194105ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERX PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M RESOWTJON74- JaENERAL FORM COUNCIL 11 411 ° O5 FILE NO. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be'ald he -3s hereby authorized and directed to oil'the following streets and alleys for purpose of public health and dust supression. - E & W Alley - Clear? Cottage Kyrie- Greenbrier Council File No. 194105 —By Adrian P: Allston, 2099 Allston to' Muellerlich Drive Wel- Re olved, That the Commissioner of Barclay, Margaret to Alley So. thoriized andsdirected oeoiil the ollow- Delos; Greenwood to 1501 East ing streets and alleys for purpose of public health and dusi supression. Water, - City Limits to 831 W. liter E & W Alley— Clear- Cottage— Payne- Lawson, Kent to Mackubin Greenbrier Allston, 2099 Allston to Muellerlicb Nebraska;' Arundel to Cumberland Drive Barclay, Margaret to Alley So. Orange, 134 E. of Schletti to Mackubin Delos, Greenwood to 150' East water, City Limits to 831 W. water E & W Alley- Maryland- Orange - Albemarle -Rice Nebraska, Arundel4t kCumberland Glencoe, L1Orient to Mississippi Orange, ley-Maryland- Orange All- - Iowa Park to Soo Line Plat #1 7 bemarle -Rice Glencoe, L'Orient to Mississippi L10rient; Mt. Airy t0 Arch L'Orient, Mt Airy oh'Ar hlat #1 Mt. Airy, L1Orient to Mississippi Mt. Airy, L'OtLC4, to Mississippi Alley - Iowa - Idaho— Dunlap— Lekington Alley— Iowa -Idaho — Dunlap- ampd n Nly & Sly Alley — Long - Hampden — N1y & Sly Alley- Long - Hampden - Raymond- Bradford B nso oAlton td 2354 Benson Benson, Alton to 2351 Benson Iglehart, Fry to Snelling Pascal, Dayton to Marshall Iglehart, Fry to Snelling EBeacon Wheeler�nelds- University Pascal Dayton to Marshall E & W Allejr.'Shields rUniversity- Beacon - Wheeler ice ;55W Alley - Wellesley- Stanford -1877 Wellesley- Fairview ra� .1 opping, or to 999 Topping E & W Alley- Como=Varr Slyke -1051 - Como -' East N & S Alley Department of Public Works - Paving Plant Parking Lot -7th & Hazel Dump Department of Parks - Hidden Falls Road,'Phalen Park Rd. Department of Public Safety- Parking Lot Board of Education- Various school grounds Smith Printing Co.- Parking lot COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 cOH902 Favor Against SEP 2-11959 Adopted by the Council - 19— SEP 24 1959 Approved 19— DUPLICATE TO PRINTER" ` 4 194105 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER SSIONER Adrian P. Winkel DATE 92ptember 22, 1959 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of .Public Yorks be and he is hereby authorised and directed to oil the following streets and alleys for purpose of public health and dust supression. E A Y Alley - Clear- Cottage - Payne- Greenbrier Allston, 2099 Allston to Phellerlich Drive Barclay, Pkrgaret to Alley So. Delos, Greenwood to 1501 East Waters City Limits to 831 W. utter Lawson, Kent to Ikckubin Nebraska; Arundel to Cuaberland Orange, 134 E. of Schietti to Mackubin E & W Alley- N=7lsmd- Orangc- Albemarle -Rice Glencoe, LtOrient to Mississippi Iona, Park to Soo Litre Plat 11 L*Orient, lit. Airy to Arch Mt. Airy, L'Orient to Mississippi Alle3r- Iowa,- Idaho - Dunlap - Lexington Nly A Sly Alley -Long- Hampden - Raymond- Rradford Benson, Alton to 2354 Benson Iglehart, Fry to Smelting Pascal, Dayton to Marshall E & W Alley4hields- University- Beacon - Wheeler Alley - Wellesley - Stanford -1877 Wellesley - Fairview Topping, Oxford to 999 Topping E& W Alley- Como -van $tyke -1 051 Como- East 1 i S Alley Department of Public Yorks - Paving Plant Parking Lot -7th iiasel Dump Department of Parks - Bidden Ftills bond, -94len Park Rd., Department of Public Safety - Parking Lot Board of Education- various school grounds Stith Printing Co.- Parking lot COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson -Rosen- Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 49W2 S E P 24 9959 Adopted by the Council 19 SEP 24 9959 Approved 19- Th Favor Mayor Against