194517Original to City Clerk ORDI PRESENTED BY Council File No.- 194517— Ordinance No. 11809 —By Adrian P. Winkel An ordinance authorizing the issu- ance of a permit to Temple Baptist Church of St. Paul to enlarge the existing, vault to the dimension of 7 feet by 32 feet and to install a 8000 gallon capacity fuel oil tank be- low the public sidewalk at 200 -204 FVY"est Seventh Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 3-94517 LE NO CE NO. t6o An ordinance authorizing the:issuance of a permit to Temple Baptist Church of St. Paul to enlarge the existing vault to the dimension of 7 feet by 32 feet and to install a 6000 gallon capacity fuel oil tank below the public sidewalk at 200 -204 West Seventh Street. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace;' health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That upon compliance with the conditions hereinafter set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to Temple Baptist Church of St. Paul to enlarge the existing vault to the dimension of 7 feet by 32 feet and to install a 6000 gallon capacity fuel oil tank below the public sidewalk at 200 -204 West Seventh Street. The conditions are as follows: (1) Permittee shall furnish a bond of $10,000 to the City of St. Paul, conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages or expense accruing to person or property arising out of the installation, mainte- nance, use, presence or removal of said vault and said tank. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, and to the Commissioner of Finance as to surety, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Permittee shall file plans and specifications for said vault and said tank with the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, which shall be. satisfactory to them, and said vault and said tank shall be installed as they shall direct. Permittee shall pay the cost of inspection. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson . Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk lm s -59 s Passed by the Council In Favor Against (3) Said permittee hereunder shall, at said per - mittee's own cost and expense, furnish and file policies of casualty liability insurance, for a term or terms commensurate with the maintenance of said vault and said tank, whereunder said City �sha.11 b` e­d&Hgn_ a ed assn ed z or Co- insured, in the following insurance coverage amounts: o for personal injuries $1009000 for each person injured, and U $200,000 for two or more persons injured in any single Z accident, and_ for property damage $50,000 for a single O accident and not to exceed $100,000 in the aggregate for any number of accidents in a single year. o , a (4) Permittee shall restore said sidewalk to its original condition after such installation of said vault v and tank and upon and after the removal of the same, said City reserving the right to terminate and cancel such permission and authority hereunder by resolution of its Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson . Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk lm s -59 s Passed by the Council In Favor Against Original to City Clerk �. ORDINANCE -194517 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. G Council and to require such removal by and at the expense of said permittee. (5) The installation of said tank shall be su bject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau. (6) Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. (7) Permittee shall, within ten days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file said per - mittee•s written acceptance of the provisions, terms and con- ditions of the same, and agreement binding said permittee under said City for compliance therewith. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section,3.. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen 0 Winkel �Mr. President (Dillon) Attest : ; City Clerk lm 8 -69 8 ,I Nov 19 1959 Passed by the Council PUBLISHED L> A gainst Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance authoriMaig the issuance of a persit to Temple Baptist Church of St. Paul to enlarged the wasting vault to the dimension of 7 foot by 32 feet and to install a,6000 gallon capacity fuel oil tank below the public sidewalk at 200.40$ West Seventh Street. This is an omr- gency ordinanoo rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace* health and safety. THIS OWN= OF THE CITI' 0F WNT CAUL DOW opX A M ..951 Section 1. That UPOn ciVli.anae with the 000ditUma hereinafter set out, the Commiasiozier of Public Works is authorized to issue a poftit to Temple Mist Church of St. Paul, tO enlarge the wasting vault to the d nsl*a of 7 feet by 32 feet and to install a 6000 gallon capacity fuel oil tank below the public sidewalk at 200 -204 West Soventh Street. The conditiona are as followal (l) Permittoo shall furnish a bond. of $109000 to the City of St. Paul, conditioned to save said City harms ess from sny and all liaabi7.i 9 judgments, suits,, costs* damages or expense accruing to person or property arising out of the installation* aaainte- rianoeY use, presence or removal of said vault and said tank!p d bond slhall be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel as to fOft artd enaction, and to the Colas dasioner of Finance as to suroty,, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Pezxittee