194152ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - COUNCIL x1.915 • CITY OFCp t�onile No. 194152 --By Robert F. FILE N OFFICE OFT Resolved, That the budget of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dis- tract for the year 1960, heretofore sub - muted to this COf 1 listing and Itemizing the sum of X517,233.79 as the PRESENTED BY apportioned share of the City of Saint COMMISSIONER— A_•or_said District's Operation and i ier c FI penes, the sum of ri ned share of �z:�_ntstalr^"- 4xR• RESOLVED, That the budget of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the year 1960, heretofore submitted to this Council, listing and itemizing the sum of $517,233.79 as the apportioned share of the City of Saint Paul of said District's Operation and Maintenance Expenses; the sum of $74,485.77 as the apportioned share of the City of Saint Paul of said District's Capital Additions Costs; and the sum of $48,508.00 as the City of Saint Paul Sewer Rentals Collec- tion and Billing Expenses, together with the separate item in the sum of $65,000.00 as the City of Saint Paul's Inter- ceptor Sewers Maintenance Expense for said calendar year, be and the same and sa ch items of expense and costs are hereby approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That sewer rental charges scheduled and prescribed under prior Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 188841, adopted and approved August 21, 1958, and thereby provided to be made and levied against property within and without the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, respectively, served by said Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District,-shall--be and- -said sewer rental-charges-hereby are continued in op re at "ve force and eff ect therefor, and hereby are scheduled and prescribed.�as the sewer rental charges to be made and levied, as applicable, against property served by said District for the year 1960, all with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said prior resolution had, by its express language, so provided; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be authorized and directed to forward forthwith a certified copy of this Resolution to the Board of Water Commissioners, and a certified copy to the Board of- Trustees of the Minneapolis- Saint,.Paul Sanitary District. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 a8 SEP � 91959 Adopted by the Council 19 ,S-'EP a 9 1959 Approved ` 19 n Favor " da&I"'. � Mayor gainst PUBLT.SHED LA — : " rj JP OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 23, 1959 9 14 1 S2" JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution in accordance with the recommendation of the Council's Technical Committee to the effect that the schedule of sewer rental charges now in effect as established by CbundilnFile No. 188841 be continued iSfeffect until 1960. Attached hereto for your information is a copy of C.F. 108841. Very rely your it .Clerk C� I 1 fiv -%- 0N --, • r 07 JUL 2 3 1c,59 UORATION COUNSEL r �f f MINNESOTA. 8<D- .y July 169 1959 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madam: The budget of the Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary District for the year 1960 has Veen submitted to the City of St. Paul for the establish- ment by the City of sewer rental rates for 1960. The present system of sewer rental charges was originally designed to take care of operation and maintenance costs with capital costs resulting from the construction of the Sanitary District Plant financed through the tax structure of the City. Previous to 1955, additional capital expenditures were relatively minor an'd were paid for out of the serer rental fund. However; in 1955, 1956 and 1957 the total capital expenditure budget of the District totaled $54,067, while the actual expenditures exceeded this amount by $104,750. This acted to destroy the balance in the serer rental fund of mat. Paulo In 1958, the Technical Committee recommended that capital outlay be financed by the issuance of additional Sanitary District bondso The Corporation Counsel has conferred with bond attorneya and an opinion has been received that the city may issue Sanitary District bonds for capital expenditures not,yet financed, but cannot issue such bonds for the capital expenditures for the years 1955 through 1957 which were paid from sewee rental funds. At the present time there is an unfunded capital outlay of $12 754.71 remaining from 1958, and approuimately 464 000 for 1959• The 9t. Paul share of the ca ital outlay budget of the ganitary District for 1960 amounts to 6749859 making a total capital outlay requirement of $1519240.48. The 1959 budget of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for operation and maintenance is $453,283. In addition, there is a bucket estimate of $44,560 for Water Department collectioncosts and $65,000 for interceptor sewer maintenance in the Public Works Department, making a total budget requirement of $562,843 to be financed from sower rental. The experience of the first five months of 1959 indicates that the total actual requirement for this year will approximate $5309094 and that the total sever rental collections will