193961ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 193961 FILE NO, LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM -_ PRESENTED BY Sept. 15 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 5 Easy Wash, Inc 131 E. 6th Ldy. & DC PU App.2947Ren Applebaum Food Mkts., Inc. 2147 Ford Pkwy. Grocery 0 2954" n " Butcher Off Sale Malt Cigarette Sugar, Inc. 907 Hampden Foods MPDW " 2983" A.H. Frishberg & Philip Maas 527 Jackson Foods MPDW " 2992" 2V #136 -1 &2 Morris Rifkin & Sons, Inc. Stockyards Foods MPDR " 2996" 11 - So. St. Paul 1V #29 -1 -- It n It Arcadia Fryers, Inc. 2245 Charles Foods MPDW " NOV n n 3V #12 -lto3 n n n John Morrell & Co. 330 E. 6th Foods MPDW " 3007" if 11 4V #64 -lto4 n it it University Grad Club 2089 Carter Ave. Cigarette It 3012" St. Paul Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter Catering -" 3028" John Halliger St. Michael, Minn. Foods MPDW " 3052" n n 1V #154 -1 " it n Shirley L. A Philip S. Carlson 539 Selby Foods MPDW " 3063" & Ernest Gruetzman 856 -9 Thomas Grocery if 30660 "Edward Butcher Cigarette Meyer Agranoff 642 Selby Ldy. & DC PU n 3073" Michael Shader 19 W. 4th Confectionery " 3076" Albert Sandler 229 W. Kello dy & DC PU 11 9 3080° COUNCILMEN Adopte y the Council Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Martinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -69 8 l ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 193951 FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Sept. 15, 1959 Contd. Page 6 Louis Bernstein 236 So Cleveland Ldy•. & DC P1t. App, 3086Re. Wm. Segal Wholesale Co. 559 Robert Foods MODW 111 3088" 11 11 1V #102 -1 " " " Anthony A. & Charles E. Redding 631 -5 Selby Ldy. & DC Plt." 3111" Charles L.-Goble 117 Endicott Bldg. Restaurant " 3117" Lindsay C. Mode 511 Wabasha Pawnbroker " 3119" Carrie Halvorson 70 Endicott Bldg. Restaurant " 3124" " 11 Cigarette n " " Mrs. Wm. Finlayson 2234 Carter Ldy. & DC PU ° 3126" Hetfield Queenan, Inc. 1039 University VM Loc. n 3135" Brown & Bigelow Employees Club 1286 University Cigarette " 313611 National Tea Co. 493 Rice Grocery n 3148" " " Butcher 11 " n Hardware Off Sale Malt Cigarette �lk Laundry o. y 4 Minnesota 3 Minnesota �d & DC PU y� " " jl�011 1 l" Melvin J. Omholt 34 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. 5P n 3173" " Gen. Rep. gar: " n " " VM Loc. 11 n n Leo Huppert 911 Rice Elec. App. Rep; 3185" The Rath Packing Co. Waterloo, Iowa Foods MP DW n 3189" n [1 2V #72 -1 &2 n n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 QW8 -----In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - ` 193951 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Sept. 15, 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page Abe Bernick a n n Harold G. Bakke If James Bies If 168 E. Indiana n n u 1605 University n 190 S. Wabasha a _ Grocery App.2780Ren Fr. Meats " " " Off Sale Malt If ''I " Cigarette If " " Restaurant If 2804" Cigarette n n n Bev. Al. & NA1" 2812" 2V #W -1 &2 n If n St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet Co. 1505 University VM Loc, Leo J. & Alice M. Carpentier 2521 University Restaurant If " Cigarette George Lau Ben Sadowsky Skelly Oil Co. Adolph & Robert Rosen n n If Raymond A. Zopf Hillcrest Bowling, Inc. Lawrence J. Palmen Egekvist Bakeries, Inc. Louise James n F.R. Schneider COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 112 Pionser Bldg, 132 E. 4th 1717 University 859 University n n n 895 Randolph 1560 White Bear 159 Dousman 2147 Ford Pkwy. Restaurant A " Ldy. & DC PU If VM Loc. it Gas Sta. 3P " Gen. Rep. Gar." VM Loc. " Cigarette If Elec. App. Rep: Bowling 12A If Gen. Rep. Gar." Bakery If 2852" 2856" n n 2858" 2866" 287+" 2893N u a n a H a 1,.2894.N 2920" �9 �5" 2934" 251 -3 W. 7th Restaurant 11 2938" 11 Cigarette " " If 509 University Butcher " 2945" Adopted by the Council 19 In Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 93961 FILE N PRESENTED I NER DATE bept. 15, 1959 Contd. Page 3 F. S. McLaughlin H Mrs. O.H. Hultin a n n Chippewa Springs Corp. 11 Schlitz Brewing Co. n Charles W. Brown Pfeiffer Brewing Co. H Nesbitt Bottling Co.. fl Selma Metcalf n n u 628 Wells M 560 VanBuren n R 318 2nd. Ave. SE Mpls. 211 9th Ave. S. Mpls. 1234 Payne 982 W. 7th H 217 -27th Ave. NE Mpls. 370 Selby n n Mrs. Josephine R. Anderson 1346 W. M'haha. Frank J. Binder 1111 N. Hazel n n Bev. Al. & NA1. 