08-865coun�aF�ie # D8—g(�� Green Sheet# 3056937 RESOLUTION CITY OB SAINT PAUL, MINN �---,� �----_---__--_- ------ 1 RE30LVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 Joint Powers Agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with Freebom County, acting through its 3 SherifFs Office for participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas � Nays n Absent � � Requested by Department of: Carter Thune Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption Certified by Co ncil Secretary: BY� �/,a,4i��ir i/��iJ Approved y yo . ate: �t ��� BY� �A.Lk���t-6-�--, � By: Approve M` or for S bmission to Council: By: Q:\FiscafAffairsWO&CR�2008\FreebornCtySheriffOfficexls Approval Recommended by Financiat Services: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ������ Cor�ct Person & Phone: Chief John Hamngton 26G5588 Must Be on Council Aqen Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Evette Scarver � Assign Number For Routing Order Contad Phone: 266-5541 ToWI # of Signature Pages (Clip All LoGatio�s for Signature) 0 oticeDepartme�ot PoticeDepartmept 1 oGceDeyarCment � policeDepariment i� 2 ' AKOrnev 1 CtitY Attoroev 3 avoc's OSLCe Mayor 4 ancil Council 5 City C7erk Ciry Clerk 6 olice De artment Police De artment Signahues on the attached council xesolu6on authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached Joint Powers Ageement with Freebom County, acting through its Sheriffs Office. itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Cammittee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Freebom County Sheriffs Office will participate in the Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent. Aythorization is needed to enter into the attached agreement. Advantages If Approved: Opportunity [o use grant funds to partnership with Freebom Counry Sheriffs Office to combat crimes against children. Disadvantages If Approved: None. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Lost opportunity to use grant funds to parinership with Freebom County Sheriffs Office. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Badgeted: Activity Number. � ��'��y� - ,_. _ ._ t ��','.-;—,;� —� — ;-�'�s �; �; rm .,�,. °'` � - " _ �' _ 'e... � July 17, 2008 12:41 PM Page 1 i /. � , -- – — M�nnesatainte�et-G�i��s � £itildren.�ask�`o� ,. __,—_ --- - --- �-- --- — - Multi-A,gency Law Enforcement Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplemenrs thereto, (hereinafter "Agreement") is between the City of Saint Paut, acting thtnugh its Police Departrnent (Grantee) and Freebom County, acting tbmugh its Sheriff's Office (hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency") hoth which are empowered to enter into joint powers agreemeu#s pnrcnant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minit. Stat. § 626.76; and Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of children that is committed andlor facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and Whereas� the undersigned agencies agree to utilize apglicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture acrions against identified violators, as appzopriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal graut (attached to tlus Agreement as E�ibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile 3ustice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of comguters by providing funding for equipmeni, training, and expenses, including travel and overtime funding, which aze lncurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC'� Grant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operafion of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, edncation and enforcement; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Ageney sha11 adhere to the OJIDP ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as E�ibit B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercovex operations relative to ICAC; and Og�8fo5 2. Ail officers_contributedb3�-the-��ed ��w-Egfor ��en c=��o=- -- — — - -------- _— 13ie�vfmaesota��A�`I ask�oice shall be licensed peace officers or found by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qualifications; and When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behaif of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's Iine of duty and course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and a11 claims or causes of action, including a11 reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officer/s!; and 5. AIl members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before jouung the Minnesota I�AC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency sha11 submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and 7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and 2 6 ���� � 9. The Unders�ed.LawEn£orc�ment.Age�c3t-shal�--m ' �___ _. _ ord�__� ___- - --- -- - -- — —=-- ev�ntio e�uca�"io " anc�enforcement activities to be — -=- �ertai�rugt6pr n� - n� — collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander ar]us designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency sha11 participate fu11y in