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N ORIGINAL TO CITY_CLERK PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE _z�-y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK". COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM "r couNC r' FILE NO. f, RESOLVED, That the various amounts of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City Government of the City of Saint Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1960, shall be in �l1 " J ' r r .I .. ,. �47drf . ✓ .) �/: 1}i h•�•t '.� ' ' u "iMJi -�'Cll •. f the sums set forth opposite the various numbered funds •as�'''' shown upon the budget schedule hereto attached for school expenditures and for all other City expenditures; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the estimated receipts and the financing schedule attached to the 1960 budget, as submitted by the Comptroller and amended by the City Council, be and the same are hereby adopted, and the departmental receipts shown therein are hereby appropriated to the various -funds as shown -in said schedule of •the' Comptroller. '. • SAP g 0 X959 COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy 3 199 .. Holland Approved SEP _ 19 Mortinson t, Peterson Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against pUBLISHE Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 a8 4 6�t 96o BUDGET_ 4.t - ft 0 � I h Jo J. ("BELL t oll 7 Co CO 0 a To the HonorL\ble Mayor and the City Council; I submit b,,erewith the budget for the City of S t 13, 1959 Paul for the year of 1960, The gross b dget is $43,840,404.00, Budget re eats from the various depart- ments and agencie totaled. $50,358,255000,, The 1 9 budget was $42,122,316.00. While the gross bu et is about 621 million dolla s less than the requests, there is a gross increase of $1„718,088.00 over this earls appropriation. Of this increase, $775,0000. is for the Water Depart nt %,hich will be paid from .water revenues; a sum of $!� x,000.,00 is for the Bo rd. of Education, and an additional $214,000,00 is include for the Public Emp gees' Retirement Fund under provisions of the State law. Anal 'r item of $81sOG .00 is included for severance pay author- ized b,� the Legisla ±use d the City Co' cilo A part of this is included in the school budget increase, The Comptroller had ava'l,able f r increased appropriations under Charter limitations approximate) $21 000 0 for services other than schools. It was man- datory to provide $116�vU0.00 r elections Ln 1960 This left a total of $94,000.0( available for increases for all the services. Additional increases were authorizes by special State laws, either atory or under which the Council had elected to operate, and in which the Co trol er %a.d no discretion. The budget, as b ttA d to you, provides for expenditure of the entire amount permitted by the spend passed recently permit Except for possible ch to exercise the usual will, of course, be Y present limit. ng nd taxing p ovisions of the City Charter. State laws et e Council to s nd certain amounts outside the per Capita. es under these we, the Council will be unable this year per cent possible nerease provided for in the Charter, but e to shift items up 10 per cent, keeping the total at the The proposed dget makes available to the \th rd of Education all of the money that can be raise under our Charter limitationThe allocation of the additional $461,000,00 for ehoole was in accordance with reque st of the Board of Education, While the otal budget increase is $1,718,000„ , only about $730,000.00 will be reflected in t e property tax rate„ The remaining $ 000,000,00 is financed by Water Department re sipts and increased estimates of miscel_ neou.s revenues. The exact effect upon he tax rate for the City and the Board of dueation will not be known until the f-nal valuation figures are announced by the unty Auditor and the County Assessor. Acting under a 1959 law, the Board of County mmissioners elected to eliminate household personal. property from our tax base.. ndications are,q at the present ime, that thls loss of household personal property of 2� million dollars in assess valuation will more than be made up by increases in valuations of new build As a result, it appears that the tax rate for City urposes will be appro ima.tely 22 mills above this yearJa rate of 115,61 mills. t • t, t QIt To the Honorable or and the City Council Page 2 August 131 1959 The budget requests included mary it quest, it ' d have been obvion-: th?•t t included othe items that good go•vernizsnt cluded had f ds been availaLle,, if th Comptroller or his staff ca sideration of this budget, or during yo times, which, even to those makin the re— could not be financed, H ever, they good 'business might well/haze in- be of any assistance to yo A in the con— hearings, we will be available at all Respectfully `submitted, �O Joseph J. troller chell City Comp n E t Code 1 2 3 6 7'-8-9 7 7--8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-17 16 17 18--20 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Charter Fund City Nficea. ° s l Salaries Mayo-!s Office Corwrati.on 0ounsel City 0181 k Finance Commissioner Public Safaty Administration Poli ce Fire Police and Fire Alarm Health Commissioner of Public Wor'cs Street Construction and Repair Sewer and Repair Street and uc4or Cleaning Bridge Baild {� and Repair Public Sc,hucls Libraries, Auditoriumt Museums ,m0UNJ -GGMRh'G�! ss R q} A o _e43 79!380,00 l61r592,,00 14.2 P 019, 00 124P832 F, 00 .• 152,081000 2�853F90 ;,, 00 170 ?450.00 - 4t2,17/000 627 835, 00 54'•! s 000.00 124, 700.00 1,112, 2471, oo 67,29?000; and Stadia Administration Public Library AudItor x-m' Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings Parks and Recreation Public Buildings 131fG1iC Utilities Public L- Ighting Waiver Department P -ablic Welfare MICY Ha?'. anal Court House Bite= CJs Redersotion of Bonds and Notes J&Ig:nont and Ccmprom3 se Compt; :o l ler and Civil Service General Fund TOTAL 0 349235.00 8485862 ,,00 94, c00 o0 Administration 50,45000 1,375,9 ;40oo 414b668000. 889, eA- 561s,943,00- M25,000,00 n,]I -Ifn w4,41-78,, 00 90 ;260aoo 1,7959666,-oo 25,090. nn_ Al f0 6 2259153,00 4 4 18, 25. 0 0 daoe -- FINANCING SCHIDUIE Estimated Revenue for 1960 Other Schools Services Total Real Estate and Personal Property Tapes / /,%�o y ?4,1940 /,-,L yq, YV99,0 77,1,90, Y7V 019 Appropriated in 1960 Budget _ "O' " ^ ' e '" 0 School_ Revenues Basic Aid (Includes Apportionment) 318900348,25 Income Tax Aid 603,6?0,00 State Aid — Handicapped Children 460,000,00 Vocational Aid " State and Federal 207,914000 Vocational Evening School • State Aid an& Tuition 1920724075 Transportation Aid -- Handicapped Children 67,620,00 High School Tuition — Rural Districts 21;315,.00 Adult Education a State Aid and Tuition 64,/75,00 Total 5008,567.00 Special Taxes Bank Excise County One Mill Grain Tax Gross Earnings Mortgage Registry Occupational Taxes Penalties — Tax Collections Redevelopment in lieu of taxes Sales . Tax Forfeited Property State Apportioned — Cigarettes Total censes and Permits Business Licenses Cigarette Licenses Departmental Permits Dog Licenses Trade and Occupational Licenses Total Fees,, Fines and Miscellaneous Fines and Bawl Forfedts Recording Fees — City Clerk Conciliation Court Fees Rents and Miscellaneous 100,000.00 2000000.00 D 1; 50000 49000.00 150,00 198009 000,00 359000.00 35vOOO.00 6,000.00 11,000.00 25,000,00 8t500.00 202000.00 4o,000.00 259000,00 and Liquor 785,000,00 Total k2pattmental Receipts .• See Schedule SelfASusvaining„Bvreaus Water Department Auditorium Total TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ' a � t ,la , 29900,000,00 700,000.00 259000000 3000 000, 00 4.,004,00 35.8000,00 1.,0 7,000.00 620, 000.00 45,000.,00 39000.00 7,176,00 7591'7 a 00 149,600,00 1;8989600:,00 00 50508,367.00 1,o64,000.00 675,176.00 210489200.00 3,6259000.00 94,000.06 39719000.00 3,719,000.00 �af-3,(, ., ,(, 11-3. 