197722CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' COUNCIL _ Y " ; OFFICE OF TJ-IE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER DUPLICATF, TO CIT CLERK ;, C" DaCOURCRO L AL I ;' : AUDITED CLAIMS J"'" y ��' 19 • bQ HOLLAND,, ` M0RTINd IN FAVOR PETERSON PAGE RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY RO r �— AGAINST - 2-26 135 579.25 IN THE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES. ��((���((jj11 Yy" ' 2 ER'CHECKS ON 11359 LE IN E OFFICE OF 4 T OMPT IOLI S ADO WD BY THE COUNCI PIC APPROVE `JUN 2.2 , COMPTROLLUFt B - CHECK *- NUMBER IN FAVOR OF AMOUNT DATE, ' +. RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD '0x6 '494 J 7781 72 130 11359 LOuise Mitotic Shop 11360 Me Clain Hedman & Soh. f 71 84 11361 Radio Corp America .979 74 11362' Henry G. Meyer & Soukup 1225 00 11363 Ashbacth Constr. Ca- 0-786 28 11364 B. T. Holland 70,095 91 ' 1136$ h „ 2'',846 0o 11366 Am. Library Assn ' i1. � 00 11367 American Radio Relay L. 6 00 11368 "' $pc. Tool & Mfg. E. � � 50 11369 Arco Pub, Co., 9 38 113701 A,udiogersh Corp 22 03 113 71.' Robt Bentley Inc.. 45 6o 11372, Boustead Eleo.. & Mfg 47 27 11373 Capitol Stationeky 200 48 11374 WM.- Colbert. Audio Exchan ; • . 50 113 75 Damao Library Supplies '124 90 113 76 Dictating Mach. :Sere 82 84 11377- ' Doubleday .and Co Inc '&' X260 94 11378 Eduo. Test Bur. 11379, Elevator Supplied 81 25 1138,,9 Europa Pub., Ltd 35 00 11381 Fancys 1 00 11,38$ Foster Art Service Inc.. I 3 68 1138) Charles M. Gardner and 4b ;123. 99 , 11384 Gersten,eslager Co : 12 49 1138 Gopher 'School Supply C • 00 113$6 Mrs .. , Vivian Gross ,1.68 1„ 01: 11387 Highy Bait 00 ± � 00 11388. P . J. Kenedy and Sons 12 50 1138,9. Ximbal3 Cc Ino. 84 40 11390_ Linguaphone Institute 307 85 11391 Mel *kontt Pubs' Inc,. s 2:6 32 11392 . Nuclear Prod. Co 4 g0 11393-:1 Piano Brokers Sales 1 00 1.1394 Enoch P:r'at.t Free Lib. 2 30 11:395 Remrand 64 oo ' 11396.,. Russoll Saga Foundation 8 15 ' 11397 :. St.A Paul 1bd• of Realtors 80 00 11398. Sales Serv.. Mach* Tool Co ;` 8 .82 11399 Sheet Metal & Air Cond. S 00 11 00 N. G.., Slater Corp 80 00 '. 11401, ,Specialty Decal Co 3 1140.E Chap, P,' Spink and Son 10 00 1140�33 �at;ate Trea.a Surp Prop V. 51 70 11404 Struthers Dunn Inc. 19 37 ' 1140 Suprewe blioa.ttgns 2 50. 11406. Swanton,.ytt Camara- Sales 4160 11407 - Teohnd cal Pub. Inc* 12 22 1,1408 U'.. $.4 Supt of Dootimenta 5 75 1140,E " VnlVo of Chicago Press 3 14 11410 ': Vniv• of'Minn. Press 59 31 11411, Van Paper Cc 169 34 11412 Walker Goulard Plehn Cc 193 05 SHEET TOTAL - FORWARD. 4 192 0 7 ' 197720 197721 � g7� ,NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � y 22 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL 'FILE NO. PRINTER June i• 21 19 60 RESOLVED, THAT CH C 'S� DRAWN ON THE T�!�REASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 'r V r1Z CHECKS NUMBERED TO- 11412_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JUN `Z 2 me 19 � Council File No. 197720- 197721- 197722 ResolvedT�asaurc9 etosthe aggregate y the City Tr amount of $717,988.93, covering checks ive, 19— numbered 11256 to 11412 inclus as . per checks Comptrollers the office o e f th Adopted by the Council June 22, 1960. I Approved June 22, ;o60; C COMPMOLL[R BY —