any audits required by the OJ3DP; and 11 _ The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shail make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the multiple enrities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shali provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner a11 investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police Bepartment, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. _ 4_$��/�5� -- --- --- _ _ - - -- - - -_- -- -------- _ - �'erms offb�s`agreement: This agreement shail be effectiva upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normaily possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. Jolm M. I�airington, Chic�£' of Police Saint P.aul Police Depart��nt Assistant St. Paul City of Finandal Services By and Tide Aeencv A�encvi certifies that the appropriate�ersonLl have executed the �eement on behalf of the Aeencv and its iurisdictional government entitv as required b�aunlicable articles, lau�s, by-laws, resolutions, or ozdinances. Sheriff John Ktuever Freeborn County ��� � _ ��_ ti��,. y ,� f . Q:ace o£ G^.e PssisCn: A�emey Ger._:, 3�z2oos Mc.lahn Haningtan City of Saint Paui 367 Grove SReet Saint Paul, MN 55101-2295 De� Mt. Hazringtnn: n���tara��e O£ice of 3utice Pro¢-�s {Yaahmgroq D.C. 1053J �-� �- On 6ehalf of Attomey General Alberto Gonzales, it is my pleasure to infoan you tf�at the Office of 7us6ce Programs has aoproved your application for funding under the 077DP FY 2005 Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Continuations iv the amo�mt of $450,000 for Ciry of Saint PauL &iclased - yeu witl End uSe r;: A'.;ard on3 Spec:d C:.a:aBoas dce,:mec:;. Th.is s^: W d is e»b;ec*. L, a�l a�?•^in;s+±anve znd 5nancial reqUirexnentt, includmg the hmely submission of all fmancial and pmgammaticreports, resolution of a14 mterim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of cash-on-hutd. Should you not adhere Yo these requicements, you wi116e in violwon of tkie te+ms of t6is agreement and tLe awazd will be subject to terminazion for cause or otner adminisUative acuov az appropria[e. If you have questions regardiag this awazd, please contact: - Progtam Questions, Chriseopher E. Aolloway, Progmm Manager at (202) 305-9838; and - Financial Questions, tLe OtSce of the Comptroller, Customer Service Center (CSC) az (800) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC az askoc@usdoj.gov. Cougratulations, and we look forward worl�ng wiit� you. Sincereiy, �� Tracy A. I-Ienke Acang Assstant Attnmey GeneraL Enclosures -_ _ - -- - ---- ------ D^ouffi�coeJustice, Office of 7utice Progams Office of 3nvenile ausrice � and Deiinqnency Prevention Cocg°.-a8ve A,g*eement - PAG2 1 Oi "s I.4ECIPIISINAtrL�:.NDADDR_SS(tnc'vrimgLpCodc) I4AWARDNUMHER: 200�GCX-,TW8 Ciyof$aurtPaW . 36"1GOVeSrcttt �S.PROJECTPIItIOU.FROM 011012005 TO 06(iN100b Samt Pail, MN 55701-2295 BUDG'cCPEftI04FROM Ot/012005 TO ON30.2006 I 6.AWARDDATE O6/0]2005 ].ACCfON IA GRMifFIRS/VENDORNO. 8.SUPPLEMEMNUMBER w� 416005521 00 9. PREVIOUS A WARD AMOUM $ 0 3. PROIECf'(CfLE 10. AMOUM OF TRIS AW AAD S 450,050 Conrvta4on of Hw ICAC wnhin the Sdie ofMmnesata v�fh fhe poss�ble addition ofNoM and Swth ➢akota 1 k. TOTAi. AWARD S 450,000 .2. SPEG":,:. COAD^lOhS . THE ABOVE GRAM PROIECf IS APPROVED SUB�CT 20 SUCA CONDITIONS OR LIMITAITONS AS ARE S&T FORTH ON THE ATCACHID PAGE(S) 13. STA7U'IpRY AUTHORITY FOR GEtAN'f This pro�ecC �s mpported under 42 U.S.C. § S77S. et seq. SS. MET410D OF PAYMEN"L PAPRS � 'AG&NCYAPPROVAL � 16. TYPID NAME AND TITLE OF APPAOVING OFFICIAL Tracy A. Henke Aaing Ass�staN Attomc,+ Grncrai - GRAN TE E A C CEPT AN CE - 18 TYP6D NAhfE AND TITLE OF AVI'HORiZ6D GR4N7EE OFFICfAi IaM H�ringmn Ch�ef ofPOiia :'. SSGNA7lJRHvF APPHOVING GPFlC1AL 19. S� iF+"RE OF �-��- � � AGENCY �£ Y � ZQACC.`()•,^."`R:G.^...R°.,..P1°_.^./:'::C:JCODSe I >i, MC95TMro26 FISCAL Ff7ND BUD. DIV, YEAR CODE ACL. OFC. REG. SUH. POMS AMOUNT I X C MC ]0 00 00 45000f1 � OT FORM EOW2 (P.EV. 5-87) PREVIOUS IDRRONS ARE OBSOLEIE. d8 �� lod.. DATE OJP FORM 40002 (P.EV. 468) 68��1�s n���at erz,�� Ofice of IusIIce Any :ms Office o; Juvenite - Justice aad Delinquency Prevention PA07ECTMJMHFR 200>MC�X-ri008 AWARL CONTLNUATION SHEET Cooperafive 9„°reement AK'AADDhTE Ob'v:2CA5 SPECIAL CONDIT70NS nec z oF 3 I. The r�ipient agrees to comply vrith the n'n�cial and adminimaUve reqvirements set fotth in the cuxrent edirion of tue Office of Sustice Progruns (OJP) Financial Guide. � 2. T6e recipient aclmowledges tk�at failuw to su6mit an acceptaUle Equal Employment OpportuniTy Plan (if recipient is sequired to submit one pucsuazit m 28 C.FS2. Section 42302}, tl�at is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its CeYaned Assucances and may result in suspension or tecmination of funding, unul such lime as the recip�ent Ss in eomoliance. 3. The recipient agrees to comply with the ornanizational audit requiremeats of OMB Circulaz A-133, Audits of States, Loca! Govemments, snd Non-ProSt Orgmi�ahons, as fiuther described m the currcnt edition of the OJP Financial ;n:i3e ,^,.�pte. 19. 