6V. #S —ito6 App.2588Ren, Grocery " 2627" Fri Meats " " " Off Sale Malt Cigarette Bev. Al, & NA1" 3V #AA-lto3 a Bev.. Al. & NAl" 2V #041 &2 " TV Master " Bev. Al. & NAlU 11V #B-lto 11 " Bev. Al. & NA12 2V #R -1 &2 " Restaurant " On Sale Malt t1 Off Sale Malt " Cigarette " Ldy. & DC PU " Florist -N. " lV #39 -1 " 2644" H fl 2645" n n 2670" 2690" fl fl 2686" n n 2699" fl 11 n n fl fl 27o4a 270911 " fl Herbert B. Walker & Joseph W. Mitlyng Mpls. Bev. Al. & NA1: 2714" " 1324 Washington N. 1V #C -1 " " " Frank Gaston 190 E. Indiana VM Loc. " 2727" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 Tn Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 3°1 L VVV CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM = -. PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 15, 1959 Contd. Page 2 Clarence L. Favilla 549 E. M'haha. Grocery App.2444Ren. " 11 Fr. Meats " " n Off Sale Malt Cigarette Central Building Supply Co. 435 W. M'haha. Pr. Gas Pump " 2451" n n VM Loc. n n n Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. " 3530 E. 28th ev. Al. NA1:' n 2471" n " Mpls. V #G—lto Distiller's Distributing Co. 629 Stinson B1vd.Bev. Al. & NAl" 24721 " Mpls. 3V #AE —lto3 n " N Nestor Virnig 1661 Grand Restaurant " 2457" " " Cigarette " " n Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. 415 Grove VM Loc. " 2507" Charles E. Hires Co. (A Corp.) 806 S. 4th Bev. Al. & NAM 2512" " \1 Mpls. 3V #U -lto3 n n N Ed Phillips & Sons Co. 2345 Kennedy NE Bev. Al. & NAM 2513" " _ " Mpls. 5V #AD -lt05 " n n Minneapolis Bottling Co. 245 14th Ave. S. Bev. Al. & NAl! 2515" " Mpls. 2V #N -1 &2 " " N Famous Brands, Inc. 928 S. 4th Bev. Al. & NA1° 2523" " Mpls. 2V #AB -1 &2 n n II Myron Riedler 1342 VanBuren TV Master " 2536" n " 3 Serv. n n n Binder Beverage Co. 2939 12th Ave. S. Bev. Al, & NA1" 2556" n it 3V #Q —lto3 " N 0 Joseph F. Fisher 499 University Barber " 2567" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon bM 7 -59 08 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK a CITY OF ST. PAUL JI ENCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 193961 LICENSE COMMITTEE Council File No. 193981 —By Bernard T in COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Robert F.dPetersonn Ar Morttnson- Resolved, That licenses applied for PRESENTED BY + t1i^ persons named on the list COMMISSIONER DATE a7�: ia_, ,1``t�i�'i- resolution be and the -- 4,ett,' -r granted, and the g�fed to issue such -; into the' RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons'at the,,addnesLff�;mber stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Midwest Spring Co. 906 N. Dale VM Loc. App.417 Rene " " Cigarette " It N Minnesota Milk Co., Inc. 370 University Milk Plant " 679 lV -1st 1V -2nd. q n n a n 43 add.V #J -1to45 " " " " VM Loc. App." "' Mullery Paper Box Co. 1050 N. Rent a " 716 " n it Cigarette n n It Applebaum's Food Mkts., Inc. 427 St. Peter Grocery " Butcher " Off Sale Malt " Cigarette " Anna MacGlynn 1035 S. Cleveland Hardware " Donaldson Co., Inc. David J. Piette, Jr. Carl Salhow n n Harold Hallberg Minnesota Plastics Corp. ". Gross Bros.- Rronicks Dr. Manuel Navarro Paul S. Norman COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon bM 7 -59 QW8 666 Pelham Blvd. 825 Hague 1255 Payne it n 824 E. Maryland VM Loc. " Mtr. Veh. Dr. " Gas Sta.4P " Gen. Rep. Gar." VM Loc. " Gen. Rep. Gar." 79 4" 11 it n q q 1853" 2079" 2348" 2370" It q n a 2412" 45 E. Maryland VM Loc. " 2430" " Cigarette n n n 1647 Rice Ldy. & DC PU " 2436" 527 University Vet Hospital " 2437" 1399 St. Clair Bakery It 2439" Adopted by the Council 19 Tn Favor A gainst Approved 19 PUBLISHED 7 - /-7 - 1, 9 — T. _ Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 SEP 15 1959 ' Adopted by the Council 19 S p 15 1959 Approve 19 n Favor Mayor A gainst ORIGIVL TO CITY CLERK ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL L Ua961 FILE FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE Sept. 15,- 1999 Contd. Page 7 Florian E. Marsolek 937 w.. Mfhaha. Gen. Rep. Gar.App.3207R Luther Theological Seminary 2375 Como Cigarette " 3209" Brown & Kronick Iron & Metal Co., Inc. 100 -2 E. Indiana Junk Dlr. " 321&x" Socony Mobil 011 Co. 606 Vandalia Bulk Oil Stor." 3228" R.A. Laramy 1082 Payne 1 add. TV Serv" 3249Q George Vavoulis 150 Pioneer Bldg. Florist —N. II 3264" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 SEP 15 1959 ' Adopted by the Council 19 S p 15 1959 Approve 19 n Favor Mayor A gainst