08-871Council File # 08-871 Green Sheet # 3058074 - -- --- Presented by RESOLUTION SAINT_PAUL,_MINNESOT -- _�__ ---- = -- -- 1 WHEREAS, emergencies, or lazge special events such as the Republican National Convention, may 2 occur in the future which will require local public health and/or environmental health entities to come to 3 the aid and assistance of other local public health or environxnental health entities; and 4 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minuesota Statutes Section 471.59, political subdivisions of the State of 6 Minnesota may jointly and cooperatively exercise powers common to each of the contracting parties; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the original participating parties set forth in E�ibit A of the attached contract, 9 executed the Twin Cifies Public Health Departments in Minnesota PUBLIC HEALTH MUTUAL AID 10 AGREEMENT on or about Febniary, 2007; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the preparedness of the public health 13 and environmental health system in Minnesota; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the parties desire to simplify the defense of claims by eliminating conflicts among 16 defendants that aze parties to this Agreement; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the intent of this agreement is to make personnel, equipment, and other resources 19 available to poli5cal subdivisions in the event of an emergency, training, drill or exercise; and 20 21 WHEREAS, the parties participating in this Agreement have determined that it is in their best 22 interests to assist one another in the event of an emergency, training, drill or exercise. 23 24 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of 25 Saint Paul to enter into the attached mutual aid agreement. r V Stark ✓ Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Counc'1 Secretary By: � Approved b o Date By: Requested by Deparhnent of. �4-�'v aa� L i i'�l�S sY: C.�,-,�.�"�,.� r9-t�� - Approvq by the Office of Financial Services �� ✓ By: C� • '--�\°� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b���1 � - - _ - ,__ � = -_ - __ - - . � .� .__ _ .___, . __ _ -_ _ �: _ __-- - -- .� _�__ __ _ ,._�_.__� . ._...�_ .____..__ ---�-r�e��ee SI �Dept of Safety & Inspwtions OS-AUG-OS . _________ - __-_ - __ ____. Contact Person 8 Phone: William Gunfher 266-9132 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): �► Assign Num6er For Routing Order Depattment � SentTo Person 0 AeptofSaf�&Inspections _ __ _ 1 Dept of Safery & insoections De➢artment Accounlant 2 Ctity Attorney - ! CitY Atturney 3 k5nan�ialServices Director 4 3Navor's Ofl�ce _ Mavor (if over S50 �� 5 �Iiuman Riehts _ Human Rights Lf over SS , 6 � Snancial Services _ContraM & Analysis Serv � � _._ �� a D _rt_- Initial/Date Doc. Type: OTHER AGREEMENT/CONTF E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Robert Humphrey � , n�na nc e�a ment�, Contact Phone: 266-9123 ' - -- - - .___- _ __-__-_. -_ ._-___. _-_...______-__ _ - _-____ ___�-____—____-_--____ -__ -_. Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip Ail Locations for Signatore) _-__.. __ ___ .___ ____- _ __- _-__-__ ___ _ ____ . -_ _-_' -__-_' _-_- ' ___- ___ Action Requested: Council authorization to enter in[o a public health mutual aid agreement with several municipalities to cooperatively exercise powers during emergencies, or large special events, such as the Republican National Convention. I Recommendations: Approve (AJ or Reject (R): �� :i Personal Service Contracts MustMswer the Foilowing Questions: �l ' Planning Commission �'�, 1, Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? ��, CIB Committee Yes No , ° 1 Civil Service Commission �� 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee� �, Yes No ' I � 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any I � current city employee? �� � Yes No ', ' ��i Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet I -___ _ _ _ - _ -____ -__-�_ _ ' - .- --.—..-- � ; Initiating problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �� ''� �', Events of a large scale may require Saint Paul to call on the expertise of nearby Environmental Health entifies to assist in times of � ; great need. Likewise, Saint Paul will help surrounding areas should a major issue arise. . I �., AdvantageslfApproved: I �__ _ .__ - __— __- __ __— __— ___ �, Disadvantages If Approved: —__ __— __— _--_____- _ _—___ __—_ Disadvantages If Not Approved: ToWI Amount of �� Transaction: � Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) -- CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Numbe�: August 8, 2008 3:20 PM Page 1 HC Agreement !i v����l ) — -_ ..----_-__ _ _ . _T�arin_GiYies.Public.$ealth and Environmental __–__.—. _____.._ _ .___ _--_-_ _-_ –___–__ __'auiTZTY7-1-7 -A-171_A�'7?�'aI Entities in Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota may jointly and cooperatively exercise powers common to each of the contractin� parties; and WHEREAS, the original participating parties set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, executed the Twin Cities Public Health Departments in Minnesota PUBLIC HEALTH MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT on or about February, 2007; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that, in order to make changes to that agreement and in lieu of an amendment, the parties, and any potential parties, including but not limited to tk�ose possible additional parties set forth on Exhibit A or as otherwise provided, shall execute this Twin Cities Public Health and Municipal Environmental Health Entities in Minnesota MiJTUAL AID AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the