193947ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL fRESIO' I UTION— GENERAL FORM 193 COUNCIL NO.— FILE RESOLVED, That the plat of "Battle Creek Heights Plat l" as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 Council File No. 193947 —By Ad Winkel— Resolved, That the plat of Creek Heights Plat 1" as recomi by the Plat Commission and al by the Commissioner of Public be and the same is hereby aca Adopted by the Council Sel 15, 1959. Approved September 15, 1959. (September 19, 1959) Adopted by the Council SER 15 19 S E P 15 1959 Approved p I 7 P. r k DUPLICATE TO PRINTER , -19394' • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK; COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE sentember 15.. 1959 MOOL,VED,p That the plat of *Battle Creek Reights Plat].* am recoamonded by the ast Commission and Approved bT the Commi.etioner of Fnblie Work:p be and the samt Is hereby accepted. i I i I f I I SEP 15 19591 f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy S E P 15 1959 Holland Approved 19 Martinson Peterson 2n Favor Rosen Mayor i Winkel A gainst Mr. President, Dillon ,t 6M 7-69 8 i 1 r t c 19394'7 plat Tormmisst.o It of Ramsey Toun#y Minnesota OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 234 CITY HALL aqmyo 8 To the Honorable, the 6ity Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Selbtember 15, 1959 I am submitting herewith for your approval the plat of "Battle Creek Heights Plat 111 This plat has been accepted by the Plat Commission of Ramsey County. G—REH plat and resolution attached Yours very truly rH,,J. DBERGt Commi sion 8