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B6 Tfig ICT ' CITY'OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ` OFFICE OF -THE-COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBED 00t 29 , 9 0 AUDITED CLAIMS PAGE RESOLVED, THAT CHECS BE_D_,R+ WAN, ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF S `8alplo , COVERING Or nyr�y�q ECKS NO. `333 TO 1"8 INCLUSIVE, AS �91MR CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY, COMPTROLLER. rI�IA�� BY DUPLICATE TO' ITY CLERK D[COURCY IN FAVOR OF • AMOUNT 4 HOLLAND 71` y MVIZT.,16" IN FAVOR PETERSON r ROSEN AGAINST WINKEL MR. PRES. DIL'LON B6 Tfig ICT ' CITY'OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ` OFFICE OF -THE-COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBED 00t 29 , 9 0 AUDITED CLAIMS PAGE RESOLVED, THAT CHECS BE_D_,R+ WAN, ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF S `8alplo , COVERING Or nyr�y�q ECKS NO. `333 TO 1"8 INCLUSIVE, AS �91MR CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY, COMPTROLLER. rI�IA�� BY CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF • AMOUNT 4 DATE RETURNED BY BANK . 71` t BROUGHT FORWARD 471214M r 83'335 National Pub.. 0011no , 3 89 83336 Now YorX Pub. Library 1 50 0337 Now York T mes 1$ 00 83338 N. "W. Beal Telephone t*. ` �.� 29 833 9 Orloff Leather 00. �g 833 0 Panama Oarbon Co.. 83341 R000rdat Car 1,63 00 03142 Royal Igo Bee Corp. ' $80 50 8313 1 L2 St, Mari -0, 06phor News 0. � 13 30 • 833.44 State of Minn. Treas. 5 00 833 4' Doouments 10hx*- y t �,� � 2g 40 $3 46 *Suptyt, U. ©., taval, Xnott*4t ! � 8 00 83 47 834.8 Univ. of F%o lda Preen p0-,. j 44 00 H. W W�1a6n� � :` 4 83340 Wittenborn coo, .8350 83 a: Iubfiiretk -%:Llbert P 00 - Oi; Vs 660 83352 Butler Paper to. 81 8335 I'arwal ozum X rk and a. , 1% '84 83354 Gopher Qh a1 ;QQ•: x.06 18 833,54 ar4ham paper ow, ; 60 � 83356 J Ld Hughes Cai '6"1 8335 7 Yimt to Saw Sera 22 83358 Mining Auger & 'Tooi Works ! , , 0 63359 No: Qentril Supply .Q: � 83360 George Ryan Cis: ; 127 .59 06 83361 St., Pain Toundr�l and Wgi ; '9�9 83 62 8336. SOheffer and Rosaum• Shaw L'br4. 50 127y7 10 45 3 LO,o4. �i 1f i �t1 Mti[ Gfli 1- 7 ' 83336 �t+erx —Ame# 3 .fig 00 . 83366 ��}tr� In o, n Proven ��I ?ono, i 3 00 ' k 8336?' Warning Lite's s ;no.l = 1304, 10 83368 Now Pot6rson and Cn ; � �.6 OB " 833. .69 St. Pahl Book and StationiE vyl 1470 90 83370. Pain A. $obmi..tt Musto zd 147 94 ` 0371 8e1 Xore Dist. do. � 21 05 8337. d, P� .Smith, Mfg* 00. 1 `3.3$ 28 Y' 8337 8337$ Summer and Maoa 01aee' Ft. State 'leas. 1129 t3 surp, Prop 55 -6=6 Frame Straohou . A00 00 = -' 83377 Sunbeam Corp ! 17 09 83378. 83'9 aupt * Dooumento oovt P. Q. TRP 75 30 70 83380 83381 Transport Olearin gs 59 60 Twin 4 ty .SO�nio t�v. , -459 00 83382 in Tw # Repr 8 35 �$Z Univ., of ohioago Preee 5 10 8338 Univ* inn, Press, 30 71 83385 Van wagenen Pe�*oY�p- gBUr�. $0 00 S�IEET TOTAL , FORWARD. 14 07 t - i f 94513 9 4514 NOTICE CITY Council File No. 194513-194514 — Resolved, That checks be drawn on CIL FILE NO. TO COUNC I 1 the City Treasury, to the- aggregate amount of $521,297.38, covering checks PRINTER numbered 83335 to 83437 inclusive, as Per checks on file in the office of the Oct 29 ' '� City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council October 30, 1959. Approved October 30, 1959. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OP (November 7; 1959) E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO---- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �J */ O CT `� 0 1959 19— Jo eph J. Mitchell ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL , _ - ° ZYrry. C�OM'iROLLBt OCT 3 0 1959 APPROVED 19— BY 13 7 zAtij, L„V .,k):r0 19i'