08-882Council File #� Green Sheet #3058070 RESOLUTION Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Acrive Living Ramsey Counry Initiative has undertaken a"1,000 Benches° program to facilitate active living in Ramsey County, and a component ofthe project is the installation of "bench comdors°, which will support walking as a form of transportation; and WF�REAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation has submitted an application for bench comdors at Indian Mounds Regional Pazk, Bruce Vento Regional Trail (between Commercial Street to Phalen Blvd.) and Marydale Park; WHEREAS, the Indian Mounds project consists of 14 benches, to be installed along the route along the east bluff of the Mississippi River, all locations on public park land owned by Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the Bruce Vento Regional Trai] project consists of 13 benches (between Commercial Street and Phalen Blvd.); all locations on public park land owned by Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the Marydale Park project consists of 11 benches, all locations on public pazk land owned by Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, half the cost of the purchase of the benches, plaques and concrete slab installation wil] be funded by Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health, who will donate the benches and plaques to the City; and WHEREAS, the required match by the City of Saint Paul will be been funded through a STAR grant; and WHEREAS, the installafion of the benches serves a public purpose in promoting exercise and altemarive transportation methods; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the donation of the benches and thanks Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health for their generosity. Bostrom Hams Stark Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of. � ��"✓��� /1 � "�/�-�'�Y �4.N ✓ By: �-- � Approved by the Office of Financial Services � Thune �/ Approved by City Attomey ,�� B f Adopted by Council: Date ��(��Qf3' Appro y Ma r bm' sio Co il • Adoption Cert Counc ] Secretary By: $Y / / /�ir1�s��i� SC�v! Approv b ay � Date �� � l By: � Green SheeE Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Shee4 Green Sheet � eet NO: 3058Q70 Contact Person & Phone: Ruth Schumi 266-6432 y Assign Numbec For Routing Order 0 arks and Recrearion I � 7 arks and Retreation { Denarbnent birector 1��� � 2 "tyAttoruey i 3 a or's Ofiice !11a or/ASSistani 6 ouncil 5 ' Clerk I Ci Clerk 6 arks and Recreation Parks 300 CHA must tse on Council AgeOtla 6y (Date) 20.AUG-08 DoaType: RESOWTION E-DOCUmentRequiretl: Y Document Contad: Bev Meissner Contact Phone: 266-6413 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for SignaWre) Approve Resolution acceppng the donation of 11 benches at Marydale Park, 14 benches at Indian Nfounds Regiona] Park, and 13 benches atong the Bmce Vento Regional Tnil between Convnercial Street and Phalen Bivd by Saint Paul Ramsey County Public Health through their "Pathways ro Health" program and matched by City of Saint Paul STAR small grants. �danons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Saint Paul has the opporiunity to receive a donation of thirty-eight (38) park benches to install at Muydale Pazk, Indian Mounds Regional Pazk and along the Bruce Vento trail behueen Commercian Street and Phalen Blvd. Curzently, there aze only two benches at Maryda.le, four benches aiong the Bruce Vento Trail batween Commerclal Street and Phalen Blvd and no benches at Indian Mounds from one block east of Earl (Frank) to the east boundary of the park (Hwy 61). The match for these projeczs was obtained through the STAR small grant program. District Four and Disfict Six Comm. Councils submitted STAR grant proposals to match the Saint Pau] Raznsey County Public funding; these STAR grant were approved reoently. k AdvanWges If Approved: The installation of the benches serves a public purpose in promoting exercise and altemative transportation methods. The benches are exiremely durable and are made of 100% recycled materials. Disadvantages If Approved: There aze no disadvantages. Disadvantages If Not Approved: There will be no additional benches at these three locations and the funding througp Saint Paul Ramsey Counry Public Heairh and tbe STAR small grant will not be used for the benefit of the public. �� Transaction: $O.fl� Funding Snurce: Activfty Number: Financiai information; The cos[ of the pxoject is funded throug� Saint Paul Raulsey County Public Health and through two STAR (Euplain) Small grants. CostlRevenue Butlgeted: August 8, 2008 3:07 PM Page 1 • �i � - _-.