00 'f 9.iG, - 1,4doo .3�771-30 00 SCHEDULE OF JFP .,U,,T...MF -YT RECEIPTS Recovorabl a Costs Servicsos ocher than Schools Amount Sub-Totals To_ talc Department Receipts a, Recoverable C� c_sts arking Meter RevaLae Finance 14.250.00 Police 350000,00 Traffic Control 1O1o020,00` Street Construction and Repair 401000000 St_eet Cleaning 259000,00 Ir_t;erest Fund 330,00 Retie =tion of Bonds 11, 000.00 , Total Parking Meter Ee-!9r110 226, 600, 00 State Re_renn.es SS.' ata Aid Hi w &vs �- Amendment No, �2 Ste -eet Construction and Repair 144,3000„00 Street Cleaning 106,OOOo00 Local Improvement laid 190003000 "00 1,250,000.00 �i�hwa,y Mainten�.n�e Street Construction and Repair 53;500,00 Total State Revenves 1,3039500.00 County Aid (Local Improvement Aid) Nil Miscellaneous Recelgts e�:artmonc of Pizblic Safety Police 59 000.00- fire 2,; 000, 00 Health 8000,00 159500,00 DqZ-,ji�tment of Public Works Engineers 1509000.00 Street Construction and Repair 40000.00 Sewer Construction and Repair 28;000,00 Street and Sewer Cleaning 20,000,00 Bridge Building and Repair 500.,00 2029500,00 Deg : m. ent of Libraries, Auditorium, M1isevvs and Stadia Public Library 15.000„00 D =artmsnt of Parks; Rocre�tion and Zab? iele Bpi 1c? .ins Pzitlic Parks and Recreation 18,000.00 Public Buildings 3700040 55 000,00 Department of Public Utilities Testing Laboratories ? {,500.,00 Bnilding Maintenance 4$000,00 Public Lighting 43000,00 159500,00 (fie neral Fcr d Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 65,000.00 Total Miscellaneous Receipts 3689500.00 Total Departmental Receipts 198989600.00 ANAVfS Is OF 1959 TAX LEVY Collectible during 1960 4 Estimated P_Uuut Net A-PRropriation Shrinkage Tax Lew School Purposes Operation and Maintenance — $25.50 Pe:: Capita 8,481,249,,00 849812.00 8,566,061.00 — Pupil Increase Formula 954,55600 9,546.00 9649102000 Teachersf Retirement 190879794.00 103878,00 19098v672.00 Pub?_ 1c Eulzamineris Fee 12000000 10.00 1, 010.00 Public E.,,! mloyeas3 Retiroment Fund I q— ;LIP sqd,00 29154,,00 / w Heal•';h and Welfare 185,,000.00 1,850.00 1866850.00 Sevart;�nae Pay 359000,00 350,00 359350.00 Sch6ol Debt 19020..992.00 10, 210.00 1, 031, 202.00 //j%,", M - e , / / F ap- 4. Total School Purposes 3 3 -983 ---q;= 119,810.00 11 Other Services $27.50 per Capita Limitation 99146,445.00 91*464.00 992379909*00 Tdx Levy (in lieu of Monies and \X% i Credits) 1829000.00 1$820.00 183,820.00 'A I Debt (Other Services) 16,936,00 1,71o.54o .00 Public Welfare Va, az� 4C492j:9..� 0d'�, Pensions j_,3j8j:a2?. o a Civil Defense 45900000 45000 450.450.00 Metropolitan Airports Commission 9114,08.00 914.00 92,322.00 Public Examiner's Fee 59000.00 50.00 5050.00 Health and Welfare 2020450.00 2r025,00 204,475.00 Severance Pay 46,000,,00 460.00 46,,460.00 Detention and Corrections Authority, 1 ?3 O ? P. 681 00 P-047 ,2 LO /-.7 'S.00 0. .0 0 mss, , R ob I Total Other Services Total • Al2. Purposes PE`R CAPITA LIMITATION Estimated in ac c,rdanae 10.th Charter Section No. 201 19c? Pcpu�ation �- -)32,598 APPROPRIATED FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES School Revenues Special Taxes Departmental Receipts Tax Levy ($25,50 within limitation) Pupil Increaso Formula* TotaAUropriated— SchL ool EyR ss Per l 0api -ca 66enditu:2e• L;1a�OLO = i3.ued BGLa,%i::e *The total rosi dent ac<;red; ted average 1958^59 represents an increase of 20870 accredited average daily attendance of year, or Capita Limitation Within Outside Total 505089367,0, q� I�b' o° 4r 3: r n I q 149, boo, oo 8o4819249,00 _9548 555, oo 994:53805 ,,00 9 9943_5,805000 �399,a0�.00 /7,r3,(, //3.00 Nnue daily attendance of 39,095 for over and abcve the resident. 36,225 for the 1954 -55 school APPROPRIATED FOR OTHER SERVICES Special Taxes -,- //,r000. o0 2. 4inoolg-.-GO . o Licenses and Permits' o 4V o co 0 % Fees, Fines and Miscellaneous G3o,/7G.00 6W 'l. State Apportioned Cigarottes & Liquor _ 7859000,00 Recording,Fees �- City Clerk _ "� 45�,000a00 Department Receipts .- See Schedule 1,898,600.00 033• Self -.Sustaining Bureaus Tag Levy ($27050 within limitation) 991460445.00 / 3 719, 000, 00 31 r � Tax Levy (in lieu of Monies & Credits) 182,000,,00 Total A nroepriated - Other Servicos 13,1379621„00 , Per Capita Exponditure- -Limit $39.50 13,137,621,00 Unappropriated Balance .None GROSS BUDGET — ALL PURPOSES Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals Totals 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES lAl Salaries 79,380.00 i 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 2A Administration 2A1 Salaries 18,744.00 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 6,000.00 2A3 Office Expense 1,000.00 2A4 Council and Legislative Expense -- 25,744.00 2B City Planning 2B1 Salaries 83,612.00 2B2 Automobile Allowance 936.00 2B3 Services and Supplies 6,300.00 90,848.00 2C Civil Defense 2C1 Salaries 30,000.00 2C2 Other Expense 15.000.00 45.000.00 Total Fund No. 2 161.592.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL AA Administration 3A1 Salaries 127,654.00 3A2 Legal Fees 6,000.00 3A3 Law Library 1,000.00 3A4 Automobile Allowance 865,00 3A5 Office Expense 3,000.00 3A6 Codification of Ordinances 3.500.00 Total Fund No. 3 142.019.00 4 CITY CLERK 4_A Records 4A1 Salaries 53,908.00 4A2 Office Expense 3,000.00 4A3 Official Publications 30,000.00 86,908.00 4B Registrations 4B1 Salaries 36,924.00 4B2 Office Expense 1,000.00 37,924.00 Total Fund No. 4 124.832.00 6 FINANCE COMMISSIONER 6A Administration �9/, 00.00 6A1 Salaries 6A2 Automobile Allowance 196,90G.90 — 1,764.00 ` 6A3 Office Expense 7,000.00 6A4 Parking deter Service 14' 250.00 Total Fund No. 6 __ .. Code. Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7-8 -9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 7-8 -9A Office Administration 7 -8 -9A1 Salaries 7 -8 -9A2 Office Expense 7 -8 -9A3 Postal Fund 7- 8 -9A4 Automobile Allowance 7 =8 -9B Building MaiLa- ,mace 7 -8-9B1 Salaries 7 -8 -9B2 Service and Supplies Total Fund No. 7 -8 -9 7 POLICE 7A Administration 7A1 Salaries 7A2 Office Supplies 7A3 Equipment Maintenance 7A4 Office Expense 7A5 Telephone and Telegraph 7B License Division 7B1 Salaries 7B2 Office Expense 7CC Uniformed Division 7C1 Salaries 7C2 Supplies 7C3 Auto Maintenance and Allowance 7C4 Traffic Signal Maintenance 7C5 Uniform Allowance ?D Detective Division 7D1 Salaries 7D2 Crime Investigation 703 Supplies 7EE Radio Division 7E1 Salaries 7E2 Rent and Supplies ?F Police Station 7F1 Salaries 7F2 Supplies 7F3 Board of Prisoners 7G Record Division 7G1 Salaries 7G2 Office Expense Total Fund No. 7 Amount 72,504•.00 500,00 1,500.00 1.200.00 64;377-00 12.00000 19,320.00 500.00 500,00 500.00 9.000.00 30,000.00 50.00 1,860,000.00 6,800.00 125,000-00 27,800.00 20,000.00 575,760.00 1,500,.00 13200.00 50,165.00 4-.125.00 52,721.00 1,100.00 5.000.00 57,862.00 5.000.00 Sub - Totals 75 ,704. o0 29,820.00 30,050.00 2,039,600.00 578,460.00 54-, 290.00 58,821.00 62.862.00 Totals 152,081.00 2.853.903.00 .o Code Charter Funds and It DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8 FIRE 8A Administration 8A1 Salaries 8A2 Supplies 8A3 Office Expense 8B Fire Prevention 8B1 Salaries 8B2 Office Expense 8B3 Automobile Allowance 80 Fire Fiahtina 8C1 Salaries 8C2 Supplies 8C3 New Hose 8C4 Equipment Maintenance 8C5 New Equipment 8D Station Maintenance 8D1 Salaries 8D2 Telephones 8D3 Light, Power and Water 8D4- Fuel 8D5 Supplies 8D6 Repairs and Renewals 8E Radio Divis or 8E1 Salaries 8E2 Supplies Total Fund No. 8 7 -8 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM* 7 -8A1 Salaries 7 -8A2 Truck Maintenance 7-8A3 Supplies 7 -814 Telephone Lines 7 -8A5 Equipment Repairs 7 -U6 Office Expense Amount 130,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 68,000600 500,00 2.350.00 6,500,00 10,000.00 58,000.00 30,000.00 1,4.00.00 8,500 -00 10,000.00 6,000.00 7.000.00 9,137.00 2.000.00 153,000.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 1,750-00 200.00 Total Fund No. 7-8 *Expense applicable to Police and Fire Funds. 