194671Original to CIty Clerk .Cliff( � OFFICE OF COUNCIL PISOLI PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI i- or Council File No. 194871 —By Bernard T. Holland- Resolved That the Council hereby l it {he the Contract .1946 approves award of OUNCIL therefor hereby TILE NO. Committee and awards contract for furnishing all labor, ma- terials and services necessary for and , reasonably incidental to the wrecking'I of dwelling and removal of fences, !' T- I �'bvember 4, 1 959 y 1. 1-W• Ro sirf%iy�dP -b' RESOLVED, That the Council Hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of dwelling and removal of fences, miscellaneous concrete•and debris located at 1475 Selby Avenue, described as (kept Selby Avenue): The South 36 feet of Lot 18, Block 5, Boulevard Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota to PATSY T4RECKING COMPANY in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid #941 of said Patsy Wrecking Co., City to pay Contractor $257.00, such bid being the lowest and said Patsy Wrecking Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are- authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Informal Bid #941• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland -IdaroAe� MogwaoJI-1 ^ Peterse _ 7 Rosen ���'�/1'f/ Mr. President.41llon SM 2.57 .2 a 9959 Adopted by the Council NOV 1'7 195- NOV 17 9959 Approved 195 — Tn Favor 0 Mayor P Against L — Duplicate to Printer 194671 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 4, 1959 COMMISSIONEe DATE R=LUD., That the Council hereby approves the award lof the Contract Ccmd.ttee therefor and hereby awards contract for ,furnishing all labor, materials and.aervicea necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of dwelling and removal of _fences, r4scellan.eous concrete and debria located at 1475 .Selby Avenue, described as (Ex4ept .Selby .kvenue)s The South ,36 .feet of Lot 18, .Block 5s, Boulevard Addition# Saint Paul, Minnesota to PATSY WRFC IMQ CO.MPANY 14 accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid #941 of said Patsy Wrecking Co., City to pay Contractor $257.00, such bid being the lowest and said Patsy Wrecking Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor; and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. rnformial. Hid #9414,'' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland _ei Tn Favor ortti son PaterAex Against Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 QJP,. 2 NOV 17 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved NOV 17 1959 195_ Mayor