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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK' - CITY OF ST. P OFFICE OF THE CI1 COUNOIL RESOLVMON —c PRESENTED COMMISSION // Council File No. 194748 —�By Bernard T. Holland — Whereas, The City Architect having requested the City Council to hold .1 public hearing to consider any com- plaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint. Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 456 Palace Ave- nue, more particularly described as Lot 13, Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of_Deedt ,J,n e$,- -- <_„ -iJa�ee• {.. I L -`4748 WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 456 Palace Avenue, more particularly described as Lot 13, Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's.Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, the City Council held a public hearing on November 18, 1959 to consider the expense and b confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File 191058, approved February 18, 19599 published February 21, 1959, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and by Council File 191360, approved March 17, 19599 published March 21, 1959, ordered the wrecking by-and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and by Council File 1917959 approved April 14, 1959, published April 18, 1959, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoinijig property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $578.59 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that Katherine Kriha, 456 Palace Avenue Saint Paul 2, Minnesota, is the record owner of said premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Louis P. Swanson7, Estate, c/o Katherine Swanson, Rochester State Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, Katherine Swanson, Rochester State Mopital, Rochester, Minnesota, Hjalmer Swanson, 456 Palace Avenue,Saint Paul 2 Minnesota, Johh Martisch, 4521, Palace Avenue, Saint Paul. 2, Minnesota, and Mary Ketznew,•'452 Palace Avenue, Saint Paul 2 Minnesota; be it RESOLVED, that the City Coun cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $578.59 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure, and hereby directs the City Clerk to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland tM� Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 QD.8 2 0 '1959 Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 2 01959 Approved 19 r Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 94748 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE it vuwii} busing 44 omsuwr ow iii 0%gaints t im" by tbo MY of SuSAt fta in rs**Ug A d oxw# xtraotuxa at 436 -PaUom kvmu * 3,93.0.09 J;W0d Fab V. 20 19% -PUMUbW FebA " . 3; t a. [► 0 04408 the 4=86oua otmto"t, Ana *IN'll at th mie oat mw ovmft -tb Vie: 00jx t>w aV � � 340 �.959i a� � c � ? AM Put o ��� �ro #� a �: t� i w alb s & _do a �h a *rya no y for ► M *x Of "w1b gm Of r 9 moo otruatu t mss, it OPWAm that 1 �wr *Iha� 4 WQW Au Sit Paul 2R x1=480ta.. of a c e oi� x"t�c� p ka'r°.,t ► t ' �t� V. V ,: Ste , # � t'Ix�x $ �s � ► �► P � ,Il ve nue s Sit Farm. 2' '► ' .52, � Avomw, Sa► t Vitt! 2 ftwootal be► it w. zvmv that tbw cifq C *$I - the City of, Saint P"I bift'-%tV oo4ftm tom► wDuAt �&�# tlo e`er'w c# '� =alum for mob �.ms u . t�o cus avr a I*a dftdts tba Citit Mwk to IU* in tho qt 00 fl� DWIA ter tio comtv or t t2 ,mil yy�' ==t #act +�* waaw owot .,1r07 or tbo Sant ftul COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland ase117- Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 OM,8 In Favor Against NOV 2 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 2 0 1959 Approved 1 19 r Mayor DUPLICATE TA PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL ,_94'48 NO. FILE lS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any compLaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangarous structure at 456 Palao@ Avenue, sore particularly described as Lot 139 Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29, Stinson, Drown & Raxieyfs Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Ylinnesout the City Council held a public hearing on November 18, 1959 to consider the expense and is confirm the amount thereof, and �WREMS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File 191058, approved February 18, 19599 Publiaihed Febnvu7 21, 19599 set a public hearing to consider resWving the dangerous structure, and by Council File 191%0* approved ftrch 179 19% published March 21,. 