9 HEALTH 9A Administration 9A1 Salaries 9A2 Automobile Allowance 9A3 Office Expense 37,600.00 500-00 1.5'00 „ 00 Sub - Totals 132,500.00 70,850.00 4 117 62,900.00 11.137.00 39,600.00 Tot als 170,450..00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 9 HEALTH - Continued SB Vital Statistics 9B1 Salaries 36,000100 9B2 Office Expense 1,,000.00 37,000.00 9C Promotion of Health -School 9C1 Salaries 131,686,.00 9C2 Supplies 3,000.00 9C3 Office Expense 200.00 9C4 Dental Health 10,000"00 144,886.00 9DD Food Ri-gulation. 9D1 Salaries 53,000.00 9D2 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 9D3 Office Expense 200.00 56,200.00 9EE Medical and Inspectiona 9E1 Salaries 51,54$.00 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,600.00 9E3 Supplies 1,000.00 56,148.00 9FF Tuberculosis 9F1 Salaries 62,500"00 9F2 Supplies 2,000.00 9F3 Office Expense' 300.00 64,800.00 '9G Building Maintenance 9G1 Salaries 22,000.00 9G2 Telephones 5,500,00 9G3 Fuel 6,000.00 9G4 Light, Power Water & Gas 6,900.00 9G5 Supplies 750.00 9G6 Miscellaneous 750,.00 41,900.00 9H Health Laborator 9H1 Salaries 16,007.00 9H2 Supplies 1,000 00 17,007.00 9K Dog License Enforcemen 9K1 Salaries 12,136.00 9K2 Aut anobile and Truck Maintenance 1,000.00 9K3 Supplies 1.500.00 14,636.00 Total Fund No. 9 472,177.00 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7-8 -9 Pubic Safety Administration 7 P o7,ic e 8 Fire ,�_8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health Total 152,081.00 2,853,903.00 170,450.00 472.177.00 �5�9,y3y.00 Coe Charter Funds and Items mount Sub- Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 13A2 Automobile Allowance 10 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Office Expense 800.00 29,024.00 JQA Administration 1jF1 Salaries and Wages 203,000.00 1OA1 Salaries 47,00000 75,000.00 1383 1OA2 Office Expense 4.000,00 51,000.00 1OB Engineers 13B5 Miscellaneous 2.000.00 284,900.00 1081 Salaries 401,885.00 1OB2 Automooile Allowance 6,000.00 1OB3 Office Expense 19,000.00 426,885.00 JOC Traffic Contiol and Parking Mer,er Sei -rice 150,000.00 Total Fund No, 10 627,885.00 11" STRt -'ET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11AA Repairs -- Streets and Walks llA1 Salaries and Wages 322,500.00 11A2 Truck Hire 100,000,00 11A3 Automobile Allowance 1,000,00 11A4 Truck Maintenance 17;500,00 11A5 Materials and Supplies 100 000.00 Total Fund No. 11 541,000.00 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wages 110,000,00 12A2 Automobile Allmance 1,200.00 12A3 T,*�uck Maintenance 4,200.00 12A4 Mat nn ials and Supplies 9,000.00 12A5 Miscellaneous ;00.00 Total Fund No. 12 11 124,700-00 13 STRMT PND S94ER CIEANING ministration 13A1 Salaries and Wages 27,624.00 13A2 Automobile Allowance 600,00 13A3 Office Expense 800.00 29,024.00 Cl - anki�g_Str. eets an( Wf 2jm 1jF1 Salaries and Wages 203,000.00 13D2 Truck Hire 75,000.00 1383 Equipment Maintenance 4,000.00 13B4 Supplies 900000 13B5 Miscellaneous 2.000.00 284,900.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING - Continued 13C Snow Aemoval and Cindering 13C1 Salaries and Wages 17,000.00 13C2 Truck Hire 2,800.00 1303 Equipment Maintenance 41000,00 1304 Supplies 500,00 1305 Auto Allowance and 45,000.00 13E6 Mi sr el-laneous -- 1306 Equipment Replacements 700.00 25,000.00 1,3D Weed Cutting 13L'1 Salaries and Wages 12,050,00 13D2 Truck Hire 3,786.00 13D3 Supplies and Materials 1,500.00 17,336.00 1,3.E Garbage DispsaJs 13B1 Salaries and Wages 276;845300 13E2 Truck Hire 190,000.00 13E3 Auto Allowance 3,000.00 13E4 Equipment Maintenance 30,000„00 13E5 New Equipment 45,000.00 13E6 Sanitary Land Fill 30,000„00 574,845.00 13F Removal of Dead Animals 13F1 Truck Hire 6,500.00 113G City Dumas 13G1 Salaries and Wages 54,000.00 13G2 Supplies and Equipment 17,000.00 13G3 New Equipment 14,000.00 85,000.00 13H Cleaning Sewers and Tunne 13H1 Salaries and Wages 66,200„00 13H2 Equipment Maintenance 5,000 00 13H3 Supplies 30000 13H4 New Equipment 3,000.00 74,500.00 13J Sewer PiMriri tatio 13J1 Salaries and Wages 11,642..00 13J2 Light and Power 750.00 13J3 Fuel and Supplies 250.00 12,642.00 13L Rodent Control 13L1 Salaries and Wages 2,500.00 Total Fund No. 13 1,112,247.00 Totals Code Charter Funds and Items Amount DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 14 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR 14A1 Salaries and Wages 51,292.00 14A2 Equipment Maintenance, 1,000.00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 10;000.00 14A4 Maintename of Fends and Stairways 5.000„00 Total Fund No, 14 SUI�1t+�9RY DEPARTNXNT OF PUBLIC WORKS Corp i t ne �f Px??� i e Works gcn R_° jr n 12 s. my. c ems-"t ilot -Ind Itgu -Street and Sever Cleanr�_nv 14 Bridge BuildL=Z�nnd Rena? r Sub.-Totals Totals 67,292.00 627, 885.00 541,000.00 124,700-00 1,112,247.00 67.292.00 Total 2,473,124.00 1 DIRECTORS MICHAEL F. ETTM_ CHAIRMAN SAM S. GRAIS, VICE - CHAIRMAN LEO I.. ZACHMAN, M. D. MRS. E. A. PRESTON WILLIAM E. BRENNAN RUTH L. BOWMAN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 'Weffa�re DIVISIONS �tCountp 11oarb ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FISCAL SERVICES of the MEDICAL SERVICES QCitp of 9paint Paul anb QConntp of Aamsep ANCKER HOSPITAL RAMSEY COUNTY HOME • 476 95L Peter 6treet SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE faint Paul 2. �t3innesota SERVICES TO CHILDREN ' June 26., 19 59 :Honorabl.e. Joseph E. Dillon President of the_ City Council and Chairman of the Board of County .Co,mmissioners Members of the City Council and the. Board of County Commissioners- Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller Mr. Eugene A. Monick, County Auditor Court House. .Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir? In conformanca with the requirements of Chapter 343, Minnesota Session Laws of 1937 as amended, the_ County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and the: County of Ramsey, respectfully submits its estimated budget for the. calendar year of 1960. This budget was approved by the Ramsey County Welfare Board at its regular meeting held on June 23, 1959. The Board instructed the Secretary to submit these budget estimateg tol you on or before. July 1, 1959. The summary report of the 1960 budget estimates is com- pared with the 1959 appropriation and source of financing. You will note that the increases or decreases in the- gross budget, as well as the increase or, decrease in the- City and County shares of the 1959 appropriation and the 1960 estimate is also given in detail. The gross .budget request for 1960 is $15,764, 038. 00 which is $555, 020. 00 higher than the 1959 appropriation. However, the City and County share of the 1960 budget request is $9, 057, 686. 00 as compared to the 1959 appropriation of $9, 119, 548. 00, or' .$61, 680. 00 less than the amount appropriated in 1959. Zgencp Amber of the Omerican Public Welfare glsactat(M 2 - Inn accordance with the request of the Fact Finding Committee, the City Council and the. Board of County Commissioners, the Ramsey County Welfare, Board will. submit to you for Study .and consideration a comparison of the line item budget for 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959, and estimates .for 1960. This material will be transmitted to= you and to the Members of the Fact Finding, Committee, the City Council and. Board of County Commissioners, the Comptroller, .and Auditor shortly after ,July 1, 1959, so that all officials concerned, with the budget may have an opportunity to study the. items in detail and the: information on which the: estimates are. based. Members of the- County Welfare Board, the Executive Secre- tary, and other persons: designated by the Board are. prepared to meet with you and with the, Members of the Fact Finding Committee in. order to discuss in.'detail the items that have been included in the 1960 estimated budget. R.LB /aj Respectfully submitted, (Miss) Ruth L.. Bowman Executive Secretary 1 1 THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC. SCHOOLS 616 CITY HAL13 SAINT PAUL 27MINNESOTA (/ OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT September 3, 1959 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk 386 City Hall & Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Okoneski In response to your letter of September 2nd calling attention to the need for adjustment of our school budget as a result of the elimination of the County 1 -mill tax, please be advised that the amount of $235,000.00, estimated as the yield from this tax, should be deducted from budget item 15.21, Instruc- tional Salaries. Cord Forrest E. Conner Superintendent of Schools FEC:ke _ , : '�t ' of ire • ,- .. ° - cwhO, welf O't J�arb, ' i y QCftp'ol ffiafnt Vaul anb QCountp of am�cp 47615G' ctcc Weet' - r125aiut haul 2:'fllfnuembta J0440 V., Ds,ton , vi l ti out dt tot city cam a 3, ... - C.bat�oxs�- �,t�i �oafrd at_ ���. C•s�>'tr��t+��xtfii�tt . , - � - F : � _ - ,♦. • ' • - +�` ', 1 In T •r r ' • _ ` • •` i -. -t •^ •- - ,' .. _ is ,. ,. s, • •�: _ _ .. -. - - _. -_ ..;�.