194727i Sy . 194727 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ Council File No. 194727 —By Adrian P.)UNCIL CITY OF ST. Winkel— i E NO. OFFICE OF THE of Resolved, That the proposed project the City of Saint Paul for the , tf opening widening and extension of COUNCIL SOLUTION Lafayette Road from the Northern i Pacific Railway Company's right-of- Way to Collins Street, as the same PRESENTED BY involves the acquisition by purchase COMMISSIONER at private sale by City of Saint Paul of the following described real estate: All that_ tract_ I RESOLVED, that the proposed project of the City of Saint Paul for the-opening, widening and extension of Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Ra�,lway Company's right -of -way to Collins Street, as the same ;nvolves the acquisition by purchase at private sale by City of*Saint Paul of the following described real estate: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the'City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota described as follows: All those parts of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 12, and of Lot 5, Block 13, Warren & Winslows addition to the Town of St. Paul, lying within the strips of land between the present southeasterly lines of Lafayette ,Road and lines parallel to and 14 feet distant southeasterly from said southeasterly lines of said Lafayette Road, according to the recorded plat of said addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; be and the same hereby is in all things approved; that the Report of the Committee on Lands in the premises, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and Commissioner of Public Works, evidencing the institution, conduct-and completion of the requisite negotiations therefor and the procurement by said Committee on Lands of an -- option for the purchase of said real estate at private. sale from the owner of the same for the purchase price of $13,000, be and the same hereby is approved and that said option•be and the same hereby _,,is directed to be exercised, it appearing and the Council . so finds that -Said price is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate and that the best interests of the City of Saint Pi-ill would be served by the purchase of said property at private sale, pursuant to said option, rather than by the institution of condemnation proceedings for its acquisition under the power of eminent domain; RESOLVED FURTHER, that under said authorized transaction for said purchase, said price of $13,000 shall represent the full COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER r , �R y. f CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM consideration payable by the City estate for the conveyance of said marketable title thereto, free •of to said City by warranty deed and by said owner and at the latter's building now located on said real COUNCIL j94727 FILE to said owner of said real real estate and a good and °=umbrance, by said owner the wrecking and removal, cost and expense, -, -of the estate forthwith; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said purchase price in the afore- said amount of $13,000 representative of the full consideration for such conveyance ofsaid real estate by said owner to said City and for said owner's additional obligation for the wreckage and removal of said building shall be paid from Municipal State Aid Project, 62- 113 -01. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 8 NOV 10 `959 Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 19 1959 Approved 19 r Mayor PUBLISHED :;; DUPLICATE TO PRIN -fER ►° _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE' COUNCIL NO. FILE consideration payable by the City to said owner of said real estate for the conveyance of said real ebta.te and a good and marketable titl6 thereto, Free of encumbrance, by eaid owner to said City by warranty doed and the wrecking and removal, by said owner and at the lattorRs coat and exponse, of the building now located on said real eatate forthwith; DUPLICATE TO PRINJER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM OMMISS ONER 1940 \ CO ENCIL 49 4 72w V RISOLVED, that the proposed project of the City of �%int ,Paul for the opening$ widening and extena� ion of Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Railway CoMpany+0 right -of -way to Collins Street, as the (same involves the acquiasition by purohase at private scale by City real estate z of ;Saint ;Paul of the following described Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 46�,8 - November -5,,,1959 To the Land Committee Commttee � - T _ _ ' Cpmpos.ed of the Mayors the , Vurchasing`Agpnt; &hd-the _ Camiissioner of Publto. Vorks,; _ - .- c -- ' 1, � - f - • a - ^k -� . 4 . f Y _ , w Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request;,. I have etatfned the real estate " hereinafter described and herewith sztbmit mar appraisal and opinion ' in regard to the present -Tu'_k i k•,axnd feir -ma#et value of the same. The said real estate eras 'the 'subject -of the. - .resolution of the Council of the City of saint Paul, C. F. No. 1944801 approved October 29, 1959.