197769ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �d 3,` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul has the facilities and personnel to do engineering work relative to the Western Redevelopment Project of the City of Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; and WHEREAS, the said Authority does not have such facilities nor personnel; and WHEREAS, it would be advantageous -to such Authority to use the facilities and personnel of said Public Works Department; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves that certain contract entered into' ,between said Authority and the City of Saint Paul, dated June 3, 1960, which provides for the use of the facilities and personnel'of the Public Works Department by said Authority in the engineering and inspection work to be done relative to the said Western Redevelopment Project, a copy of which contract is attached hereto and made a part hereofs:by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy o�r Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 QP.8 Council File No. 197789 —By Milton+ Rosen — Whereas, The Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul has! the facilities and personnel to do engi- neering work relative to the Western Redevelopment Project .of' the City of Saint Pa-0 Housing and Redevelopment Authority; and _.Whgregk. The_said Authority does JUN 2 81960 Adopted by the Council 19 Ito- bo Approved 19 Tr Favor Mayor Against r, f HOUSING AND KEDEVELOPMENI Of THE CM Of SAINT PAUL April 29, 1960 r AUTHORITY 1 71 60 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7524 /, Gdrw LOINS J. SON gundn Dh an I•V /`�f-/►r CLAYTON G. VAN / HAROLD J. MONAM RO OOD �fI JEROME L. LONG Mr. Eugene Avery S—Sh , Chief Engineer �`Lrc �� �/�" FRANK H. DRAW Tr.w.r Department of Public Works City Hall and Court House1 �`• St. Paul, Minnesota /�,•.�',� �' �� xr �t Dear Mr. Averys �{�f• 01 -wo � , We are enclosing the original and four copies of the proposed Contract for techhical services, Western Redevelopment Area. This proposed agreement was discussed with Mr. Sheahan and yourself approximately two months ago and has been executed by the Housing Authority. We request your review of the agree - ment and if the agreement is in order, please have it executed and approved by the City and return two copies to the Housing Authority. This Contract will permit the Housing Authority to pay the City of St. Paul up to a maximum of *8000.00 for engineering services to be provided by the City in accordance with the Contract. The agreement also permits the Housing Authority to pay the present retainage under the existing services contract and thereby close out the present Contract. The unpaid balance of this former Contract amounts to $1,546.78 and will be paid to the City as soon as the two