__ .. �� t_ - '� �. •�o��w- i,;C�t�� �lT- T+��l��i •. .�'• • '.4, � , ' r caTd ` " • a -" r .1- , Xo ,rri1 asieaUst t ;raj ��din� COVnn$j%t06 WI&S'�#ojrnPsd that 'Mr. #Aerrf # jfuvea,, towrotaxib"r' +r t#>~► : t aat ►if " ere. ' pf' taut Six o , tiliosaw", bad, W,_ "' r• e�" 40roiik i 04 a334400ti or$t gyst~ln• :.. Co pir�± �►aPt"-, #►} Oi I *ld ba OiNctiVe iii anary -1 fiSi+b�., b►� ordotod that ` z i .f? stir' .tA► hiiti��'UO� ; f Or is i0� t�f t.Zai b,i Oad dt►f, ded tti O"t tho tot. ttt titto. ` ho" � _ ' �'�!'it ���ii'�, (�C►�31117�5'��MI ��,�+��� 1 • ' _ + tb�: omtntt ts!i, xipaxt * i •+C+aQjW,t.iittid **Board of.Oci�o� ..: at rs l i ! il0 lC �1 n atit�n tii by.�1 *00ei+1►.'r _but M 0,4 i0htln OuaIt ` `- ` r ' Aoti4 c� QaDi Asir r f� r�sd:;{ tbt► .?�; %ia s> t d td h# tip t#�ta'Cottw y �twe m# ;:tpodtnr �*a `tset eiae� d e . � ►+ +*444414 o ptutau - . . _. •�it�''�d�ksri by`the "�pmtx#t�i�io4�P �e a��.d��.� � s q�;AfR4 a . _ _ �n�o�y �ailw J'q�u. .. • #ry`il mil fan' +r+,+ertas,`v #�►�t+a�ianab. -'.. .` s oya "�a �sinrt�r'�i atw ciri wsr �r #por 'tQ the ` - • _ tc�. ac r .e � -� rd roti.d t aeraot Mwo # si ApouOt b*dt #• b[ 4h, it an$ tti3fcrair�a fa2ixit 1pfnstlaa COUAtT. ir45048t 4hWt th+ .i t�E 459, 4. 14.`00 8* 4404dod,,ia the 104 b4ij4�t .• ' ru riaon rsreae�_. n lb�e`u v� Jast Y 1 w • -. ' .. OPp A •,' tho to 4 rY . _ 9 + .l a sskfir • rur it"Irabl o tensidaWi6ia, gi We arogaelt. . Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15.1 General Administration 15.11 Business Office .111 Salaries '99,37275 .112 Office Expense 3,600000 .113 Rental of I.B.M. & Forms 12,400.00 115,372.75 15.12 Educational Administration .121 Salaries 98,170,00 .122 Office Expense 11,400.00 .123 Automobile Allowance 2,200.00 .124 Board of Education Expense 7,812.50 .125, School Planning and Surveys 10,000.00 129,582.50 15.13 Special Services- Administration .131 Salaries 37,230.00 .132 Office Expense 5,488-00 .133 Automobile Allowance 50.00 42,768.00 *15.14 Operation and Maintenance Totals Administration .141 Salaries 72,460.80 .142 Office Expense 3,220.00 .143 Automobile Allowance 2,000.00 .144 Freight and Cartage 300,,00 .145 Light, Power and Fuel 1,200.00 79,180.80 *15.15 Supgly Storehouse .151 Salaries 66,461.40 .152 Office Expense 1,595.00 .153 Truck Maintenance 2,000.00 .154 Light, Fuel and Water 1,650.00 71,706.40 15.2 Instruction ''7 .21 Salaries ,.3oq- * .22 Instruction Supplies 234,528.00 .23 Auto. Allowance and Bus Fare 109000.00 .24 Conferences and Lectures 12,000.00 * .25 Free Textbooks 138,765.00 .26 Athletic Salaries 95,511.00 * .27 Athletic Supplies 6,000.00 .28 Special Services -- Salaries 204,840.00 .29 Special Services -Other 7, Gay y7 Expense Expense 2.656.00 11,6 a,604,27— Totals Code Garter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals Totals DEPP.RTMENT OF EDLCI.TION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued 2,,2 gyration of Plant .31 Salaries 1,172,887.49 .32 Suppl.iec 39,000,00 .33 Telephones 27,75M0 .34 Fuel 173,366.00 .35 Water and Sewage Disposal 54,50000 .36 Light, Power and Gas 157,000,00 .37 Grounds ani 3=u Removal 25,058.00 .38 Oil Street's and Trim AssesSme'rts 14,430.06 .39 Other Exp,,irse 500.00 1,664,991.55 *15.4 Maintenance of Plant .41 Salaries ' 202,613.,60 .42 Repairs and Supplies 236,900,00 .43 Auto Allowance and Bus Fare 21,775 00 .44 Truck Maintenance 2,800,00 .45 Athletic Fields --- Facilities 14,352.00 .46 Repair Special In- ,traction Equipment 21,500,00 .47 City Assessments 6.72226 556,662.86 X _d Promotion of Health .51' Salaries 294,942,00 .52 Office Expense 2,9G0;,00 .53 Auto Allowance and Bus Fare 2,000,00 .54 Medical and Dental Supplies 2,30000 •55 Laundry 2,300.00 .56 Equipment and Repairs 3.000.00 307,442.00 15.6 Fixed Charges .61 Insurance -- School Property 20,855.00 .62 Workmen's'Compensation 25,000-00 .63 Rentals 6,735°37 .64 Truck Liability Insurance 500„00 53,090.37 15.7 Tranppprtation .71 Bus Fare and Bus Service 8,900.00 ,72 Transp. Crippled Children 80,500,00 .73 Field Trips 9.000.00 98,400.00 *15-.8 g�MitalOptlay .81 Equipment 279,920.00 .82 Building Improvement -- .83 Improvement of Grounds 36.428.00 316,348.00 15.9 Comrnunity Bernice .91 Evening and Summer School 124,282.00 .92 Salaries- -Use of Buildings 40,440.00 .93 Vocational Evening School 289,207,50 .94 Upkeep of Skating Rinks 41000.00 .95 Other Services 8.843.00 466.772.50 Total Operation and %f y� , 9%yo4, Maintenance Code Charter Funds and I DEPARTMENT OF 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued Amount Sub.-Totals Total Fund No. 15 -� Totals Ifry�i99.00 z rnl n7�.gq� '0 0 — 0 4 9 , *These appropriation items constitute the instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings and equipment conforming with the $2.50 per capita minimum appropriation provided by charter provision. SUMMARY ; PUBLIC SCHOOL . Public Schools Operation and Maintenance, , .Teachers' Retirement Fund Public Examiner's Fees -` Public Employees Retirement Association Health and Welfare Severance Pa School Debt Bond Interest (Appropriated in Fund 26A2) Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments Bond Maturities (Appropriated in Fund 28A2) Note Maturities Total School Debt Total School Appropriation 438j992.00 50,000.00 388,99 2.00 577,000.00 55,000.00 1,087,794.00 1,000.00 185,000.00 35,000.00 1,020,992.00 Total Operation and Maintenance (carried fwd) 15.10 Other Funds_ .101 Teachers' Retirement 1,087,794.60 .102 Public Examiner's Fees 1,000.00 .103 Public Employees Retirement y /f, p f o 0 Association .104 Health and Welfare 185,000-.00 .105 Severance Pay 35,000,00 Total Fund No. 15 -� Totals Ifry�i99.00 z rnl n7�.gq� '0 0 — 0 4 9 , *These appropriation items constitute the instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings and equipment conforming with the $2.50 per capita minimum appropriation provided by charter provision. SUMMARY ; PUBLIC SCHOOL . Public Schools Operation and Maintenance, , .Teachers' Retirement Fund Public Examiner's Fees -` Public Employees Retirement Association Health and Welfare Severance Pa School Debt Bond Interest (Appropriated in Fund 26A2) Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments Bond Maturities (Appropriated in Fund 28A2) Note Maturities Total School Debt Total School Appropriation 438j992.00 50,000.00 388,99 2.00 577,000.00 55,000.00 1,087,794.00 1,000.00 185,000.00 35,000.00 1,020,992.00 Cam` Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub- Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS and STILIA 16 -17 LIBR.