preparedness of the public health and environmental health system in Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to simplify the defense of claims by eliminating conflicts among defendants that are parties to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, emergencies may occur in the future which will require local public health and/ar environmental health entities to come to the aid and assistance of other local public health or environmental health entities; and WHEREAS, the intent of this agreement is to make personnel, equipment, and other resources auailable to political subdivisions in the event of an emergency, training, drill or exercise; and WHEREAS, the parties participating in this Agreement have determined that it is in their best interests to assist one another in the event of an emergency, training, drill or exercise. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the fore�oing, the participating parties agree as follows: Pi 1RPOSE It is recognized and acknowledged that in certain situations, including but not limited to, natural disasters, public health emergencies, technological hazards, man-made disasters, civil emergencies, community disorders, insurgency or enemy attack, disease outbreaks, special events, or trainings, drills or exercises in preparation for any of these eventualities, the use of the personnel, equipment, supplies and/or services of a local public health entity to perform functions outside its jurisdictional limits is desirable and Twin Cities Public HeaZth & Environmental He¢2th Mutual Aid Agreement final for signature 10-31-07 o� - �� I �_ .._--__ .__ necessazy.to greserYe and.pr.otect the health, safety_and welfare of th citizens of the State _ --'- -- - -- - ---- -- ---- - --- --- - - ---- - - -- - - -- of�ifinrie�ot� - - `- - This A�eement only addresses assistance provided by a participating party in response to a request made by a participating party and does not affect the applicability of Minn. Stat. § 12331, Minn. Stat. § 1233, or other pertinent laws to other activities that may be undertaken by a political subdivision. II. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this mutual aid agreement, the following terms shall be defined as follows: A. "Employee" means those personnel currently warkin� for a party including, elected and appointed officials, officers and volunteers who aze registered with and under the direction and control of that party as required by Minn. Stat. §iz.22, suba. 2a �a> �2oos�. B. "Participating Party" means the local public health or environmental health authority of a political subdivision that is a party to this Agreement. C. "Requesting Official" means the person designated by a Participating Party who is responsible for requesting Assistance from the other Participating Parties. D. "Requesting Party" means a Participating Party that requests assistance from other Participating Parties. E. "Responding Official" means the person designated by a Participating Party who is responsible to determine whether and to what extent that Participating Party should provide assistance to a Requesting Party. F. "Responding Party" means a Participating Party that provides assistance to a Requesting Party. G. "Assistance" means Public Health or Environmental Health personnel, equipment, supplies and/or services. III. PROVISION OF MUTUAL AID A. Request for Assistance. Whenever, in the opinion of a Requesting Official, there is a need for assistance from other parties, the Requesting Official may call upon the Responding Official of any other party to fumish assistance. The Requesting Party, within a reasonable period of time, shall provide the Responding Party/ies with a written confirmation of the need for assistance including details regarding requested resources, timelines/schedules and location(s) for assistance. Twin Cities Public Health & Envirarzinental HeaZth Mutual Aid Agreement final for signature 10-31-07 D � �� � B__ . _ _.Kesponse to Request,_ provide assistance to the Requesting Party. This decision will be made after considering the needs of the Respondin� Party and the availability of resources. Once assistance has been authorized, the Responding Party, within a reasonable period of time, shall provide the Requesting Parry with a written confirmation of assistance including details regarding the personnel and resources to be provided and when they will be available. t for assistance from a Rec C. Recall and Release of Assistance. The Responding Official may at any time recall such assistance when in his or her best judgment or by an order from the goveming body of the Responding Party or its designee, it is considered to be in the best interest of the Responding Party to do so. The Requesting Party may at any time release a Responding Party or an individual from providing any further assistance. D. Command of Scene. The Requesting Party shall be in command of the mutual aid scene. The personnel and equipment of the Responding Party shall be under the direction and control of the Requesting Party until the Responding Official withdraws assistance. E. State Declared Emer�encv. If the State of Minnesota or an authorized state agency declazes an emergency, the statutes and administrative rules pertaining to state declared emergencies shall prevail where they conflict with the provisions of this Agreement. IV. LIABILITY A. Each Requesting Party shall defend, indemnify and hold hannless a Responding Party for claims arising within the Requesting Party's jurisdiction subject to the limits of liability under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law, rule, and