194562" - Council File No. 194582 — By Milton Original to City Clerk Rosen— - .®4562 _ Resolved, That the Council hereby cc�� Cin approves the award of the Purchasing I COUNCIL Committee therefor, and hereby awards a FILE NO. OFFICE C contract for i Class150M chant al Jo nt Cast Iron 1 Water Pipe and Appurtenances to the I JNCIL RESO Water Department, to spur track to be designated, St. Paul, Minnesota, to PRESENTED BY - Fn r� yT' >` ' ' "� �` 7vovember 5 1959 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering Class 150 Mechanical Joint Cast Iron Water Pipe and Appurtenances to the Water Department, to spur track to be des St„Faul, Minnesota, to UNITED STATES PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANY in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #7859 of said United States Pipe and Foundry Company for the contract price of $291,700,00 (Board of Water Commissioners reserving the right to increase any individual item of the Materials of the Contract by an amount not to exceed forty per centum of the quantities indicated for that item), such bid being the lowest and said United States Pipe and Foundry Companyfbeing a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is, direeged to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said.contratt on,behaif of the City of Saitt Paul, Formal Bid #7859 COUNCILMEN Yeas' Nays DeCourcy Holland AlftrfiiteRi Mortinson 7RosenZ = i SM r. y risid"ent (Petervan) N OV 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— NOV 5 1959 Approved 195 - n Favor a Mayor Against PTJBLISHED = M Duplicate to Printer , � 194562 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCIL NO. -► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM C MMISSIIONER DATE November 5, 1959 SgSOLVSD, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Comoittse thorefor# and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering Class 150 Mechanical Joint Cast Iron Ka talc Pips, and,,Sppurtpnances to the Miter 1leparts�snt, to sp ur track to be designated, St.Paul, Minu'si6ii to b1 MD 3"#'0 'jO MMW COWAW In Accordance with City specifications the *efor heiraxq .at' qi hbi� aril the' l�orwai Did.. #7$59 of laid United States Pipe a and foundry CoModo for the contract pric# of $2919700.00 (14rd df iiatir baieissioners reserving the, night to increase Any , individuitl 'Liam of this Hs'teA*1s of the Contract by an amount not to sa> ed forty per oentum of the quantities irtdips4tgd for that item), such bid being the lowest imd said United Sttktes Pipe and Poundry'Cospany being it reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is direeped to draw'up the proper form of contract therefor,'and the proper City afficialsr hereby are authorized to eucute said contrptt on behalf of the City of Sr tat Psu1,; Formal hid #7859 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland --7.T? 2LTGftcaaa . Mortinson Rosen ML� ,Mr. Presideiqt,;IDillon­ _2 Mr. Vice Preslu,Z11L a eLQKIQPJ 5M 2 -57 qa, 2 In Favor A gainst NOV 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 195 - NOV 5 1959 Approved 195 — Mayor i