197744n ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 197744 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO _ COU CIL ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMM ISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of The Church of St. Casimir from the decision of the Commissioner'of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, a building line of zero feet is hereby established on property on the south side of Geranium Avenue between Mendota and Forest Streets, for the purpose Iof erecting a canopy to cover the stairway and entrance to the proposed school building addition, said property being more particularly described as east 10 feet of Lot 5 and the crest 25 feet of Lot 4, Block 109 Eastville Heights. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 .06102 Council File No. 197744 —By Frank L.' Loss — Resolved, That ;vn appeal of The Church of St. Casimir froth the decision' of the Commis4ioner of Parks and Re c -� reation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, a building line of zero feet is hereby established on prop erty on the south side of Geranium 1 Avenue between Mendota and Forest' Streets, for the purpose of erecting a' canopy to cover the stairway and en -j trance to the proposed school building, addition, said property being more par- i ticularly described as east 10 feet of Lot 5 and the west 25 feet of Lot 4, Block 10, Eastville Heights. Adopted by the Council June 24, 1960. Approved June, 24, 1960. (July 2, 1960) f } or JUN 24 Adopted by the Council 19— Apl)AYV i Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota June 23, 1960 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building bear Sir: NGNES O'CONNE -LL -z--J R,-GM NE&K+— Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 19� 7� The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of the Church of St. Casimir for permission to relax the building line to zero feet on property on the south side of Geranium Ave. between Mendota and Forest Sts., for the purpose of erecting a canopy to cover the stairway and entrance to the proposed school building addition, the property being described as the east 10 ft. of Lot 5 and the west 25 ft. of Lot 4, Block 10, Eastville Heights. 0 W l Very truly yours, City Clerk C� MINNESOTA 8 ,- RD OF ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4,WfG0idW 431 -153 -151 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL Z, MINNESOTA June 22, 1960 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the appeal of the Church of St. Casimir to relax the building line to zero feet on property located on the south side of Geranium Avenue between Mendota and Forest Streets for the purpose of erecting a canopy to cover the stair- way and `entrance to the proposed school building addition. The property is described as the east 10 feet of Lot 5, and the west 25 feet of Lot 4, all in Block 10, Eastville Heights. The zoning is "B "' residence and has been since the enactment of the Ordinance in 1922. The site is presently used as a playground in connection with the existing church and school. The applicant proposes to erect an addition to the school building with the building entrance, stairs and buttress covered by a canopy. This canopy would extend be- yond the required building line set back which is 14 feet as established by the residences in the block erected prior to August 22, 1922. The building itself would set back 17 feet from the property line. The proposed canopy would involve a frontage along Geranium Avenue of approximately 30 feet, and would be at least 100 feet from the nearest residence in the block. North across Geranium Avenue are single - family residences front- ing on Geranium Avenue; east, west and south adjoining is the applicant's property and facilities; farther west and adjoining are single - family residences fronting on Geranium Avenue. Field investigation discloses no basic objections to the proposed canopy extending to the front property line in that it will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. On May 25, 1960, the City Council granted the applicant an informal approval of the appeal. Based on the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to relax the building line to zero (01) feet on the above described property. Sincerely, I�•C�A� Wieland Secretary tary .#CW:FGI Board of Zoning Encl. :Z. .'F.-,. 4468 I HAROLD W. SCHULTZ EDWARD G.SPRINGER ARNOLD E.KEMPE ROBERT WM.PATTERSON SCHULTZ & SPRINGER ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES F. FINLEY .May .17, 1960 Mr. Al ,Schroeder City Architect City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Re: St. Casimir School Canopy and building_ line Dear Mr. Schroeder: CAPITAL 2-SS8S 1220 MINNESOTA BUILDING SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA I Pursuant to our conversation Tuesday noon in the City Council Chambers, I am making the .following request on behalf of my client, The Church of St. - Casimir. Inasmuch as the Church of St. Casimir is about to con- struct an..elementary school building on Lots .2, 3 and 4 of Block 10, Eastvitle Heights we find that we must secure the .approval of the City Council for a canopy that will violate the building line. This building designed by Haarstick Lundren & Associates is so designed that the building line of the building, itself will. be in conformity to° the building line as established by the residences now on Geranium- Avenue. But, at the .entrance to the building on Geranium Avenue there wild. be .a concrete landing, and set of steps approximately 30 feet wide. Over part of the steps, there wilt be a, light steel frame canopy that will be approximately 18 feet wide and 17 feet deep. It will be about 15 feet in height from, the ground level. . Its construction . will be tight steel frame with a pitch and gravel roof and proper drain to. the storm. sewer. R M LlY 1 V CITY PLAN ii -I ,JAK0 Saint Pail, Iv,inDC OtA Mr-, Al Schroeder Page 2 I hope you. will beable to secure approval of the Zoning Board of this matter s_o that when I am before the City Council on Wednesday, May 25, 19.6.0 we can secure approval of the City Council of this proposed plan and. construction. .Enclosed you Wi.11 find a drawing of the canopy provided by the architect. Please let me know if there is .something further that I must do .about this for my, client. HWS:ihs Enclosure Very truly yours, S.CHULTZ .8 Sarol e IN J e T—;' STREET LI Nfe , STA1es 14 -e AGO A SIPSWALK a / t•, ��; ��\ ., �'� PRbi9oSC:D i3UlLP��i.(r11•i& /!/f ��,�, � fj`, ?�^:?.. f �=-^!`=�� �j!/ !,r' •/i i %f f f`"''� fir' lis E��I�D MAY 1 � 19bo CITY PL6.tjvdNti IsOAKI) Saint. Pa1,1. Mxn ^Pa�r� R ED ����- CITY J ` LA , > r u 0ARD Saint t -II1�f. inn,. .ta I certify that this plan, specification, or PART SITE P I A N DATE report was prepared by me or under MAY 17, 19Co my direct supervision and that I am a S 'I D A S I M L I, S SCHOOL DRAWN duly Registered ARCH ITECT AND R 1 C F41EATION CE NTF- P— P, J unde'1? Laws of th State of .Minnesota. ST, PAUL MINNESOTA CHECKED u HAARSTICK LUNDGREN AND ASSOCIATES INC. SHEET ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Date M AY 17,19 6 O Reg. No. x 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA H. A. R066Rf ST. PAUL 250 168 4.57 FCP J • if