19599 ord6ted the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of that owner, occupant, or other person in contrail thereof,, and by Council File 1917959 approved April 14, 19599 Published April 18,, 1959, directed the Co ai.ssioner elf Parks,.. Playgrounds and Public Bu$ldings to enter upon the premises and vreok and rmove the bui] .ding thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and ad oinigg property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of 578.59 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS., it appears that Katherine Kriha, 456 Palace Avenmo Saint Paul 2, Minnesota, is the record owner of said premises copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Louis. Swansons Estate, c%a Katherine Swanson, Rochester State Hospital,, Rochester, Minnesota,,Xatherine Swanson, Rochester State Hdspital, Rochester,, Mnne6ota, Hjalmr Swanson, 456 Palate Avenu,8aint Paul 2 Min�elesota, Jobb.9artieoh, 4521 Palace Avenue, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota, and MarY lima ,l �52' Palace Avenue, Saint Paul 2 Minnesota.; be it R,=VEb., that the City Coun cil of the City of Saint Paul herby oe'nf'irms the amount of $578.59 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure, and hereby directs the, City Clerk to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the prvpex"ty, pursuant to the Building Cade, Section 1.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Peterson In Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-59 OW8 0 0 NOV 2 01959 a ,, Adopted by the Council 19 CJ7 CX NOV 2 01959 IN 03 Approved 19 t;,,,�. Mayor 0% O Fr- I.G E . O F CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk :BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 4 4s November 18, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution confirming the cost to the city in connection with the wrecking and removal of a dangerous structure at 456 Palace Ave., as more fully described in the attached file, and directing the City Clerk to file a statement of expense as a lien against the property in the office of the Register of Deeds. V truly y s, D y Clerk 19 4! g Aloft I'S IES.'j Knox COMM w. MINNESOTA 8 0 x Cn 00 rn cz co DUPLICATE COMPTROLLER 8 TO COMM FIN ARC[ CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ -REGISTERED DILI _ DEPAR rMENT OF Pm �4 r. D• /� l�J� I 4-1784 R E G I S.T E R E D BILL eF I DATE RENDERED -- l 15, 1954 RL it56 Ta1aoo AV*.g, Ri,- Poa1. - M nn& . TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I TO ■E CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM 'CODE NOTICE IN M Romm THIS sup wt7H YOUR Rt{MMAMCi 1�pares rt Dwi, of k Reareatlas k P bl-A D�1 4 with tbf O�a�M 0 the * and abws at W Palaea 11r., d DI- -'I aribod as Let 138 Dlest 18, Ritb. of Alps. !d del 09 Maims ft k tt ooWla Adc4 far the I •,, xetit`lloatiaos k CaMeiiattem TINY m tism 55 ,. I ?s ?s1q WroW og Goo for wrecking as per O jt 19jo0,8� htt�al �!d r.. 550, Goub aet 0-1859 row C41 Lwis r. momplim It t., % iitb Mllll tae poa seta r plate Hoop., Roshoster, msim. =alkwiae fomo a, Roaheater state ljg6v HsaiMafar, 1tl.ns. H�lsda' 1�6 tal.aee AA., ! Jda Ykrti jp# T0- mo Ave., R Mm%mwr, 452 Pala" "o., 2 5 V t REGISTERED AM • CITY COMPTROLLER ■Y i n �I J5 8' f 3 53T CiRTIFIRD CORRI= ■Y � 1 591 Co MIM sSIONER • TRIPLICATE TO COMPTROLLER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPA MENT OF �� �` pw B., REGISTERED BILL Katherine Kriha, et col W6 Palace Ave.. 5t, Paul P, Minna TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OMPTROLLER'S GISTERED BILL 4 -17% DATE RENDERED Sept. 150 3.959 REFERENCE REGISTERED AND APPROVED BY CITY COMPTROLLER CERTIFIED CORRECT COMMISSIONER v% TO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM CODE 31.22 Expenses of Dept. of Parkes & Recreation lea Public Buildings in connection with the condem ation 0. the dwelling and sheds at 456 Palace Ave„* des. cribed as .Lot 13p Block 28* Sub. of Hike. 28 29,. Stf nwn, Brown & Ramey l is Add. for the followingt veetifatimep Notifications & Condemnation 25 bans 8.34 5% . 2 8 76 Photos 7 53 To PsteV Wrecking Co. for vreckbg as per C..F 193018, Informal Bid No, 580, Contract 01 -1859 537 Total $ 5 78 59 CG= Louis P*. Swanson Est., % Katherine Swanson 900hQster State Hospo, Chester# Minn.. Natherine Swoon, Rochester State Hosp„ Rochester: Hanno, Hjelmer Swanvonj 456 Palace Ave., 2 John Hart3achp Palace 4521 Ave.