-- --- -� r-ro�eci �►ppi�cat�on � Date: August 1, 2�08 Project Locations Indian Mounds Regional Park and Bruce Vento Regional Trail (Commerical Street to Phalen Blvd), Saint Paul, MN B. Project Sponsors: L,ocal unit of govemment: Comznunity Partner: City of Saint Paul Dayton's Bluff District Four Community Council The Dayton's Bluff District Four Community Council is a non-profit organizarion. It is a citizen's organization designed to encourage participation in and awareness of the Dayton's Bluffneighborhood Contact: Karin DuPaul Title: Cominunity Organizer Address: 798 East 7th Street City and Zip Code: Saint Paul, MN 55106 Phone: 651.772.2075 (voice) ! 651.7743510 (fax) E-Mail: karinn,davtonsbluf£or¢ Website: www.daytonsbluf£org C. Primary Contact Person for the Project: City of Saint Paul Ruth Schumi Active Living Program Coardinator 25 W. 4t Street, Room 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6432 Ruth.schumina ci.stpaul.mn.us D. Generally define the geographic boundaries of the project, including nearby streets. Indian Mounde Regional Park: located between Burns Ave. to Bates Ave. in Saint Paul, Minnesota; installation of 14 benches. Bruce Vento Regional Tra1: located bet�veen Comnaercial Street, through Swede Hollow to Phalen Blvd. in Sadnt Paul, Minnesota; installatiora of I3 benehes E. Project documentation 1. Project location map illustrating the proposed network - attached 2. Identify specific bench locations — map uttached 3. Provide list of inspirational quotes (reference by quote nwnber). - District 4 will provide these selections. 4. Identification of a11 community destinations that will be linked with the network. - attached C.� IDOCUME�IImeissnertLQCALS�11TemplGA'Viewerllndian Mounds Park and BVRT.dac Puge I of Z li .i! any special populations that will be served. — attached F. �'roject Cost Estimate. List local funding source(s) and the amount (s). Total cost of project: $ 32,40� Public Health - $16,200 5tar Grant - � 15,OQ0 Donation -$1,200 (the match for two benches in Swede Hollow, one `7n loving memory ofMuriel C. Haffner'; and the other `7n appreciation ofKarin DuPauPs dedication to Swede Hollow Park') G. Proof of property ownership for each bench site. Supply documentation of public right of way license or permit for each bench within the proposed network. All property owned by the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. H. Include an operations and maintenance plan: 5aint Paul Parks and Recreation will provide the maintenance of these benches, all located orz City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreatiox praperty. I. Provide a proposed project schedule with expected completion date. Installation no earlier than the fall af 2008; completion in spYing of 2009. Include a resolution from the governing body of the jurisdiction making application authorizang the submittal of the application and accepting the terms as outiined in the request for grant applications. Resolution alt¢ched. C:IDOCUME-IlmeissnertLOCALS�IITempIGWPiewerlindian Mounds Park and BVRT.doc P¢ge 2 of 2 �� �► / -- -- =- _= -- � ° - -- — �a�n s BTufF�Neiqhborhood Profile Bruce Vento Regional Trail and lndian Mounds Regional Park 5. Quanrify the estimated number of people who will be served. Popularion ofDayton's Bluffin 2000: 17,758 This is an increase of 15% from 1990; Dayton's Bluff grew faster than the city as a whole (citywide total - 5.5%). 6. Identify any special populations that will be served. Findings: The elderly population (65+) decreased 23%, total in 2000 was 1525. The white population decreased from 83% to 52%. There are numerous families living in poverty, including 23% of families with children and 38% of single mothers with children. 