copies of the executed agreement are returned to the Housing Authority. C AP-1, L j � 64T' /1L Sincerely Yours, MARSHALL D. ANDERSON Director of Development tz �.: Ift I = Whereas the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul has the facilities and personnel to do engineer- ing work relative to the Western Redevelopment Project of the City of Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; and Whereas, The said Authority does not have such facilities nor personnel; and Whereas, It would be advantageous to such Authority to use the facilities and personnel of said Public Works Department; now', therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council approve that certain contract entered into between said Authority and the City of Saint Paul on "d L -3' , 1960, which provides for the use of the facilities and personnel of the Public Works Department by said Authority in the engineer- ing and inspection work to -be done relative to the said Western Redevelopment Project) ' - -• ' I •• a .' ' ^• _ ' _ • ' - t- _ June,- THis � # ?i .:..3�� � ► csf 19W# by ard ►+ern. the �rW'V"- O1QPMnt AuthOrity Ot t6b Oity of Saint P401 -_ . S of .. tu�- - -' &, tw "Aw)grl t'y , tN city. Ot Soirxt- oio mjrk *O '. " trArt# -r 'X*f'gj"d + +� Vityll . .:WM A%. t O Authority -* OpUr Am t* ' Of *ich 21, 1 Wf tatod 4 J I into -a Lon ar4 o ant, con -4ot, with ;the- UOI d :Stt OO 'of Awrico prow -14fnq for OW0101 4i to th TitU 1 oil thq sU4Act. of 1949# a. N*rd* ox' to Abs 000sing Aa't of 1"4t and gsa ' rrt ae�cY� #rti.t t Aprty art3cs " t0tain oottvitios nape ry. for planning -or omeutlon of it Projoct$ *it- � 'kwRs* athe ity # +�its.a #o tba, city to r r-c6ruin r , t4ohn1pal "rv:�;ca *''fin • - cxxrx"cU04 with -ii�_UMOt,akiro. oi ter AuftAty. £2 "t1 ii#a 3Itt do. ttp :ergs, atxX,cv t necessary for such engineerl,ng,services as r ' 40tovisio/ ire u r ," 90attoo its rra#�tton' th and `xvxpo'ctiro tho l PtOPO'S*d tv ro'vomot of the stor" ftft t;t : ' '114086t 04e..1ann. 1,*2* s. ih& City 04,11 _rtstpli aiidiants end' �24'�if#+ • pity ii fi r► = tht n#ed for re i�►GVa t ¢ i ti TZ'^1�.\ G-4� '� ~.Yr i F.C' t • .i't 1- .i .. . " ,a• r ., j • � ' - �. " , S to .T� `' j ,� _ � • _ .'.i _ ` • . , _ _ , ' - • .t. �rrationTr ��' �i� ��aoa� .�x��i���, +�c��+� 'and- �Pa�•�#.c�tt�ot�a ��_ - - r Tom: Citi ahOii 6+V plant ate .e re�i i�st. t�+� d;rri 'Pr44t4tIOW to- tnsOri ' that U6 firma plans "ill 'Cosply of th OsIr of- Soint Paul, otAnda d�. _ , T4 city "U ioblst in th*,,ptopa.o..Uon -cif an ost $t@ of a, tot ConotrUotfic of St oft ): i�,rrO nt, and ri►Viow* okke Tocomwwations - ► i p Y ' 114 s 'Tho Oity_ sM11 lido **test # of - POrtiO04 0f th6 OWMoMatto Pte_ Oast by tho AUtW ,tyrs Amd. ouch *Att ►- ' 4AR, *t r -t}±7'3.'�iT, �,'.fcn'�']C�rN�..4�%Mi. it aRVif • i 'y Saint hul sti xd ,spoo fuoii !