Council File No ....... _ -------------- _
. Whereas, A written proposal for the
and making of the following improvement,
Partially opening, widening and ex-
tending cliff Street between Superior
Street and Band Dousman Street by con -
PRELIMINARY ORDER. s o k 1 Wins king a tract of a land in
vacated part of Cliff Street bounded
The undersigned herebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublieimproveme b C mmencingnatdtheri intersection of
the east,. line of Dousman Street and
..----- ,�.r�M -r_� =`T. 'R�'r------- .�"�7f f�',�".'��7•'' -�' -= '��i"_FT'Ty�, ' --�-'r �.-�-� �.E,'W` -* ,� i'��]�rnTEF..'li^- ,S }pr".A'
• 'Partia]ly ope�iig, widening and ;extending Cliff .3treet be�een "nperiorEir�et
. and°•Do Osman ,•4t -re,et.hby..conclemnir'Ig= .a id tak3rlg-- al, txaGt :.r�f�laizd_,in,.Bloek :,4;,- 7flu' loin o'
Addition, anc� the vacated' part of Oliff, Street bounded =by. the follo*W , described
finest °,.. .. - -- -- .. ........ . ........ ..._ . ..........,
.... ...... ............................... -. .__
., _ ...... ._ - . .........
.,..._•....... ..
Commencing at the intersection of the east iirie of `,}5ousmaugtraet"tiiicl
Dated t hee.Prefserit zi:o 'tl mrly • line, •of?C1i��Pf= Sthre0t ;...thence..nort� .pn the said east
line, which is aUlo the west line a Z afor i�dl �Bloa l�, 's distance
of forty— five(�5) feet to a point ; -'t ncb`. northeasterly direction • ••
' on a straight line to a point on the north line of said Block,i1that''is
twenty(20) feet west of the intersection of the south line of Superior,
" "'Street 'arid- tlie'pre 4§htt "no- rtherly line of-Cliff-ttreet; thence east ot. the
aforesaid south line of didaince ttpel: treet, which is'also the north line of
the said Block 4, a dis bof
or 20)' feet to the' point of intersection
�y�E�oftheesil'strel ineesj.ltlzics }i fa: south RestePl }tili�rect3oi on the present
northerly line of 01 iff� Street to e point o'f�'e inning.,
1w " .' :®ds ei
let tewlancecess for. s�ppAgo ,condennrrng_'dAd tk Igtn h ea j,
and : ccut's"aiid�fi%ls`r n.'s`aid. "$1.;' 4 +: dditiof fcr -the: prod sedgy grading
" r ock:. �Wifls�oiir+ s, � , ,. Q
a43ii9 of��the`= xislened:Cl-1T S*� ' t.�to,$, heJkrade 4P..- sYigwri;ip,; he- prof33:�
lir -e4l on file in the 'Department , of ' Pubi o' :Works`.' • ;
at th6 iiit- vocut'-.ai at Ue cas+ 1:11, -e'of Dauz:_u- 11� ,%, :.2-t --id
X:_ i t3sa ,s y L:=I: af C11 ft Sti t - t `h.enqu ' -Gi !l �_tl_ �:.��? :r �".',rt_ _
the w3cfi is also'tYie west Sine of the aforesaid Block 4 a distance
thercfgrc�itq . > >
of. for�tfve,(t�5� feet to.tahgoin�� t hence.,in a nortIeasterly direction
Itr�SOL� ;]�. ,. h R ,. s � ,,•�,�, p• -.1 n� ;�d:
OR` a st�raig�i'line"t'�''a poin£ orb the nox'�th line of said=$l.o'ck' �., that is
I. To itw6AV,(20')a feet ,*est°,of cthe'a!;nter §ect- ionkof; thedsoutholine- of Superior
-2• '.!o .1Strepttand,� the,present,Rortherly.l line�,ofji�Pl f J tr�eet; rthencet,east, on, *the
aforesaid south line or- Supe for Street, which is also the north iine of
' TD fhe4airdc Block` l� l akii%stanceof "t�nty`(20) feet to the point of intersection
4. To E�&f.,�the,3:haid; atsee'V clines- ; -i:theAce:�id :arsvuthwesterly: d rec,tioh,..on-. the, present
5. To cnortl}e£,1ya�line;iq;;l�i�ifb 1Streg�tton theapointnofAlbeginning,
so condemning and taking dm easement in the land necessary for slopes.,
f Adopted b utso4aila ;- fills "In: said-- Block'4 ;,,Winslowt-s addition, for the proposed grading
y es and pavirlg.,,gf the widened Cliff Street to the grade as shown'in_ the profile
on file in the Department of Public Works,,,,..,
Counaiiman4��;== DeCourcy $� ;
U_ ._-.. H li d A n A
o sn ppr ve ...... . ...... ......... ........ ...... ..... ............
F: L ;a�a• 11orbir�son
WoUm3sw Rosen
RETERsox- Winkel °-- - --• ---------
(_ffli. PRESIDEI T IIiLON`' Actr Mayor.
30 Or 7-54 ice P @mac Ye �, PIJBL-I -