194164194164 f COUNCIL FILE NO_ ________________________ LBy---------------------------------------------------------------- ` FINAL ORDER i In the Matter of constructing the sidewalk on both sides of Victoria St. from Larpenteur Avenue to Nebraska Ave, council File No. 194184 — In the matter of constructing the sidewalk on both sides of Victoria St. from Larpenteur Avenue to Nebraska Ave., under Preliminary Order 192371, approved May 19, 1959. A public hearing having been bad . upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having all persons, objections and �nl,`ions relative thereto, and ' : ;' l;on °�e^ir?ered the same; under Preliminary Order --------- 92371 ----------------------- a PProved -=---------- �aY-- 19�-- ------------ f Intermediary Order ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------- ---- - - - - -a PP roved t __ - .. - - _ '.` . - - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upen due notice, ahtl the Qouncil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative :therWi and shaving fully;considered, the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the predsefffature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to construct •the sidewa "`on;'botli° sides of W Victoria St. from Larpenteur Avenue to Nebraska Ave *-, except whem good ands ff cient sidewalks now exist u: s and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------ ____ S _P• 3 01959 E ------------ - - - - -- f ) SEP 3 0 1959 Approved------------------------- File 56179 Councilma t��N RCY Councilman HO D ? Councilman �TINSON Councilman T O f Councilman Councilman EL Mayor • ILLON 2.55 2M 2 ----------------------------------------------- City Clerk. -------- - - - - -- Mayor. PUBLI9RW 16 - 6 - �5 1 .S CITY OF ST. PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4A-1 0 In the Ipatter of the construction of new sidewalk on both sides of Victoria Street from Larpenteur Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved May 19, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $9.50 per sq. ft. for 4" Monot Conc. walk. The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ Extra work at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 IM 8 -58 8 IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. II Subi. to Larpenteur Ave. and ex. I I I "Como" II $2500 $,5050 IIEly 70 ft s 12 I 3 I II I I I II IIExcept East 95 ft; part north of California Avenue of 13 13 I do 1425 8100 IlExcept East 108 ft; part south of California Avenue of 13 I 3 I do II 1100 5600 Except East 108 ft No. 50 ft of 16 1 3 I do II 750 6200 IlExcept East 108 ft; So. 50 ft. of I I iiNorth 100 ft. of 16 13 I do 750 5300 II Form B. B. 10 IM 8 -58 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL • ' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IM 1- D06CRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION land bldg. Subj, to Larpenteur Ave.-, and ex_ -f - Ely 70, ft; 2 3 "Como" - - - - x$2500 5050 Except East 95 ft; part north of _ California Ave.-of _ 3 _ _ 3 do f 25 8100 Except _East .108 _ft; part _So._ of 1 i_ California Ave. of _ - -- _ -- _- 3 3 do - 1100 - 5600 Except . East ..108 ft;-No. 50 - ft, of- 6- -3 _ _ - _ .. -_ do _ _ . -. - - - -. - - -75 0-- 6200 Except East 108 ft;-So. 50 ft of - - -- .- — - -- - -- - - - -f' North 100 ft. of __ _ _ __ -. -__ 6- _3 ,do 50 5300 Ex.- East 108 ft ;_So 50 ft. of No. 150 ft. of - - -- _ - 6 - 3 �. - -aO - - - -- - - - 750 5600 - Ex. East 100 ft. and Ex. No 15.0 f_t._6 3 - _ - _ do _ i '875 6600 enteur Ex. La Ave .. _. _ _ -- � - _ ; _ 1 _ 4 - - do _ _. � .