�RY, AUDITOR.IM4, MUSEUMS AND STADIA ADDLI ISTRATION 16-17A Office Administration 16 -17A1 Salaries 27,915,00 16 -17A2 Office Expense 21700,00 16 -17A3 Auto Al a- anoe 1,020,.00 16 -17A4 Auditorium Insurance 2,000,00 Total Fund No. 16 -17 34, 235.00 16 LIBRARY Salaries and Wages 16A Libra Service 16BZ 16A1 Salaries 556,182.00 16A2 Truck T'k.intenance 1,800.00 16A3 Supplies 10,800,00 16A4 Postage 1,575.00 16A5 New Books and 16B7 Repairs and Renewals Periodicals 108,905 00 16A6 Binding Books 3,600.00 16A7 New Equipment 7,200,00 16A8 Miscellaneous 2.700.00 692,762.00 16B Building _Maintenance 16B1 Salaries and Wages 112,500.00 16BZ Light and Power 10,800.00 16B3 Heat 10,000.00 16B4 Water 720.00 16B5 Telephone 3,780.00 16B6 Supplies 4,o5o.00 16B7 Repairs and Renewals 13,500.00 16B8 Auto Allowance 750.00 156.10o.00 Total Fund No. 16 848,862.00 17 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) 949000.00 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF LIBRIMES , AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA 16-17 Library. _ Auditoritnn, Museums, and Stadia Administration 34,235-00 16 Public Lib rarer 848,862.00 1z Public Auditorium 94.000.00 Total 977,097-00 Coe Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION Amount Sub - Totals Totals 50,450.00 and PUBLIC BUILD1VG3 18 -20 PARKS AND RECTW-ATIO1T AND PUBLIC BUILDING; 4:�1I?tLTRA'f ±OiJ 18 -20A Office AdhiriE;tration 18 -20A1 Salaries 46,000,00 18 -20A2 Auto AllcrTance 1,200,00 18 -20 &3 Office Expense x:;50.00 Total Fund 18-.20 18 PUBLIC PARKS AND RECREATION Adrr finis t re. i on 18A1 aI ^_i.3? ia-9 41,170,00 18A2 Auto Allcwance 3,000,00 18&3 Office 1'uTense ,�, X77 ,.00 47,445.00 18B Maintenanc© Z�rkp - and Recrea'ipn , 0 18B1 Salar ea 94ee- 18B2 Utilities Services 11,000.00 nb 18B3 Supplies 4,j00.,00 �` 18B4 Repairs and Renewals 5- 5- ►89�- 90 —�3' 1885 Capital0,,Itlay 10,000.0 - 1886 Mechanical Equip- Maintenance9 G'f� 0 0 o o ment , 330 Pplice and Watchmen 18C1 Salaries 70,928.00 18C2 Supplies 800.00 18C3 Capital Outlay -- 1804 Equipment Maintenance 5,200.00 18C5 Uniform Allowance 600.00 77,528.00 Conservato:�r 18D1 Salaries 54,068.00 18D2 Utilities Services 9,000,00 18D3 Supplies 4,000.00 18D4 Repairs and Renewals 3,600.00 70,668.00 lZE Zoo 18E1 Salaries 55,000.00 18E2 II l±- .±lies Services 49000.00 . l8E3 Supplies 25,000.00 18E4 Repairs and Renewals 10,000.00 18E5 Capital Outlay -- 94,000.00 1F Cityts 1%2 Share of 1958 Tree Trimming �... 56,243.00 50,450.00 F Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub.- Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PARKS acid 1?'& 7, EkTION and PUBLIC B[,!,D,TJCS . PUBLIC Pr.RKS AND RECREATION _ continued 18G Music 18G1 Band Music 6,000.00 Upkeep of Lake C-mo 18HI FurcYiatie: of Water 2,000.00 3-8L Recreatign CFLi ejs t�GO,Oq/ vo 18,-.1 Salaries X99-,98 - 18L-2 Utilitias Services 32,000.00 181, -3 Supplies 18,000.00 18L -4 Rentals 1,200.00 18L -5 Fo xth of July 1, 000.00 18L-6 Auto ATI orwarce 1,620.00 f/3 f c// 00 18L -7 Capital Outlay - -m8"820. 0- Sports and Gimmes 18M1 Salaries 19,690.00 18M2 Supplies 600,00 18M3 Auto Allowance 1.500.00 21,790.00 18N Special Activities 18N1 Salaries 18,000.00 18N2 Supplies ?.000.00 20.000.00 'Total Fund No, 18 1,376,994.00 1' 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A Administration 20&1 Salaries 58,484.00 2GA2 Alztomcbile Allowance 800.00 20A3 Office Expense 3,000.00 62, 284.00 20B Building Ins-p?ot io 2031 Salaries? 228,529.00 20B2 Au7 om-ab -1e Allowance 25,000,00 20B3 Truck Maintenance 750,00 2084 Miscellaneous .05 0.00 257,779.00 Dr- aftingnd Plan Checking 2061 Salaries 93,105,00 20C2 Office Expense 1,_,500,00 94,605.00 Total Fund No. 20 414,66$.00 SUMMIm DEPARTMENT OF PATES. and 0011EATION AND PUBLIC B . -INGS 18 -20 Parks and Recreation and Public Buildit gs Administration 50,450.00 18 Public Parks and Recreation 1,376,994.00 20 Public Buildings 414.668000 Total 1,842,112.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Am_ ount Sub - Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITI3 S 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A Administration 21A1 Salariea 22,860.00 21A2 Office Expense 1.620.00 24,480.00 21B Testing Labortorries 21B1 Salaries 38,000.00 2182 Supplies 75.00 2183 Expense 800.00 38,875.00 2 C Investigations 21C1 Salaries 4170611 oofyll0O 21C2 Office Expense ]1DD Utili_ies 13r9�11Lna Maintenance 21D! Salaries and Wages 10,025-00 21D2 Fuel 3,500.00 21D3 Services and Supplies 2,500.00 16.025.00 Total Fund No. 21 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 22A - Administration 22A1 Salaries 11,532.00 22A2 Automobile Allowance 720.00 221'3 Office Expense 325.00 12,577.00 22B Maintenance N 22B1 Salaries and Wages 206,346.00 22B2 Electric Current 287,320.00 22B3 Bulbs and Globes 22,000.00 22B4 Services 8,000.00 22B5 Supplies 24,200.00 22B6 Christmas Lighting 1,500.00 549*366.00 Total Fund 22 61,943.00 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 Public Utilities � oc—Qan nn 00 222 Public Liahtina 561,943.00 4-510 %0 7, 00 To al �g82g0- 23 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) 3;6251,000.00 11 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals Totals 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELb'I':RE - Cityt s 271% Share 244AA Administration 24A1 Salaries-Administration 56,300-48 Salaries- --�?ub, Assistance 71 o J' 'are Servies and Wel , 24A2 Operatirni and Maintenance 35,25995 24A3 Worlmen' s Compensation 4,125.00 24A4 Civil Service Administration 9,075.00 24A5 Health and Walfare 20,724.00 24A6 Public ha aplcyees Retire - ment bu srciation 24,543°75 24A7 Mileage - Field Workers 9,41875 24A8 Accounting Study __j,_875, QQ 2 BB Ancker IIosTALtal 24B1 Sala, °i:3 746,077,80 24B2 0-char F:Yl;ense 183,52,4-55 2483 Public EmpLoryeees Retire- ment Association _75,212„50 1,004,814.85 240 Ramsey County Horne 2401 Salaries 41,349.00 24C2 Other F -pense 12,929.12 2403 Public Employees Retire- ment Association- 7,480.00 24C4 Special Building Fund 12,375000 74,133.12 24D Division of Public Assistance 24DI Salaries 'jIncluded in 24A1) 24D2 Other Expense (Incl, in 24A2) _- 24D3 Relief 332.,0143.25 24D4 A. D. C. Grants 159,390.00 24D5 Old Age Assistance Grants 265,265.00 24D6 Welfare Services - Includes Child Welfare 124,300.00 24D7 Receiving Hanes 11,137.50 24D8 Aid to Blind and Medical 14,S75.00 24D9 Aid to Disabled Grants I and Medical 7,012.0 913,723.25 24E Extended Relief 23,375.00 24F DA.Vr R�e,st Camb Association 2.475.00 ` Total Fund No. 24 - ?,� . G -- Code Charter Funds and Items • Amount Sub - Totals Totals 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - Cityls 50% Share 25A1 Salaries and Wages 126,318.00 25A2 Heat, Light and FcTger 27,500.00 25A3 Veterans' Quarters 6,982.00 25A4 Telephones 3,000.00 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 8,626.00 25A6 Services and Supplies 159000.00 _ 25A7 Extra Help 6,000.00 25A8 Repairs to Building 5,000.00 25A9 Maintenance of .Air Condition . 750.00 25A10 Special Assessments 19782.00 25A11 Insurance 1;070.00 25Al2 Health and Welfare 2.450.00 Total Fund No, 25 204,478.00 26 INTEREST 26A1 Bond Interest -- General Debt 735,400.00 26A2 Bond Interest -- School Debt 438,992.00 26A3 Bond Interest -- P.I.R. Fund 4,631.00 26A4 Note Interest 1.237.00 1,180,260.00 Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments 250.000.00 Total Fund No. 26 930,260.00 28 REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND NOTES 28A1 Bond Maturities- -Gen. Debt 6809000.00 28A2 Bond Maturities -- Schools 577,000.00 28A3 Bond Maturities -- P.I.R. Pd. 53,000.00 28A4 Note Maturities- -Other Services 427,416.00 28A5 Amortization -- Armory Debt 3,250.00 28A6 ,Note Maturities -- School Debt 55.000.00 Tota11Eund _No. 28 1,795,666.00 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE DDo. oa 29Al- Judgments and Claims � g8g�gg- Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub - Totals 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE Compt . pller 30Al Salaries 117,853.00 30A2 Office Expense 7,000,00 124,853.00 30B Civil Service 30B1 Salaries 909000100 30B2 Special Examiners 500.00 30B3 Office Expense 10,000,00 100, 500.00 Total Fund No. 30 Totals 225,353-00 Code Charter Farads and 31 GENERAL FM.D 31A �iirchasina wont 3lAl Salaries 31A2 Printing; and Postage 31A3 Office Expense 31B unicinal Cowl 31BI. Salaries Municipal Court 3182 Salaries a-, Traffic Bureau 3333 Salaries ---• Jur-enile Court 3114 Jury Expense Municipal Court 31335 Office EY.