08-936Council File # �� q �j jQ/J
GreenSheet# 3057095
WFIEREAS, Tndependent School District 625 is owner of real properry and faciliry lmown as the Washington Technical Middle
School, and;
WHEREAS, the Washina on Technology Middle School has been remodeled and expanded by the DISTRICT, and;
WHEREAS, Pazks had a long term leasehold on some of the space that was used in the expansion and remodel, and;
WHEREAS, in a development agreement between the two parties it was ageed that the DISTRICT would take over the lease
hold space and in return build a new recreation center azea in the expanded and remodeled azea, and;
WHEREAS, a joint use agreement, seuing the parameters of ffie City's use of the space and the DISTRICT'S management of
the space is needed, and
THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED that the MAYOR recommends that this Joint Use Agreement between Saint Paul Parks and
Recreation and Independent School District 625, who has already a�xed their signatures, be approved by the City Council.
Adopted by Council: Date
Re u te� enf of
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Approved by the
By: �c�
Approved by
BY: . `�
Adoprion Certified by Counc' Secretary B
BY� // / ,�l �Ysd.�
Approv y N ay0 •: Date g v� O�
By: �,
ofFinancial Services p,
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
08-� �,
PR -Paz��d�noa ; 2,_���-0$ ; Green Sheet NO: 3057095
Contact Person & Phone:
Tom Russefl
E-DOCUment Required: N
Document Contact: Tom Russell
Contact Phone: 66475 I
ToWI # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature)
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1 �Financial Services Fnancial Services '
2 aman R� '�h4 — ` Ruman Righta ��
3 yor'sMa Office i MaVOr/Assistant
4 omcil Citv Council
5 'tv Clerk G� CIerI�
Signatures and Council approval on the attachedjoint use agreements beriveen Parks and Recreation and ISD 625, concerning the use
of space at Washing[on Technology Middle School and Rice Recreation Center.
iaaaons: qpprove �ia) or rc
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civfl Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nottnally passessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
� Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
i Pazks lost its lease hold space at Washington Technology magnet and Rice Recreation center due to an expansion and remodel by the
j school district. In exchange for this loss of space, ISD 625 agreed to include space for Rice Recreation Center in the rebuilt space.
j This agreement sets out the pazameters for the use of this space.
Advantages If Approved:
Rice Recreation Center will be able to run their programs out of newly remodeled space. The Community will benefit from a rebuilt
faciliry that will include access to two gyms.
Disadvantages N Approved:
DisadvanWges If Not Approved:
The community surrounding Rice Recreation Center will not have an appropriate facility to experience Recreation programs.
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y
Activiiy Number.
July 21, 2008 2:57 PM Page 1
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AGREEMENT, Made this day of , 2008, by and between
the City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "City") and
Independent School District No. 625 a.k.a. Saint Paul Public Schools, a Minnesota
pubiic corporation (hereinafiter "District"), .
WHEREAS, District is the owner of real property described in the attached
Exhibit A on which is situated a facility known as the Washington Technology Middle
School, which facility has recently been remodeled and expanded by District as
depicted on the attached Exhibit B(hereinafter "School"); and
WHEREAS, the School inciudes an area which is depicted on the attached
Exhibit C (hereinafter "City Space"); and
WHEREAS, City is in need of the City Space for use by certain of City's
programs and in the past has utilized similar space at the School; and
WHEREAS, District is willing to accommodate City's needs;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises
hereinafter contained, City and District do hereby agree as follows:
A. The term of this Joint Use Agreement shall be forty (40) years
commencing on June 1, 2008.
B. City shall have three (3) successive options to e�end this Joint Use
Agreement each for an additionai term of five (5) years. In order to
exercise this right and option, City shali provide District with written notice
at least ninely (9Q) days prior to the expiration of the term of this Joint Use
C. The initial forty (40) year term and all five (5) year options are referred to
herein as "Term".
A. District does hereby grant to City, and City does hereby accept, the
exclusive right to occupy the City Space each and every day for the full 24
hour period for each entire calendar year or portion thereof during the
Term hereof.