- The said. resolution approved the acquisition - by purcha.r.e by the City of Saint Paul of said real: estate which is par- _ ticularly described 4e follows: All that. tract or parcel of lend situate in the, City 'of Saint Paul, County of 'Bamsey and State of = Minnesota, described as follows;-, All'those parts of Iota 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 12, and of.LOA 5, Block_13., Varren & Vinslows additiQn to the Toivrn of St. Fatal, lying ,within the strips-of land bQ,tvee4 the present southeasterly lines of_2Lafayett6 Road ` and..iines parallel to and •14 feet, distant south- _ easterly from sad southeaster) ,line%. of s: 4 Lafayette Pond., - according to the recorded plat of aivVddditi.on on file and of record in the - office = 1 _ of the Register of De -ds in and for P=sey County,. i Minnesota. ; The authorized 'acquisiti -on of said real estate vas granted in ` contemplatian of 4ts use for that certain public,i,mprovement and ®r Prelim- i,nary - Order No: 194247, which involved the opening, _ tddening, and extension, of Lafayette Road,. from the Northern pacific Railway Companyt a right -of =way to Collins Street. I hereb7 appraise and-fix the present - lcand- fditnnarket value of said real estate in the amount of•413,,.000.06. Respectfully submitted, - Fltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLE FILE NO. At OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL F PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER MAT Iff MLVFD that tae pro .ossd project of the City of Saaint maul ti L for the opening, vidoixing end exte nsioin of Lafayette Roa4 from tha -Northern Pacific Ra ilvgy Company' a right - cog »snag to Collins Street,, as the amc .involy they acquisition, tly purchase at private onle ty Clty of Oidnt Pwa of the following a wr-ribed roal. eotate: An that tract or parcel, of land oltuato in the City of Saint .Paul, County of Rimsvyr and State of MInnecots de scribed as fol.l.e wet All tboce parto of Loto 2, 3, 4. and 5, Block 32p and of 14ot 5, Bl.ocic 13, Varrtn & Vinolowo addition to the ion of St. ftul o lying vitbtn the strips of sand betveen the p.reccnt southeasterly lines of L4f yet` * Road end lines ' parallel to and 14 feet distant: southessterly, froze said a southea�rtte3rly lines of raid Lafayette V. i , . J according to the ree9rded plot of said addition on file and of racord it the office of the Regiater of Leeds in rind for Ramey County, McnmtA, be and they sarm he mby is in tU thing :" 4pprovedi that the Report of the toz- mitt oo on Landau in the pramleae, conei sti og of the Mayor,. furebaoi ne Agent, .. and Commi saloner of .Public Worko., evideneirq the institution,, conduot, and ►, completion. of the requiviteQ negotiations therefor and tbo procurement by said _ Cflm�1�0e -^414 _ ,1Mf1ft of an "option for tho p"oha se of raid" real estate apt private s exam" a of the e=a foir the pure bate ,prico of 413jW0, be end the save berohy io approved and that oaid option, be and tbe, ai .e horeby i s idiroaW to be o"reived, it oppearing -and the Council so finds that e!Ad price ie not In excass of the feir vacrket value of a pld reel: asta+te and that the beau Antere :st.! of the-City of Saint Paul vould be served by the ,purcharo � of said property at priva3to salop pursuant to -*nid optiorio. rathoa than by the institution of condomnatim pxocoadings for Its aa,cgptaition ua,!or they goner of enitent; domain; RZE- OLM FUFTNTH, that th+o- purchase price of said re *1 estate, be paid frasa idut;Aelpal. 'hate Aid Projects, 6Z- 21341. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 ORPD2 •, c Tn Favor ------Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19— Mayor 4 LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation Engineer • ELTOR A. DEHN, Assistant Valuation Engineer FOREST W. CROWLEY, Valuation Technician CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota 8 November 6, 1959 Mr. Otto P. Simon, Jr. Purchasing Agent City of St. Paul Dear Sir: CApital 4 -4612 In response to your request for my appraisal of the value of those parts of Lots 2, 32 h, and 5, Block 12, and Lot 5, Block 13, Warren and Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, lying within the strips of land between the present southeasterly lines of Lafayette Road and lines parallel to and lh feet distant southeasterly from said southeasterly lines of said Lafayette Road, according to the recorded plat of said addition on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, I at- tach hereto the entire proceedings for the purchase of the above described lands, which were prepared by Mr. Louis P. Sheahan, Corporation Counsel, and which includes, among other things, my appraisal of the value of the lands and building to be acquired, as well as a letter from Capital City Realty Company, signed by Mayer Shapiro, Secretary, offering to sell the property .involved to the City at the appraised value. Inasmuch as the owners desire to start construc- tion of a new building on the remaining parts of their lands, I am sure that anything that can be done to expedite the pur- chase of this land will be greatly appreciated by them. EAD/ jt Very truly yours, i Valuation Engineer f M LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation Engineer CApital 4 -4612 ELTOR A. DEHN, Assistant Valuation Engineer FOREST W. CROWLEY, Valuation Technician CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF VALUATIONS To the Land Committee Composed of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent, and the Commissioner of Public Works. Gentlemen: 286 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota c 8 November 5, 1959 Pursuant to your request, I have examined the real estate hereinafter described and herewith submit my appraisal and opinion in regard to the present fulll•, and fair market value of the same. The said real estate was the subject of the resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, C. F. No: 194480, approved October 29, 1959• The said resolution approved the acquisition by purchase by the City of Saint Paul of said real estate which is par- ticularly described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota described as follows: All those parts of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 12, and of Lot 59 Block 13, Warren & Winslows addition to the Town of St. Paul, lying within the strips of land between the present southeasterly lines of Lafayette Road and lines parallel to and 14 feet distant south- easterly from said southeasterly lines of said Lafayette Road, according to the recorded plat of said,'addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of DeFds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. The authorized acquisition of said real estate was granted in contemplation of its use for that certain public improvement under Prelim- inary Order No. 194247, which involved the opening, widening, and extension of Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right -of -way to Collins Street. I hereby appraise and fix the present fulfi= 'and'f6ir" market value of said real estate in the amount of $13,000.00. Respectfully submitted, Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer 'A a ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGIN�R HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner BRIDGE E AENGINEER . HE ETT CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street dI Highway Engineering Coordinator TRAFFIC ENGINEER ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer EUGENE V. AVERY October 20, 1959 To the Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen: PUCUC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR. RICHARD L. WHEELER • BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • BunmAu OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH • PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK This department has in process Preliminary Order No. 191247 which proposes to open, widen and extend Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right -of -way to Collins Street. This opening includes those parts of Lots 2, 3.,-4, and 5, Block 12; and of Lot 5, Block 13, Warren & Winslows addition to the Town of St'. Paul, which lies within the strips of land between the present southeasterly lines of.L.afayette Road and lines parallel to and 14 feet distant southeasterly from said southeasterly lines of Lafayette Road., Lot 2, Block 12,'is improved with a one -story brick store building, and the other lands are unimproved. I am advised by Mr. Eltor Dehn that in con- nection with the vacation of Becker Place negotiations have been carried on with the Capital Realty Company who are the owners of the above lots. The results of these negotiations are stated in the at- tached'option, addressed to the City of St. Paul, and include among other things the acquisition of all portions of the above lots, which are required for the opening of Lafayette Road, at a cost of $13,000. J I am further advised that the owners are anxious to proceed at the earliest possible date with the improvement of these properties but that there is insufficient time to complete the acquisition by condemnation proceedings and do anything on a new building this fall. I, therefore, recommend that the acquisition be made by the Committee on Lands in conformance with Sections 302 and 303 of the City Charter and that -the cost thereof be charged to Munici- pal State Aid, Project No.-62- 113 -01. I further recommend approval of thiX acquisi- tion by the Council at this time and referral of the mattA to the Cor- poration Counsel for the drawing of the necessary form Council action and agreement. Re tfully submi , ADRIAN P. WIN Commissioner f Public works tm I City of Saint Paul. -2- October 19, 1959. MS %h (a) That the vacation be subject to all the terms and con- ditions of Ordinance No. 3394, approved March 16, 1915, as amended, regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public ground, streets,,alleys, and highways in the City of St. Paul; (b) That no buildings or concrete pavement shall be con- structed on any part of Becker Place vacated; (c) That a special easement be reserved to the City for the purpose of maintaining or rebuilding the existing sewer or water main in Becker Place, or for constructing a larger sewer or water main therein; (d) That petitioners pay the sum of $1.00 for the vacation of Becker Place and furnish a bond in the amount of $1,000. 5) That this transaction will be completed within days from the date hereof. Yours very truly, CAPITAL REALTY CO. By L ' To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LANDS- The undersigned, constituting the Committee on Lands in the premises, pursuant to Sections, 302 and 303 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Saint Paul, have instituted, conducted and'completed all requisite negotiations therefor and have procured an op "tion from the owner of the same; namely, Capital Realty Co., for the purchase by City-of Saint Paul of the following described lands: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of ' Minnesota described as follows: All those parts of Lots 2, 31 4 and 5, Block 12,- and of Lot 5, Block 139 Warren & Windows addition to -the Town of St. Paul, lying within the. stripe of land between the present southeasterly lines of Lafayette Road and lines par- allel to and.14 feet distant southeasteKy from said southeasterly Janes of'said Lafayette Road, according to the recorded plat of said addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey. Coun*� Minnesota., which land is needed, as evidenced by the resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, C. F.+No.'194MO; for -the opening, widening, and extension of Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Railway Company!s right -of -way. to Collin Street. that sei:d.' tion is hereto attached'and herewith exhibited and contemplates the purchase of the subject real estate at .private sale for the purchase price therein stated, to -wit, Thirteen Thousand Dollars (t13,000..00)1'which is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate, and it is deemed in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul that said option be exercised and ' that said real estate be purchased by City of Saint Paul pursuant thereto for said purchase price of Thirteen Thousand Dollars 0131000.00). i ? Mayor Purchasing- Agent Commissioner of Public 4Torks Dated November , 1959 5 } X To the Council of the City.of Saint Paul: 19�,K REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LANDS The undersigned, constituting the Committee on Lands in the premises, pursuant to Sections 302 and 303 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Saint Paul, have instituted, conducted and completed all requisite negotiations therefor and have procured an option from the owner of the same, namely, Capital Realty Co., for the purchase by City of Saint Paul of the following described lands: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota described as follows: All those parts of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 12, and of Lot 5, Block 13, Warren & Winslows addition to the Town of St. Paul, lying within the strips of land between the present southeasterly lines of Lafayette Road and lines par- allel to and 14 feet distant southeasterly from said southeasterly lines of said Lafayette Road, according to the recorded plat of said addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, which land is needed, as evidenced by the resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, C. F. No. 194480, for the opening, widening, and extension of Lafayette Road from the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right -of -way to Collins Street. that said option is hereto attached and herewith exhibited and contemplates the purchase of the subject real estate at private sale for the purchase price therein stated, to -wit, Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00)9 which is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate, and it is deemed in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul that said option be exercised and that said real estate be purchased by City of Saint Paul pursuant thereto for said purchase price of Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($139000-00). Said sale and purchase shall obligate the owner - seller at the latterts expense and without cost to the City to wreck and re` v e st' structure on oe said premises. f� , yo Dated November , i959 Purchasing .1gent Commissioner of Public Wqrks I D Q 1- Z a U.. O V t... Id Z cr W p 2 3: F- LL WO V d J W m 0 a C) 1 m N �J O I �I cwI�nI (n U) (n F 3 O O I `I J) J J U.1 J = N J N I- v� o Q in co - ~ Jo I v O o p F- O Q Q F- I- t- W W W W oW - Z rW W � F- I 0•U Q W W W aj Zn °= W O Q z _ w I- I ° F- Z U-1 cr Q?° LL LU p F�- 3 U Q Z W O O O I d 4. 0 1 1. 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