regulation, including common law. The purpose of creating this duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, is to simplify the defense of claims by eliminating conflicts among defendants that aze parties to this Agreement. B. For purposes of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Liability Act (Minn. Stat. Ch. 466), the employees and officers of the Responding Party are deemed to be employees (as defined in Minn. Stat. § 466A1, subdivision 6) of the Requesting Party, but only for purposes of addressing liability under this Agreement. The employees of the Responding Party shall not be considered employees of the Requesting Party for any other purpose. C. The Requesting Party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Responding Party, its Employees, officers and elected and appointed officials against any and all claims brought or actions filed against the Responding Party, its Employees, officers and elected and appointed officials for injury to, death of, or damage to Z1vin Cities Public Health & Enviroronental Henldz Mutu¢Z Aid Agreernent fmad far signature 1431-07 G� -�� I _. _ theproperty of any thirdperson orpersons, arisin_from t performance and - -�fwwissioxo€assis€anee��t�esge�din�-te-a�e�t��st-€or-assisTance=�y�l�e-ltec�es#� Party pursuant to this Agreement. Under no circumstances, however, shall a party be required to pay on behalf of itself and other parties, any amounts in excess of the limits on liability established in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 applicable to any one party. The statutory limits of liability for some or all of the parties may not be added to�ether or stacked to increase the maximum amount of liability for any party. D. Each Participating Party agrees to promptly notify the other Participating Parties if it knows or becomes aware of any facts or allegations reasonably giving rise to actual or potential liability, claims, causes of action, jud�nents, dama�es, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees, involcing or reasonably likely to involve the other Participating Parties, and arising out of acts or omissions related to this Agreement. E. No party to this Agreement or any officer of any party shall be liable to any other party or to any other person for failure of any party to fumish assistance to any other party, or far recalling or releasing assistance as described in this Ag�eement. F. If a Participating Party utilizes contractors or agents to provide services or assistance under this Agreement, the Participating Party shali execute a contract with the contractar and agent including the following language. Failure to include the following language shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement: CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless each Participating Party in the Twin Cities Public Health and Municipal Environmental Health Entities in Minnesota Mutual Aid Agreement, its officials, officers, agents, volunteers and employees from any liability, clauns, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting di rectly or indirectly from any act or omission of the CONTRACTOR, a subcontractor, anyone directly or indirecdy employed by them, and/or anyone for whose acts and/or omissions they may be liable in the performance of the services required by this Contract, and against all loss by reason of the failure of the CONTRACTOR to perform fully, in any respect, ali obligations under this contract. In order to protect the CONTRACTOR and those listed above under the indemnification provision, the CONTRACTOR agrees at all times during the term of this Contract, and beyond such term when so required, to have and keep in force the following insurance coverages, in amounts equal at least to the municipal tort liability limits of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or other applicable law as currently in effect or as may be Twin Ceries Publtc Health & Environnzent¢1 Health Mutu¢Z Aid Agreemeitt final for signature 10.31-07 � "�� ______ _ __ ____ _ _ ___ ___ __amended.from tim_e_to tane, unless s�ecific_dollar l imits aze o therwise — _._.._ . -- --- __ --- provided herexr--- - ' ---- L'units (1) Commercial General Liability on an occurrence basis with contractual liability coverage: General Aggregate (The full limits of coverage must be dedicated to apply to this project, per ISO form CG2501, or equivalent.) Products—Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and Advertising Injury Each Occurrence�ombined Bodily Injury and Properry Damage (2) Workers' Compensatio n and Employer's Liabi lity: Workers' Compensatio n If the CONTRACTOR is based outside the State of Minnesota, coverage must apply to Minnesota law. Employer's Liabil ity. Bodily injury by: Accident—Each Accident Disease—Policy Limit Disease—Each Employee (3) Professional Liabiliry—Per Claimand Aggregate The professional liability insurance must be maintained continuously for a period of two years after the termination of this Agreement. An umbrella or excess policy over primary liability insurance coverages is an acceptable method to provide the required insurance limits. The above establishes minimum insurance requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to determine the need for and to procure additional insurance which may be needed in connection with this contract. Copies of insurance policies shall be promptly submitted to (name of jurisdiction) upon written request. 71+nn Cines Public He¢lth & Eavironmerual Healtlt Mutu¢l Aid Agreemenr final for szgnature 10-31-07 �� -�� I The CONTRACTOR shall not commence wor until it has obtained __--- - --- - -. _. - - __-- _..