„ 2 Mal Kretanew, 452 Palace Ave., 2 IM 0 -57 S 11 11 REGISTERED AND APPROVED BY CITY COMPTROLLER CERTIFIED CORRECT COMMISSIONER v% F1 �VM.-LA MONT-KAUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks City Architect WM. W. ROONEY Bureau of Public Buildings Deputy Commissioner 446 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner 8 October 29, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk 286 City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: ROBERT A. LOBDELL Supt. of Public Recreation Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Register of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 456 Palace Avenue, described as Lot 13, Block 28, Sub. of Blocks 28 and 29, Stinson, Brown 8 Ramseyts Addition. The proper- ty is listed in the ownership of Katherine Kriha, 456 Palace Ave., St. Paul 2 (Record Owner) and copies of the condemnation proceedings.were mailed to:M i Katherine Swanson, Rochester State Hospital, Rochester, nn. Louis P. Swanson,Est., % Kath.erine Swanson, Rochester State Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Hjalmer Swanson, 456 Palace Ave., St. Paul 2 John Martisch, 452V Palace Ave., St. Paul 2 Mary Ketznew, 452 Palace Ave., St. Paul 2 The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of the dwelling and sheds therefrom. Following is an itemized state- ment of the expenses as per Registered Bill No. 4 -1784, dated September 15, 1959, copy attached. Expenses of Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings for: Investigations, notifications, condemnation $25.00 Specifications 8.76 Photos 7.83 To Patsy Wrecking Co., for wrecking as per C.F. 193018, Informal Bid No. 580, Contract G -1859 537.00 $579'.7-9— We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to con- firm the amount. Yours very truly, Alf "ed�'H: b`Schr eder AHS .. A CITY ARCHITECT. Council File No. 194746 —By Adrian P. Winkel— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , at on Resolved, he That SecondnUnitedcImprove- ment recommend- ORIGINAL CITY OF S Program Advisory Committee and Commit Committee, following requests for OFFICE OF TH reprogramming within Bond Fund 260 and Bond t�fc »Yndir V 210, COUN LUTIO From Project No2o0 St-1, authorized: . IO f YG1zbA roDmil PRESENTED BY `t rilic78 k'E xoes9lo1 1d�FCOMMISSIONE - DATE N 19,4746 IL.. NO. RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Second United Improvement Program Advisory Committee and approved by the Council Technical Committee, the fol- lowing requests for reprogramming within Bond Fund 200 and Bond Fund 210, are authorized: FROM PROJECT N0. , TO PROJECT N0. AMOUNT 200 St -1, Randolph Ave. 2UO 9t-22_p=ond Ave. Syndicate to Snelling Como ve.'to Rice $ 8,000.00 .200 St -1 Randolph Ave.. 200 St: 0, Stryker Ave. - Syndicate to Snelling_ krxiapolis St to Dodd Rd-.25000-00- 200 St -1 Randolph Ave. 00- St -15, Traffic Syndicate to Snelling Control Signals 23000.00 200 St-20 Fairview Ave. 200 St -15, Traffic Highland P y. to St.Clair Control Signals 2033•000.00 200 St -20 Fairview Ave. 200 St-28, Snelling Ave. Highland Pky.to St.Clair Montreal to Ed cumbe Rd. 100.00 200 St -23 Arch St -Rice St. 200 St-281 Snelling Ave. to Mississippi St. Montreal to Ed cumbe Rd. 100.00 200 St -2.4 Dale -St.- Lincoln Ave.. 0 St-30p Ramsey St. -to Front Ave: W.7th. St. to Exchange 25,000.00 200 St -38 Myrtle Ave. - Eustis St. 200- St -21, Oakland Ave. to Montgomery St. Summit to.Pleasant & Ramsey" St.- Pleasant Ave. to W. 7th. St. • 500.00 200 St -18 Hazel Ave. - Maryland Access Roads, Highway Ave. to Ivy & No. 212 (no designated Ivy St. -Hazel Ave. to number) Curve Ave. - 901000.00 Restore to Arlington Sub.District 210 BE -90 Payne Ave. No, 3 and 4 and Kittsondale Sub. District Sewers, District No.,5 (no designated Arlington Hills number) District Nos. 3 and 1/2100000.00 i i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 2 0 1959,9 Yeas Nays DeCourcy NOV 2 0 1959 Holland Approved 19 Peterson In Favor Rosen PUB Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 u QW8 'fir ORIGINAL TO CITI1 CLERK PRESE COMM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ FORM 194747 COUNCIL NO FILE WHEREAS, in connection with existing TRAFFIC SIGNALS, it is necessary to purchase and install additional new materials and equipment, and the nature of the work involved is such that it can readily and economically be performed by CITY FORCES, now therefore., be it RESOLVED, that authorization is hereby given to install new materials and equipment for existing TRAFFIC SIGNALS by City Forces, at an estimated cost of $ 10,000.002 said cost to be charged to the P.I.R. FUND, CODE 3001, L -5972, which Fund is to be reimbursed from Traffic Signal Bond Fund, Code 200 St -w15. 