21 °to of all xesidents in the neighborhood were living in poverty (compared with 16% in the city as a whole). Between 1990 — 2000, the white population decreased from 83% to 52%, Asian population increased from 7% to 19%, Slack population increased from 5% - 12%, Latino population increased from 4% to I 1%. American Indian population increased from 1%- 2%. Four % of residents were multi-xacial. .� �� ° — - Of them, 48% had a disability, 14% had income below federal poverty level 88% white in 2000, 6% Asian, 3°lo Latino, 2°lo Black. English as a Second Language: 28% of the Daytpn's B1uff population spoke a language other than English in the home, and 18% did not speak English "very well." Most common were: Asian — 8% Spanish — 8% 17% of residents born outside of the U.S. See attachments: Wilder Research Center Census Racts: Dayton's B1uffNeigbborhood (District 4, Saint Paul) US Census 2000 Ii .i� -- --- _— ---- - ° — -- __— - — — - ��mmercxal Street to Phalen Blvd.) Located in the Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood of Saint Paul, MN Destinations: Street Corridors Connections/Destinations Phalen Blvd Bruce Vento Regional Trail continues along Phalen Blvd east and northeast to Maryland, to Phalen park, the Saint Paul city limits, into Maplewood and beyond. Under construction — East Side Heritage Park Rainbow Foods and other businesses Minnehaha and Payne Hope Community Charter School at Payne and Minnehaha Yarussds Restaurant Eastem Police District Offices 7 Street East Swede Hollow Cafe Dayton's Bluf£ Library Hamm's Park at Greenbrier (small parcel park) Businesses along 7 Street East Metropolitan State University at Mounds Blvd First Lutheran Church, one block north of 7�' Street at Maria Bates Rain Gardens Swede Hollow Park 3` Street East Dayton's Bluff Recreation Center Dayton's Bluff Elementary Businesses along 3 Street from Maria to Arcade (bakery, bar, etc. Commercial Street Bruce Vento Nature Park below the bluff Lowertown and Downtown Saint Paul Hudson Road Mounds Park Theatre and othez businesses near Eazl and Hudson Road Parkway Manor Senior Housing Mounds Blvd Indian Mounds Park Burns Cerenity Senior Housing at Earl Street Obb's RestaurantBar at Burns near Johnson Parkway Burns Ave Park — on east side of Hwy 61 Payne Ave Yarussd s Restaurant at Minnehaha Payne Avenue businesses north on Payne from Maryland to Payne. Earl Mounds Park Magnet Elementary School at Earl and Third Street Dairy Queen about one block north 6th St. near Arcade Sacred Heart Catholic Church 840 6th St E 977 Sth St E Church of St John of Saint Paul I 1 � � / � 798 East 7th Street Dayton's Bluff Communiry Council 771 Margaret at 7 St. E. St. 7ohn's Lutheran Church 7ohnson Parkway Connects Indian Mounds Park to Phalen Pazk, with businesses scattered along the parkway. Superamerica at East 7�' Street p S ��82� 5. Quantify the estimated number of people who will be served. Marydale Park is located on the edge of the North End nei�borhood, with the Como Park neighborhood boundary across the Dale Street and Maryland Avenue. Popularion of North End in 2000: 24,654 Population of Como Park in 2000: 12,435 6. Iden6fy any special populafions that will be served. Findings: The elderly population in both neighborhoods decreased from 25% (Como) and 27% (North End). However, there is still a significant number of elderly living in these two neighborhoods adjacent to Marydale Park. The white population is deceasing in both neighborhoods however the most significant decrease is in the North End. There are numerous families and individuals living in poverty, although more in the North End than the Como Park neighborhood. Between 1990 — 2000, the white population decreased from 75% to 55%, Asian population increased from 15% to 18%, Black population increased from 6% - 15%, Latino population increased from 3% to 7%. American Indian population remained at 1°l0. 4% of residents were mulri-racial. North End neighborhood: . i• 1. . - , -- ---- -__ _ � �_ - -�t��� � Engtish as a Second Language: 26% of the North End population spoke a language other than English in the home, and 13% did not speak English "vety we11 " Asian —16% Spanish — 6% Older Adults: 2,267 older adults in 2000 Of them, 43% had a disability, 12% had income below federal poverty level 87% white in 200�, 6% Asian, 5°lo Black, 1% Latino. 