194117RIGINAL TO CITY'CL RK Ir —�--�- CITY OF S1Co1ncil File No. 194117 -33� Adrian P. _ Win]cel- OFFICE OF THE under e1e The viCity of SaintrP 6491 COUNCIL RESOLUTIO M the ALaws e ti ���so a'ei9seq 54 and Adrian P. Winkel authorized, with the consent of the PRESENTED BY Commissioner of the Department of. COMMISSIONER IEploy Employment Security of he state of become, an employer pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Minnesota Empl oyment Security Law, M. S. A. Sec. 268,9¢, It seo. -� +^ WherearmoIJss "y�.ic s z6' bidtiou3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, under Chapter 549 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, 268.04, et seq. is authorized, with the con of the Department of Employment Security of to become an employer pursuant to the terms Minnesota Employment Security Law, M. S. A. and and and Bent the and Sec 19411'7 IL NO. by virtue of M. S. A. Sections of the Comm,ssioner State of Mesota, conditions / /of the 268.04, et aeq. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage under the Minnesota Employment Security Law to certain of its employees excluding, however, employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, in which Department there are numerous employees whose services are employed on-a ten month per year, school year, basis, with the consequence that extension of coverage to the aforesaid Board of Education would have the effect of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under the terms of�the Minnesota Employment Security Law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby voluntarily elects to extend coverage of the Minnesota Employment Security Law to employees of the City of Saint Paul, other than employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, the employees of the aforesaid Board of Education being expressly excluded from such elected coverage; provided., however, that the coverage elected f9r,-t employees of the City, other than the aforesaid employees of the Board of Education, shall not be extended to elected officials of the City nor to those persons who are employed by the City under the unclassified service and who are appointed for a fixed term pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to said unclassified service; and be. it , FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs- Joseph R. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 QRt.8 Approved 19 In Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO FILE Saint Paul, to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Department of Employment Security form MES -5908 (1/10/58), copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference; and be it 194117 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the obligations off' the City, by virtue of this election to come under the provisions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, and to further take such additional action as is required of them pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 549, Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Security Law, M. S. A. Sections 268.0+ et seq.; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the coverage hereby elected commence as of the first day of July 1958, providing the Commissioner of the Department of Employment Security consents thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson T2 Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 Tn Favor Against SE P 25 1959 Adopted by the Council- 19 SEEP 25 1959 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WI9REAS, the City of Saint Paul, under and. Chapter 549 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959., and 268.04, et seq. is authorized, with the consent of the Department of'Employment Security of the to become an employer pursuant to the terms and Minnesota Employment Security Law, M, S. A. Seo, and "".9411'7 COUNCIL NO. FILE by virtue of M. S. A. Sections of the Commissioner State of Minnesota, conditions of the 4 268.04, et seq. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage under the Minnesota Employment Security Law to certain of its employees excluding, however, employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, in which Department there are numerous employees whose services are employed on a ten month per year, school year, basis, with the consequence th�t extension of coverage to the aforesaid Board of Education would have the effect of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under the terms of the Minnesota Employment Security Law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint PaulYereby voluntarily elects to extend coverage of the Minnesota Employment Security Law to employees of the City of Saint Paul, other than employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, the employees of the aforesaid Board of Education being expressly excluded from such elected coverage; provided, however, that the coverage elected for. employees of the Oity, other than the aforesaid employees of the Board of Education, shall not be extended to elected officials of the City nor to those persons who are employed by the City under the unclassified service and who are appointed for a fixed term pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to said unclassified service; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs Joseph R. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 jjW8 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 In Favor Ma or Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA COUNCIL NO. FILE 3 :411'7 Saint Paul, to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Department of Employment Security form MES -590B (1/10/58), copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference; and be it FUR TM RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the obligations of the City, by virtue of this election, to come under the provisions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, and to further take such additional action as is required of them pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 549, Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and pursuant to the provi$ ions of the Minnesota Security Law, M. S, A. Segtions 268.04 et seq.1 and be it pILX RESOLVED, that it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the coverage hereby elected coramencte as of the first day of July 1958, providing the Commissioner of the Depar orient of 1 amplbyment Security consents thereto, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson In Favor RAWen-1 Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 SEP 25 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 ApprovOE ti 1959 19 Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT. PR CO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RE YTION—GENERAL FORM j • 0 MATC COUNCIL .9-94117 NO. FILE WRIUMS# the City of Swint Paul * undor and' by VIrtue of C44ptor 549 of the r*its'of m ta meso s 1959* and X# so AO section$' 268 04,0 eat 0041. Is authorited, with the C`orwont ot, the