194123ORIGINAL TO°CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE Council- File No. 194123 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson— , p Robert F. Peterson— 1 9 't 123 Resolved, That licenses applied for CITY OF ST. PA by the persons named on the list IL NO. attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the OFFICE OF THE CIT City Clerk 'is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the 9 COUNCIL RESOLUTION G City treasury of the required, fees. 29Adoptdd by the Council September PRESENTED BY Approved September 29, 1959. COMMISSIONE 1 ' (October 3, 1959) 2 1959 - � J RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses 'stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Peter Bilotte If 259 -61 University "Snyder Drug Store, Inc. 403 -9 Robert rr n n n Fred Merrill " Carroll Revoir n n n Lawrence E. Koutz It Midway Sausgge Co. n Alexander Q. Wong it 467 St. Peter n Restaurant App.1203Ren. Cigarette 0 Il If Restaurant If 182311 Confectionery 11 " Hardware App. If n Cigarette " " " Restaurant If 2110" Cigarette " " " 327 Thomas Restaurant If 2132" " On Sale Malt" " t1 " Off Sale Malt 0 If If Cigarette App." If 539 Rice Restaurant 11 215911 f1 Cigarette it If If 216 -18th Ave. N.Mpls.Foods MP DW " 224211 " 2V #219 -1 &2 n If n 1611 University Restaurant If 2357" " Cigarette If 11 n Edward G. Raverty n George A. Sherwood If Walter Gag " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 900 E. 7th If 661 N. Dale n 1136 Rice If Tn Favor Against TV Master If 2626" 1 Serviceman" 11 " TV Master If 263711 1 Serviceman" If " Confectionery" 2767" Cigarette App." 11 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEhK 194123 LICENSE • COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Sept. 2 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE p / Contd. Page 2 Joseph Pillis 1104 Ri ce n Ldy. —DC P1t.App.2784Ren VM Loc. " n n Branch C. Paulson & John R. Rain Gas Sta.2P " "2928`11 n 510 E. 7th Gen. Re Gar. VM Loc. App." " Cigarette " " " Flave Foods Products 120 W. Broadway Foods MPDW " 298511 n Mpls. 1V #5 -1 n n n North Side Bakeries, Inc. 1815 Plymouth N. Foods MPDW " 2990" " Mpls. 1V #146 -1 Henry Yep 894 Payne Ldy. —DC Plt." 2991" Independent Packing Co. 209 -11 N. 5th Foods MPDW " 2999" " Mpls. 4V #43 —i -4 n n a National Biscuit Co. 749 Stinson Blvd. Foods MPDW " 1013" Mpls. 16V #93 -1 -16" " Everfresh Noodle Corp. 501 Huron SE Foods MPDW " 3029" " Mpls. 1V #18 -1 n n w Sunshine Creamery Co. 2932 Stinson Blvd. S. od$ MPDW p �035p Mpls. 3V #4-1-3 Phil Malat Co., Inc. 226 -9 -30 N. 6th Foods MPDW 11 303711 " Mpls. 3V #3A -1 -3 n a n Heinbockel Produce Go. 121 -3 N. 6th Foods MPDW n 3048" " Mpls. 2V #97 -1 -2 n n " Hoppy's Industries, Inc. 16 E. Hennepin Foods MPDVJ " 3050" 11 Mpls. 2V #181 -1 -2 j=Xg=gzx Halverson Candy & Tobacco Co. Foods MPDW " 3051" " 1017 W. 24th Mpls. 2V #42 -1 -2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 Tn Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL N FILE 1 941-23 -PRESENTED I NEYR DATE Sept. 29, 19,x_ Contd. Page 3 Russell Miller Milling Co.Midland Bk. Bldg. If Mpls. Continental Baking Co. 1200 3rd. Ave. S. " Mpls. Nelson Drugs, Inc. 896 Payne Melvin Groetsch & Walter Schulz " 505 Park " n H n Jarado Schiavino 999 Rice King Midas Flour Mills if Regan Bros. Co. n Dutch Bar, Inc. Zinsmaster Baking Co. fl Irwin & Wm. Rosen Joseph Anderson G.O. Virkus n John Roberts n Foods MPDW App OWRen ew 2V #62 -1 &2 " If " Foods MPDW If 3059" 19v #14 -1 -19n If n Confectionery 3061" Cigarette App. 11 Gas Sta.3P " 3065" Gen. Rep. Gar. p " ' VM Loc. App." n Cigarette n n Ldy. -DC PU " 3074N 660 Grain Exchange Bldg. Foods MPDW 3o94" Mpls. 4v #41 -1 -4 App." n 643 N. 5th -Foods MPDW " 3095" Mpls. 5V #10 -1 -5 u n a 999 Rice 97 Sherburne ,n 229 W. Sycamore 912 Payne 170 N. Pascal n, 552 Rice - Tavern If 3101" Foods MPDW If 3109" 15v,#131 -1 -15 If a 2nd. Hd. Auto Pts.3109Ren.