ahall file plans and specifications for spAd vault and said tank with the Commissimer of Publib Works and the Commissioner of Parkso Recreation and Publio Buildings, which shall be satisfactory to them, and said vault and maid tank shall be installed as they sham. direct. Permittee shall pay the cost of inspeotion. (3) Said permittee hereunder shang at said per-. sitteot s own oast and expenses furnish and file policies of casualty liability insurances fora term or terms eamensurate with the maintenance of said vault and said tank, whereunaer said City shall be designated as Insured or Co- inouredg in the following insurances coverage amounts t for personal injuries $100$000 for each person injured.,. and 000,000 for two or more persons injured in any single accident, and for property damage $500000 for a. single acaident, and not to exceed $100,000 in the aggregate for any number of accidents in a single year. (4) Permi,.ttee shall restore said sidewalk to its origJv4 condition after such installation of maid baul:t and tank and upon and after the removal. -of the same, said City reserving the right to terminate and cancel sudh permission and authority'hereunder by resolution Qf its Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against ❑I 1M 8 -59 8 {� I DupHate to Printer ` ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 194517 Council and to require such removal by and at thy# exponso of said permittee. (5) T1w inatana14jdn of said tank shall be su b jest to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau.. (6) PermIttee shall pay the cost of the publi:aatioa of this ordinance. (7) Permtttte aha].7., within tan days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, filet said per - mitteei s written acceptance of the . provisions, terms and corny. d1ti ons of the same, and ,agremont binding said per dttee under said City for copliance therewith. Section 2. This ordin nee is hereby declared to be an mergencry ordinmwe rendered Wmeaaary for the preservution of the p6li.e peaosp health and safety: Section 5. This ordinanod shg Ill take effoat and be in force 'upon its pasnp# approval and publi cati6n. NOV 19 i °59 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Favor Peterson (i Against A Rosen g Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: NOV 19 mg Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 8 -59 8 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota neradment Pallic S Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 1 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, License Inspector October 20, 1959 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of October 15 and the application of Temple Baptist Church to replace four small fuel oil tanks with a vault of 6,000 gallon fuel oil capacity. Attached is report covering the inspection of the premises made by the Dire Prevention Division. Very truly yours, 6 n% Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER - OFFICE COMMUNICATION 2 October 20, 1959 Hon. Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Temple Baptist Church at 200 -204 W. 7th Street for a permit to enclose 1 6,000 gallon fuel oil tank to be placed in a vault under the sidewalk. This tank willieplace 4 smaller fuel oil tanks within the building. We have investigated the foregoing and report that this installation will be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Unden niters and the St. Paul Fire Prevention Code. We have advised Dr. William H. Afurk, Pastor, that it will be necessary for him to secure a bond for the use of the area under the sidewalk which is City property. We recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, Hoi. rd J. Sc ell, Chief Division of re Prevention HJS: ab enc. CJE(TS)2 6ort2E,L1 C&I:itian t•_ ntF-2 , Tt M P L EBAPTIST CHURCH DAILY ACTIVITIES AMONG CHILDREN rrc4f Tayi GYL tpE o f t& Loi, Pastor: Wm. H. MURK, D. D. 0 City Clerk Court House St, Paula Minn. Dear Sir: 200.4 W. SEVENTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA f CA. 2.6066 1Df2o CA. 2.6064 CA. 2.6061 October 15, 1959 1. Temple Baptist Church., 200 -201 West 7th St.., St. Paul, desires; a permit to vault a 63000 gallon fuel oil tank. This is to replace 4 smaller fuel oil tanks within the building., two of which are already in partial vault under the sidewalk. We wish to extend this same vault to hold this larger tank. We called- Chief Skinnel who has been here to check our properties and he informed us he saw no reason why this could not be done; hence, I refer your office to Chief Skinnel for any further information you may desire. Respectfully, Temple Baptist Church 200 -204 Vest 7th St. St. Paul Minnesotm Signed: l � a D WHM/jh � 7 j� 1r co ^ (�, W \6, n,�/ - S #onioti: "TEMPLE HOUR" SUNDAY / EVENINGS 6:05, 6:30, - WMIN, 1400 kc. - VVE ptzaCfz nol outiel e:s, UUE dfiziit aziud. fi2E -2o2d, RnJ ot121ELv &1 youz iF -wanE1 toT aEiu&' iaL." - II Cor 4:5 1st �I 2nd- 0 Laid over to 3rd and app dopte 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeConrcy Holland Mortinson Peterson 1(0 Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon DeConrcy Holland Mortinson peteggow 40 Rosen Winkel %r_ Prresident; Dillon';} _ Mr. Vice President lPclrr" 194517 8 DeConrcy Holland Mortinson Peterson 1(0 Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon