D001791CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept No : ,t7oC 1791 Date: lc�—� 1 WHEREAS, on December 15, 1999, thirty-five Police Officer Candidates will graduate from the Saint 2 Paul Police Academy. 4 WHFFxEAS, this event is open to the general pubiic, attended by many prominent persons from both the 5 public and private sectors o£ our city, and usually receives significant media coverage. 6 WHEREas, a facility is needed to accoxnmodate said potential guests safely and comfortably, 9 10 11 WHEitEAS, traditionally at an event such as this, refreshxnents (cake, coffee, and non-alcoholic punch) aze provided to guests after the ceremony. 12 BE i'r o�E�D that pursuant to the 1999 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to 13 remit an amount not to exceed $300.00 to School District #625, Saint Paul Public Schools, 360 Colborne Street, . 14 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 for auditorium rental, equipment rental and maintenance fees required for the use 15 of Central High School, 275 North Lexington Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104, and an amount not to 16 exceed $1,000.00 to Sue Lundhoim, dba Events by Design, 7049 Courtly Road, Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 17 (tax ID#469-58-5777), for catering service at the �aduation. 18 19 A copy of said order is to be kept on file and on recard in the Department of Finance and Management 20 Services. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Funding source: Account Code 001-04303-0219-40016. Total $1,300.00. � Appr b} City Attorney te ���� ,ti-- t�.� /a - 3- �� App ved by: Finance Duector Date a` `��I r ABNIIl�iISTRATIVE ORDER � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII. Police Department CONTACT PLRS 'N & PHONE _ Clrief Finney 292-3588 BH ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY �ATE) ase process ASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �v�si� GREEN SHEET No. 104537 Qi1TLV1UATE INfffAVDATE ■ �. �utxAT1ORI�T.Y • � {'-( ��'tCIPRH ��� ^ , /� Q�ALiQALffitVICPSD� ' Y�CIAL9+RV/ACCTC LZi �f , �mnYOH(ORp�51'6Ni)_ � W��G�S � ��i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) and approval of the attached Administrarive Order. 1TION ApPmve (A) or ReJ� lxl rn�v..w ev...,..r, w�..,......�,...,� ............. ..... ..........._._ .�'�"" _' 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a wn[rac[ for rhis depaziment? PLANNING COMI4IISSION �ES NO CIB COMbIITTEE 2. Has this petsodfw� ever bcen a city employce? CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION � NO 3. Does this petsodfirm passas a skll not uolmally possased by any cunent city employee? YES NO 4. ls tLis person�fitm a razgeted vealofl YES NO Eapiain all yes aoswers on sepacace sheet and attach to green shee[ 1TIlYG PROBLCM ISSUE, UY1vKl�unirz (wnv, wnwa, rvnc�., .+��n�, •.n+i Saint Paul Police Department's Academy Class 1999-2 will graduate on December 15, 1999. Facilities and refreshments aze needed mmodate gaduates and invited guests from the public and private sectois. .,�_= �.-.. .���, ��4� �.� . _.;, i�;.� _� �;i �' <,� 1'JV 2 � 1°�9 ES IF APPROVED __._._. , � � W G•'tc w k a�d refreshments will be available for the DepardnenYs graduates and invited guests at the ceremony. noted. Academy Class of 1999-2 wIll not have the facilifles or ihe refreshments needed for the graduation ceremony. �������� �, ��r �I�°I f LERK dOUNT OF TRANSAC7TON $ 1,300.IX) somccE 001-04303-0219�0016 COST/REVCNUE BUDGETED (CIILCI,E ONE) ACTIVIY'Y NOMBER _ � _ / l�� INFORMATfON (EXPLAII