commidelonor or the DopArtmdnt of EmploymOint Security of the StAte of Miwesota* to beOOM an employer Pursuant to the terms and -conditions or the Minnesota gmplo;.kwat Security Zaw, "# S* A* Soo* M*04, of seq# and w9mmso it to the deist" Of the Counoil of, the City or mint Paul to fttend coverage under the Rinnsoota ftl►ywnt Security taw to certain of Its ft_px6yeft exdluUngs howawdro ftployeeb of the,Board of sdueation of the city of Wilt Paul'$ In which I Departmetit there are nu sous qmployeeis whoso borvidos are employed on a tft month per year,$ Ocho-01, ybar,, baislop With the conisequer,.wI0 that oxtenbion of covarage 'to 4 the afora&a rd of Education'Woxgd, . Wa havo tho orreat of almost doubling the potential liability or, thb City under the terms of the KUweaota Employmnt Security `Ithorefore a t� b, it J4 r ASSO•ROj- that the counau of the City of Saint Paul.hereoy voluntarily elects to 10tdrld OOVOftge of the -Minnesota Umploy"At .800urity Xaw to Opployeea of- tho'City of Saint Paul, other tban i e-mloyees Of the Board Of Sdua4tlon of the City pf Saint paul,# h& em of th6 atore 9ftoation belng expressly p said Board Of T ",,T *Koluded ftvm euch oleaWd covemga) Provided*, howsvoro that the aqvoftgo eleoW for employee 0 .6 of the City othor than the atorenald empl9yeets of the Ward of 9duoatI000 aball not be. extended to 6160ted Oftiplalsof the Oit-7 nor'tb those persons who are employed by the City un0or the unclabelfted sorvioe and who are appointed for a fl term pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Sint Paul partaInIng to bald unclassified earvide; and be It City . I p - PURTOR MOURAt %hat the �ounolj of the City-or Saint Paul hereby directs joseph R. qkOfteki, the City 0jork of the City of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 e 8 — In Favor — Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved .19— Mayor 1, �; z It -1-94117 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -DATE Saint Paul, to exooutos on bobalf of the City or wwit Paul, the Minnesota Departmont of 146ploymont SeouritY tom M-4'590a (X/10­//­5§)A. dopy of Whiff 18 hor6t.0 attadhed and madO. a Wt herdot by retereudej #Ad bo It, AMM IMSOOM that the proper City off' Iders are hereby authorized and d1rooted to p4y the Obligationo0f the City4� by Virtub'dr this 0106tion too undoIr-the 'provlolonb of the Xinneopta Employment SedUrity Law, wid to tM*th6r ti 6uoh additional aotion as to rd4U1%V4 or them Purisuant to the proms visions of Chapter 549,b ZWO of Minnebotajs 19594, and purbutmt to the provIsibno of tho Xl=e$04 Sedur V. It* Z4WP M O i. 0* A* SOU46 268.'1,04 et o6q* j, dnd be it VIM= M500 0o that It 10 the dealft Of thO Counoll of the City of Sa!,nt Paul t tho. doverago .he by aleato* oom*n0o as of the first day of Ot4y 19$8, providIng the COMM160ioner of t" Departnont Of kmp�oywnt- 800urity *Oneonta thereto, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson —Rasen-, Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 a qW8 In Favor Against SEP 2 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19- Approv&F P 2 5 1 -9 -5 @ 19— Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 194117 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, under and by virtue of Chap r 59 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and M. S. A. Sections 268.0, t seq. is authorized, with the consent of the Commissioner of the De rtment of Employment Security of the State of Minnesota, to become a employer pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Minnesota Emp ent Security Law, M. S. A. See. 268.04, et seq. and WHEREAS, it is he desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend covers under the Minnesota Employment Security Law to certain of its a loyees excluding, however, employees, of the Department of Public fety and employees of the Board of Education of the City of int Paul, in which Departments there are numerous employees whoa services are employed by the City on a ten month per year bass with the consequence that extension of coverage to the aforesaid partment of Public Safety and Board of Education would have the of at of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under the rms of the Minnesota Employment Security Law; now, therefore be i MOLVBD, that the Council of a City of Saint Paul hereby voluntarily elects to extend coverage of the Minnesota Employment Security Law to employees of the City Saint Paul, other than employees of the Department of Public ety and employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint ul, the employees of the aforesaid Department of Public Safety d Board of Education being expressly excluded from such elected verage; provided, however, that the coverage elected for emplo Nat the City, other than the aforesaid employees of the De of Public Safety and the Board of Education shall not ded to elected officials of the City nor to those•persons who mployed by the City under the unclassified servic6 and who inted for a fixed term pursuant to the provisions of the of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to said unclassified servic�; and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s•sa 2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE .9411'7 FURTHER RESOLVED, t t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs. Jose R. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, to exe ute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Depar nt of Employment Security form MES -590B (1/10/58), copy of which is hereto attached and made aIpart hereof by reference; nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that e proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pa the obligations of the City, by virtue of this election to comt under the provisions of the Minnesota Employment Security w, and to further take such additional action as is requireit of thew pursuant to the pro- vis�ons of Chapter 549, Lags of innesota,1959,and pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota curity Law, M. S. A. Sections 266:01, et seq.; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that it is a desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the cov age hereby elected commence as of the first day of July 19581 Prkviding the.Commissioner of the Department of Employment Security consents thereto. SEP 25 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas DeCourcy Nays SEP 25 1959 ' Rolland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor .,Rosen— Mayor Winkel Q---Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 a�Q Council File No. 194117 —By ,Adrian P. Winkel - Whereal The bity of Saint Paul, under and by virtue of Chapter 549 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and M. S. A. Sections 288.04, et seq. is authorized, with the consent of the Commissioner of the Department of Employment Security of the State of Minnesota, to become an employer pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, M. S, A. Sec. 288.04, et seq. and Whereas, It is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage