33140-Zoo Animal Fund 0132-Not Certified - TempfSeasonal 0314-Supplies - Paint and Painting 0319-Other-RepairtMaintenance Bidg. Suppiies _ � �uested by: CURRENT BUDGET 34,b00.Q0 34,600.00 0 0 0 0 APPROVED CHANGES (19,450.�Q) (19,450.�0) 14,459.00 1,095.00 3,896.00 19,450.00 AMENDED BUDGET 15,150.Q0 15,150.00 14,459.00 1,095.00 3,896.00 19,450.00 3� S 5 �� r��,..� '-r--"� � 2-�� ��� Date Appro by; DirecWryofFinancial5ervices Date M1QTUf3\WP\99A0380.wb3 Page I DEPARTMENT70FFlCEICWNCIL " Parks and Recreation CONTACT P6iSON AND PHONE INiTiAVDAiE �5� 1JoorTqs NO. 101233 INITIAVDATE Victor Camp 487 ? DEPARTMFHT DIREGTOP _G7Y GOUNqL ASSIGN M1MBEfl _CITYATTOfWE'/ �M1 CITVCLERK UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY {DATE) opo n� 3 FNANCIAL SEFMGES DIR. � Denartment Accourttarrc MAYOR (OR AS51STlWTJ �J OFS - AccounUng TOTAL? OF SIGNATUpE PAGES _� fCt1P ALL IDCATIONS FOP 510NAiilqk7 ACTON REpVESTm: ' Approval of the attacfied Administrative Order to provide sufficient funding for the necessary maintenance of animal exhibits at Como Zoo from the Parks and Recreation's 7 999 Zoo Animal Speciai Revenue Fund Budget(380). RECOMMENDATONS. Approve W u Reject {RI _PlAlININGCOMM1SSIaN _GVN.SERVlCECAMMISSION CIB CoMMITTEE ��, A STAFF DISTpICT GOVNqL SUPPaftTSNMICX GOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? GREEN SHEET P6t50NAl S6tYICE CONSRACTB MLLST ANSWBt THE F011AWIN6 QUESTIONS: 1. Nas thia DsraoNfirm ever worketl untler a wMrett fw ttds depertmentT YES NO 2. Nea Hus pwaoNfirm eva been a ary empluYa¢? YES NO 3. �oes ehis persaMirm pwsass a sititl no[ normaliy pmsmsed Dy any cwroM uty employea> YES NO 8�dain ed Yes arswen on sePorata sheet and etmch m Tcen sheat. INITIAiING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY 1Who, VJhet, When, Whem, WhYI: To provide labor cost for a painter, as well as, supplies and materials to be used in 1999 to prepare and prime coat walls in the Orengutan, DeBrazza's monkey, Spider monkey, Lemur, Tamarin and Penguin exhibits at Como Zoo in preparation for creating hand-painted murals in these exhibits, AUVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Walls will be prepared for the creation of murals: a contract with an artist can be established for creating the murals in these exhibits: and a private sector donation can be received in late 1999 and during 2000 for both the St 9,450 required to prime coat the exhibit waHs and create the murats RECE6V�� OISADYqNTAGES IF APPROVED: None. �:� 1 � ��.��?'fi DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: The Como Zoo cannot initiate the establishment of a private sector donation for the preparation of the walls and the creation of murals in these exhibits. �TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTON S �9,4�JO � . �naacsoucce Zoo Animal Fund - 380 DATE INITIATEO 12f03/99 COST/REVENUEBIIDGEfm(CIRCLEONq YE5 NO acmnnNUMSea 33140 IANCIAL INFORMATION: IIXPWNI