-00rse- ,24wri0ipal Colart 3186 Office Exoense-Traffic Bureau 3137 Psychiatric Services 31C Armory 3101 Salaries, and gages 31C2 Supplies (Repairs - General) 31D E'20 3111 ,31D2 31D3 W4 31D5 33.,6 31D'I 31D8 31D9 31E Lon- Salaries--judges Salaries---Office Employees Salaries.Preparing Machines Rents -- •Booth Space Truck Hire Printing and Postage Supplies Fire Insurance Miscellaneous kcal Improvement Aid 3131 City r s :;hare 3122 County Aid 3323 State bid Amendment No,, 2 31E4 Exempt Property - Sprinkling 1958 31E5 Exempt Property -- Forestry 1958 31E6 Exempt Property P,I,R, Fund 1958 13n119.00 A—Mu t 72,354.00 3,000-00 4,400.00 157,642400 379 488,, 00 7,020.00 500.00 4, 000 00 2s000,,00 5,000,00 19g280o00 47232,00 25,000000 8,000.00 9, 500, 00 10;000„00 12,000.00 3000.00 1,500,00 600a000.00 1,.0009 000, 00 34v500,00 1,651.00 31F Lensions and Employeest Benefits 3' F1 Police Relief Association 350.877,00 31P2 Firemen's Relief Association 467,836000 3113 Health Relief Association 238392000 31F4 WidowRo Pension 360.00 31F5 Public Employees' Retirement ,/YYyff, 00 Association 33.F6 Health Health and Welfare 200,000"00 31F7 Severance Pay 46.000.00 3 /F� dA'�hlP.cnyME�vr coMP��sAr'ioi✓ /3.000. o0 r^ Subtotals 79,754.00 213, 650.00 19,280.00 116.232.00 1,649.270,,00 Totals code Charter I1n+.ds and Items Amount 31 GENERAL FUND p continued 31G Mscellaneous /040,9,0 00 31G11 Workmen's Compensation - 45;988-W 31G2 Debt Service 7,500.00 31G3 Financial Forms 179500 00 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen 7,000.00 31G5 Public Examiner's Fee 5,000,00 33.G6 Surety Bond Premj tams 39 500,, 00 31G7 Ste Paul Institute 360000.00 3168 Memorial Day Observance 1,000.,00 31G9 Water , Wilder Baths 2,000.00 31G.'0 Humane Society 2.,40o,o0 3'.G:L,'. Auditoriiim Rentals .1.149 660, 00 -3:.G1.2 Firs Hydrant Reutals - -,, 31G-13 Fire 1�7drant:yriety Installations -aQjGL �-- 3Y14 Easomnt-C-narter Section 257 3,.500„00 33 GG-15 International I otitute 79500.00 31G16 Metropolitan Airports Commission 91.4o8.00 31G17 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 65p000o00 31G18 Human Relations 5000000 31G19 U,so Conference of Mayors 500,00 31620 League of Minnesota Municipalities 1a630.00 31G21 St,. Paul Gallery and School of Art - 13, 500, 00 31G22 Wrecking Condemned Buildings' 5v000.O0 31G23 St, Paul Civic Opera 100000.00 31G24 County Reimbursement Preventorium Expense 31625 Citizens Advisory Committee 6,600,00 31G26 F,E,P. C. 15,000,00 3/G .27 D,C0 ,BUS AEPor- 3�G }F %'ooer Apr1*a/ PEie/1 % /oNS /o. 000,oe 3 p o 0 31H L�oca? ssesmentsw r Bite Pro e do 3'.H. Spriitkl:.ng w 1.958 5095400 31H2 Forestry - 1958 54,00 31H3 P.I.R. Fund 975.00 31J Ra:UcUY- BYMuau 31J1 Salami 89592.00 31J2 Office Expense �.ip Q 8- 31K DETEA'TION AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY (Cityes 50% Share) 3M Aelminias ratio ii Sag Salaries 31M Health and Welfare 31KA3 Automobile Allowance and Travel 33.SA4 Contingent Fund 31KA-5 Office Expense 31KA6 Public Employees' Retirement Association 100706,00 2„500,, 00 4o,308.50 239572.50 273,00 925,.00 10382000 950.00 31KA7 Severance Pay Sub - Totals .38� 00 —�35�fT•ee— 6$983.00 %3 /X,9 0 Totals Code Charter Fends and Items AMMU41 Sub- Totals Totals 31 GENERAL FUND — continued 31K DETENTION AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY - continued y 31KB Woodview Detenntion_Home ' -- — — 31 EBl Sala: iss 31 -&630 50 31TAB2 Haal tla and Wol:fare 545450 31KB3 Automobl:! c Allowance and Travel 350000 31K-P,4 Ut%litie +s 20900„00 311M5 Frovislou8 3„7jOryC0 31EB6 Supplies anL Services 59'�3'r'�50 �e6' -050 31KC dome School far 22 s 3: KC1 Sa.lar,.es 38L,?81.,00 31K02 Health a.Ad Welfare 662,00 311CC3 Automobile and Tractor Expense 8,42.50 3!KC4• 7- ,il.i.tias 208x'00 3!Kc. Provisions 8p150„00 31Kv6 Supplies anJ. Services 11t4r, -,50 31KC7 Farm Stock and Supplies _ 900„00 63,213,00 31KD Workhouse - Work Farm 31KD1 Salaries 919227,,00 31KD2 Health and Welfare _D201.,00 31KD3 Automobile and Truck Expense 2.300,00 3MM4 Utilities 4t,970o00 31 IM5 Provisions 98900,00 31.KD6 Supplies and Services 5,600„00 31KD7 Farm Stock and Supplies 4�7 L-'900 1196988,00 268 s l23, 00 31L Council Investi.aa.tion and Research 37.T1. Salary 4500,00 312,2 Office Expense 25500,00 10,000,00 �/f L *. O0 Total Fund Nos 31 2 0 J MW 94186 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the various amounts of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City Government of the City of Saint Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 19609 shall be in the sums set forth opposite the various numbered funds as shown upon the budget schedule hereto attached for school expenditures and for all other City expenditures; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the estimated receipts and the financing schedule attached to the 1960 budget.-as submitted by the Comptroller and amended by the City Council, be and the same are hereby adopted, and the departmental receipts shown therein are hereby appropriated to the various funds as shown in said schedule of the Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _. DeCourcy Holland Mortinson I Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Winkel nAgainst Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-69 a�S I SAP 3 0 9959 Adopted by the Council 19 S�? 30 9959 Approved 19 Mayor Of the x , CUP of 0aint Maul ana Cgui[tp of liawep - 476 Ot. PtttrStcctt - ;' * *aini Paul 2. filirintgota` hsptamber 2$,' .19.59. a The Honorible 'Joseph E,; Dillon President of - the'City C.ounc #I Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners 'Copiss "tot- - '`� '' ,��.' . * • •`;• _'• - - -- - -�•• -' ' -- :;V Zvleinbe.rs of the Cigy, Cou:YCil, = meipbeii O£ Soard 'of County Comm,i *sfooers- _ = Jobeph T. Mitchell, City Comptroller 5. Eugene A: 'Mdnick, Auditor Z _. Dear 'Mr': DilioW! . Mr: Edw rd"E. Cleary, Avsistant Oqunty,Atturney, informed" - the Rems¢q `County `Welfat's Boikdi at itr regular meeting on'Septern�er 24. 1959,,' that the cost ,6f the Health and, Welfare Insurance is likes . to-,be -increased for 19 ( in excess'' ; e: �qi un cludedIn. the 1X64 u et: ertliLaatet;:' The - on�y' eslfar.e Board undeiretande that the increase may imourtt -to per employee _wh ich'.ir/o , 'd. o.oat� ah' additional $16.0183: 52. The - breakdown for the" divisions, e,rs as follows: Adminis+tratioii,, Public ,Assistance• &- ''Welfare fief vices;. ,219 empj '00s '$ 4.'0g9, 6 °- Anc� idi Hospital, 674•emplo�rees - j $12R 61',7: 88 ` Ramsey }County Home, ' 73 employees _ $' 1; 366. sd, This figure fs;token fvorri'this:ps�iroll is=of - V ..:. . • �- w , _ �ep;ten'�ber -lj 195�.: od�,accouAt., . ;' ' __ for :all parsoas: on than irishrrice li�'�tn�° ior= '!s+hobci;the!Coupty V�eifara B' oard , .. • : zYiide -in u itnce paymeats: j Part of 'this ' addittwitI• -cost may bs off by �► reduction. of in,tho` 1966 Public,,Employees ItetWisment .Ariociation'requiremvaonts ' _ If th e',Ctty and'Co t ovi ' - un. y.� s nmezita -are: iinihile t . ootafn k more fsvorablo' bid r ` on Health, and Wolfilre- Insur_#nce, and the "cost is increased .ai no*, Anti cipatoa; _`the Ramsay.Coi niy-`SVetf*re Board .requests the City hind' County government* to giver - consideration tQ;zhe inclueiion ofi6; 937.95 izi 3tra appropriE tioafor'• • _ - w _ s Sincerely yOUYe. 3 jMiss)-I %ith "L: 'Boman '' ALB /a = Director I, .r DIRECTORS � DIVISIONS MICHAEL F. ETTEL, CHAIRMAN �Countp Welfare 38oarb ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SAM S. ORAID. VICE-CHAIRMAN �/ � Y FISCAL SERVICES LEO L. ZACHMAN, M. D. 7 of MEDICAL SERVICES MRS. E. A. PRESTON "e ANCKER HOSPITAL WILLIAM E. BRENNAN ' Citp of *aint Paul anb Countp of 3bmgep RAMSEY COUNTY HOME RUTH L. BOWMAN SOCIAL SERVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 476 &t. Peter *treet PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 9paint Paul 2, Mitmegota SERVICES TO CHILDREN • a 'a September 28., 1959 The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon 4 President of the. City Council '� ,S' 0,Q��' <, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners Fp2� SO �I.4, Copies to: Members- of the City Council Members of Board of County Commissioners Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller Eugene. A. Monick, Auditor Dear Mr. Dillon: a Mr. Edward E. Cleary, Assistant County Attorney, informed the Ramsey County Welfare Board, at its regular meeting on September 24, 1959, that the cost of the Health and Welfare Insurance is likely to be increased for 1960 in excess of the amount included in the 1960 budget estimates. The County Welfare Board understands- that the increase may amount to $1. 