D001794� Approved Copies to: -City Clerk (Origina{) - Finance DepL's Accounting Division - Requestin9 Dept C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIIIVISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION CURRENT APPROVEC/ AMENDE� BIIDC�ET CHANGES BUDGET 225,000 (125,000) 100,000 56,�SS iss,�ss� o ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the autbority granted to the Mayor in Section �0.07.4 of the City Charter antl ba5ed on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Executive Administration - LIEP to amend the 1999 budget of the 5pecial Pund, the Director of the Office of Financiai Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner: DEPARTMENTBDMSION: ExecutiveAdministration-UEP F�1ND LND ACTNITY� 3203335t8320333�0 FROM: GL 32033351-0557 GL 32033350-0537 i TO: GL 320-33351-0538 GL 32033350-0567 Transfer to General Fund Operating Trensfer Out RepaymentforAdvance Transfer to Internal Service Fupd C� ��� � �'`G�� /lf����� Preparetlby: AtlivityManager Data� ���/��;��- %I a� -�'Q Requested by: Depariment Directoq UEP Date No: <Doo �79' � Date: fp7—�p — � 0 125,000 125,000 0 56,789 56,789 �--�� ��� Approved by: i Attomey Date r,- sz..�-��.. Appr b Servic¢s Date . C DEPARTMENTPoFFICPICOUNCW OATfi WfL1AT5� "`� b p �" �I Exeo�t�veAflministrafloa-L�P 11/22t99 GREEN SHEET NQ. 103228 M' lOaW InNall�ek CONI'ACfPER50N&PNONE a2 DEPARTMENlDIREC[OR O CRYfAUNCLL SheilaReed,266A111 �� � cmrnrcoxNe� �s cma.ens MUSTH£ONCOUNQLAGENDAHY(DA]E) � �q FPpNCyfL$ERVICESDIR � FW.SERVICESOFF/ACCIG � ASAP O bfAYOR(ORASSLSiAM� O �EPA&'[b1EN'[ACCRUMANC TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATT3RE) ncnoxe.�u�o Approval of Special Fund 320 reclassificarions. aECOe,umaoanans: apqo.�e�w)or e,�x�rt7 PERSOP7AL SERVSCE CANTRACIS NNST ANSWER THE FOI.I.OWING QTJESTIONS: eure.n+GCOmMCSVOa I. Iias Utis personlfinn ever worked mder a cont[aq for flvs depaNUent? _c�eta�e YES NO _cmi.sERVicem�u.usstox 2. Has tlils peesoNficm ever been a city employee? � srace YES NO 3. Does this pecsonlfimi possess a slal( not normally possesstd by any cuaent city emp(oyee? YES NO 4. Is tNis pereon! firtn a targCied vendor? YES NO {Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen sheet.) llJl'fIATMC PROBLEM.ISSfiE, OPPoRNNIN(Wbq Whet M'ha4 H'hue, Why). The LTEP 1999 Budget includes amounts that need to be reclassified.. ADVAM[AGESIFnPPR�vEO: ► Reeords will properly classify the budgeted amount. DISAbvANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��{�'�� ��� None . MJ,LC �+ a�n� -r 6d 1 J S�,a�l y �'�l�,�,3�t _ _ _ � ��; :. u DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTApPROVFD. ' �� �"�: a S�" ,r �. �:aa'E'��a:: � eY �.: "s� r = - � �} `. ���1 Records will not properly ciassify the budgeted amount. `` g S..lyC *}YJ� r: h#.h� Y F . '�"� g, 'P, i E: � ��.�a : .a .. v �'� � .. � r�d� y`. � � k`:, t •t.:�, ?Ol'ALAMOM'IOFTRANBAC!lON�_ax=v^ COSS/REVENOEBUDGETFA(CIRCLEONE) YE6 N� � E��o��so�acfi Speciai Fund 32Q Aa,.�„y�MS�a GL - 320 - 33351 � F�*+.wcw.u��nw�.+T�oN.i&�vtaPn GL - 320 - 33350