194663ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 194663'- CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE' RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Miss Ethel Arvidson from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, permission is hereby granted appellant, pursuant to the Zoning Code, Sec. 64.039 subsection o (2) to remodel the single - family residence on Lot 13, Block 6, Phalen Heights Park, located on the south side of Orange Avenue between Frank and Duluth Streets, into a two - family residence. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland e Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-59 8 Favor Against Council File No. 194883 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved That upon appeal of Miss Ethel Arvfdson from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recre- ation and Public Buildings, permission is hereby granted appellant, pursuant to the Zoning Code, Sec. 64.03, sub- section o (2) to remodel the single- family residence on Lot 13, Block 6, Phalen Heigths Park, located on the south side of Orange Avenue between Frank and Duluth Streets, into a two - family residence. Adopted by the Council November 17, 1959. Approved November 17,' 1959. (November, 21, 1959) NOV 17 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 17 1959 Approved 19 T Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota R g ,Nov 12 . e04rd TJON COUNSEL 9 November 12, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the appeal of Miss Ethel Arvidson for permit to convert a single - family residence on Lot 13, Block 6, Phalen Heights Park, on the south side of Orange Ave. between Frank and Duluth Sts. to a two - family residence. ty JOSEPH R. OKONESKI Cify Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 9-1663 , 4 ;r d MINNESOTA P "'Rte OF� ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '231 .334.133 1313 CITT NAIL AND COUR* N6U31 SAINT PAUL 3, MINNISOTA r Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: November 9, 1959 This is in the matter of the appeal of Truss Ethel Arvidson to convert a single - family residence to a two- family residence on property located on the south side of Orange Avenue between Frank and Duluth Streets. The zoning is "A" residence and has been since the adoption of the Ordinance in 1922. There is a single - family residence on this - property and the applicant proposes to remodel the second floor into a small apartment which would result in a two - family dwelling. Inasmuch as the lot has, a frontage of. - 40,feet on Orange Avenue extending,to a -depth of,125.94 feet, the result- ing area of 5,037.20 square'feet is not sufficient for a two - family dwelling in an "A" residence district which, under the Ordinance, requires -an area of 7,500 square feet. Miss Arvidson's reasons for wanting to convert her single - family dwelling to a two - family dwelling are outlined in her letter of_:appeal which is attached. The adjacent land uses are: -east and adjoining are single - family residences fronting on Orange Avenue; west and adjoining is a two- family residence fronting on Orange Avenue which is located on a lot of suffi- cient size to meet the requirements of the Zoning Code; south and across an alley are single - family residences fronting on Hawthorne Avenue; north and across Orange Avenue are two single-family residences and one four - family residence, all fronting on Orange Avenue. Field investigation discloses that this conversion would be detrimental to and incompatible with the adjoining and surrounding uses; that the granting of this appeal would deviate from the purpose and intent cf the Ordinance and would establish an undesirable precedent. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the denial of this appeal to convert a single - family residence to a two - family residence on the above described property. ZONING %_pPEAL Sincerely, Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the City Council at 10 A.M. on November 12, 1959, in the City Council Chamber in house, in the I J r the City Ball and Court he ap al of iss60tho 641' H. C. Wieland IEidson, StfPaul Legslativconvert Director of Planning HCW•FGI Zoninge: a single - family residence to a two- Encl. family residence on Lot 13, Block 6,1 Phaln side eof orange. Ave. Ave. between Fran 1 and Duluth Sts. Dated October 27, 1959. JOSEPH R. O ONEC a , (October 31, 1959) .; Honorable Joseph E. Dillon Mayor of the City of St. Paul City Council of St. Paul St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota OFFIGr OF CI1 -1- " I-ILLD CLERK 1959 OCT 5 PM 12 44 T , ':iry CI V71, Dear Mayor Dillon and Members of the City Council: 6 �'_ I 'Af, 2__7 - 1128 E. Orange Avenue St. Paul 6, Minnesota October 5, 1959 I am the owner of a single family residence at 1128 East Orange Avenue, St. Paul,•whose property description is: Lot 13, Block 6, Phalen Heights Park. The lot has a 40 -foot frontage and is 125.93 feet deep, a total of 5,037.20 square feet. The house was built as a single.family residence in 1936 and is such today. It is my desire to construct a small apartment on the second floor of my home, consisting of a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. The exterior of the house would not in any way be altered by the building of such an apartment. There are several homes in the immediate neighborhood with apartments, including the home across the street which has two apartments. Inasmuch as I am in an "A" zone and my property does not include the re- quired number of square feet, I am appealing to you for permission for the con- struction of an- apartment. A plan for the construction of the apartment is in- closed. It is my desire to build this apartment so there will be someone in my home with my Mother while I am at work. My Mother, who will be 93 years of age next March, is alone in the house 5 days a week while I am working. It is ex- tremely important for my Mother that there be someone in the house in case of emergency. Although my Mother is not bedridden, she is not very strong and her eyesight is poor. It would, therefore, be of great value to her to have some- one in the house whom she could quickly contact in case of need or distress. It would be my plan to rent the apartment to a retired couple; or to two women, one of whom would be retired; or to a retired single woman; thus being' assured that there would be someone in the apartment most of the time. I would greatly appreciate your favorable consideration of my request which would be of immeasurable benefit to-my Mother in her advanced age and in her weakened condition. C �0 E V E 0 1 Inclosure Z Plan U%.0 1 1�t9 CITY JrLAi'JIMAti WMW Saint Paul, Minnesota S ncerely yours, Ethel Ethel C. _ Arvidson� 4� �,