17% of residents born outside of the U.S. Como Park neighborhood: In 2000, mostly white (87%) aithough the white population decreased between 1990 and 2000 by 5%; percentage of school age children and working adults increasing and percentage of pre- school children and seniors decreasing. Asian population increased from 2°!o to 4%, Black population increased from 3% to 5%, Latino population remained at 2%, American Indian population remained at less than 1% and 1% identified themselves as multiracial. Older adults decreased 25% to 1,910 English as a Second Language: 8% of the Como Park popularion spoke a language other than English in the home and 4% did not speak English "very well." Spanish — 3% Asian — 3% 7% of residents born outside of the U.S. Older Adults 1,910 in 2000 Of them, 36% had a disability, 5% had income below the federal poverty level 97% White, 2% Black See attachments: Wilder Research Center Census Facts: Como neighborhood (District 10, Saint Paul) North End neighborhood (District 6, Saint Paul) 1,000 Benches Project Application A: Date: February I1, 2008 Project L.ocation: B Project Sponsors: Local unit of governnient: Community Partner: �1�'�� � Marydale Park, Saint Paul, MN City of Saint Paul Dish-iM Six Planning Council The District Six Planning Council is a non-profit organization, serving the North EndJSouth Como Neighborhoods of Saint Paul, MN. The mission of the District 6 Planning Council is to continue to improve the quality of life in the community by supporting active and engaged residents with programming that educates, develops leadership and promotes participation. C. Contact: Kerry Antrim Title: Executive Director Address: 213 Front Ave. City and Zip Code: Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone: 651-488-4485 E-Mail: district6@qwestoffice,net Website: www.district6stpaul.or Primary Contact Person for the Project: City of Saint Paul Ruth Schumi Active Living Program Coordinator 25 W. 4`� Street, Room 200 Saint Pau1, MN 55102 651-266-6432 Ruth.schumi@ci.stpaul.mn.us D. Generally define the geographic boundaries of the project, including nearby streets. Marydale Park (located between Dale, Maryland, Mackubin and Jessamine, Saint Paul, MN) See map of park, attached. Install 11 benches along the trail around in Marydale Park and around Marydale Lake; this bench path is 3,100 feet in length. E. Project documentation 1. Project location map illustraring the proposed nerivork — attached 2. Idenrify specific bench locations — attached 3. Provide list of inspirational quotes (reference by quote number). — District Six wiZl provide these quotes. 4. Identi$cation of all community destinations that will be linked with the network. — see attachment 5. Quanrify the esfimated number of people who will be served. — attached 6. Identify any special popularions that will be served. - attached C.� IDOCUME--IlmeissnerlLOC9LS—IlTemplGYWiewerlMarydale Park application.doc Page I of 2 F. Project Cost Estimate. List local funding source(s) and the amount (s). DO ,gg �-- Total Project Cost: $13,200 � St Paul Ramsey County Public Health -$6,600 Matrh-�"F�_.� — -- , --- —__- --__ -_ — �_Y � — -___ ��_-. aa� _.�6�68b - - _ _== G. Proof of properiy ownership for each bench site. Supply documentarion of public right of way license or permit for each bench within the proposed network. All property is owned by the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. No public right of way licenses or permits are necessary. H. Include an operations and maintenance plan: Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will provide the maintenance of these benches, all located on City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation property. I. Provide a proposed pro}ect schedule with expected completion date. Construction will begin no earlier than the fall of 2008 and completion by June, 2009. J. Include a resolution from the governing body of the jurisdiction making application authorizing the submittal of the application and accepting the terms as outlined in the request for grant applicarions. - Attached C. IDOCUME�IImeusnerlLOCALS�11TempIGYPViewerlMarydale Park application.doc Page 2 of 2