4. Recinient w�tieistands and agrea that it camot use azry fedexal funds, eiiher directty or indirecUy, in supoort of the enac¢nent, repeal, modification or adoption oF any law, regulanon w policy, at any Itvel of goveznmeut, witUout the express pria watYen approval of OSP. 5. The recipient sLatl submit sexmannual progiess reporte. Progress repor[5 shall be submitted witt�in 30 days afteY the end of the reporting periods, which are Sune 30 and Decembe; 31, for the life of the awazd These renorts will be submitted oniine through the Office for Juscice Progeams Grants Management System 6. The Project DireCtor and key progam personnel designated in the applicarion shatl be replaced only for comnelling reasons and vrith tae coneunenee of vIP. CJP will no: imr�sonably w:tr,hold concucrenee. All sce:�se;s to key peisonnel-must be approved, and such approval is contmgent upon subxnission-of appropnzte informa[ion, ineluding, but not limited to, a resume. Changes in other pmgram personnel require oniy notlficauon to OIP and subrsussion of res�es, �I�s cther:tise de.sigiztcd m t6e avrerd doci!ment 7. The recipien[ agrees to submit quarterly 5nancial reports on Standard Fo�m SF 269A. These reporfs will be submitted wiLhin 45 days after the end of the calendar quarter, and a finai report is due 120 days follw�mg tkie end of the award period. The icports shail be submitted W the Office of Jushce Programs, Grnnts Mauagement Sysum. 8. 'Ihe Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has elected to enter into a Cooperative A�eement rather tLan a grant with fhe [ecipieai. This decision reflecis the mutual ivterest of the recipient and 077DP in the opem4on of the project as well as the anticipated level of Federat involvemea[ in this nroject OSID°'s participazory role m[he project is as iollovrs: a Review and approve major woc$ plans, mcluding chaages to such plans, and key decisions pertaining to project operatrons. b. Rev�ew and apprwe ma?or nroject genernted documenrs and mazerids used in the provision of project ser+ices. Pre�de guidance in s�anificant oroiect nlamine matines, and panc�ipate in project sponsored training eveats or conferences. 9. The recipient agrees to suhmit a fipal report at the end of this arvard documenling all mlevaat project aclivities dunng the enfire period of support under this avmsd ? nis :eport wil! ice2ede detailed information about ihe project(s) funded, including, but �t limited to, infoxmation about how ihe funds wece acnialLy uss3 for each pumose ama, data to sapport state:nents oi progcess, �d data concemwg individual :esults and ou:comes of iunded projecrs reflecring project sucesses and impacts. Tt�e Snal ceport is due 120 days following the close of tlus award period or the ezpvarion of any �t�nsion pcno35. Recipiem shall suomit an origiaal and one ewv of the repori � OlP FORM 4�W2 CREV.4-88) 6 g'8(e5 - �n��or��ce o��. otJ,ua� r�o� Office of 3nvenile Jnstice and Delinquency Prevention AWARJ' CQNTLNUATiQN ST_? �.�T Cooperative Aereemenf ?AG� 5 Oz 3 rxo�crxui.mm zoos-MCS�-xooa awnxnnare oua�rzoos SPECIAL CONDTlIONS 10. Prior to the ezpenditure of confidenUal funds, iLe recipient and axry subrecioients agee tn si� a ccrti6cation indicating that he or she has read, undastands, and agr�s w abide by a11 of the conditions penainin� to confidrntial fund exvenditures u set frrth in the OJP Financial Guide. l I. The recipient agrees iq designate one of the regional task forces as it� represenfative to tne iCAC Task Force Woticing Group. I1us designaIIO¢ mus[ 6e in wxiung and forwarded to OADP for approval vntLin nineTy days of awazd 12. The zecipient agees to fonvazd reports of ICAC Task Force Prop Mouthly Performance Measures m the OSIDP- , designated site. 13. The rccipient agrees to comply with the ICAC Task Force Prog�am Stanaards as esu�iishea oy cue iCAC Task Force Working Group and anptoved by OIJDP. 1 J om soxM s000n_ �aev. ¢as� � x �-,', �� .1 �� ICAC PROGRAM OPERA'TIONAL - _ - -- �l�T� - - �-g�S INVESTIGATI�'E STANDARDS INDEX bg-��5� - _-- - - —= -- ---------------- ------ rlvn�x Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �age 1 Case Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 2 — 6 �'i. �Jori�pace and Equi�u�er�t Page 2 B. Case Predication and Prioritization Page 3 C. Record Keeping Page 4 D. Undercover Inv.estigations Page 5 E. Evidence Procedures Page 6 Information Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Selection of ICAC Task Force Pexsonnel ....... Page 9 Community Education and Crime Prevention �ictivi�ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Me�ia Rela±ions and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 ICAC Program Operational and Imestigative Standardr 6 � /��� Effective Date: 3/08/02 ( � Subject � Page 1 of ? De�Il1�lOIlS � As used herein, the following definition shall apply: "OJJDP" is the Office of 7uvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" is the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Secrion of the United States Attomey's Office, of the Department of Justice. "ICAC" is the Intemet Crimes Against Children program composed of Regional