under the Minne- sota Employment Security Law 1 to certain of its employees excluding, however, employees of the Board of Education of the City' of Saint Paul, in which ]department there are nu- nkerous employees whose, services are employed on a ten month per year, school year, basis, with the conse- quence that extension-of coverage to the aforesaid Board of Education would have the effect of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under the terms of the Minnesota Employ- ment Security Law; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby voluritarily elects to extend coverage of the Minne- sota Employment Security Law to employees of the City of Saint Paul, other than employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, the employees of the aforesaid Board of Education being expressly excluded from such elected coverage; provided, however, that the coverage elected for employees of the City, other than the aforesaid employees of the Board of Education, shall not be extended to elected officials of the City nor to those persons who are employed by the City under the un- classified service and who are appointed for a fixed term pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of the City' of-Saint Paul pertaining to said unclas- sified service; and be it LL Further Resolved, That the Councll of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs Joseph IR. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Department of Employ- i ment Security form MES -590B (1/10/58),1 copy of which is hereto attached and, made a part hereof by reference; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the obligations of the City, by virtue of this election to come under the provisions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, and to further take such additional action as is required of them pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 549, Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Se- curity Law, M. S. A. Sections 288.04 et seq.; and be it Finally Resolved, . That it . is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the coverage hereby elected commence as of the first day of July 1958, providing the Commis- sioner of the Department of Employ- ment Security consents thereto. Adopted by the Council September 25, 1959. Approved September 25, 1959. (October 3, 1959) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Joseph ..R, .. ...O.kones..ki I1------------ - -_ - -- - - - - -- 199( 11 City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No ......... 19_4117 as adopted by the City Council_______ 99Pt�_25t4 i_...____._._19_ 9---- -__ -_- and approved by the Mayor .............. teibercbx------------ 1959---------- with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., this ......... r'h- •------ - - - - -- -day of .......................... Octoberf ........... A. D. 19...52.5.. ... ----- °---- • .............•-. ® ,Pity Clerk. f ; LrLcouncil File No. 194117 —By Adrian P. r Whereas, The City of Saint haul, sunder and by virtue 'of Chapter 549 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and M. S. A. Sections 268.04, et seq. is authorized, with the consent of the Commissioner of the Department of Employment Security of the State of Minnesota, to become an employers pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Minnesota Employment ;Security.i Law, M. S. A. Sec. 268.04, et seq. and Whereas, It is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage under the Minne- sota Employment Security Law to certain, of its employees excluding, however, employees of the Board of +Education) of the City of Saint Pau, in which Department there are nu- merous employees whose services are employed on a ten month per year, school - year, basis, with the conse- quence that extension of coverage to the aforesaid Board of Education would have the effect of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under r the tdrms of the Minnesota Employ- ment Security Law;\now, therefore, be it rCitysof Saint Paul hereby Council herebyvoluntarily Felects to•extenh coverage of the Minne- � sots Employment Security Law to i employees of the City of Saint Paul, other than employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint I Pau, the employees of the aforesaid I Board of Education being expressly excluded from such elected coverage; provide¢, however, that the coverage elected for employees of the City, other than the aforesaid employees of the Board of Education, shall not be extended to elected officials of the City nor to those' persons who are employed by the City under the un classified service and who are appointed for a .fixed term pursuant to the provisions f Saint Pau pertaining Charter o saidhunclas sifted service; and be it Further, Resolved, That the Council! of the City of Saint Pau hereby directs Joseph R. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of Saint Pau, to execute, on behalf of the City. of Saint Pau, the Minnesota Department of Employ- ment Security form MES-590B (1/10/58), copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by yeference; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the obligations of the City, by virtue of this election to come under the provisions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, and to further take such additional action as is required of them pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 549, Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Se- curity Law, M. S. A. Sections 268.04 et seq.; and be it Finally ,'Resolved, That it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Pau that the coverage hereby elected commence as of the, first day of July 1958, providing the Commis- sioner of the Department of Employ- ment Security consents thereto. Adopted by the Council September 25, 1959. " Approved September 25, 1959. (October 3, 1959) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Joseph R. Okoneski, ................................................. City Clerk I� -------- • - - - -- -- - - - of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have 194117 compared the attached copy of Council File No------------------------------------------- September 25th, 59 as adopted by the City Council ... - .... - - .... --------------------------------------19-------------•-- September 25th, 59 and approved by the Mayor----------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ ----- - --19. --- •---- - - - - -- with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., 5th October, 59• this day of ------- •--- - - - - -- A. D. 19- ® City Clerk. i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN�iI. RES PLUTION— GENERAL FORM COMM SSIIONEI��L��+� / 4b/ hs� Z DATE - i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, under Chap 49 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, 268.o4., a .. eq. is authorized, with the coi of the Departm t of Employment Security of to become an empl er pursuant to the terms Minnesota Employment ecurity Law, M. S.