D001792� Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Divis�on - Requesting DeQt. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF T'HE MAYOR ADl�IINISTRATIVE ORDER 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Professional Aevelopment Instihxte is sponsoring a course 2 on Field Trainuig Officer Certification and, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 � 4 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, this course is scheduled for December 6-10, 1999, and will be conducted at Metropolitan State University. Be it ordered that pursuant to the 1999 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to remit an amount not to exceed $750.00 to Events By Design, located at 2236 Cypress Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. This is to cover eacpenses for food service for the outside agencies participating in the Bike Patrol course. This include moming break and snacks for this course. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Finance Services Funding source: Accountcode # 436-34117-0299-40017 �{�� Requested by: • by: City Attomey rro: �o o � 7 9a Date: l� Date �-- ��--�--� j � �� % Ap ved b� Director Date oe� a DEPA&tMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII, DATEIIVl1'IATED .PoliceDepartment t�/29/� GREEN SH�ET �vo. 1�4546 CONTA PERSON & PHONE uIITTnUDA mTTfnvDAiE Cluef Finney 292-3588 1 ns�n�oa �I. 2 coB,co. MOST BE ON CAUN II, AGFdVDA BY (DA1'E) -i pzocess ASAP ��*�r �"� , �euw�qAl,yBNICESns.]y//� � yuwnOAL�fv/ACC1G � ( R�i\ �--� V � �YOB(OHAS56T1.N11_ �Blf$IS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C1TON REQUFSTED Routing and approval of the attached Administrative Order. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL $HtVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLI.OWAG QU&ST[ONS: I. Has ttis pason/fvm ever worked under a contract for thi5 tlepaztmenC? PLANNING COMtvIISSION YES NO CIB COMNIITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er beeu a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COIvIMISSION YES NO 3. D«s tius pecsodficmpasuss a sldll mtno[mallY possessed by arry waeot city employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis pexsonffvm a tatgHed veffioc? YES NO Eaplain all yes answers on separate shcet and attach ro gieen st�cet TING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'CY (WHO, WHAT, WREN, WAERE, WHY) ihe Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs Professional Development Institute is sgonsoring a 5-day seminar in Field Training Officer. Outside Agencies will be sending 30 people to this seminar wlrich will affront the wst of ffie semivar. Ten members of the Saint Paul Police Department will be trained at no additional cost. nnvaNrncES � nrrxovEn Ten Saint Paul Police Department Employees will be trained at no addkional cost. DLSADVANTAGFS IF APPROVED None noted. ����!1�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Saint Paul Police Department Employees will not benefit from this training. ��� � 1ggg �:i a`y 4����C �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON $ 7SO.00 ' CO5C/REVENOE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONL� YES NO �tnvnsre souicca 436-34117-0299-40017 acrivrrr Nunze�e 4303 FINANCUll. AIPORMATION (EXPLAII