1940801 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK e - ,194080 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE QITY CLERK 21D NCIL ES UTIO GENERAL FORM C MMPRESENTED HONE DATE SEPTEMBER 24, 1959 RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for the Electrical Work for Remodeling the Second Floor of Public Utility Building at 110 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Build- ings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satis- factory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and the Purchas- ing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson n T Favor Wnkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 4W2 Council File No. 194080 —By Bernard. T. Holland — Resolved, That the Plans and Spec- ifications for the Electrical Work for Remodeling the Second Floor of Public Utility Building at 110 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul, as submitted here- with, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commis - sioner of Parks And Recreation And � Public Buildings, be and the same are �hereby approved, the same being sat- isfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Adopted by the Council September 24, 1959. Approved September 24, 1959. (September 28, 1959) su 24 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 S EP 24 1959 Approved a 19— Mayor { - DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO194080 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY $ERIV�IRD T HOL�,gj,� DATE SEPTEMBER 249 1959 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for the Electrical Work for Remodeling the Second Floor of Public Utility Building at 110 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Build - ings., be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satis- factory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and the Purchas- ing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for .bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. SEP 2 1959 CITY PURCHASING DEPT. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson ,Ree Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 6 Tn Favor Against SEP 24 1959 Adopted by the Council 19, SEP 2 4 1959 Approved 19— Mayor