-A. and 19411'7 and by virtue of and M. S. A. Sections anent of the Commissioner the State of Minnesota, and conditions of the Sec. 268.0+, et seq. WHEREAS, it is the de re of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage unde the Minnesota Employment Security Law to certain of its employee excluding, however, the Depe--r-tmepir, employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Pa 1, in which Department there are numerous employees whose servi s are employed by the City on a ten month per year basis, with he consequence that extension of coverage to the aforesaid Departme t of Public Safety and Board of Education would have the effect of most doubling the potential liability of the City under the terms o the Minnesota Employment Security Law; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the Cit. of Saint Paul hereby voluntarily elects to extend coverage of th \employees ta Employment Security Law to employees of the City of Sa other than of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Pauployees of the aforesaid tm�-�'— ������r of Education being expressly excluded from such elected provided, however, that the,'coverage elected for emplthe City, other than the afe- resaid employees ' eafety a d the Board of Education shall not be extended to elected officials of the City nor to those persons who are employed by the City under the unclassified service and who are appointed for a fixed term pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to said unclassified service; and -be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19— Mayor s x ' Sept. 16, 1959 i :\ . Paul Chamber_ of Commerce 32 -Cedar St. ' . Paul 1, Minnesota ' ntlewn s , City Council laid-over to ,S�ept__e__m__b__e��r 25th for further consideration a resolution which the City of Saint Paul will voluntarily` elect to "extend coverage of the 4 esota Employment Security Iav to emTloyes of the city other than employes_of the ;Dept: of Public Safety and-of the Board of B3ucati -- olae- -The meting will be held at 10 A.M.•in the City Council Chamber aid, representatives < of -your organization may be heard at that time if they so desire. Very truly'youijsj, N City Clerk � Sept. 16, 1959 t. Paull Trades & TAbor Assembly bor Temple a - 18 Auditorium St. t. Paul 2, Minnesota City Council laid over to September 25th for further consideration a resolution D y which the City of Saint Paul will voluntarily elect to extend coverage of the nnesote� Employment Security Law to employes of the city other than employes of - the Dept. of Public Safety acid of . the Word of Education., The meeting will be held at 10 A.M. in the City Council Chamber and representatives of your organization miy be heard at that time if they so desire. Veer truly yours, Y City Clerk 19411'7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIC)NER DATE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs Joseph R. Okoneski, the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, to exe te, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Departure t of Employment Security form MES -590B (1/10/58), copy of w ch is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference; an be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vr authorized and directed to pay t virtue of this election to come Minnesota Employment Security Law, additional action as is required o visions of Chapter 549, Laws of Mi the provisions of the Minnesota Se 268.04, et seq.;and be it per City officers are hereby obligations of the City, by er the provisions of the and to further take such jtbem pursuant to the pro - sota, 1959, and pursuant to ity Law, M. S. A. Sections FINALLY RESOLVED, that it is the sire of the City of Saint Paul that the coverage hereby as of the first day of July 1958, providi g the the Department of Employment Security consents COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.56 2 Favor 0-Against the Coixncil of elected commence Commissioner of thereto. SEP 25 9959 Aaoptea Ipy the Uouncil ly_ SEP 25 9959 Approved 19— r4 a e Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LE NO. -194 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE maps., tho 0" chaptor 5419, Of' thie TIA 263,04s, it i4q. iIo�a' or tho Dep&lst"nt of 11 to be4000 an,ftployer MIT"bota ar4 Oil Saint IPaul# under and by vlrtue of I Of X1W06tVo 195% 4nd N* So, A. Soationg horfted,, ifith the con"at of the ComUsloner ploymot seourity Or the stato of minnea0tas UVOU64t to the tOM-6 end conditions or the oiii7 Wto X* S* A* $do#, M.04, et 6eqv tt VIMMSO -it is the, O ftul to extend oover*S6 !10 Law to cortaln of it # the Depikrtmot of Publiq.04 RduftttOn of the City of Za on a teen month per year "babil Of 06VOVA916 t* the aroz**ad of Eduipation would hoyo the llablllty of the City undor Security zavi now, tbor0oft 0 or the counell or the city or Saint the ximei$ota opploymat seourity to exoludtng, howevor, ovoloy'"s Of ter and 0XV10YO04 or tho'B"rdor " :t VAUL In fghioh D004"Wnts there 4*rVicss are emp1byed by the 0ity With the 'donsequondo that exts"jon pa.rtWent of )Publla Safety and Board ot Of a' 6t doublino the potontW. tems of the x1r0*60ta uploywnt be I USOLVED, that the Counoil. 'r the voluntarily ole6ts to,oxt044 4ov rage seourity LAW to dmployoes of tho ty employ0es Of the DapartmoAt. of Pu to, Board of Sducation-or. tho City of al, t I at n -beU1119,64PrObiely exalU464 ft�ft such 1�e �411711 r hdftver�o that thO Obvdr4ga blected 'r Othor than tho atottea-14 on lot ot s4ftty and the WOV4 Of 84404tion I's OffloWe Of tho City nor 0,86 to to thoso 0_jt'V UrAor tho L unclassified, porvico fixed term, pursuant to 'tho prbvlsian�6 of Saint Paul ",rtalnlr�e to taid uncla COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5-58 41P-2 N Favor Against ' City off' Saint ftul hemby of tk* X1W*$6tft ftployz*nt of Saint ftul, other than Safoty 4md emp-loy"'d of the t' Paul, the omployees 6f, 0t9' and Board or rsdufttion otid cover,49,0$ pzlovidod* I ftplo'y"$ or tho -1. 31 the DepartamInt of Pu. to 1 not be .extended to el doted one whoa Oployed by the when 9VO a0poin"d for a tho Qwrter of the dliy skltlOd SOrvid6o "d be It Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ISM117 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Fmcm MOLV01 that tho council tho- City of Saint Paul hereby directs 4060ph %� 01coneskis t City OlOrk of tho City of Saint Paul, to 01oauto,* on bithal, I of tho City of Saint pain;, tho Minnesota DspartMnt or Shol, nt aeourity rom "Z8*590a (2/10/58) 31 16007 of twhi4h Is herme o attached and mde Part r t li roof by reftroncaj WW bet t RU HI&A JMS0tVZDj. that. ;th# proper C. authorlg6d and direated to P0 the 0110, virtuo-of this dloatioA to come under th, Hinn000ta Employmi-tt Security Law, and ti additional action ae Is. 0.iaulr4d of thorn Vil"lons Of chaptor 549.a- Laws, of Xi s+ the- provialons of tho W=OaOta Security 268*04,s of seq#; and be It I KNUM WOUM 'that It Is the the Oity of Saint Pa" that tho *over as Of tiie first day of July 10% pro the: Departmont of ftp16 mnt Scaurity COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson In Favor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 -Q90-2 ,y officers are hor0y ,long of the City, by provisions of VAo furthOr t*ko $udh lurbuant to tho, pro', 19590tMd purisuant to Aws 141* 3• A4 sectio" Of tl* Council of the Vowmitaiwwr of 0. thereto. S E P 2 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved SEP 25 1959 19— Mayor TRIPLICATE TO THE COMPTROLLER - 194117 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI°e°NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE mss, the City of saint pA 011apter 9 of the Laws of Itinneso 20.Ck* at seq} Is authorized, Sri of the Department of ZVloywnt Se to bOCOW an employer pursuant to 1 im-iesota. Smployment Sedurity lawn, and WHI098A$, it is the deal of tb Paul to extend coverage 'uynder they Xi law to certain of its employ#00 exci the Department Of Public Safety and Education of the City of Saint'Paul, are numerous employee$ Whose ,service on a ten month per year basis,,. w 1th of coverage to the aforesaid DIpartm of Education would have the effect 0 liability, Of the City under the term Security Eawj now, therefore be it under and by virtue Of 1959, and X4 S. A. Sections the consent of the CoMissioner ity of the :state of llinnesbta, terns and conditions of the S, A* Sea* 268,04, at seq. COUn*:Ll of the City of Saint n040ta Mmployment Security dIng, however, employees of Vloyee;s of the Board of in whloh Departments there are Omployed by the Oity h6 consequonee that extenslon 1St of Public Safety and Board almost doubling the potential of the Minnesota snployment MWOLVEb, that the Counoil of th . City of Saint haul hereby voluntarily olects to extend CQ rage$ of the XUM8ota ,gMploy at Security Law to employees of the City of Saint ftul, other than emtployeea of the Bepartmont of Public Safety and employees of the Board cif Rducation of the City of Sai t Pain,,, the employees of the afore "id Department +of' pub,11c Sa ty and Ward of Education being expressly excluded from such a le ted coverages provided, howaver, that the coverage eleoted for employees of the City t other than they ,aforesod euPlOyOes of a Department of Public Safety and the Board of Rduc4tlon shal 'not be extended to elected. officials of the City nor to those pers no who are employed by the City under the uncalaealfied service and who are appointed for a fixed term pursuant to the provision$ o the Charter of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to aai:d unclass tied aervioe ; and bed it COUNCILMEN Adopted y the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor ------Against 9— Mayor TRIPLICATE TO THE COMPTROLLER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION FURTHER RESOWED, that the Cou Pahl, hereby directs Joseph 9. Qkone City of .Saint ftul,, to eZscute, on Paul.. the Minnosota Department of 9 ?13-S -55900 (3/l0/58), copy of which i a part hereof by ref ere and be FURTHER MSOURD, that the pr authorized and direatec� to pay the virtue'of this election.to eome un Minnesota Employment Sedurity Lair, additional action as In required 0 visions of Chapter 549, Laws of 161 the provisions o:' the Ximwsota Be 268.04, et se q.; and be it .9411'7 it of the City of Saint i, the City i0lerk of the half of the City of Saint ploy ntSecurity form hereto attached and joade t er City .officers are hereby bligatiOne of the C3tyo by r the provisions of the nd to furthor take such these pursuant to the pro esota.1959., and - pursuant to rity Lav, N. S. As Sections FINAM RESOL , that it is t e desire of the' Council of the City of Saint maul. that the cov ge hereby eleoted comence as of the first day of 4uly 1958, p viAing the Comissioner' of the. Department of &ployment Se ouri oc nsents thereto.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson 'Re Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M s -58 2 In Favor Against SEP 25 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 25 1959 Approved 19— Mayor ,HERE Goo All Q N SAINT PAUL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE )M E M B Efl� r..- P H O N E CAPITAL 2 5 5 6 1 CH or Co MMEHCE C7 O of THE .� C E D A R A T F O U R T H UNITED STATES��\�` SS WITH GO S A I N T P A U L 1, M I N N E S O T A August 11, 1959 Honorable Joseph E. Dillon Mayor of Saint Paul - And Members of the City Council , City Hall and Courthouse / Saint Paul 2, Minnesota J Dear Mayor Dillon: Our Legislative Committee is currently studying the question of payment of unemployment compensation to city employees.; This study will take several weeks. I understand the question ° will be before the City Council tomorrow morning, August 12th. We would appreciate an opportunity to appear before the Council with the result of our study before final Council action is taken, n yours, LL RATION tive Vice I e \1-.. , olpi V MIA Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY : 369 Cedar Street, St. Paul 1, Minn. VOLUNTARY ELECTION TO EXTEND THE COVERAGE OF THE MINNESOTA EMPLOY- : MENT SECURITY LAW TO EMPLOYEES OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE STATE STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY Employer No. Vol. Election Approved Denied Date Copy Sent to Employer Index Card Prepared by Joseph R. Okoneski, being the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That the political subdivision; as indicated above, desires to voluntarily elect coverage under the Minnesota Employment Security Law, on condition that the provisions and privileges now afforded by the Law to workers generally be extended to the workers of such political subdivision in the departments indicated below. That the governing body of said politial subdivision, at a regular meeting, has resolved to elect coverage and understands and agrees that such coverage shall remain in effect for a minimum of two calendar years with coverage, continuing thereafter from year to year unless terminated by the Commissioner of Employment Security or by mice from such governing body, filed at least 30 days prior to January 1 of a year subsequent to the two -year minimum coverage period, that coverage should terminate on January 1 of such sub- sequent year, by Council File No. , a certified copy of which is hereto attached. That it is specifically understood and agreed that the political subdivision shall make immediateieimbursement to the Department of Employment Security of all benefits paid by said Department to former employees of such political subdivision under this election, upon receipt of semi - annual statements thereof from the Department. It is requested that coverage herein commence as of the 1st of July, 1958. That coverage is specifically requested for employees of the following departments: Types of Name of Department Employment City of Saint Paul, excluding Classified and employees of the Board of Unclassified Education of the City of Saint, Paul; provided further, however,. that coverage shall not be extended to any elected officials of the City of Saint Paul nor to employees of the City of Saint Paul who are employed under the unclassified service and who are appointed for a fixed term, as said unclassified service is established pursuant to the provisions of the Charter of said City. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1959• Number Employed Approximately 3,030 City Clerk Notary Public, Ramsey Co., Minn. My commission expires This election is hereby approved effective as of pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions and conditions set forth in Sec. 268.11, Subdivision 3, Minnesota Statutes 1957• MP-590B (1/10/58) By Chief, Accounting Section DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 369 Csdar � 0,6t* Pau .' :a �iy Vol, mwibq Opro wad i3e�► �;:�,� .V©LMA Y 919ftION TO N# '......,_ - COVE"ok 4R ' TIM mNNNBOtk E P139 U • Pte - 06PY, S"t to 1c ye ' p E �� S Bp tQN9 ()$ THs STA= j 14dex Gard V�epsred lay STAft 4p 44! SOTA - COUNT) ©r P#A Jo6eph Rt 3�COne te ���.s e tho d y: e10ted git7 - 'Clork off` the C .ty Or daint PAID COUAtv..0f t R ., 8tato _pf kirtatos to - - b6ing, fir et 4414 /sworn .dry, oatho. OOPOO60 VA a e`4 that the pout of suidiVlai Ja&t d abovep' dov.j%*e: tq y0lurit U r eXeot csova. #_ r the +sota,:np�.osW— At Security. law# 04 Oonditlon_ that �. th+e. prov,�.6#0ne and prlvil igog ° afropded. -dap . tha, A .'tO 4arkere,• generally bt $ terrdad to • the w0r Gerd, of 6104 pOj ta - tle, subd�vleion i� �- th# . departmonte lnoic' aced bolow r • ' ` - � t ar• #aae.t -That the, ve ' ' ; -of• .salt politidal: ia►ubdlv�i*I� hr t r6sua: has. resolved, �o e100t eaeV4ger and u �er starde and a es that e u t 4 . dr dar ea �ith . oaovh e er � ehgl re th 1n "effaot fQr a, �UM Ok , oont�.xi3ing .,tlli'eaax'`rt;. year .o .dear' ,urlssb. terintted .hY 1:ile dommeeer " o o t Nao r .tit r by r Uoe , fz at ch overn b04, rlXaad at eu t - � $ VrlQr. , tp. �',�u$�ry , � t�f' �elaaa�*- .eubee�aht , to ; th+e .tMrQ -altar l - - rlodi • that oov+s►E pu. ''terciiirte" a ,�Tiartuai�y l o such sub-, egge�i ± ar„ by CQunoll. le ¢ertltled , t�� -off` Wh�.tth $s hereto 4tta0hed r Tlwtt le' egic.`iaal3: wr#4ez'et' `gr<ee�l; . the j:lt;csa. t�utit.rle:en $hill make ' dlate ° r+, ors+ exit , tip., the . Pa'rt to .off ` lny nt $eoUrIt , bf - ' l bea fits`, ld by 864d, peortm"t,;to #6mor PIO; 'aes off` , suoh .ppliti,*i e�tbdUvie or ,uhder this," Oledt�o ; • + Apt, of :.e ���l �st�►tsmer�te' a~ .tY e ; epart nt.� :Et eta `regUeoOd that' at�ve ge here; ..Q ob e.a a `t►he 4. late_ Of .Jul eov r e ► is1:�' ea 'v low of �, 'exQl�,idtrtg , . .. Appro�te��.y - employeeas o r lasal iac �,�}09 3 rd f ..9404tviOn hOr" the City .. r, Sajnt j p vjded rther� howeVOrg, , that, pove-ra Oall 'not • bo a zte OO f " r to arw eleo.tedt pfflois�lik , Ot t'hb at or a - Fagl nor; to :eMal ayeap y. © amptoy" �r �qr a Pfd as amid ux�olgeel ' :ett /J sery ae 16, ­60UL441MOhlod pu suant" to the pro lelor#s .off thd. star off'' ad't :r - _ :� •.: Subscribed. d ew4 -`ore . this dad` of a e3.eet can l? ,he b approved, Off'aatIve asr o r#u tt tee . a . in aaawrd(.nce ill the prov�;s�oru� and aarl4tiorie ee ©, ri Sea. 26$ ,t.�!s SubdIvleSpn• ,3,a - :# Meaota .Sta,'tu,t96 iW I�" *$l�.i�r� 11�FAi Imo' m! SLoNT agog Ninns$ota PARTM 14T OF �Ml?f QYM�NT` SECU XTY a Employer No,,- _ 369 cedar . `gtreet, St, Paul 1, Minn., i t Vol, Election. - Approved Denig VOLUNTARY ELECTION TQ . 9=NA- TH9 3 COVERAGE OF THE MINNESOTA EIKPLoy— Date. Copy ,dent to E mployer MENT - SECURITY LAW TO $MPLOYEES OR P,QLXTtOAL SUBDIVISIONS dF THE STATE. Xndex _Card ']prepared by, STATE 4F: MI SOTA Y - COUNTY O _ RAMST Joseph R.-.0]i0neski. I being the duly elected City Ojetk of the City of Saint Paul, ©ut1ty o, ', Ramsey, State. of MimOso.t�i, - being - -first duly 5.wo .rn on oath; '.reposes grid. says That tkie J �?o�.t�.cal..aubdivision, as .iinc:G,s ted above, des.res to voluntary elect cove .under,,the- ,P4innesota.; iiiployment Security Laur, on condition that' the provi.sio s ' 4no priv J.eges, how aTfcirded by the t;aw to .workers generally be extended top he- workers of such- political. subdivIsiori. in °the departments indicated S ' Than the. governing body of said politiai subdivs on, 'at. a regular meeting, -- has resolved to olect coverage and urkderatari_'ds and agrees. that such coverage shallezriaini'f'eet for a minimum.• of . tvto calendar. years with coverage aontiriuing thereafter i'rom year to year unless terminated, by the• Commissioner Df Employment'�$ecurity'or by i4UP, From such governing body, filed at least 80,'days prior to January, l ..of `a,- year .ysubsequent to the twto- year'minimum coverage period, , that; oovoragO =should; terminate on..J'anuary l of such sub* sequent year, 'by Council, file No. - ; a certified ' copy of which -is �iereto What it is $pecirle,ally,undoretc5od -and agreed that the political. subdivision shall make immediate xejobursoment to the pePartmer}t of Employment Security of all benefits paid by, said #,)epArtiaent to former employees .,ot such- political subdivision under `this election, upon r beipt of - semi = annual statements .therep-f from the Department. - :Zt -is. regues e,d that coverage herein commence as of the .1,st of Tuly, 1958 That coverage , is `sp.eoif3.c4W, requeeted for employeea of the following Types of _ Name of .DegArtment_, Employment Number Employed , . F- .. ;- C�ty of 8a.int Paul; excluding _Classified and Appr6ximately employees of the Board of r Uhalasaified 3,030 Education o1' the -.City of Saint Paul; provided Further, however,'' that coverage, shall ' not be .ektende to any _elected offidials , of the City y Of Saint Paul,nor_to employees of the Cityy of Saint ' Paul . wrho, are : employed ` ` . under .the unclasolfied ,service: :.and who are appointed- Pori a fixed. term; as said ; undlas.gified servi pe is. established , pursuant to the provisions of the Oharter of said 'City.. City Clerk S'ubsoribed and' sworn tg` before one ' thin day of r 1 959; o ary c, sey ran,- comrpission expi This election is hereby'-approved effe¢tiye as'of- pursuant to and -in accordance -with the provisions 'arid conditions se ort - n- Sec: 268 1l, Subdivision_ 3,tiinesota Staautea _x.95% BY ' _, e , ccoun ing Sec on • - ' = DEPARTMENT OF ,1WLQYMNT - SECUR.ITY )oB (.a. % %58 r tnn @$ ®ta s. ' tEPARTMNT OF gNPLOYWNT 9gCi _ Employer NO* _. 369: Cedar. Street, fit.: ftul -1; Mimi# - ` t V'o1, gleotidn ,Approved., niod;..r.._..� x VOLUNTARY 19LE iQX; TO . ULNA- I : •. i.