56 per employee which would cost an additional $18, 083. 52. The. breakdown for the divisions are as follows: Administration, Public Assistance & Welfare Services, 219 employees $ 4,099.68 Ancker Hospital, 674 employees $12,617.28 Ramsey County Home, 73 employees $ 1, 366. 56; /1 ,�9,3. °O $18,083.52 This figure is. taken from the payroll as of September 1, 1959, and accounts for all persons on the insurance 1 }�-,ting for whom the County Welfare Board made insurance- payments. Part of this additional cost may be offset by a reduction of $1, 145, 57 in the 1960 Public Employees Retirement Association requirements, If the' City and County governments are. unable to obtain a more favorable bid on Health and Welfare Insurance and the cost is- increased as now anticipated, the Ramsey County Welfare Board requests the City and County governments to give consideration to the. inclusion of $16, 937. 95 in its appropriation for 1960. ,f RLB /aj ral Sincerely yours, (Miss) Ruth L. Director 2gencp Member of the Smerican public Welfare gWociatiou Bowman 14011-10 3 HUM 831' 01881MMOD Y ✓SUtQ,3 NHbt ATWNMs!M'10 :�T.A7 Y50AJ3i1 .Y 4A -,wal • y r _ XRAT���!? 3H1; i.'i 3j1970 -• a_ N.�,ri�iC!ief�c7 � Q�fJSiAN - � + - '_ - - . UA3041 5 YOR t ■ : y �- „caisYtkZ e3 ,. i fc if ..: U T 1{i UA' Y T iii U O e � 32UQH 1AUO* 7Ti UrbY32MA1 S J('A9 T14f S .— , .;� �'F+, y ��� 1 .w.. • {Y i. .i- :y {_e4n. '.� Y`•,— rr�y =• _:Shl �.• .. •— - _� j ~— tM _ p - ., �� 'i ,+_: i, •k- �: ..''-' ' y �_ -`-` - '._: � ;, a :"' - - _ - .• - � .. - ter: 3`. l•' +�; # 4, _ .•t #L� �.a.��, OL IF '4 v..- `�F �i -x - � b ..; 'Y. �,'�t .:_,.! �.� �;'_ -��. ✓••�� "w `a�'• � - 2• .: .r. 5 - ~Y _ �i�rs' ' F t� ' jnf r. 'l +l0 :ti J+ , J! � • r - f - - `�• v ). ' .. _ .... ,.. t ,�- '•t.lJ T. •t.3 r�s- -- —`t. -, '. ,•+ „ -v - y:,, cxt - r "�'-' „ - OFFICE OF SAINT PAUL (21 JOSEPH J. MITCHELL CITY COMPTROLLER August 13. 1959 )MPTROLLER MINNESOTA lYylL'� JOSEPH P. LA NASA DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: I am submitting to you the 1960 Budget Estimate for the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority as it was submitted to my office by Louis J. Thompson, Executive Director. Budget requirement for the f isc al year 1960 for accumu- lation'in the redevelopment project fund for the eventual repayment of Federal advance is $240,000.00. Budget requirement for reloca- tion services for the fiscal year 1960 is $ 24,000.00. Very truly yours, Jose h J. Mdchell 6 City Comptroller JJM/dn Housing and Redevelopment Authority , t OF ' THE CITY OF SAINT'PAUL,' ' ; MINNESOTA J ` Septevbex 10; 1959 The Honorable; Joseph B-. Dillon - Mayor of the City of Swint Paul City- Hall and Count HoYU' d ' Stint Paul, - Minnesota - Dear.Mayor Dillon: Under the 'Minnesota. State Housing Act as amen d, in the last Mosion of the' %gitilature, it: is: pdOible for the Housing Authority_, r to gfve'relocation- dervice to people ai.splaced by pubiic action.- On "January 17, 1958; you $lrected: a letter :to ,Nick J. • Smith," the 6a iry - man 6f ,our, Author ity.it that time, res ue tang that the• Aousing �I,uthority do, ever_ -it coq d-=ically ist .in.the;.relocation- of the'dis�ti iced people... Your letter asks for atelstanee in the relocation of the'thmilies..ditpltkded by,the new interttate Freeway. However; under the new regiilatitin., it._i�ee! that we can ;ase:ist peop],e +any plaice in the city who are ..d- ieplace.it byt - exypublf.c `action. Mr. Rutahick- is preowing a form of agreement for presentation to the, City of Saint Paul in order that we :ndight atsist in °this: problex' It would be ap � . . -preciated by the writer if you would indicate the City's continued 1nter6ot in this problem and indicate. the sxeait ' in which you• aright want'us to become active•with relocation serYices. We are regiaefsting the 110 sill tax levy in oar budget for the,., _ -nekt- f ificol- yea1•'whighIVill eeole Ui..to •e`-ttiLblisli'i v reloc*ti.oia servce• •- divioton Which `will continue io operate refgardlesa of Federal projects `� _ in execution. ale will not .collect this tax money until soae time in February or Mardi of, 1960, but we are sure that we can borrow -money Prom our present reserve in order that.ve fright put -this into, effect � _ as soon as you, res,&i,rm .your request of January 17, 1958 and we enter into an agreement- with the,,-City. - . ._ - . _' - - • ,. _ . Sincerely yours, • . • .touis J. ThoVoon a Ixeeut_ive Director - Housing and Redevelopment Authority OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL,. MINNESOTA The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon Mayor of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint. Paul, Minnesota 1745 City Hall and Court House SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 10, 1959 JOSEPH F. GABLER CHAIRMAN CLAYTON G. REIN VICE -CKA"A N HAROLD J. MORIARTY SECRETARY JEROME L. LOBERG ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRANK H. DELANEY TREASURER LOUIS J. THOMPSON ExacurivE DIRECTOR HAROLD L. RUTCHICK GENERAL COUNSEL mylt� Dear Mayor Dillon: " -I r Under the Minnesota State Housing Act as amended in the last session of the Legislature, it is possible for the Housing Authority to give relocation service to people displaced by public action. On January 17, 1958, you directed a letter to Nick J. Smith, the Chair- man of our Authority at that time, requesting that the Housing Authority do whatever it could to assist in the relocation of the.displaced people. Your letter specifically asks for assistance in the relocation of the families displaced by the new Interstate Freeway. However, under the new regulation it seems that we can assist people any place in the city who are displaced by azy public action. Mr. Rutchick is preparing a form of agreement for presentation to the City of Saint Paul in order that we might assist in this problem. It would be ap- preciated by the writer if you would indicate the City's continued interest in this problem and indicate the areas in which you might want us to-become active with relocation services. We are requesting the 110 mill tax levy in our budget for the next fiscal year which will enable us to establish a relocation service division which will continue to operate regardless of Federal projects in execution. We will not collect this tax money until some time in February or March of 1960, but we are sure that we can borrow money from our present reserve in order that we might put this into effect as soon as you reaffirm your request of January 17, 1958 and we enter into an agreement with the City. Sincerely yours, L6uis J. Thompson Executive Director Philip W. Fitzpatrick, President Richard C. Radman, Jr., Vice President Harold Rutchick, Secretary Philip H. Nason, Treasurer A. J. Brand, Member Commissioners Bernard T. Holland Robert Peterson PORT AUTHORITY of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Holl and Court House CA. 4 -4612 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 8., 1959 Honorable Joseph Dillon, Mayor, and Members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: / q ��6 Lyle E. Kinvig General Manager Frank E. Clawson Asst. General Manager Please be advised that during the regular meeting of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul on Tuesday, Septem- ber 8, 1959, the members of that commission instructed that the necessary papers be drawn up for submission to the City Council of a budget for industrial development of '$90,000 for the Port Authority for the year of 1960, as well as a request to the County Auditor.for a .35 mill tax levy for this purpose, as authorized by Laws of Minnesota,1957, Chapter 812. We are therefore attaching a form of resolution to carry out this request. A copy of the formal resolution adopted by the Port Authority at this meeting is hereby attached and we request the City Council to approve said budget for industrial development and the tax levy. Yours very truly, Phil W. Fi atrick, esident Por Authority of the City of Saint Paul ec A t C E R T I F I C A T E September 8, 1959 I, Philip W. Fitzpatrick, President and Chairman of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the attached copy of a resolution is a true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Port Authority of Saint Paul at its regular meeting held on the 8th day of September, 1959. a c Phi . p W. Fi patrick Pre ident and Chairma of Port Authority of S nt Paul 1M 11 -57 - PORT AUTHORITY No. