D001793� C I T Y O F 6 A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR aaa�o�eaconcesio: ADNIINISTRATIV� ORDER: - City Clerk (�riginal) -finance Oept'S Aceounting Oivision � � � / � �� - Requesting Dept No: -- Date: /p'—[p- � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Based on the request of the Director of the Department of Fxecutive Administration - LIEP, the City of Saifrt Paul hereby authorizes payment of expenses for the one day Ieadership retreat heitl on 10t13799 at Dunrovin Center. � ����_C�l /'� 6r�i��� 1/ iaretl 6y: Activity Ma�ager / Oate ���1� � � estatlby: Department0irector Uate �� Approv¢a by: Attor�y Date � ���t` "-- �Z.`"� `�' � - � � App d py: Director, Financial Services Oate doo! z 9�, Administrarion - LIEP SON & PHONE � 266-91ll OUNGLAGINDABY(�A]E] 'OFSIGNATUREPAGES to pay expenses of LIEP one day leadecslrip retreat. 2GlAMMGNDAIiONS Ap�rovC (A) ot Rgat (R1 _PLANNQYG WMkLL55(O[: _c�smeunmg _crvas&evicEro�7rnu PROBL£M, LSSU6, OPPORTUNY(Y (WLo, Whet W'bw. Nuele. Why): alt ves answera on fo Expenses were incutred for a one day leadexship retreat conducted by Human Resources. LIEP must process payment for those expenses - not to exceed $1,000. ADVAMAGFS IP APPROVED. retreat center and any individuals who incurred expenses wi11 be compensated properly. �E�EI�lE�' ]ISAD V ANTAGES IF APPRO V ED. lone �� �"°� �,LE�4C qDVpTTpGESOFNOTAPPRMED. : City would expeiience difficulty in scheduling reheats. ' j ,� � �5 � A� ^c _ i F.we P~i=f'A." � r£.,+��:� � �v Q . �n�� E r..���:�. y = q � ..yeFf ;y R � 4'.n � E � �' �w�;T � � �. � 'x'lA "eI iSYAY'�is� .AMOUIVSOFTRANSAC110P_�y 1 yOOOO COSLRPVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES tt0 /l mmal�oate al DEPARTMENTDW£C}OR_CL.`Y� O2 CITYATfORNEY "/ ' _ O Env.wcucsEev¢ssom � MAYOA(ORAS51STAtiI) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIG: Ilutia/Oefe QIYCOUNCLL crrrccexic EQi.SE&V ICES OEFlACCLG 1. Has this pe�sodfi�m ever wocked under a conaact For this deparanent? YES NO 2. Has this persoWfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does chis pecsonlficm possess a skill not nocmally possessed by my cutteni city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person / firm a mrgeted vendox? YES NO ���o�a�E Permit Fees p�avaY��Ma�a GL - 320-33351-280Q w,mFORMnrtoN:cEXeWM