= ,i,- - 00.VZM B 00 THE XlNNHSQTA ,9,MPLQY" - f Aate� Copy Semi to Bmplb- - MMNT s CURITY - W TO R LD .o 0r t ; PO T CA SUBDXVI91ONS ,OF -T S''A%% 3 jndex hard Prepared by STATR OF MIMaSOTA } e s p COUNTY 'oadph Ho 0k0r1e0ki, b ing_the 401y eleeted -city Clerk of the- City- or, Saint -PauA, Oounty of Hamsty, Stato ot N.fnneaota� being �irst duly awdrn on oath, .deposes and' fiaya.t That the pally ioal subdivision; .as. 14di"ted aboVe, dehires to voluntarily e1160t,coverage under the Knnsgota ;:mploymont Security ,Law, on dondition that the provisions and privileges now afforded by the l,aw to workers'. generaily be extended to the workers o#` eudh` pblitiaal, subdivision. in the . departmento indicated below -'That the goveming body of a— i4. politiai; . subdivision, 7a,t A regular meeting, has rosolved to eloat evvora.ge and understands and agrees that, eucsh eQveragd ,shah. x'emc. n in effect for .a minimum of two cal6nd4r years with c©verage continuing thereafter from year t4 yOr u41e6s terminated by the Commissioner of E;mP - erft .Security or. by 2#iae �`rom push' governing body, filed at feast ,30 mays pr1Qr to January �, of a year _suboegtient to the tyear minnuin average periods that oove-ecage ehouId terminate on January l of .such sub- aequent yeas, by_ Eouno Vile NQ, , a vottified dopy of which is hereto attached That it 1p epet . f' .aa 1y °ur�dorstciod .and agreed that the political aubdi.vi0 on shelf make mediate ionbursemeint to the• DepartjAont esf 9mployment Seeurity of SL11 benofits paid by said Department to fofter employees of sudh political: _ subdivision under this, elec.ti", u p"on x�e_0eipt 01-" semi, -oarinual �statejaerits thereof' �'I'olII �i 1e e} $X't311eT E'i i t �! rsiquesteC that QEjVQ.rSge' h$rein o9n4end ao of the ie t _o#` auiy; 958_.- That coverage i8 speolf ioaV requested for employeea of the following departWeAts; - des of Name of DeRar mgnt �tnploym8nt' Number, np1 d city of 9, t �'4 ez¢2uding G oralfled and App Ty employees of ,the Board of _Uhalseeif ed 3so Q wupoatlon Of' thq, City of Saint Paul , provided ' further; hOWOVeri. that -eoverage .shall not .be oXte `ded to any eleoted of'f#diald of _ tho. !pity ' ,of- Saint. Paul nor to empV ed'fpf' the , dity 4r saint . Paul. - rho: - are 'emp� Oyod.. under, the- s lcia�s�.fied Orviaq and, whg 4t appointed for a fixed te.xOp o. said urnoiass f, ied service is a #tabiiahod pursuant to the provisions or the Oharter Of said .Uy,, Clty Qlerk - Sub'solb6d and sworn to before �qe Wa + day of o ary FUDM.. 7050ey coi,i . M10-1 - . oFmW ssion a p�Vea, _ rh:.a election is he reby approve. effoOtl vO aA of �ipurauarst. to and in Aaoordance with the .prOvisi&4 'and oonditf,ons_ 13o or n Sec.- 268 *11, Subdivioion 3, M nnOsota Statutes 1957+. _ _ ' ®.•,�(`y���( �CiQ{•oun . wing =eY coos ty�io(��n �y`{}�� }F yr,�- {• �} ' • Y YO�' j /�y/ (� - • Jay z f _ � !- /i +�1!! Qr !M -` N '�Y 0011-r _ DSPAR%WW OF '' 'S WNT ' .=CUA ' '," , _ ' • i . Emp;� yer 14614. 36 Cedar Street,. St to Pau1' I � � rug. � VOL* Elootion Approved 10eniod VCLuhtARY 9LECTION T6 _ XiVEND Tim --- COVERAt E iP' MINNESOTA .RMPtqy, . i Vats Copy ,Sent to 9Mployer MENT SECURE LAS' TC LQYnkS @F t, . PpDITICAL SUBDngSI4N8 OF : STATE Inoex Card JlPrepared b� STATR ' QP MINNMSQTA COUNTY 010 .RA�" Y ;lose • .. .. ph i 4oiles y elected city- -P - v Clerk 4f the Cit f ai;nt Paul, CoUnty of F=sey,. State of Minnesota,* being ff.rst duiy, owbi% -sri Oath ' 44ide_ea &id '04ye s = That the ,pfl1#100. aub4ivi8iQn., 46 i44144ted arbovo, deislVea to voluntarily, ; elect oovorago- unfti the Minndsota Employment Security taw, on `condition that. the provItions and priv'ilei aes now, .af'foNed- by the- Law to w+gr)cer# generally be oxtended to the wbrkera of aaoh 0011ti0ai. subdivision in thQ �1ep&rtmonto' indicated be1Q�r# That the 90VOt71 g .body of oaid pvlitlal' -subdi -Vlw on3 at `.a svgular meet IA ha8 r000ived to Meet-coverage 4iA understands and agrees that such coverage shall remain 4 A" :effect 'for 4 mjn uM cif two calendar years with ci .veraga continuing thorooftOr. frOit year- tO y0ar Unleea tex'i rAted by the CozM aoianOr of Elnplayment z6oUrity Or: by rxtf.oe fro* Such, ggvorning, body, filed' a.t ieaot 34 day8 prior to 'January. 1 Of a year, . subsoquent to thi two., year m imu coverage per ,od, .. that ' f#OvOrago ohould to mate art ja ua - y' 1 of such sub-, gequent year, by CQUnc f1 Fxlo. NQ�, - a 06rtirled 0000- of which is horet*. attaahed� That it f.'a $Poo.lfioaXly ,understovd' a04 agreed that the politI&I subdf.vf.eion shall make -IMadiat& xeimburpoWnt -to the: Department of Employmont Security of all bex el' .te paid by .osid 0op-a rtment,to formor epployeos of' ouch pplit1dai .eubdivieion urider:t tlab o1et+at on upon sie.ipt of eemZ*ahnu�al stateMents thereof from the DepartmOat.. • It is r6quested, that- coverago horeln, 06W$4ae as of the lot of rya '19$x. ' j'hat coverage ,Ia speoifl- Ob-W "request�� for_ employe00 of the following departments) 0 of "Name. of "De,iai�ttnt o�y! ♦}went ^ Number Em 1o�.)red I - IY IY Yl �I w •. - w +Yowr '' \ u I II r 1 A� YR wY d tlity Of .$ouit _Paul ex6ludl : - " � _ - � _ - C�ass9.f #eat and APproxb*tely ftployees of' the - .Board. o ' Uhalassifled 3,0030 Education of the'- City - .of Saint) Paul; provided furthdr howevor, that coverage all not 1bo ezctended to-an elleot6d offloiale Of the City . of, Stmt Paul n+�� to employees of ' thb 0-tty of Saiiat Paul: whtJ aro. etaployed- undor the uriclhssitied. 6orvice- and wha- arc► o pa .heed ' -Or' a. -f od terns es said uh0laosItUd bervide io0stablishOd -pursuant tQ ,the V. VOV1010no. 0 the C harte:0- of "id, City.4 - i y erk ' R subecribod and ' ss torn to beforo -z , th�.s _ xday� of--, o : eY o.. nn� c+piieg on epLis , Thie elec.tlon - o ' hri d as •of, ' ef r uart to and In actcordsA06. with the pint - v1sidne and. - #:pndit1 0 8 ,or , ,n See, 26g� Subdivision 3', Ainnosota .Statuto ' 1957 By- i DRPAR'FWNT: CF MVIMMENT SEWRXW DEPAgMNT- OF WeLOY,O' `f3EU'URZT : g►p�.+byer Xo* . dar 3t)*Ot j .St � Fain: l � Minn» Vol �' �i eotianr .;�pProved.. Denied VOiUMAW MECTIAN -TO RMND Tgg i'`. - _ ._ - 3 COVPMOE OF M KW30TA t0�`� -_ t" paten VODY _sent to; Employer ' MENT SECtt3M LAW.-To Mo tm , .c�F : - f POUTICAT, 4UBOXVX9108 M M 3 A - , Zn4ot QaM repax d by - STATE- 'Q]' AINNUOTA. ; 44sepk , Ha 01M nee 1; `.bging the Au l, 3r elected City Mark -of the wy oP 'Adint paoll county Or. •R ey �tet�. #�#' �#Ynneso r beI rig fi._rst duly sworn -90 oath," 46 os:08 s04 taye,s -.That thoolltio€. subSyi+�,os►e - id5.ted $br�vr, eelydo :totoiuntari,y 010t" #ovorag under the Minnesota ioy nt Sgourity taw,. on t ondition that the - .pr6vI# ion# ►d privileges - by the Zaw' to. workdra geneftl ly be e cten00" to the W0_*6V# of eudh p6l:itlooYl -- eubdiv181on An the departments. Th it. the govern�.iig ►c dy 6f said politi+�il subdivisions at a aiegular, M46ting,� " has r�eeolvett to- eleot o ©.verege d ti»d6rstands and agrees that such eowerago shall z*aln ° in affect for a mini of : two cal- eridar y$ara with c3over441e contlriuirig th�rreafter from yeirt year.uni.�sge term3n�aYt�rd by the Commi:�tsToner - of Employmoht qurity or by MU& f rc� ogch - govarnin g boar, filed at least ­30 days _ prior to i7anuavy. i ot- a year- eubioquent to the two-year minimum oovsrage - period that , ooverage i hoe 14 tex .rAte on January 1 of such sub- { sequent. gear$ by Uoiinoi.l r31e- Igo.:, a aertif3.ed copy of which is hereto-. attached.,- ' w -That it is. 400ifi.oally un0o tool and agreed that the political eubdIvii� ion shall mare i diate tei.pabutboa nt: to tie pspart nt of Employ4ent $eaur V of 0j. - bonofits paid by said Depart to- former pop loyeee-. of suoh po:Li ti"l �au'bdivisioa under this elbotlonj upon receipt of sem�- ual state:menti�-`thereef Proxy the Department 'It is' equeetad' ghat cOvera a herein eom�enoa as..