194041ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF S _ ' OFFICE OF THE LICENSE COMMIT TEE COUNCIL RESOLUTIO PRESENTED BY COMMISSION Council File No. beet F. P Sevon A. Mortinson —Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the ,. ersons namedo bn the list attache resolution be and the same' f3i' T hereby granted, and the City Ifflerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council September 22, 1959. Approved September 22, 1959. (September '26, 1959) i 194041 OUNCIL ILE NO. 22 1 ESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Restaurant App.1488 Confectionery " " Hardware " " Cigarette If n F.W. Woolworth Co. 81 E. 7th Restaurant " 1844 Confectionery n If Hardware " If Pet Shop 11 if Florist If n Midway Hospital 1700 University VM Loc. " 2374 Sal Ruberto 12 W. 9th Restaurant " 2498 It If Cigarette " 'i International Harvester Co. 767 Eustis VM Loc. If 2505 Cigarette " If Pepsi —Cola & Barq's Bottling Co. A ds?'rp. Bev. Al. & NAl" 2560 ' If 1340 University 8V #M —ltog If n i R ?N. Cardozo Bros., Inc. 52 -90 E. 7th Elec. App. Rep" 2736 " n - VM Loc. n n i John P. Tracy 1345 Marshall Gas Sta. 10P " 2793 Bulk Oil Stor." "- ri " Gen. Rep. Gar." " Fuel Dlr. rr ° VM Loc. " '1 n " Cigarette If " John Blazic 864 Grand Ldy. & DC PU " 2879 Arrow Pontiac Co. 1515 University 2nd. Hd. Auto Dlr.2881 it VM Loc. App." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,6 J In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor n n n N n a H ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 94041 COUNCIL NO. FILE FORM - Sept. 202-_1 T� Contd. Page 2 APP-303411 n " iv #86 -1 Falcon Dry Cleaning, Inc.4 0 N. Lexington 7 g Ld . & DC PU y A �j PP•X9071 Morris Cohen 945 Grand " " 2909 Mrs. Joseph B. Waldorf 101 W. Summit " " 2926 Larry's Auto Glass Co., Inc. 406 -9 University VM Loc. " 2928 "I Silas Werkhoven 2191 University Restaurant 29371 11 11 Cigarette n II nI Western Auto Supply Co. 51 E. 9th VM Loc. " 2970" Northwestern Fruit Co. 1"52 E. 11th Foods MPDW If 299911 11 5v #132 -lto5 William W. Fink, Victor L. Fink & Alan K. Runelson 20 E. 19th Pkg. Lot 25t 1 300911 Christensen Potato Co. 499 Jackson Foods MPDW 11 3014" 2V-#124-1&2 -0 n n Reuben Cedarholm 1702 Laurel Grocery " 3020" Fr. .Meats Off SM n n n Cigarette n n n Mandel S. Gruesner 9000 W. 34th Foods MPDW " 3026" " St. .Louis Park iv #100 -1 " f1 1 Special Foods Co. 2285 University 3rd.fl. Foods MPDW 3030" Processed Potatoes, Inc. 1422 Carroll Foods MPDW APP-303411 n " iv #86 -1 Albert F. Ruzichka 979 Randolph Grocery " 30391 Butcher " " a n " Off SM n n n COUNCILMEN " Adopted by thftgLgjtte " f9 1 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr, President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 QR0.8 Tn Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor new ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 L R LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENC . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM -' PRESENTED I NER -DATE- Sept. 22 1 Contd. Page 3 Flipp Brothers .309 E. 10th Foods MPDW App.3046Ren " " 4v #125 -1 to 4" " Jerry Motors, Inc. 5"11 E. 7th VM Loc. p4g " Cigarette " Easy Wash_, Inc. 397 W. 7th Ldy. & DC Plt." 3053 J.A. Folger & Co. 425 E. 8th Foods MPDW " 3056 Stanley Murawski 364 Wabasha Ldy. & DC PU " 30691 Brings Co. �19 W. 7th Foods MPDW " �072a II 2V #128 -1 &2 " 1 Shell Oil Co., Inc. 778 Otto Bulk Oil Stor." 3075" " 1.1 Fuel Dlr. " " " n n VM Loc. n n n Roger S. Teasley 1082 Grand Grocery " 3077 It " Catering Fruit Dist... Inc. 533 Jackson Foods MPDW " 3091" n n 5V #127 -lto5 n n A. Jean Osteraas 1071 W. 10th Restaurant " 3090 n n On SM Off SM n n Tavern Cigarette Super Value Stores, Inc. 571 Jackson Foods MPDW " 3096" Wm & Amanda Blilie dab Dad's Cookie Co. 926 Selby Acme Linen, Inc. 200 -6 University Ldy. & DC Plt." n n VM Loc. " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays _ DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 - In Favor Against 3100 X107 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE x.94011 NO ji i COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 22, 1959 I Contd. Page St. Paul Laundry, Inc. 909 -19 Selby Ldy. & DC PT App.3118 ene ` Arthur Eggum 59 S. Hamline Ldy. & DC Plt." 3120'" i Arrow Pontiac Co. 427 N. Snelling VM Loc. " 3134," 1 a Mueller Transportation Co. 2523 Wabash 3137'" Skelly Oil Co. 733 Grand 313V 3 Cigarette " " ° F H.J. Heinz Co. 2583 -7 University Foods MPDW " 315811 Foures, Inc. 40 W. Kellogg 160;" ; 1V #9 -1 " I" Abraham I1 Bernstein 1572 Selby Ldy. & DC PU " 3183" H.J. Hills 864 Randolph Barber " 31871 ? Charles M. Finck 1013 W. 7th Ldy. & DC PU Hattie Hable Midland Bldg. " " 31931' Red Owl Stores, Inc. 415 N. Lexington Grocery " I i 3212' Butcher " " Hardware Florist -N. n Off SM n n n " Cigarette Walkers Wholesale & Retail Meats A Corp. Foods MPDW " 3215 I " 1001 N. Concord IV #59 -1 n n Alex.A. Saloun 501 Lafayette Rd. Foods MPDW " 3220' n ° 2V #6 -1 &2 n n E Curtiss Candy Co. 1101 Belmont Ave. Foods MPDW " 3229 11 Chicago, I . ]� � 61 &2 u x n q 19 COUNCILMEN opted byte h2VC it ; , Yeas Nays , DeCourey Holland Approved 19 Mortinson r E Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel A gainst EE I Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 jQR0.8 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM _PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 5 1( COUNCIL NO FILE t. 22, 1 John H. Ahern 1429 W. 7th Gen. Rep. Gar.App.3231 VM Loc. n n Hershey Chocolate Corp. 727 Pillsbury Foods MPDW " 3236 Robert Lenz & Burley Kohn 208 Tyler Bev. Al. & NA1" 3263 " Hastings, Minn. I 3 #Z -lto3 11 " Metropolitan Automotive Co. for its Champion Chevrolet Co. Div. 599 -610 N. Robert Dlr. Rep. Gar.App.3266 VM Loc. Cigarette Evelyn DeRosier 233 N. Snelling Restaurant " 3269 11 Cigarette " St. Peter= Claver Church 1060 W. Central Restaurant " 3270 " On SM n n Bowling SA " " n n Cigarette " " Sweeney Cleaners, Inc. 471 N. Snelling Ldy. & DC PU " 32721 DeLisi Fruit Co., Inc. 145 E. 11th Foods MPDW 274' 11 " 7V #117 -lto7 Stacy & Spizman Fruit Co. 160 E. 11th Foods MPDV7 " 32921 " " 6V #123 -lto6 Berde's Hotel & Restaurant Supply Co., Inc. Foods MPDW " 33o1r 11 501 Lafayette 2V #63 -1 &2 " " ' Ray H. & Irene Novak 173 E. Robie Foods MPDW " 3303' '► " 3V #129 -1 &2 n n r Nash Coffee Co., Inc. 1745 University Foods MPDW " 3349'' t .'V #26o -lto3 " t1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon bM 7 -59 8 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Approved Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .. , , .94-04. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL LICENSE OOMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 22, 1959 Contd. Page 5 377 W. Maryland • Florist -N. " 3439" Cash & Carry Supply Co. 135 E. 11th Foods MPDW APP-3354R( Chas. L. & Regina Elliott 248 S. Cleveland " 11 3355" ." 11 1V 022: #30-1 1V #94 -1 11 " " M.B. Coffee Co., Inc. 496 -8 N. Prior Foods MPDW M 3357" " 1 " Florist -N. 2V #178 -1 &2 " " " Raymond T. Wessinger 360 S. Snelling Gas Sta. 4P " 3408" Erickson Petroleum Corp. 1100 N. Snelling 3 add..Gas P. " 3430" August Grill 377 W. Maryland • Florist -N. " 3439" u " 1V #23 -1 " n Emil Nedved_ 1385 W. 7th Florist -N. a 3441" II " 1V 022: #30-1 Ernest A. Larson 367 Robert Elec. App. Rep: 3453" Puvogel Flowers, Inc. 979 Grand Florist -N. 3470" 11 " 2V'#14 -1 &2 " " " A. Johnson & Sons III 1738 Grand " Florist -N. 471" 1V #2 -1 " " E.J. Meier 1007 Arcade Gen. Rep. Gar." 3472" Ben Reiling 2296 Como Gen. Rep. Gar." 3473" Turtle Club, Inc. 394 Rondo Cigarette P 3533 "1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson '6Pin iTT Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 Qpog In Favor Against Adopted by the SEP 2 21959 j. SEP 2 2 1959 Mayor iew