1 c Vv COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland lU brunson - Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon ISM 7-59 OCEN,.8 C Winkej rue N°. 194747_By Adrian i p Whereas In connection with existing TRAFFIC SIGNAILS, it is necessary to Purchase and install additional new materials and equipment the na- itUCan readi] work involved is such that per- formed b and economicail per - fo y ITY FORCES, nowbe fore, be rt there - Resolved, That authorization given to install ne is hereby equfPment for exist[n materials and cost by City Fore TRAF> IC SIG - $10,OOp,Op at an estimated ch rged to the p,I,R d COQ to be 3 1, L -5972, which Fund�is t beODE imbursed from Traffic Signal Bond Fund, Code 200 St -15. Adopted by the 1959. Council November 20, Approved November 20, 1959. (November 28, 1959) NOV 2 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 2 0 1959' Approved 19 Tn Favor ^ Mayor I Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM -94747 COUNCIL NO. FILE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE NOVEMBER 200 19559 WMEAS, in connection with existing TRAFFIC SIGNALS, it is necessary to purchase and install additional new materials and equipment, and the nature of the work involved is such that it can readily and 000nomiaally be performed by CITY FORCES, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that authorization is hereby given to install new materials and equipment for existing TRAFFIC SIGNALS by City Forces, at an estimated cost of $ 10, ©00.002 said cost to be charged to the P.I.R. FUND, CODE 3001, L -5972, which Fund is to be reimbursed from Traffic Signal Bond Fund, Code 200 St -15. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland �inaAn Peterson Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-69 QIW8 NOV 2 01959 Adopted by the Council 19 Approve NOV 2 0 i 959 19 Mayor W. to MONT i(AUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks City Architect WM. W. ROONEY Bureau of Public Buildings Deputy Commissioner 446 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner December 1, 1959 Mr. Jos. R. Okoneski City Clerk Dear Sir: ROBERT A. LOBDELL Supt. of Public Recreation I / I I �1 �/ We are attaching herewith a copy of C. F. 194748, approved by the Council November 20, 1959 and published in the offi- cial paper of the City of St. Paul on November 28, 1959. This has reference to the property at 456 Palace Avenue, St. Paul, described as Lot 13, Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29, Stinson, Brown and Ramseyts Addition, own- ed by Katherine Kriha, last known address 456 Palace Avenue, St. Paul, and confirms the expenses incurred by the City in the condemnation and wrecking of the dwelling thereon, which amounted to $578.59. As you will note, the final paragraph of this resolution directs the City Clerk to` f ile, in the Office of the Regis- ter of Deeds, a statement of' experrises incurred, for the pur- pose of securing a lien on the property, in accordance with Section 1.07 -7 of.the St. Paul Legislative Code. Yours truly, i A ed H. Schroeder 9ARCHITECT ro aaN >>11 .n Ftt°�ua .i 'p ia " mu O my O am gm. am' m * o w O x "yd i N �ro ° q 1ro m o y4a �ar pp aO 7 ^d w � q� N C4 W{y m 3�qtOm . _ ayim > a_) a iro ° 00 > o u y p u � *8 „ay 0 O - ME q� waZ3 U O y a0 `� yd >'a O V C v v p , 4>VWW � g. U a v o O o q m„" C > O o o dm a o Ca F4 o o uw oro 2 Nt: 0 y co to > q o o 6:0> tko + a o N u > m O Eo a m o uW gq .q o E p " a o aroj . p. ° A 46 10, t Q . Na ,C' o 7 O a °v tg,q "m0CW .-9 W YU . oo °�dr mO -0 3a a w �gU OH m - puO 'o ti A N a°'d 2 �„awca- w U uokOa m to,Ou0 .!z. u ° y�a °w Y +w°tia q OaJ kVv u qC m U.,, ° °0 � d W 7 .y twiv r "y o1 al< "+ 0 -W 0 0) 9; 0 P" C'6 --,4 ? uW 2 ° Ci ��wg V ca 10 q - ro O y� . P•a cc En a U'2 "o rn� A m N.N�>d. `� A ota y L E >~° uq" o a�o au �a t4 o 'a O' o te-O'0__a 0 THw 4 U ym .00 way,.m No � d ro j 0° . + v yrog .w vp '0z UmA °ma. r o ro a " °qMy"d Moo O o". o MW -o +rn_'q o =°o >°p�m'qyom am. ° � V "OUIiA A O 0au o O7rolp ro�. No 14 M °.. Cxygm o0° wa). to 0::� 0 ro Cj 0 OE ar q 2�a '� 1, .0. 0_-Q 0'.0"a ro O� ro � 3to W-V . - <M 4 0Vww :SR a+ro qd "O a+o aa U. Oafum ro O a O �amwUmm agW�,, mN nm.Ry a a A- . Oica o + , . . .�J mro"OOOmm..