# stoot . ' .ats tx i Ago, 10 �.o t A z' to b tricUido, gtyi.. is ,ot uo-o t� . qh sx ' to be ugod . ., _ ,•�},� {yam " . - - ,. y,� • - _ , . : $ . - for bidding p i '�. rFV "J4 oo.lbjo..� Q SR. 91ty w _ bY, x *f *,vgno## tt vOy wqklogr 0".4 p# .*'' of, the Lint root Do nijFf' ,ow , Woo r a� city, �t %Int ftv,, outs si,gp tbit *pp Qontx*ct : q ot$, '&ftet, thtyr*ho n mitt w rouis.d t .- - t� hid �i�'ti��7�����3.' -_ • " - . • . r .- _ - _ Tt s pxa n p o c i' . x +� u tx Gti i. r#�qu.00to 'fir ItA by t.4 -Auth ri • his olvfdort it to_ • 1 ow, } {.,{.,- .����T}'~ }�- +�.f :. �j. `� . -[�' ��yy- .�o -,o i' }`'�jj[ ,N S_ 7yyy'ei- yy'� � y�� - � on r- - � ".Al��i , �} ;.fl M� f!3ki J •'' .F "_s work 7 Ach All Oompi y th • , , - ; .W��ll1�{ifi.►•i,�ift.6j;;�u C64i raga, 'Xi'l i�f .L•YTh #44poe oie 11 be[ - *,' n 0 pot iiuo itx Ai ' yyt ` Y •' Ih t OV %Y4,j •4 `l .. o �d��� ot Ctd x r ' i 14 .*Utt ief3t, in- 4, O 400 4 AU *k 'd' Y shoU ss3 .fixityln soc"14. 1ivgxy of }tht '- typ*.,$. app itt d -yt tits o ty 4wa, low -4 b*'c* jxpv1 9f, 9.60, j stool tits t -Oneft O tho c*Ast ou�±� 01 �uv .ty, . gtty� s it 4 vii* flf , ,• x t i r "ro"A# for Ai "Sketch i 9-1 itAtitrocuty ' oik X11, # . At Ithk tip -f + ' tioa$ nspo 3t$0ri 1'f s t�y,,, mUll Ylow loo 'until :kli *',Nncb st"* ,. , U 1* r400p, �l��, �i#�zoo fly' ph 1*011Y,od .tl*, -sou'starotion, r e M o the pt"ZOUO Of . � a04ozo ,C2 he s� �� m as . 1 ood000rWoo, switio And-,tot' X00#4 iitolaUx kr4 hock 4nd, C04462- �r` + s f ti'ii,r t #�► tit -*nd �tlkal"1�1 :''!br necessary •for such engineering -servi eep- = ;' •' -,T A� lvity AWL fool.4h to 44, iad'd0000nto 000 cif 'w the ,poo ++t by ? lcic ty Of Ahi -tiork provIfto for 'ire ,,w coouvdt. t. t�k " Y! Ilr# , �ss '�I od t dos -, R locludo he A i 4 v :If Of *04C lo'd16 E F' u, - ��rr���y�yy��yytt.�� a ��yy - - yyY s ��y ' 1.�1l v&L V attI L i Ew M!�. `MeW�I H M�/l 6► 1` ylfJ♦�R WMY. W7► - �. loo vt ill UV4 _ *Ad wd Irogo OzVo o-S -sit and 4114by ' • :�i ► .1r iit - r s I� i#�I ti t ,b ► mod_ #ri`t . , ari i f•> i �r : ,c 'dfc xtooit, aWk $1loys As_.Is lot A a So t'_ � rsr>� ;�. ' o Tapp v , ` tho' $lsd�i .Ttitt0i:'i t '11.x!! t xIPd! e. b ` . cowmil. FO* it. -10014044.tod July , - _ Ttar• t i.,s Cdr tact is ""ts3�ly �0" w4d t' • _ .. • , . .._ , F _ •ate',#,.. -,L ; - - t_ ,- �,y,,�, .. • �. ' - a • - r - _ ., a • 1 '-# it l:' 4Vj j*t*-pf 'ft7 4 *'i #' ai►:1: t*O _ C# -A!' $JW - ,. - _ -• ; ` 04.t •* _ !MI L. r_V �i W ' • , * A�i 11- - 1 ' -Avg 4nd ,' WI' r 'CaRstructioR uttan tho 0��►+� A t.�O -wy ,1141 ti *i 11 de +Fld fit: An ftoy 6tNft&l Plot. 06' cooatiudd Of :tip AV1 • (formerly Parr 'Strm*t, r 1im of *100 SU"t �~ - qnc! aeois_hed ' x costru6tion 'wi rf I qvp r.Igt�t -dl -"y limits; d. Ofdatr4j� cn of ° Alirok 1 AV-Onuo f Utt riObt+- Of -wo:y AUW of Vion �"�;r'� t# thq. Vast 1�-30 : !of Lqt, 1 2- O rot as of pull r Avigm+s fxom : -cost vi ti -pot4a r ; to tho (lot i.i...!..i�i iii �11i`►Z ,r�+� Q Ff�F 4�ir 7?