--- ------- -- -- - - requu�ed insuiance. s�ia1�-na�e-�ff�=e o�7aris�ic�ion� --= as the certificate holder and as an additional insured for the liabiliry coverage(s) with respect to operations covered under the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to (name of jurisdiciion) updated certificates during the term of this Contract as insurance policies expire. If the CONTRACTOR fails to furnish proof of insurance coverages, (name of jurisdiction) may withhold payments and/or pursue any other right or remedy allowed under the contract, law, equity, and/or statute. (Name of jurisdiction) does not waive any rights or assume any obligations by not strictly enforcing the requirements set forth in this section. Duty to Notify. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify (name of jurisdiction) of any claim, action, cause of action or litigation brought against CONTRACTOR, its employees, officers, agents or subcontractors, which arises out of the services contained in this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall also notify (name of jurisdiction) whenever CONTRACTOR has a reasonable basis for believing that CONTRACTOR and/or its employees, officers, agents or subcontractors, and/or (name of jurisdiction) might become the subject of a claim, action, cause of action, criminal arrest, criminal charge or litigation arising out of and/or related to the services contained in this Contract. Failure to provide the notices required by this section is a material violation of the terms and conditions of this Contract. V. WORI{ER'S COMPENSATION Each party shall be responsible for injuries or death of its own Employees "to the extent required by law". Each party will maintain worker's compensation insurance or self- insurance coverage, covering its own Employees while they are providing assistance pursuant to this Agreement. Each party waives the right to sue any other party for any worker's compensation benefits paid to its own Employee or their dependents, even if the injuries were caused wholly or partially be the negligence of any other pariy or employees. VI. DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT Each Participating Party, to the extent a party is at fault, shall be responsible for damages to or loss of its equipment while acting within the scope of this Agreement. VII. CHARGES TO THE REOUESTING PARTY Twin Cities Public HeaZth & Environmental Health Mutual Aid Agreerrtent fzna[ for signature 10.31-07 A. No chazges will be levied by a Respondin� Party to this --- - . ---�— ----- -----x�a.3Prad-tc�a�<.mar+.atis�.n�ackvun�les=tlsPSPrmCtaf_Yhs;S._P_ b� -��1 � it for assistance u�less-�liat------- assistance conrinues for a period of more than eight (8) hours, as measured from the time Respondin� Party begins to provide assistance after being specificaliy directed by the Requesting Party to perform a task or tasks, unless the Requesting Party is eligible to obtain reimbursement for expenses it incurred durin� this period from the United States, the State of Minnesota, or any other source. In that event the Requesting Party shall take all steps necessary to seek reimbursement to the Responding Party for the actual cost of any assistance provided during this initial eight (8) hour penod including salaries, overtime, materials and supplies, and other necessary expenses. VIII. B. If assistance provided under this Agreement continues for more than eight (8) hours, the Responding Party may submit to the Requesting Party an itemized bill for the actual cost of any assistance provided after the initial eight (8) hour period, including salaries, overtime, materials and supplies and other necessary expenses; and the Requesting Party shall reimburse the party providing the assistance for that amount. C. The ability to levy such charges is not contingent upon the auailability of federal or state government funds to reimburse the charges. DURATION This Agreement will commence upon execution by all eleven (11) original Participating Parties and shall terminate December 31, 2011, unless terminated sooner pursuant to section XI herein. This Agreement will only apply to those parties who have lawfully executed the document and returned a copy to: Hennepin Countv Public Health Emereencv Preparedness Attention� Emer�ency Preparedness Unit Supervisor 1011 First Street South. Suite 215 Hopkins MN 55343 (612) 543 -5220 IX. MERGER AND MODIFICATION A. It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Pursuant to the terms of the TWIN CITIES PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENTS IN MINNESOTA PUBLIC HEALTH MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT, the original Twin Ciries Public HeaZth & Environmeret¢Z Health Mutual Aid Agreeme�u final for stgnnture 10-31-07 o��S� I __ _.________._ __, participating._parries_hereby_gi_v_e_notice_that said PUB HEALTH MUTUAL - -- - = - --- - - �II�TrYG�2EE�of��T1'zs shaH �e-replaee�i�=e��ef�y�#is ° Agreement. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. The matters set forth in the "WHEREAS" clauses at the beginning of this Agreement are by this reference incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. B. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by the parties hereto. X. COMMAND AND CONTROL The Requesting Party shall command the mutual aid scene and provide direction to Employees of each Responding Party. A party shall not be considered to be either a temporary or permanent employee of the other parties except as specifically described in this Agreement. XI. DEFAULT AND WITHDRAWAL A. If a party fails to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement or so fails to administer the work as to endanger the performance of the Agreement, this shall constitute a default. Unless the party's default is excused by the other parties, the non-defaulting parties may by majority, vote to remove the defaulting party by providing written notice of termination of the Agreement as to the defaulting party only. Any such removal or termination of this Agreement shall become effective upon the sending of such notice and will not cancel any obligations incurred by ary party prior to such termination. B. Any party may withdraw from this Agreement with or without cause by providing thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other parties herein. Withdrawal shall not discharge any liability incurred by any Party prior to withdrawal. Such liability shall continue until discharged by law or agreement. C. The terms of Sections II, III, IV, V, VI, X, XII, and XIII sha11 survive the expiration, termination or withdrawal from this Agreement. XIL RECORDS — AVAILABILITY/ACCESS To the extent required by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, Subd. 5(as may be amended), the parties agree that the any party, the State Auditor, the Legislative Auditor or any of their duly authorized representatives, at any time during normal business hours, and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the other parties and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. Such materials shall be maintained and Twln Cities Public Healih & Envdronmenaal Healah Mutual Aid Agree»tent fanal for sdgnaiure 10.3]-07 U���1 - -- __ _ such access and ri�hts shall be in force and effect durin� the perio of the Agreement and = -- — �s�x�jyeafs-a€€e��ts�e�natie�-ereaiis��lat�o�.-_--- --_ ----- —_--- _.__ XIII. DATA PRIVACY Each party, its employees, a�ents, owners, partners, and subcontractors agree to abide by the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and implementing regulations, if applicable, and all other applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and orders relatin� to data privacy or confidentiality, and as any of the same may be amended. Each Party a�rees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other parties, their elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers from any claims resulting from a party's officers', agents', owners', partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors' unlawful disclosure and/or use of such protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. XIV. COMPLIANCE Participating Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, rules and ordinances in force or hereafter enacted. XV. EXECUTION Each party hereto has read, agreed to and executed this Mutual Aid Agreement on the date indicated. XVI. ADDITIONAL PARTIES AND COUNTERPARTS A govemment unit, on behalf of its local public health and/or environmental health entity, may join this mutual aid Agreement and thereby become a Participating Party upon approval of the new government unit by a majority of the Participating Parties, through their governing body or their duly authorized designee, and execution of a copy of this Mutual Aid Agreement by the joining governing body. This Mutual Aid Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each counterpart for all purposes being deemed an original and all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same agreement. XVII. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION In order to coordinate the services so as to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, each Participating Party's Director of Public Health, Director of Environmental Health, or equivalent counterpart, shall be the contact person for each Participating Party under this Agreement. A Participating Party may designate someone other than the Director of Twi�t Cities Fublic Nealah & Enviro�vnental He¢Zth Mutual Aid Agree»tent fin¢l for signature 10.31-07 G�-g�l � __ Director of Environmental Health, or equivalent, as the contact person by Twin Cznes Public Health & Environnzental Health Mutu¢l Aid Agreenzent fenal fnr signature 10-31-07 10 GK-�1 J A SIGNATURE PAGE FOR EACH PARTY SHALL BE ATTACHED ZSvin Cities Publtc Healtla & Environmental HealtTl Mutu¢1 Aid Agreetnent final for sigrurture 70-31-07 11 o�-�'� l CITY OF SAINT PAUL By: l-t:�� tz,,;� t`-F ��'--�- �F��C �t,;.s��i��� i Title of Official ' � Date: � 1 :) 1 �� � By: Title of Official Reviewed and approved by the City e�ae�y Attorney. By�GsJ�-•Q. �`� Title �SS�S� hy�{ C�� ��„ Date: V' �' ' �� � ° ������--s-z---� � i <r�e lrczs�r�—�r� ��.�' - '� �� � f � � Twin Cities Public Health & Eirvironn:e�ual HealU� Mutual Aid Agreement finnl for signature 10.31-07 13 D����� Exhibit A Participatina Parties to the Agreement: 1) Original signers to the Twin Ciries Public Health Mutual Aid Agreement: Community Health Boards in the Twin Cities 7-County metro area. Anoka County City of Bloomington Carver County Dakota County City of Edina Hennepm County City of Minneapolis Ramsey County City of Richfield Scott County Washington County 2) Possible additional signers as of October 2007: other governmental units as defined by applicable statute including but not limited to political subdivisions, municipalities or other govemmental units with environmental health or public health services or resources. City of Brooklyn Park City of Crystal City of Hopldns City of Maplewood City of Minnetonka City of St. Louis Park City of St. Paul City of Wayzata University of Minnesota Twin Cines Publtc Healtla & Eieviromnentnl Health Mu[ual Aed Agreement final for signature 10-31-07 14