194050ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 194050 i CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER c �� � DATE RESOLVED, that upon the appeal of Fxed6ri.ck.W ,H661zelrfr_om the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, there is hereby established a 25 foot building line on the west side of Hazelwood Street between Ivy A4tenu6 and Sherwood Avenue on the north 62 feet of Lot 5, Block 2,- Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2. I Council File No. 194050 —By Robes g Peterson— Resolved, That upon the appeal of Frederick W. Hoelzel,from, the, decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, there is hereby established a 25 foot buildin line on the west side of .Hazelwood g (Street between Ivy Avenue and Sher t wood. Avenue on the north 62 feet I of Lot 5, Block 2, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2. Adopted by the Council September 22, 1959. Approved September 22, -1959. (September 26, 1959) SEP 22 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CourOEP 2 2 1959 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy • Anl.land Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Favor .Rosen Mayor 1;_Wainkel__ Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 09M4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota t Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: Sept. 17, 1959 R Z 4411,40 1006 1, SEP 1915:' CORPORATION COAINSEL JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Frederick W. Hoelzel to establish a 25 -ft. building line on property on the west side of Hazelwood St. between Ivy and Sherwood Aves., described as the north 62 ft. of Lot 5, Block 21 Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2. y v truly i y Clerk WL,n MINNESOTA 8, t .......................... ......................... ZONING,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Septeinber 16, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Frederick W. Hoelzel to establish a 25 foot Y building line on property located on the west side of Hazelwood Street between Ivy and Sherwood Avenues. The prpperty is described as the north 62 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No, 2. The zoning is }/A1' Residence and has been since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1922. The site is presently developed with a small one -story structure which is being torn dawn in order to develop the site with a new single - family dwelling. The site has a frontage of 62 feet along Hazelwood Street and a depth of 300.25 feet which results in an area of about 18,615 square feet. The provisions of the Build- ing Code require a set back of 60 feet on this lot. The lot to the north is only 125 feet deep and requires a set back of 25 feet. The present set back requirement of 60 feet would result in the proposed structure being located to the rear of any other structures built to the north. North and adjoining the property under consideration is vacant land, also the rear yard of a residence which faces on Prosperity Avenue to the west; west and adjoining is the rear yard of a residence fronting on Prosperity Avenue; south and adjoining is a vacant lot; farther to the south is a single - family residence fronting on Hazelwood Street which is set back a distance of 17J feet; east and across Hazelwood Street is a single- family residence fronting on Hazelwood Street and a vacant lot also fronting on this street. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to establishing a 25 foot set back for this property. To do so would not be detrimental to any of the adjoining pro- perties as it is in keeping with the set back requirements in the immediate area. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their meeting on August 27, 1959, and recommend the establishing of a 25 foot set back on the above described property. HCW:FGI Encl. Sincerely, C - Wj-& Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director bd 4 I N M, 0" .0 D VZI Olt 0 0 . 40 1 i��, / ;, J w4v 0 I-t tv 0 , , #-,i% wt, I Nft U4 Cb ti Yz- W- oD 'o. T 0 13 o ca to Pig Oft h r • a r il Zb b M N Co �. W to XK�� 0 W • %� Imo~ ���� A o +• 54 w' o tu ti I T. A � ai w s tD hl ' _ f s ` .0 =*'� _y� • - •. i - ' . -t om , -XI TO MM HONOkABLB CITY COUNCIL OF . THB CITY- OF ' SAINT PAUL, MINNBSQM4 s Z) The undersigned,,.- Frederick,W. Hoelzel.ms -o , nie of the,: owners of the premises hereinafter described, ~respectfully petitions, the Council, pur- suant to Section 20j of the Bui ding,Zone,Oidinance Nos 5840 (Legislative - Zoning Code, Chapter 64 *03j) -to "a -variance' from: the building,' setback s .. _ - .• lines required under the provisions. of Section 16a of the aforesaid Building Zone Ordinance,, with reference to.the premises described -as's. The North Sixtyc*two (N 62) feet of Lot Five. (5). Block Two (2)s Rogers,-and. Hendricks'Acie Lots Vo; 2, according to the plat thereof on f ile and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey .County, Minnesota; said premises being located on the west side of Hazelwood Street north of Ivy Avenue. ' The above described premises extend 62 feet in width on Hizelb r wood Street and approximately-300-feet in'depth from fazelwood Street,- }•- r The block'bounded by Hazelwood Street,,Ivy Avenue_,, and Prosperity Avenue contains many irregularly shaped building'_lots of various_depths fronting on,both Prosperity ►venue -and- Hazelwood Street.. At the present time, there is only one residence - occupied in the block facing on Hazelwood Street located on Lot '4, which'present dwelling is set back only 17 *5 feet from the -line of Hazelwood Street. Because of_the irregularly shaped lots in the block, it is difficult to determine the "average depth of` the lot" as defined by Section 16a =o£ the•Building Zone Ordinance, in order to d.eterh mine the•setbick required by the ordinances - - - The petitioner proposes io a rect'upon the above •described prem:. "__ • _ices _a- _..residence .for,:his_ own=occupancy, -which wili-,have�- the`�a`ppioximate °' T -�' -� x= dimensions of 37 feet in width (fronting on Hazelwood Street) and a depth of approximately,47 feet, with a walkout - basement on the rear. If the j petitioner is required to set his building back 20 percent of -the depth of his lot, a building_line of 60�feea will be established, The adjacent IL 4 ' r1., _ �� tea• '/' _ F - 1. v', - 'r • ' lot to the north the easterly 125'f'ei-of 'Lot ",4) is owned by Andrew,.Berg, ' who proposes,to erect Cresidence thereonj,agd :because this lot has a Tde pth of only 125 feet. a..setback�.of� 60- feet would be highly +'impractical, If a, -setback of 20 percent .of the depth,*- or 25 feet, is required. on' the Berg property and a'setback of 60 feet required oa.the petitioner's property,,.- , the petitioner's 'dwelling -house will be located in the backyard,`of the house to be�constructed,on the adjacent property., and also well behind the existing structure now located to the south on Lot 6 (1349 Hazelwood Street), which is set-back only 17,5 feets ' For the reasons herein stated, the petitioner respectfully reh quests that the Council establish it building line for construction on Hazelwood Street irk the block lying north of Ivy Avenue, requiring a sets back of 25 feet from -_the west line of Hazelwood Street.' Two copies -of a survey shbwing the premises -in question and'_ portions of adjacent premises are - submitted herewith. - Respectfully submitted,, Frederick-W, Hoelzel - .l. r • °. -� _ - � y • •� ",�+ ; � yet . %' .