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If— 31092. COUNCIL FILE NO. Lo INTERMEDIARY ORDER Council File No. 193982 — In they matter of improving Como Avenue from Brompton Street to Ray- mond Avenue by resurfacing the ex- isting roadway with asphaltic concrete and from Commonwealth Avenue to Raymond Avenue by widening the ex- iad width of 46 feet In the Matter of Improving Como Avenue from Brompton Street to Raymond Avenue by resurfacing the existing roadway with asphaltic concrete and from Commonwealth Avenue to Raymond Avenue by widening the existing roadway to a width of 46 feet and paving the widened roadway areas with concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by removing wood block, granite, brick and asphalt surfacing; by building up the present concrete base with concrete where necessary to bring the surface of the concrete base to the proper sub -grade of the new asphaltic concrete surfacing or by constructing;new concrete base where necessary; by surfacing the existing tracklarea with asphaltic ,Tconcreteywhere_ track 2paving is adequate aM %y -- removing track °and track pavement Wfiere "required; bpk;Lv constructingfh;dw� concrete_.ctwV,. xhe -re~ necessary- ;, byr:constructing sewer, wa:t®r -1':iiv u]?o ..and,cgae : service Nconnection -s -from street -b i ib ito:pr©perty lines7'where necessary; by reconstructing : the paoving, curbing and sidewalks -on- intersectingsstreets�,��j£„t is where snot *'i 1i- coaf o_ 'rmity , with said ` improvement and by 'doing -all other work' which is nece "ssaiq and`inci:dental to conplete said improvement. 2. That the nature of tht improyeireut w.141: the C'ijtlrcil rec:,nuri.-nds is Improve-Como Avenue from Brompton Street to Raymond Avenue by resurfacing the existing..roadway with asphaltic concrete and from Commonwealth ,Avenue to Raymond ,Avenue by widening the existing roadway to a width of 46 feet and paving the widened roadway areas with concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by removing wood block, granite, brick and asphalt surfacing; by building up the present concrete base with concrete where necessary to bring the surface of the concrete base to the proper sub -grade of the new asphaltic concrete surfacing or by constructing newbconcrete base,wherenecessary; by "surfacing- th'ev'existing track area =with - asphaltic l concrete -where° track paving is adequate and by removing.rtrack and track pavement where required; by con structing,jnep2 concrete-1pirb Where `neecessary_ -; Lby_constructingl sewer_ "�; -water dad ,If and {gas service connections, fr -o-m' atreety mains to property lines where necessary; - °by- reconstructing - -the = pavingg curbin' and rIiflaf lks on- intersecting"- - streets -he `''4rt Nwh@ re 'not'�inT ;confoj'hity'with'said rii)rovement'arid -by'doing'�'h1l ('other work °e notice of swh�i�clieis' necessary`�and,dheidental too- -complete said- 14rovement:ng tllc time and l:I:,re of hearing, the nature of the Irnprovcrient and the total c eoi as estimatsd. Adopted by the Council SEP 159 , 19 S E P 151959 Approved— File 14630 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WVINKEL Mr. President DILLON 19 City Clerk R Mayor