approximate $552,63. As of Januar 19 1959, there was a deficit in the sewer rental fund of_$349610.6�. Based upon the above estimates of the expenditures and collections this deficit dill be reduced to $121068 by the end of the year 195j. The 1960 budget of the Sanitary District for 0 r The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council July 16, 1959 Page 20 St. Paul for operation and maintenance amounts to $517,234•, and the budget estimate for Water Department collection costs is M1508. Assuming continuation of the provision for interceptor server maintenance at its present $65 ?000 amount, the total sewer rental budget requirements for 1960 will be $630,742. The addition of new connections in St. Paul and also in the suburbs where sewer connections are now being made will result in increased collections during 1960. In viers of the existing conditions, your committee recommends: to That the capital expenditure budget in the amount of $71+91+85 be financed by the issuance of additional Sanitary District bonds of the City of St. Paul, and that a total of $1509000 of such bonds be issued to care for the balance remaining in 1958 expenditures and the years 1959 and 19600 2. That the schedule of sewer rental charges now in effect as established in Council File No. 18881+19 approved August 219 19589 be continued in effect for 19600 EFJ:v Respectfully submitted TECHNICAL CQMMITTE Alf,ro Ho Schroeder, Chairman (Ci y Architect) 1/ GL� Edwin F. Jone Secmtary (Utilities Engineer) TrLplleatG to the Comptroller - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEUNCIL NO. 188841 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, The Technical Committee, in its report to the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, dated July 30, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, has outlined the necessity for increased sewer rental rates for 1959; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the recommendation contained in the aforementioned report of its Technical Committee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the basis for computation for sewer rental charges to covdr operation and maintenance expenses of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, to be made and levied against property served by the said District with respect to property lying within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul as well as property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by the sewage disposal system of the City of Saint Paul effective January 1, 1959, shall be in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon -,_57 2 Meter Size Sewer Rental Charge 5/8 $ 4.40 3/4 5.60 1 10 "'00 1 1/4 13.20 1 1/2 20.40 2:: 46.80 3 100.80 4 242.40 6 470.40 8 806.40 10 1142.40 12 1572,00 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— Mayor }•+ i _ - .'1 - .• -• ;� _ . - • -. - . -,j. a :4- , ..° ; 'L_. s •• .�, - .__ •ter r� s - _ _lit •:� - •FS - �,,: ., � •*, 1 { - -- ,, _ - L' .. , t•= " • : F r' _;• FURTHER RESOLVED, , That •'sewer rental' cha'rgo's -be made and levied " s against property lying outside_ the coip_ orate" limits, -of the City• of ,faint ` - Paul' and served 'by ;its• "sewage disposal system shall, -in -addition' to being _ subject._;to tfie' foregoing' schedule' of rental charges,:'be also sub jest -to s,7, ` - ` the additi�rigl` sewer;.rental ebarges. -to.be "made -and levied against= such ' " property (to compensate for `capital` expenditures cost levied iri, the form _ of taxes on property ;within the - corporate limits of ihe"'City of -Saint Paul)' -- in : accord'ance with the ..f ollowiiig : schedule, to -wits _ • i. `.. Meter, °Size . ' - .' Sewer. Rental :'Ch_arge -4,00` R'= t17 - ' _ '•1 , 7.' = 9.00 • _ - - •,r � : •, : _ -, 1 1�4•^ .. � - .: _ • . - 12.00 :_, F : rs• o ' •, ' - • - y� ;- 1 1�2 's "" i ' " ` ' 18400 _ " 2 �± :, A 42400. } 90.00. ,. r :216:00 6 420:00 �.,• ` .. .• •r:. - ,. t .M Y. $ 720.00 - '' -" 7.0 x11020,00- '14044.00 f� • •. ;' -b@ •'-i,ti L a : y ' J ` N •�' : - .. •- _ ' .: ' . - - -: T:c ;• f (. FURTHER RESOLVED;', That' `the foregoing - schedules of sewer, rental • ti i 4 charges shall be' `exclusive -of ,aiXi 'distinguished -,from sewer '!'Annual Charges " - ' L - e_ lsewhere : provided' f or.; be • it �- FURTHER-- RESOLVED ;' -Tt — ,-prov-isigns -'of =ordinance 'No. 7958. approved_ , -October 25. 193,% as amended,, iiicluding;'amendment by'Ordi.riance No 8359. ; approved ;April 2;.;1942•, shall 'govern the collection of 'said rental'.charges_ "and the use of the - monies obtainedi, and such'charges shall be collected from'the' property liable - therefor as. determined by said: ordinance; be it _ FURTHER`RESOLVED' That 'the resolution adopted by the Council' , Ju1y-39 1952-,'•C: F. No: 1.60722,• 'is hereby modified 'and superseded by the- _ terms of this' resolution; be., it _ _ 4f _ , �.7IJRTHER RESOLVED, That C: }F: No. x188557,' -a' resolution adopted by ' -this'C.ouncil. as of August_,l,' ,1958, is_ iii its- entirety revoked 'and repealed; V. } ti be; it • -,r• r - - ',. .. - ''3 '•• - y _k.- F'7 .a •,1.1 .4 -,w' -f= a5 or.' ~ "Yi .. .. -. •- in -, •7 {,•i1 �L � ;�•_ • , - �. -•_ ,. ' - ' __ F: eh`'• -• .