�Y°1 AN# Ii '.' i*0,0410A of thl., tarart-A 14 ��- v 40 �,�t'• ch `�,c u1# t but 10 &Ay 4' 'X11 .9t t � � �` 1 M i 'e11 Yt #ir1 1, y 0 t, Of- - �1t}r,$ #Xcept -OW _ 1ef �3 x A0�.a t 10 40 'OvItwoz of ' C1ty 1 t -, is 1.t 't a► t ►t bill, �kov. Vat "0 s 11 bo, 'mod 10 tho provid"g, of -so1 s boo4n a #1144, f _OWtu1a1a, '06114 pildlar st t'tw City Px - CfAvn' totta for •W mioliis. tird , in :rat Xt• . t ex t x t *4_ tight Jb.. - • "Otty 'sk* 3 �"p'd ill t xv ioxds tC is a,q . 001-1 t 'CIE i 4dl. x ty of .a 4#t*U 4�0%4*at tww1r4 00 Ott th. City #fix a %1 aotdrioit1` xa*404 W..4 tox, It vo Ond 46wicos poxIbMid .baxa'tift* . bf, it* lqVloyiet. dt ,attt yta a 11' 144M mt iols ft#4SW err *DA V *rt4MKd *Ad 0*111* st ttod in txliplfutt* tod 1 j . tontoln tborolh, A f moor of tbw to -tt r*partmont of Public t* 0,0, *ffect t)jt All of- tht it th"an axt U � c o rroct • • - - r. 1 di± upon 04 mock beirl porfo * 'wyj6r the pravlatons, af, 1 1 qty X11 It *' 6tsiOM4�t 04.0 nt OwuAto wym VOO, �Cantmoo .414 r lai` ,w4t -bly 1nt 1s Itas Brach Auoh #; pa�llw that- der wbxk It Ifox 'd Ito: u4 1#s #tf, t4 Ct ��jyi,.Ott .00A U -- '��'�,s.. - '�.� ��� �„'�Y�,4.f� {9� �8�+4�� :�•�nt lif7al.�i +�1•i� .4� i ` - shy - `- . � '� . .'',j�" • � - • - - f .. r � -+ - � *.i. �Y ' "•, , . _ • - VJAV it Of iald. -S uo—on f he Atkovrity ll pay '+�?Tfityf1 tho *)*W 0 ' , YP t'1! Mlty *W T -�„` •!ITT. .` 001aty 'A"t• to p4v 0 ty tuck 40ount a* Lit pr ~UY, ldr .aux ' . � !R t irti i i► ' _�i '► 1 +1U ion, of tho A #" doh' hoo ' bo" r r +d romdjx City t*ljnq44ws omy 0xia . vwxot - le ..ki'1$ tit Ytn ,iiaif + -- +� Th ._Yr. ..,�Il�. _y .y ..,{� f {# y;�� ,�,�I,_�- �F�� �y, Ei y�,� y�,- /t`�h• ;y��r - - i�Tdo $W__a C; A ", x `�1*blio` o at 41o! uici4:; �*v st"o ' �9r3P 1044 .111 k - t ' • .. ,��,�'y��j (•�]�yf�y�y��• I� -y. Ij j��f - t� #_�(y/���,� f��• •^�Q( �gn y} • j��y �yy� "�Yy►' - Lm� _ • L __ 1 ,II �I- j- �e+il- ` -IIY'F •'_ _^ •• #I'�I/_' {�' ,tai I�f�irr{�•.Ilr�f,44 IN'�f uo ., t. 1 :it s ? ; ► fir. or po .*M tj* ♦ (jam, _ - (�{{x.- -. �(y.�V �C} '$� (�� '[�•,•�y ;'j��! yT�. .Iy,�� r •�.Qj. rye, Aht. •" - � � - , •, ... trr �� tf • •7���j� � j�.7 y�Y c� =iliPi YYYaaa. • . rY •`y '- •a^fT Y'�T'R ' R'1 . ;h `,. , Wit* : �1 , us. of oquw 4OX 'tea tho,WAim= Sato of ps � !.. - - - -- -•i ♦�� �!y$�,ry {aZ: ''�i' ' - -_° ���y�y��, { -c,�C. �� #, Zit [.,�,�•y� ,.�]y,�'y� .: _ •�, ,. '""'� �'• c W.iV' i +?'�l�i ll►'' i.'ihrs}1F 1!•. T'� ° -Yb�; �4 ��Y y, - _044 ;.{. - •�4M�.�'L�Y.l.i - x pay for och oxousifi&i ,i a (IF�iiQ .6%6ii "I•ii its than, W�f i e.Mb,v11rPaik 14�LR th II([7�I' +��x qy ff� {yam_ 7y�los . �'7k } 7 ` p� o yq 'y( n '^'t^R'�• /� ^ ♦r, yq ty ��j 1!