- _ _ .. _ _ _ 11 �. 36 1 Part No. _of_California Ave. of _4 4 _ do 1525 1 Brusse Addition - _ _ 650_ 6400 No. 100 .ft. of E., 150 ft. of_ tot 5 and Ex. E. -.150 ft. and-Ex. So. 135 - - - ---- - - --- - _ ft; 5 4� „Como" -_ - 1350 3200 . So. 50 ft. of No. 150 ft. of E. 150.1ft. of 5 4_ - _600 4350 -do Ave.) _East 150_?t. _of_ _� _, _5 �4 __ __� do _. _ - I _ 650 4150 - Subj. to easement over So. 20 ft ;� the fol; Ex. 850 ft; W. 4: ft._of _ 2 _ _ 17 do , �. _, �- _7 4200__ So. 50 ft. of W.`200 ft. of 2 17 do 800 3800 _ _ No. 50 ft. of Lot 3 and No. 50 ft. of -W. 80 ft. of 1 do 8 0. 550 FORM e.,.11 TOTAL 1 ! C c CITY OF ST. PAUL N DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date �� �QS - Commissioner of Finance. n,P Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -68 8 I I LOT I BLOCK ADDITION I 11 ASSESSED AATIONII LAND BLDG. II So. 50 ft. of No. 100 ft. of fols I I I II IILot 3 and W. '80 ft. of 14 1 17 1 "Como" II $ 850 $6800 Ex. No. 100 fts the fol; Lot 3 and .1 I I II IIW. 80 ft. of 14 117 I do II 1700 3400 II Ex. E. 90.52 ft. and ex. So 153-86116 1 17 1 do II 750 4650 IIW. 50 ft. of So. 153.86 ft. of 16 1 17 1 do 825 4600 II Ex. So. 66.25 ft; Lot 1, No. 60 ft.1 I I II of Lot 3 and all of 12 1 12 1 do 11850 66 �ISub l. to Iowa Ave. and ex. No. 120 1 1 -- I� _ -�- 11 ft. and ex E. 97 ft; 13 112 1 do' 11 3.125 2800 [Ex. E. 146 ft-; No. 60 ft:. of 16 112 1 do 900 4550 1IEx. E. 146 ft. and ex. No. 60 ft. 16 112 1 do 11 1800 2800 I�11 1 1 1 Huebscherls Addition II 900 5050 I1 120 1 1 1 Ramsey Co. Minnesota II 900 5750 1I I1 I2 1 do II 900 7500 II 120 1 2 1 do I1 900 3800 II11 1 Riecks Addition, St. Paul, Mi.4. 925 7200 II 120 I I do 925 5200 !I 1 5 1 1 Riecks Copeland 11 900 6000 �I 161 1 do 11 900 6000 II I I I 11 1I1 TOTAL 11 $45025 $2239150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date �� �QS - Commissioner of Finance. n,P Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -68 8 J/ u ' J/ Victoria St. - LLarpenteur to Nebraska - both sides 7 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE May 21 19.x9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 192371 , approved May 19th. , 19.i9—, relative to the eonstruction of new sidewalk on both sides of Victoria °St. from harpenteur Ave. to Nebraska r Ave• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is X necessary and (or)-desirable. sqe ft. for mono* cone, walk 4" 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 0.50 per/ , and the total cost thick. thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: Extra work(Excay., fill, cone. rem'd, root cutting, drive crossing s, etc. )at extra cost. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. Initiated by the Comm, of Public Works. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ctI cp ��1V6 r\i Commissioner of Public Works t3 959 4 cr) i��r� s� �� ��� ��-K -2 7�2uG, �JU� lqql6 k7, 42;r. i ya37i �p 3EP 14'1 G �� 3 To Mr. A. Winkle, Comm. public works: We,'the undersigned property owners,. do hereby protest % 'P 3 the proposal of installing sidewalks on Victoria between Larpenteur and Nebraska: I 1 11 i 1 t�9. 