194559Orlainsl to City Clerk i Council Filo No. 194559 — Ordinance No. 11610-10 R bert F Peter —m- ORDIr yo An ordinance amending Chapter 145 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, 194-559 pertainingg to absolute parking restric- tions. This is an emergency ordinance E NO. rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and O PRESENTED BY Isafety. E No. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: II/ SECTION 1 - ^hat ^,r *jon.145.�1J aint Pau�lTLie]ris- An ordinance amending Chapter -14 o the faint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to absolute parking restrictions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ,Section 145.01, Saint Paul Legislative Gode, is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following: "East side of Cleveland Avenue from 100 ft, north of ` St. Anthony Avenue to the Milwaukee Railroad tracks; Section 2, This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for.the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; . ` • Section 3. •,. • ' _._; ' ... �. � _ � , _ _• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publications.- .o w Cn O U fl a o U in N ric N a a. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland liR,.s" Peterson Rosen Winkel ryr. President (Dillon) AtteA"..,) D, . %e� City Clerk i Nays �. NOV 2 0 i959 Passed by the Council Tn Favor 0 A gainst NOV 2 01959 Approved: ev Mayor PUBLIS D 1st 2n I Laid over to 3rd and app `\ I dopt 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy o at Holland Mortinson P.oierse Peterson Rosen Rosen �jv Winkel Winkel Y �- ; Kjf; esicTQCIQI; il�}M Mr. President Dillon Mr. Vice Presidcnt (Pe 19-i ` d9 s �