• ±... - � _ r 4�: R ° sf„., i' .��� .�3?4 t. :'r- �Pif { ,9l •� '2i� .4. _-t ,,5, �•. ';' y - _ ... - , : • •- • k- _. _ , ,. •. ol'' _ Wiry ry! •► �kJ _. • :ID ''.Y - -` i - - `' j IC 1. OfY � _i •. ,, •a ..• _ �;.,tr''.v.' �it _ .e •p• •�.i� -t: _.4 ' .. � t�_ w. 3i'- •r,._ : Tri,fi.t6 to .the Comptroller - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 188841 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FINALLY RESOLVED. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul and a certified copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland ibodkU Peterson Mr. President, Dillon 57 QP 2 - 5 Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council August 21.195$. Approved August 21-195b- Its 74 KERWIN L. MICK. %, PHONE: PR. 1.8845 D. D. WOZNIAK CHIEF ENOINRgR AND SUPERINTWDENT ATTORNEY MINNEAPOLIS - SAINT'PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT P. O. BOX 3598 CHILDS ROAD V/j SAINT PAUL 1 .. MINNESOTA BOARD'OF TRUSTEES ROBERT A. OLSON, CHAIRMAN, DULUTH LOUIS J. BARTSCHER, MAYOR P. KENNETH PETERSON, VICE- CHAIRMAN, MINNEAPOLIS ExECUTIVE SECRETARY LAWRENCE RYLANDER, CORPORATE SECRETARY, ST. PAUL June 23, 1959 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONER ROBERT F. PETERSON, ST. PAUL TO THE SECRETARY UNLESS MAYOR JOSEPH E. DILLON, ST. PAUL OTHERWISE REQUESTED ALDERMAN BYRON F. NELSON, MINNEAPOLIS HAROLD J. KAUTH, MINNEAPOLIS The City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Attention Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk Gentlemen: The undersigned, Louis J. Bartscher, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, does hereby certify that the budget hereto attached is a detailed budget of the needs of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the operation and maintenance of said Sanitary District and for capital additions contained therein, for the calendar year 1960; that the same has been prepared by the Board of Trustees of said District and was duly adopted by said Board of Trustees at a meeting of said Board, duly held on the 22nd day of June 1959• LJB:f Enc. Respectfully yours, For the Board of Trustees Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District !-Yr! tsche� Executive Secretary s i I, Louis J. Bartscher; Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District at a meeting of Said Board of Trustees on June 22, 1959• Dated: June 23, 1959 ExecutAve Secretary I I �8 c MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 89.3 PRESENTED FE BY Dillon DATE-June 22A 199 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET OF TIM, NEEDS OF THE MINNEAPOLIS - SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE or SAID SANITARY DISTRICT AS WXLL AS POR CAPITAL ADDXTIONS CONTAINED THEREIN FOR THE CALENDAR TEAR JANUARY 19 1960 TO DECEMBER 31, 1960 WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Hinneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, heretofore on the 13th day of November 1933, adopted a• comprehensive plan and pro - gram of procedure and work for the collection, treatment, and disposal of the savage and waste neteriales of said Sanitary District with all necessary maps, plats, sur- veys, and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system, all in the manner and form as by law required, and WHEREAS, It is both urgent and necessary that provision be now made for the financing of the operation and maintenance of such sewerage disposal system. for the calendar year commencing January 1, 1960 and ending December 319 1960, and WHEREAS, On July 13, 1944, the date of the expiration of the ten -year period from and after the commencement of construction of the sewage disposal system of the Sanitary District, the law required and has ever since required that apportion- ment of operating cost, maintenance, and repair of said joint or common sewers and of the treatment and the disposal workx and appurtenances thereto, shall be all.o- eated in the proper proportion to each city within said District on the basis of the total annual volume of sewage contributed by each city as the same shall be measured or eattmated, and MEREAS9 Measurement or accurate estimate of such Volume for the year 1960 cannot be made until the and of said year In the budget herewith submitted, said proportion has been estimated as accurately as in practicable at this time, and WNFAEAS, The apportionment of cost for capital additions provided for in this budget shall be allocated in the proper proportion to each city within said District on the sewage volume basis, the ease basis usek for apportioning the costs of operation and maintenance, in accordance with snactment bar the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, $ession Lawa of 1953. Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, By the Board elf Trustees of the Mi.nneap0.:4s -Saint Paul Sanitary District as followees l,. That the operation and maintenance budget, filed in the office of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District and dated June 22, 19,59 and marked "Exhibit A," including the capital additions provided for in Schedule 0 thereof, be and it is adopted. j ' • 8 MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 893 TRUSTEE BY Dillon DATE June 22, 1959 2. That it is hereby found, determined, and declared that the needs of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1960, for the purposes of operation, maintenance, and capital outlay is the aggregate sure of $10219097.47; and it is further found, determined, and declared that of said total amount of $1,3219097.479 the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Minneapolis is $729077.919 and the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Saint Paul is $591,719.56. 3. That each of said citiea,'respectively, is hereby directed to raise funds sufficient to meet the foregoing respective amounts for the purposes afore- said either by tax levies, bond sales, sewer rental charges, or by any other methods within the authoritative reach of each of said cities. 4. That insofar as the coat of operation, saintenanee, and capital outlay is concerned at the close of the year 1960, the proportionate volume of sewage contributed by each city for that year be measured or further esti- mated, and the final basis of apportionment of such cost be readjusted in accordance with such final determination.- 5. That if, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, it becomes necessary in order to carry out the purposes of operation and maintenance of said system and provide for the capital additions contained therein, that funds be transferred from one item of the budget to another item, the Board of Trustees of said District, by a majority vote of all the members of said Board, may authorize and make such transfer. 6. That the Executive Secretary of the Minneapoli.a -Saint Paul Sanitary District is hereby directed to file one properly certified copy of the aforegoing budget with the Council of the City of Saint Paul and one with the Common Council of the City of Minneapolis for approval. TRUSTEES Yeas 6 0 Nayes DILLON KAUTH 6 In favor NELSON ABSENT* P. K. PETERSON none Against R. F. PETERSON RYLANDER CHAIRMAN OLSON Adopted by the Board June 22 19-5-9 E I, Louis J. Bartscher, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District at a meeting of said Board of Trustees on June 22, 1959 Dated: June 23, 1959 ExecuXiVe Secretary G r �g MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 894 TRUUSSTEE BY DMOU DATA= June 22, 1959 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET AND FOR THE RE- APPROPRIATION OF PONDS 01` MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT FOR CAPITAL ADDITION PURPOSES FOR THE CALENDAR IEAR JANOAa 1, 1960 TO DECWBER 31, 196© WHEREAS, The Hoard of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul ` Sanitary District, heretofore, on the 13th day of November 1933, adopted a comprehensive plan and program of procedure and stork for the collection, treatment, and disposal of the *swage and waste materials of said Sanitary District with all necessary maps, plats, surreys, and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system, all in the manner and fort as by law required, and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of this Sanitary District here - tofor*$ on the 23d day of Juno 19589 adopted a detailed budget of the needs of said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year 1959, and WHEREAS, Schedule G, the Capital Additions and Major Replace- ments portion of maid budget provided funds to be expended on the District's Program of Research and Investigation, and WHEREAS, Said budget was modified or amended on the 11th day of December 195$, and again on the 23d day of February 19.59, in an effort to expedite certain portions of said Research Program, and WHEREAS, There may be some unexpended funds at the close of the year in Schedule 0 of said budget which, in the public inter- est., can be harried over into 1960 and used to accelerate the Research Program either by supplementing funds provided in the 1960 budget or to begin work on other portions of said Research Program for which funds have not been provided. Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary Districts as follows: /, y RESOLUTION NO. 894 MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE BY Dillon DATE June 22, 1959 1. That all monies budgeted for the Program of Research and Investigation in Schedule 4, the Capital Additions and Major Replacements portion of the 1959 budget, be and they are hereby re-appropriated and made available for lawful expenditure during the balance of the calendar year 1959 and during the calendar year 1960 for the purposes set forth in the comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the colleetion, treatmento and disposal of the sewage and waste materials of said Sanitary District as adopted November 13, 19339 and as subsequently modified or amended. 2. That the Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District is hereby directed to file one properly certified copy of this resolution with the Council of the City of Saint. Paul and one with the Common Council of the City of Minneapolis for approval.. TRUSTEES Yeas 6 DILLON 0 Nayes KAUTH NELSON ABSENT— P. K. PETERSON R. F. PETERSON RYLANDER CHAIRMAN OLSON 6. In favor None Against Adopted by the Board June 22 19 59 orate � 0 1 C�L