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM DATE RESOLVED, by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby respectfully requests the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure for its 1960 Budget for Industrial Development, by such Port Authority, an amount of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) or such amount as will not exceed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in said city, excluding money and credit; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council is hereby advised by the Port Authority that the moneys to be obtained from the levy of such authorized tax (Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, Sec. 18) are to enable the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul efficiently and in the public interest to continue to carry out the aims and purposes of the aforementioned Act in the operation and expansion of its Industrial Development District as provided in the aforementioned Act. Adopted 195- . a r►tlp W. nA.�,16. iw Mlly S. Nona 7teem K COMM&Nkmw Aob.1t r rf.y PORT AUTHORITY • of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL City HaP cod Court House • CL 44M SAWT PAUL 2, UMNESOTA Septe"er 8, ' 1959 Honorable Joseph Dilldn, Ma M�cil and Umbers of the Comon of the City of Saint Paul GentlqW: Lyle E- Cin"q Ana v..u.l ►M+wv.« _Ple"e be advised that during the regular meeting of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul on Tuesday, Septem- ber Sp-1959# the, mombers of that commission instructed that the neo4Rssry papers he drawn up for subwiasion to the City Council of a budget for industrial development of $909000 for th* Port Authority for the Veer of 1960, as well as a request to the County Auditor faa .a .35' •ill tax levy' for this purpose, ..as a thorizod by Lows of Minn000ta- 1957, Chapter 812. *4 an thrreforo attaching •a fors of resolution fo car 240vt -tht.s s�quiat. - A ropy of the formal resolution adopted• by Fort Authorit ULU this meeting is hereby attached and rMt�t t�ht qty tar approve said budgtt for industrial d t e tjw tax .lWy. �I �I II .4W2 Yours very truly, Philip MI, Fitzpatrick, President Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul DIRECTORS MICHAEL F. ETTEL, CHAIRMAN SAM S. GRAIS, VICH- CHAIRMAN LEO L. ZACHMAN, M. D. MRS. E. A. PRESTON WILLIAM E. BRENNAN RUTH L. BOWMAN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CDuntp Wilfare jourb of tie Vtp of Oafnt Paul anb g;onntp of Ramep 476 95t. Peter 9ptreet 9+aint Paul 2. ARfrmembta June 26, 1959 Honorable Joseph E. Dillon President of the City Council and Chairman, of the Board of Country. Commissioners Members of the City Council and the. Board of County Commissioners Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller Mr. Eugene A. Monick, County Auditor- Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: 6 I� 1 S ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FISCAL SERVICES MEDICAL SERVICES ANCKER HOSPITAL RAMSEY COUNTY HOME SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SERVICES TO CHILDREN In conformance with the requir- ements of Chapter 343, Minnesota Session Laws of 1937 as amended, the CoAnty Welfare Board' of' the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, respectfully submits its estimatdd budget for the calendar year of 1960. This budget was approved by the Rams y County Welfare Board at its regular meeting held on June 23, 1959. Vhe Board instructed the Secretary to submit these budget estimates to you on or before July 1, 1959. The summary report of the 1960 budget estimates is com- pared with the. 1959 appropriation and source of financing. You will note. that the increases- or decreases in the gross budget, as well as the increase or decrease in the City and County shares of the 1959 appropriation. and the. 1960 estimate is also ,given in detail. The gross budget request for 1960 is $15, 764, 038. 00 which is $555, 020. 00 higher than the 1959 appropriation. However, the City and County share of the 1960 budget request is $9, 057, 686. 00 as compared to the 1959 appropriation of $9, 119, 548. 00, or $61, 680. 00 less than the amount appropriated in 1959. F-al, Zgencp Attuber of the fgmcrfcan public Welfare fsgocfation 0 N. OP Es -2 - In accordance -with the request of the Fact Finding Committee, the City Council, and the Board of County Commissioners, the Ramsey County Welfare Board will submit to you for study and consideration a, comparison of theline. item budget for 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959, and estimates for 1960. This material will be, transmitted to: you and to the Members of. the Fact Finding Committee, the. City Council and Board. of County Commissioners, the Comptroller and Auditor shortly af.terrJuly 1, 1959, so that all officials concerned with the budget may have an opportunity to study the items in detail. and the. information on which, the estimates are. based. Members of the. County Welfare Board, the Executive Secre- tary, and other persons designated by the. Board are prepared to meet with. you. and with the Members of the Fact Finding Committee in order to discuss in detail the items that have been included. in the 1960 estimated budget. RLB /aj Respectf lly submitted, G� 4 ( s' Ruth L. Bowman Executive Secretary t;1 Lj [J7 rn a' b COr O y gi "W FS 0-ft 4 0 0 p b 24 a )Tl [A t�0 ea u n �tf i o i W ct o r w co, N o OD. er ►-� �r ° w cr r p+ [n lot e+ �-h ci er y � m e> got O R,p (D t-� � H 04 W p ► * yO � O d g O 0 of 1•b $0 N3 � r to 14 a m Im N + c s fa cfe o c o o C �p w o` w C+ � p c+ �o a m a ° ° 14' N p fY N N is o � •o OR N W w row N y N oNN N W oyy N � Y Y O o In W Y � }•� N t� CS YYIr a•'•o0N O YNO�N ,-D 0 17Y1J17Q•WNN O 0! %0 N Vt y O O� m OD m N N 0% 47r %0 O wuAW W FOR CD Vt Ir C+ O p O O O O O O O O O 0 q O O • e O O � O 0 O q O O O O O Vt N O O W O" W Q9 0 O VI W O O W C 0N O O O Et O A ON V O O 0O Y N W ClD Qt rN 0D O N W S 8OH 0 O 0 4 v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °° 4 0 1 3 0 a o °oog °0 °°OOS °0°S°S00�°Q°° 8 S° 000 O o Ooo 7 0 V* s a %Jq NW y MWF+ YY Vt Yy 10 N S O W kA M h+ W W O W I�� L�It O taJ 0 Y 4+J Ut O �Np �� %O '° tR N V •mil d= %V 9 •fr '�' t0 c p G O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 V) O O C O O O O O $ M L+1 �j p-I lR A %A 0 Vt ppN N O $$ O pA N � � Ai �.r O N0 8 -ir 40 0 9S 0 8$,00880 SGS�SO 1 O O� 4 o a ° 0 6 0 0 v o 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 v c o 0 0 v o 0 ° qO O O O Q O 100888800 O O 000000 O 00 0 SOOSOO SSSA 0000 000000 v Soo b-3S 4W W Orao wan w(� W .N W r W %A Y N ►+ �� y� W �"4 N CA CD N� Vt Ln N� 0 N N O► Vt 1p y d on O 0 O 0 0 O O �0 O O O $ O O O O c°Ow $Ol o °����0 09 o0 \ � m �° ` o 1 C 000RO. owo 00 � 0 0 o"u 800 o 0 �Ln � � Q O QO O S J O S oO s O O O O 0 O O O 0 u O O O 0 O O O 00 O O O O O O 0 00000080 S O S O O 0 0 O 0 p O o o 000 0 0 0 000 %.v %.. %.. -ro °Y �4� W N W N Y N y N -2 -0 lA to �O t1 k.1 W N O N O m 4 ° Vt ,ON o 1•+ N OD N N s N Vt �7 V N 4.)17 Ot N N W a O t0 N :MD 17 O Vt 0% W w N NOR W \0 N W Od OR la1 N w OR v o v 0 0 0 0 o v o 0 o e 0 0 a O VtO0 pp O V t O 0"0 4 0 0%011 8EMS N s OWO pN Wm Q. 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