* Ldy. -DC P1t.App.3112Renew Foods 14PDW 2V #54 -1 -2 Restaurant Cigarette If 3114" n n 11 n X144" It It American Fruit & Produce Co. N919 S. 4th Mpls. Foods MPDW " 3151" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the o 119"1 -4 II n 19 " Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 In Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCILYA12 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 29, 195_ Contd.. Page Peoples Baking Corp. 1809 Plymouth N. Foods MPDW App.3154Renew It Mpls. PV #19 -1 -2 H n n Fairfax Parsons Packing Co. 418 3rd. N. Foods MPDW " Mpls. 1V #91 -1 Old Home Creameries, Inc. 340 5th Stood MP DW Mpls. V -1 -4 Okents Inc. 1011 Washington S. " Mpls. Gabriel Martin Baking Co. 4o8 E. 18th 11 Mpls. Margaret Jordan 1229 Rice Howard Hendricks, Jr. 843 Rice Karl Kaiser 1124 E. 7th Mrs. Jane M. Humm 924 W. 7th It n Joseph Knoldgen n Sweeney Cleaners, Inc. Kramm's, Inc. n H Alma B. Cinclair a n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 616 Rice III 115 W. 7th 524 N. Snelling It 43 S. Cleveland a n n In Favor Against Foods MPDW 2V #52 -1 -2 Foods MPDW 1V #l39 -1 Catering Grocery Ldy. -DC PU Restaurant Cigarette Foods MPDW 1V #74 -1 It 3155" H 9 n n X15711 It 11 3162" n H � t1 3164n n a H n 3197" It .320811 " 3216" n 32301 H 3257M Ldy. -DC Plt." 327111 Grocery 11 3273" Butcher n n n Cigarette n n a Grocery " 332911 Butcher Off Sale Malt a n Cigarette App." n Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEIRK s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 29, 1959 Contd. Page 5 Reubin Kesein 907 Buffalo Grocery App.1334Renew Butcher " " a n Off Sale Malt Ci tt A n a Milton L. VanBuskirk 1571 University Joseph Dahl 29 W. 6th n n Eleanor A. Chartier 205 N. 1st Nat. Bk. Fred J. Robinson 463 Wabasha Norman Kennedy & A.W. Lake 234 W. 9th Midway Ford Co. (SD Corp.) 1934 University Anheuser Busch, Inc. 2264 University n n Benjamin H. Proffitt H n n Sidney Lasky a H n Mrs. Sarah Kohl George T. Hammond H H n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 QP0.8 1202 N. Snelling a H n 2048 Marshall If n n gare a pp. Barber " 3340" Grocery " 3375" Cigarette Beauty Shop " 3376" Pawnbroker " 3379" Gen. Rep. Gar. 3380" VM Loc. APp•3391" Foods MPDW " 3392n 2V #87 -1 -2 n n n Gas Sta.5P " 407" ATM Loc. " n Cigarette " " " Cig. VM Oper.1M 3407" Grocery APP-3417" Butcher Off Sale Maltn Cigarette 595 Portland Rest Home -N.0 3419" 999 -1001 Selby Restaurant " 3425" " On Sale Malt" a If a Off Sale Malt" H H " Bowling 10A " " Cigarette " Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 �n Favor Mayor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL �� FILE NO. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE' Sept. 24 � 1959 Con • rage 0 A. Jean Osterass 1071 W. 10th Dance Hall App.3449Renew Harold & Evelyn Becker 14 E. 4th Beauty Shop " 3450" Anna Fralhner 404 Midland Bldg. fl " 3451" Veda J. Andrews & Ella Anderson 790 Grand " " 34740 Vern P. Borman 982 Selby VM Loc. " 3483" Hartzell Mfg. Co. 2516 Wabash " n 349211 Union Gospel Mission Assn. 235 E. 7th Restaurant 0 349611 Minn. Amusement Co. 22 W. 7th Mot. Pic.1946S 3501" " " Confectionery n 11 11 p R.J. & W.S. Aird Marion N. Stone n 754 Grand 61.4 Rondo fl Grand Ave. Hardware Co., Inc. 1676rGrand II 11 Texaco, Inc. Arnold B. Stillwell n n Charles A. Schoonover fl , Eleanor Morin COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 662 Cromwell 2067 Grand H H III 571 N. Snelling 169 N. Chatsworth �n Favor Against Cigarette Hardware " 3513" Pool Hall 5T" 3516" VM Loc. 11 11 11 Hardware 11 352111 Elec. App, Rep. " fl VM Loc. APP-3539" Gas Sta.8P 11 1545" Gen. Rep. Gar. " VM Loc. Cigarette Dlr. Rep. Gar- 3549" VM Loc. App.11 11 Beauty Shop f1 35541' Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor X4123ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL Nil LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY Sept. 29 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE ! Contd.' Page 7 Paul Schnaidt 1154 Selby Beauty Shop App.�567Renew " " Barber 11 " Helen & Lloyd Stipe II Roy Milnar Edna Maroney H.H. Walters 254 Oleasant n 705 W. 7th 1045 Grand 1041 Grand Florist -N. " 3576" 1V #12 -1 n 1 " Barber 11 3577" Beauty Shop " 3589" Orig. Cont. If 3590" Albert Koepke 326 Cedar Restaurant " 3593" Caroline D. Murphy 923 Selby Beauty Shop " 3613" Hamm Brewing Co. 720 Payne Bev. Al. & NA1. 3619" Benjamin, Doris & Irving Silverberg 34 E. Fillmore Junk Dlr. 3622" Arvid G. Nelson $n 902 -4 Payne Gen. Rep. Gar. 3626" Mabel Rogalla n Wm. & Emil Dey n Jack C. Peterson R. J, Heyne If 960 rPayne If 1215 N. Dale If 789 Rice 160 N. Kent if White Bear Floral Shop 3550 Hwy. #61 If n Ruben Berg Ellis L. Johnstone COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 Florist -N. 1V #7 -1 Florist -N. 2V #4 -1 -2 Cigarette App-362911 11 n " If 3630" If " n " n n Florist -N. 11 3643" 1V #22 -1 If II If Florist -N. 11 3651" 1V #38 -1 n If n 774 Selby Gen. Rep. Gar. 365411 4 Levee Rd. App-3§�7" 7 5 Adopted by the Council lr. SEP 2S9 � Y 1959 Approved 19 Favor VA4��L nMayor Against