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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 193911 —By Adrian P.
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public
Works has heretofore recommended to
the Council that portions of the so-
PRESENTED BY called Old Workhouse Farm property,
COMMISSIONE DAT included in! the plat prepared by I. S.
1 1I ;r - --,21r
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has hereto-
fore recommended to the Council that portions of the so- called
Old Workhouse Farm property, included in the plat prepared by
I. S. Forsberg and designated, "Battle Creek Heights Plat 111,
the legal description of said property being hereinafter set
forth, be sold since the Old Workhouse Farm is no longer to
be used as a detention facility by theCity of Saint Paul and
the functions heretofore carried out at said property now will
be handled at the facility now designated the City and County
Detention and Workhouse Facility; and
WHEREAS, it has been heretofore contemplated that
moneys acquired through the disposal of the property referred
to herein will be used in connection with the new City and
County Detention and Workhouse Facilities, and since the Detention
and Workhouse Facility Commission through its Executive Secretary
has indicated an urgency in having the funds which may be acquired
by virtue of sale of the property described herein being made
available as soon as possible; and
5M 5.58 2
WHEREAS, the legal description of the property which
the Commissioner
of Public Works recommends be sold is as follows:
Part of the NE/4 of Section 2, Township 28 North,
Range 22 West, Ramsey County, St. Paul, Minnesota
described as follows: Except that part taken for
street purposes, commencing at the SW corner of
the NEB of Sec. 2, T 28 N, R 22 W, thence northerly
on a deflection angle of 890 251 to the right
measured from the south line of the NFL of said
Sec. 2 a distance of 560 feet to a point; thence
easterly on a deflection angle of 90 35' to the
right a distance of 520.10 feet to a point; thence
on a curve to the left, said curve having a radius
of 300.98 feet for a distance of 270.48 feet to a
point; thence on a curve to the right, said curve
having a radius of 867.24 feet for a distance of
892.87 feet to a point; thence along a line that
�= _ _ t.� f _ _
Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Approved 19-
Tn Favor
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 5.58 2
is tangent to the last described curve at the last
described point for a distance of 50 feet to a
point; thence on a curve to the left, said curve
having a radius of 1250.44 feet for a distance of
768.35 feet to a point; thence northeasterly along
a line that is tangent to the last described curve
at the last described point for a distance of 304.04
feet to a point on the east line of said Sec. 2;
thence southerly on a deflection angle of 1170 06' 33"
to the right a distance of 1261.23 feet to g point;
thence westerly on a deflection angle of 90 36' 15"
to the right a distance of 2618.63 feet to the
point of be� inning.
the foregoing property being a portion of the Old Workhouse Farm
Now, Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the action contemplated by Council File
No. 192498 be effectuated as soon as possible;-and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the
sale of the aforementioned property and directs that the moneys
received in connection with said sale, in accordance with law,
be assigned and set over to the Detention and Workhouse Facility
Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey,
less any expenditures incurred by the Department of Public Works
in connection with preparing the aforesaid land for sale, for
which expenditures the Department shall be reimbursed from the
sale proceeds.
S EP �J 'i959
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19
'Yeas ' " Nays
DeCourcy S E P 9 1959
Holland Approved 19-
Peteiff6ff— Tn Favor o
Rosen O Mayor
Winkel ------Against
Mr. President, Dillon
see 5.58 4OW2
Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator
Capital of Minnesota
ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner
CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner
234 City Hall & Court House
To the Honorable Council
of the City of Saint Paul
Chief Engineer
�!.9 -19 l
September 9, 1959
The Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission of the
City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, as indicated by
Council File No. 192498, has asked that the Old Workhouse Farm
property be disposed of as soon as possible, so that it may
obtain the proceeds from the sale of such properties for use
in connection with the construction program connected with
erecting a new City- County detention facility building. The
Public Works Department has done considerable work in connec-
tion with the proposed disposition of this property and has
prepared a plat thereof which is designated, "Battle Creek
Heights Plat 111. This plat describes a portion of the old
workhouse property to be sold. Encompassed in said plat is
the area of the old workhouse farm bounded by McKnight Road
on the east, Ruth Street on the west, Larry Ho Drive on the
north, and Upper Afton Road on the south. The legal descrip-
tion of said property is as follows:
Part of the NE/ of Section 2, Township 28 North,
Range 22'West, Ramsey County, St. Paul, Minnesota
described as follows: Except that part taken for
street purposes, commencing at the SW corner of
the NE/14 of Sec. 2, T 28 %9R 22 W, thence northerly
on a deflection angle of 0 25' to the right
measured from the south line of the NE% of said
Sec. 2 a distance of 560 feet to a point; thence
easterly on a deflection angle of 900 35' to the
right a distance of 520.10 feet to a point; thence
on a curve to the left, said curve having a radius
of 300.98 feet for a distance of 270.48 feet to a
point; thence on a curve to the right, said curve
having a radius of 867.24 feet for a distance of
892.87 feet to a point; thence along a line that
is tangent to the last described curve at the last
described point for a distance of 50 feet to a
PUBLISIIED 5— 5a - 5 7
To the Council 2. September 9, 1959
point; thence on a curve to the left, said curve
having a radius of 1250.44 feet for a distance of
768.35 feet to a point; thence northeasterly along
a line that is tangent to the last described curve
at the last described point for a distance of 304.04
feet to a point on the east line of said Sec. 2;
thence southerly on a deflection angle of 1170 06' 33"
to the right a distance of 1261.23 feet to a point;
thence westerly on a deflection angle of 900 36' 15"
to the right a distance of 2618.63 feet to the
point of beginning.•
Under the legislation previously enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Minnesota, it was provided that funds raised from
the sale of the Old Workhouse Farm property would be transferred
to the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission of the City
of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey. For some time, now,
City personnel, headed by the Mayor and the Commissioner of
Public Works, have been considering certain terms and conditions
which are to be incorporated into the conditions of selling of
the Old'Workhouse Farm property, and it has been decided that
the City is prepared to proceed with the sale of a portion of
said property if the Council is agreeable to presently proceed.
The undersigned Commissioner recommends to the Council that it
approve said project and direct that the same be disposed of
in accordance with .the provisions of Administrative Ordinance
No. 6576 of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to sale of City
of Saint Paul realty. The reasons for recommendation of sale
of the aforementioned property are that the same is no longer
needed as a detention facility by the City of Saint Paul and
the Commission, through its Executive Secretary, has indicated
an urgency with respect to the proceeds to be obtained from
sale of the Old Workhouse Farm property.
Respectfully sub 'tted,
Adrian P.Winkel
Commissioner of Public Works