#y��M • rjj� t TRH �^n`7 * 3� _ +' o TiP!Id ,�T T!'J. � -�V rvlf�'f1� 1 it �� �TI��- ri- - ~ _ _ -_ 1 4 ji_o�,f "hwatIliq ��..��ns j o` o y►#y'{'c$ orm }� bo paid, `to 14 - 4poc# OCc;,44 #bht 111 ,'b+Ifxoth th* poxfollsoo off.. - -. .py( ^ ^�,�I,�" .}�� - ({1_ * - +r � �,- '�}�7.� is 1 •�y�.11� �{`y �1T'� j{, +y.. '_}�. -: _ -, >• -_ { ' M!�' WR' � �- 'ii �. r` ,����(� ".- -R�M• \T �T�.�F�'�1J1' 'Y'i ry'�:M�f`��� , ` ( �i 1�` �lil.��V"1�����5_ T'�- _ ' - - - ..` , `• s . •t. _ ,�ayJ� �� }p �11�.. T•� /i� ...yy 4 - d +{ n'o *lthl Clow ll I #f i .Part I wbwi 'oP9114ulof, sialur *Xtificotion of its i 0' A ";Sspoot ,` 1p i *(W god Sn writ �r #,psis Miv�MC�:w' 'WW1 „ . ,- 1 •• ` ,' x ." - ; ` • , _ .. 1. t Moot lude y C044tcni a a lncgipoki�04 h0isirk. by x0f4iWWO And 404 V xt v c .. Il' OTMIM WOO# f the Authority ,an tho City 44**( j .fir. CITY UL I -' - i . •� . -r , _ , . - � it - � � .t(V 1 U 'PAUL" .. � a 1 '.' ate` ._ r, " A *•". •' o ` � -" � v- - - - _ _ - (,. - - _ � "' t' •-• � yg-. `a 3:.a s i -. ;4',�s �y ?.f � ,. r . _ _ _ ., r � - 4• '�� ', , • �ifN 1f YR���, • .. • ._ , � r_ ��.��"w�M1Tl7� ll('i "T'T��� !•1� • .l -• `.� ' , _ •- ail i•'/ _�.,f�� , �(�•+��,'•Ir ` ' _ _ - _ _= tt s � ♦ .. _ - 5 � . - #- • - � _ .. .. it - _ - r�ae far" tba . '� twi Or Ir AM- Ut AWO AO -A +,.•.. * 044 •"*?!M714!''i y!!� �' � .,TT., 'R.i4+F�C�Mef",'�►,.' +�e+•' *-it* � .tv--'A.i M • .. 3' ( AbO **1440A ';- ulaw 01.6 - .. �'{� jam, ,,�.` p •y" J r "t �, �� •- � _' ''{,}��,Z,.. - ' -' ('�q���,yy ��P" _ _ 9 ' w . _ toot �:.` *-04." 'f'* WO, *10 s All +A* T* U"d *OUOW AU PWOO" tv ow ` r • . ' wvor4a: VA .An "Vera, *vkp& JA vw,writ ww is tour ' 04 bot 140 ONO 0° �� ' G'4.04�4 ro* ' ".a3* Ar owu to .. 0 0, '- . +�'S�S1el�f� �i4'• i�c .. } �. # .��- -i 's 'yy��, 'a ,. _:i, �t � ,y��,,,,a,� . ` �" , - f vw ti 'o �; WOO "�" - .,� _ ` �g�� - r� i, � .�•.� �.''-c •1• ;4 -k- • .� may« i, '1 ! _. •'^ '�' - ' � ' -' �.�� - ,� •: a `•' .5/ .. � '. , � `. �+ _'. ► "f ib A4 bo 44to 41044*1� i r o . . �,'�. '�,�' '!F 7Yt� � � �f!�� � ��Pr'.•T�� � LT'�!.b�%�•i` r�l ifMr' �. r + .. � o j*► . .pop* �� . '`►. _ u1sp s so-AV pwu 07 vtsi pft ' 1 ' -tom , f. A00A3krv#*, IOU . V* tbi ; Wit *V -000* tb*,AU*XlU *-. `O MV rte. .* *I*., Aj ' tr ttV llkl� 44 4ow a no. vi ;r c a1WJ, tItAt61494111or 0ow i Ot `_vita. *a 6 ,4t* tbo CUJ Avo tb# AAt4oc l;r tW4W- *' ' > ",tit.. 00"OLWO .or- otb4r T a4kPLOU70, *, UQO ' mob s ' t 404io 'or 'O AbOl , ta" 4, tIO Ate.' r U Os Ma =ao � �, .�'� Ste` �'�+C�i�' �;ti�, � " {. -� -: ;` ' ;.t •�.; , . a,;,z��.,, ��'`� `. .�•` .•�.. . boV► looXttv 1.4,W4o :+' + ire � = ..a ,gib ; oua =iw:' ; o'000twi! .. } W,00"Otoo liv c� ctti s3± ' � .c G ' . rah ` :.. t� tom' r its ot r k*v '► +� jai x"otu* `eP!� webl t WIor t may, + , UU �AVatU , . UU*J * % t ski it F� out twipi*4aitta