¢�'�t,�he .� fat of Z14-y, 19�- t .coverage Is apei*if gsAr.- ,e: � stod for #mployeea of the , 0. low�,ng - Num%er Em - Nye of.' ryeoai^nt = - itp�:4yment: _ = �csyed _ iY1�Yl���r\ 11 Imo! ��wAI . • r :�/1�1�, v r����Y 1 :nt,Yaulo 'e�Er,�lud3no " t "Olass�.flod' and �i f ,t A3�Fro�tely: . = sap loye 'a of the ward !6: t , �Etr�ola aAfied _ 3x.a�b, Eduoatiori' of the City' • of Sa.i.nt - Paul is provided further,. ii0wover.0 that- ,doverage id i3 not ba - extended , -to . +Mooted -ot'rialalx oP "-tho City -. of Ss int "aul nar to employees . of ` -f; the City-of nt rt1 who, aro employad, under-the unclasslfied eerv'ioo and who are Appo n ed for iced toract,► �e _ ur�olaa►elfied. aexwi4e is. erstabl4$hed t pursuant to - tho - provi.oloas car the phartsr. sir, 040 city.. bity cleiik $ubsopi�ad and sw6t .to. b046re ' me , - o Rrjt 750.115,0 sey- _7R-,Mnp*7jW V6=10sion ejcp1req ' 1'hi el ction: is- horoi3y -App -roved 'Orge iti,ve ae pf ursuant to and, in, accordance with the prQViei sr#e' arad oondit .ona a�" ' '4r eel 11 f • Subdivisi da $; Nihn s8cat Statutes 1 ... _ _ e , cacun Sedtion gpi3 DBPA�t' NT,- ,d_y LOY' NT MOM= 43 Minnesota - VAR'i` N`' Or IR 'LOMI XT . SECURE F U4nployer. o, -.. - _- • -.., . - -, a z 8 'V'Qj . E..O t on App3 i - e �,:Oonied . VOT,t�i'ARY', SISdTXQN *- EXUNp_ MM 4_ OQVERAG9 P._TIDE MDWS A. M.OWYE i, Dato dopy .font o mp1oy -er . tNT stcT-W tAW Td ,_LOS 'O t _ . S1pRS OP T, M- ETA, _t index. Card :Prepar. Od STATE 'OP IdM80TA ).-a r Joseph + . okonosk ., beln 9,the duly 610004 pitY-1 Clerk, ©f'' _tho C .ty off'. '9a int ' Vain; 3, ' ouri y ^ cti Ftai aey, State 'r f Minnes ta, �a inB first_- duly 'sw6rn,on .baths dopo:so$ an(! sayst,_ a a o dos: tke fpo �tia l uadi r idn c voluntarily y elect coverage under the' Minneaot,4 ftloyment j9eaurlty *XAW'.. on aoaditi0n .that -the provtsloos and privi�.e�ec� 'nbw atrO _ ied by tho' taw. to -ttorkvrs gsner8LlIy- *be extended to the workora of out��x p4 itica . subdivi -eiran in the departments indicated below. That the governing :body bf sand pol: t'lOal: - bub.div3.sion, at a regular WO- Otir.g, has resolved t9 : elect Coverage and uAdeiistands and agrees that .such. coverage shall repia.in in $ffedt tot ;a. minimum cif two - calendar years with coverage = G; continuing, thOraafter From year ta, , yo.ar - un1 ®se t. ,hated by the CommissiOner, of! Employment Be pr by notice From. sugh governing body, filed at leg6t 5� days prior to sanua.ry 1 of` a yoax *• suboequ,ent to the two +y"ear - minimum doverage pez�iod., that C�QC ►erase ,sl�4u� d �c n .riate on January I of �uoh subs sQquent year,. by -doundil Pije Ito* jqj 11 a••4;:ertif3.ed copy of which, is hereto at.taohed� ar r That- it is Opeiticaijy under t�tood an,d a,g ed that the politidal subdividio'n shall make inodiate reirburs ment.:to the apartment off'ritp oymenteCurity of 'al b -nef its pa: d. by eaid, 3 parttont to ,former _emblbyese of sued Political subdivis-ion under this, election, upon -receipt 'of, semis - annual, statetaents 'them or -. .From the Department,,, fit' " is roquestQd that coverage herein oomtaenca .a$ rah' the lot of 'Tuly, x.958+ - : ; That oQVeirage is .spe if .OAIIy� 3*queetod fpr emp .oyees. of tho following ' - Type' _off' - - - - - - - '• Tatrie off' i e artment Umployment , Number fpl y d. City of Saint Paul$ oxgludi : ` Clasei 'ied and . Appr6ximat6ly etriplQyees of led . - bl the - - 3, 030. `1 _ Board of Education of the .City 'af ' .. Saint $?aul3.prov .de4 .further, however: that eovera:ge_ shall. tact ''be extended -- _ to any elecfted offlAiale of tho �git of V_Faul nor to employees of tY of taint Paul Who she a pZvyeri undor the` , unclassified aprvi o and wl'}o are . sppo need for a fixed termi as said unolaosif eta t =--service 46 cat b7,ished _pursuant to tha` -- provsiAns Qf the Charter of said City. _ y _ = I er - Subc�r':bed .arn ot�rbz'n b ore me - r - thii3 day O , '.7 7 -9 Go Minn. igsign expires° .. _ k T its elgotion its ,hereby approved effective as,, of i � pursuant, to in :accordance with the provisions and Qonditions a o_ n sec^ Bubdivi'sion ,. -Minneeota 3tatutod x.957, 4 - - _ By iy''. .It - � - b r 'rt. +� 1 a,� n+- fy- • I -` ,1 ,t _ s - ' -_, _ Minn OsoU APART NT OF UPLOYMOT adugum Employer Np � • - .. - _ , 369tedar Stan',. St+ Paul 14 .I VOLMARY EtEMMON TO AND 'V' OQV NAcm OF THE XnamsotA zop �­ . a , .%to -.COPY aerit to P10ydr MINT SECURITY LAS TO -AMM 010 S 0 PpLITIOA st DlVtSI ? 1S 6 _,-I %d®x ;Oard. prep +e3.d �y STATE- 01? NIMSOTA 8s OONNTY aF AMEY j6soph t , QkOnO #kio : bb3,ng th1% duly, oleoted OitVl e Clark of tho - : its' of Sa�:nt i_ pun � 't'f3` �+�X� StBte �#" .X�E31�tl1 s. b� iP>g first du, e�tQ on oaths deposeis and oa�g 4 ` - - " That the politioal subdivIblon., 4# #Aio tend ibovw, 4661r6z to vOluntar ly QOt oov go- under the n ®rota : npi ioiit goo ity air, on .aondit :oM thO ' the provisions and prtvilogeo- note .aff�tirOed. by 'the Za', to Orkers ganorwul, y' be, extended to tho .workero of ou ttoal ,subdiVISIOD 'the depa�tme��'�e Indicated, be .Q . ho governing ;body of " aid.. Ptah v -0 Ong oal t~abd . fit: a ra ar eet nS That \t haeeoiiva.d to oiodt coverage bnd undx°tands a aoo: that eaten ,doverage ehel . re i 'o feob for a min M t .f txa 0 lenstr yaa With aovera��z. agntlnuln th6rbaftar from, ,yaar to y0ar un,106 t =1400 by the OoM16tionor ` of Epp oyr�r�t Set�urity or by 'A frog, much .goverxa�.ng body, t` �.ed at - �,eaet 30 dt�ya prior to. �'anuary, S of a year eubveolont 'to tlaa �tw. year �n�m�tm 4overagerQdy th+dct 4 ov0 raga ahou.. 'errtacsite , onentry 1 of ouch .oui iodqupnt year, by Caunoll 1*11a Qf whi oh 16 hei*to- - That it to sped�.f;Wally undertit,604 and agreed that t�� :p±4�.i�loal siib4�:v� -�io snail maka diato re urd � t to. the. ,.DepartmOOt Of aploytne At s4outrity ` of alb. benotit s paid by aajd Dep$ ent ,to Ev er + apyeas mf such iiti e�ubd :visicari under th .ffi a .eatiox , upon rebdipt oV Os a- _Mua ._ otestat entut thereof from the Dap t�aentr. It to !V091% t, d tit. dovovi hOx*1n,oe uoe ate, of tho. Lett Qf jui4 That d0veM to 'apodi'tieaily e�+os�eatod fvr ei�plt�yo!��' O� the follo�r rig Nairi® orntn�utaber bmvigy*d fit of Saixit ,u, eo3.u4i rig 01 as fed, acid Approtto y ` I � nolaes fiad emp oVeeo O f tho, t 3,030 Board of 844444on nS_ tho. City Qf Saint P040 vIded furthoro h6*6VOr# that coverage Ishall , not bo eKtftd6'd to ariy ',e`XeOted offWmio of the SaktPAul near to employees :Of the: City of Saint Paul W110 a e empioye gs.udo� th#,. _ unoUe01fi,00 oery -Uo and Wi O- ,are . APPQ$ttlod . for_ •a fined, for %* as id undli,601.10d. perv3oo f.:a estabxltxhod- Oursu .t to, tho F prC►vieono Of tho Ozarter 09-1 . y , b aribed tend. 0WOrn OrOX0 . me of Ita . ,hn: a�mmie9ion, cxpireo % - s eje.otjon Is �horoby approved` OffOlptiVo si -of 4 rur�ivarit to �c� 3n-. ;accordance- with `t<ho. prov�.n� *as and condit3;On$ set, o,. q., an Subdivisio , N nYi��34ta Statiuto$ 1 7 ;�y - 1 DRFARI'DUT 0*,MMtOYMNT SECURITY