B. District does also hereby grant to City the priority right to schedufe City's
use of DistricYs gymnasia which are located in the School and accessible
from City Space. As used herein "DistricYs gymnasia" is depicted on the
attached Exhibit D and includes common space, restrooms, vest�bule and
stairwell. The term "priority right" shali mean that after DistricYs needs for
the gymnasia are satisfied City may utifize the gymnasia on a
prescheduled basis before other non-District users are granted access to
the gymnasia. City shall schedule with District, using DistricYs then
existing scheduling procedures, City's infended use of the gymnasia in
sequential biocks of ninety (90) day time frames. District and City shall
each designate in writing the person responsible for scheduling. After Citv
periodicalfy schedules its use City shali confirm with District such intended
use on a monthly basis by no later than the 25 of the month preceding
City's use.
C. In addition to City's right to occupy as hereinbefore set forth, District shail
also make available to City other portions af the Schoo4 according to
DistricYs then current policy and procedures for use of facilities by
community organizations, including any charges therefor.
A. As used in this Agreement the term "operating costs" means all costs,
expenses and disbursements of every kind and character which is
incurred in connection with the operation, management, repair,
replacement, maintenance and alteration, if necessary, of the City Space
(excluding any such costs, expenses or reimbursements with respect to
City's programming within the City Space) and inc{udes, but is not {imited
to, custodial engineering and housekeeping services for the City Space;
utilities (gas, electric, water) appropriate to the season (with respect to the
heating and air conditioning) and City's use (lighting, restrooms, water
fountains) during its period of occupancy; rubbish and solid waste and
recyclable removal and disposition; snow and ice removal on the exterior
steps, walkways and parking lots so as to permit access to the City Space;
security for the City Space; and keeping the City Space and
appurtenances and every part thereof in good order, condition and sepair,
including the maintenance, repair and replacement, if necessary, of all
interior waiis and doors.
As used in this Agreement the term "operating cosY' does not include any
costs, expenses or disbursemE
generally accepted accounting
applicable to District.
nts required to be capitalized according to
principies (GAPP) and GASB Statement 34
B. District shali be responsible for all operating costs and the provision of
services incurred therewith to the Gity Space. City shall reimburse District
in quarterly instaliments for such operafing costs incurred at the annual
rate of $5.50 per square foot of usable City Space space (which is 10,551
square feet). In addifion, Cify shail reimburse District in quarterly
instailments for such operating costs incurred at the annual rate of $3.30
per square foot of useable gymnasia space (which is 10,455 square feet).
These amounts shall be adjusted annually effective January 1 of each
year in the same percentage as the increase in the consumer price index
for the preceding calendar year.
C. District shall be solely responsible for all costs, expenses and
disbursements incurred in connection with its operation, management,
repair, replacement, maintenance, of the City Space that are required to
be capitalized.
D. In addition to and not as part of operating costs, City shail reimburse
District for any and all costs incurred by District for repair or replacement
of any damage to the City Space caused during City's period of
occupancy as a result of the activities conducted by City during that period
of occupancy.
District will have exclusive control over branding, naming, vending, sponsorship
or advertising rights within the City Space, including assumption of all costs and receipts
of all revenues resulting therefrom, subject, however, to City's prior consent.
Capital improvements to the City Space made by District shail require the prior
approval of City.
Either City or District may terminate this Agreement by giving one year advance
written notice thereof.
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llirector, Office of Financ�
B� ` � ^A �� ��
Dir r, Department of Auman
i hts
BY �fJ �1 � �/ �
Director, Department of P rk and
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All of Block 4 and the vacated alley in said Btock 4, lots 6 thru 20 along with
the east �h of the vacated alley adjoining said Lots 6 thru 10 and the west'/z of
said vacated alley adjoining said Lots 11 thru 20, Block 3, all in DAWSON Ft
RICE'S ADDITION, accordin� to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, together with the vacated Marion Street tyin� between the
southerly right of way of Cook Avenue and the northerly ri�ht of way of �awson
Avenue and the west'/z of vacated Woodbridge Street between the south tine
of the said Lot 6, Btock 3 extended east, and said southerly ri�ht of way of
Cook Avenue.
Atl of Btock 4 and the vacated alley in said Block 4, lots 6 thru 20 along with
the east Yz of the vacated attey adjoining said Lots 6 thru 10 and the west'/z of
said vacated alley adjoining said Lots 11 thru 20, Block 3, all in DAWSON £t
RICE'S ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, together with the vacated Marion Street lying between the
southerty right of way of Cook Avenue and the northerly right of way of E.awson
Avenue and the west Yz of vacated Woodbridge Street between the south line
of the said Lot 6, Block 3 extended east, and said southerly right of way of
Cook Avenue.
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