3 D Z1210. U C /4, 30 96 ''emu,"` To Mr.A.Winkle, Comm. public works: 3;"2- 3 �y We,�the undersigned property owners, do hereby protest the proposal of installing sidewalks on`Victoria between Larpenteur and Nebraska: Jq NO C ' To Mr.A.Winkle, Comm. public works: v ;�e-j a? We,;'the undersigned property owners, do hereby protest the proposal . of installing sidewalks on Victoria. between Larpenteur and Nebraska: �v- 2,3 F StcL J To hr. A. Winkle, Comm. public worms: c. G�� /.9z3�� We,Ahe undersigned property owners, do hereby protest the proposal of installing sidewalks on Victoria between Larpenteur and Nebraska: --- F�5 • , ,, jja�r, L CY ! /V' & _e_ �' I r 4 r June 17th 1959 City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, City Hall, St. Paul 2, Minn. ATTENTION: MR. SIMAC Dear Sir: In our original letter to the Department of Public Works, dated January 6th, 1959, we stated that Victoria P.T.A. would favor installation of public sidewalks on Victoria Street, from Larpenteur Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. It was our intent to include the block extending from Nebraska to Arlington Avenue also. The mention of Nebraska was a clerical error, and we hope that this letter will serve to initiate action to include the above mentioned block. If this action is too late to be effective this year, please carry the request over to next year. Sincerely, VICTORIA P.T.A. BOARD Mrs. John Krey, Correspphding Secretatly 897 W. Hoyt Ave. i f '• - .. • -. - ^• ' ' Gnu ? s . fi. � . _ - �_ - _ _ .. �• • r • - • ]� � ♦ "qti � T j f ] a1F� �t,��V '�' 1j -F SI 1�/ it w;' `�` .a� ..'. ii - _JG,Z�Y•j ` • - - f- •• .. "^ ` '- _ � - �ar. ::1 .. ..1 l.f'�V"iM� lF .r_ f- '4 -' .. , ` ' +' 4 �• .. _ .�•'•yi �jG•+ •r • -• • -_. - - ' ',. • . . .s •. -�s, • -•�i. Y: •_ +! •1.� - /�'Yf �•i, 3• • � i/` .• ` -' � y.T •��'•r+a+d�.' -FF :S�`•¢:I _`.i�..ir.r•� i'.l_�- Y;i�.w- r- �.r- ' -��':� tl?r� 1 �t <3�!'� :ti `{ � • '` i 4_ ' ^'� •� r -- - .. - - - . ti V i i ?�` �'.- � T � �•. ii+. ? ti.. �a: `k r ',p: �: s':a + v, a ...i �,��.��• {i,? ?�G.a':�•,•d `��_'�_ rr i��`• ^. Sri_., �F+S�... -. d.x � ' • - •:.sr ,3 tiF.l, .`•atr _ - - .. - .. -'i.�_ '•� +lax•. �'.f13.�.t }: _a. ?�:�w; �- - "•r+. �.c l � .�` , • �.I lt, -.�. 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[ , - - +r. °1 a _ ` yt ►ti'�'F •g ie� .z �• •S'' r�, p •i.. •.�1 ;'' .1• } __. -i* r _ - -.1: 2 ".Ip fl-I-) v- p RLrt �' Sipiiibim' ~28# vs • •. - - ' F" is r =+ - r -- - _ _ •, L i '• `" ,•� .. i sil. � e, - y . • g %"'. l iii- M�'y KrWth � � a r` ter` :T 1634 TVO.`' s K1'1uth Receipt U.- Agkribiaidgid 6, your 1 :tter °o , Septa f' 26fih•' c- oncernii g. --tiie=`cojnstrvction' of; the -idawa k,'`i: Viai(s rii ltrbraiks to,L'arpijiit4oi. ; `.. 'I ippi mciata- gi iAving. _tha; ihfor"tioti ,dbfttAin d 'i',yiir lyet; and' aia- ef:11t'rT�iigt.d the City Clerko: _ r hour OXpireisioh ' of opinion sari `bt brqught to ths`-- v, #b�ntf on' of ;. all _ of th i.r mob" yr of_ ' Ahe City. - Council._:. , -4 w - - •� N s . .. `'_ ., -f -. ' . -' ,- -^ _ Lam+ - • -r.-. _.� . _- , . . .. _ ADRI4W . Carr ais8ionaV .Of .Pub :;.ik0� = _ �yrw • S AM bj ., Y •` .• _ f` — M _ x+ ?'•T _- a- ': - C ••v L - - �•• - L -_' � t .,�r } ' .. .- ti •ri .�' • f ,, •.- . 1634 No. Victoria St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 26, 1959 Commissioner Winkel, Mayor Dillon, and other members of the City Council; Gentlemen: In regards to the construction of sidewalks on both sides of Victoria see the necessity are so few people We feel that it w neighborhoods anf ride bicycles and from Nebraska to Larpenteur. We cannot of walks from Idaho to Larpenteur as there that would be using them in this area. Duld merely give children from other from outside the city limits a place to coast their wagons. Bearing these things in.mind it would seem to us that this additional expense to us at thisItime is not justified. Respectfully, William C. Knuth g Z Alice H. Knuth Property Owners, 1634 No. Victoria