Task Forces and Satellites. "REGIONAL TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by 03JDP to act as a Regional Task Force. "SATELLITE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that was selected to receive an OIJDP grant to establish a satellite program. For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any ofiense that involves t,'�e exploitation.of cYuldren facilitated by technology. Investigative interest is established when there is reasonabie suspicion that a screen name or other potentially identifiable entity has commirted a crune or that entity is engaged in a sequence of activities that is likely to result in the cominission of a crime. A proactive investigafion is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree of pre-operative planning. A reactive inwestigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonatile suspicion is esta'olished when s�c:ent facts ev,i�±te lead a law enforcement officer to believe that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards -1- /'� � i ��.. �orks��ce and! E�ui�ment L ICAC computers and softwaze shall be reserved for the exclusive use by agency designated ICAC personnel. When possible, undercover computers, softwaze, and online accounts shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment shall be used in ICAC investigarions and all softwaze sha11 be properly acquired and licensed. 2. ICAC personnel shail not use ?CAC computers, soitwaze or oniine accounts for personal use. 3. Absent e�gent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online investigafions shall be conducted in government workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions must be approved in advance by an ICAC supervisor. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards -2- i /� � / �, Case Predication and PY'i��'i����l�i�'i 1. Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet service providers, or other law enforcement ageacies, and by information gathered through subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source accegtable under agency poiicies. Z. ICAC supervisors aze responsibie for detemuning investigative priorities and selecting cases for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that deterniination should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider other factors such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteristics. The foilowine prioritization scale shall be considered: _ __..._._ _— - . - - a) A child is at immediate risk of victimization b) A child is vulnerable to victimi2ation by a known offender c) A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home photography with domiciled children e) Aggressive, high-volume child pornography manufacturers or distributoTS who either are commercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadistic unages fl Manufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high- volume trafficking or belong to an organized child pornography rirg that ope:ates as a crnnuial conspiracy g) Distributors, soiicitors and possessars oi iruages cf c�ld pornography h) Any othez form of chiid victimization. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standardr -3- 6S �g�5 C. Record Keeping 1. ICAC units shall be subject to existing agency incident reportiug procedures and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigned to each ICAC case. 2. Participating agencies will report program accomplishments using the ICAC Monthly Performance Measures Report. This report is due to the ICAC Coordinator on the 10� of every month and does not replace Lhe se:..i-znn;;a: g:cgress :epert required b, r?�e Q:�ice cf ? Pro�am's Financial Guide. ICAC Program Operational and Irrvestigative Standm-ds � bg �gl�s � Effective Date: 3/08J02 � � Subject: Undercover Invesiigations � Page 1 of 1 � ; Case Management D. Undercover Investigations 1. Carefully managed undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze among the most effective techniques available to law enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses. Undercover operations, when executed and documented properly, collect virtually unassailable evidence regarding a sUSpecYs predilection to exploit children. 2. Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training and receive a copy of the ICAC Operational and Invesugauve Standards 3. ICAC invesfigations sha11 be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law and due process. See, for example, Jacobson v. U.S., 503 U.S. 540 (1992); U.S. v. Archer, 486 F.2d (2" Cir.1973); U.S. v. Gamache 156 F. 3d i(1� Cir. 1998); U.S. v. Poehiman 217 F. 3d 692 (9�` Cir. 2000). ICAC investigators aze encouraged to wotk in conjunction with their local prosecutors. __ _.____. _ _ . .._. _ __._.._---.--- _._,._._.__..____�_.__.__ _. . ___ - -. -- - -- 4. The following minimum standards apply to ICAC investigafions: a) b) c) d) Only sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC investigafions in an undercover capacity. Private citizens shail not be asked to seek out investigative targets, nor shall they be authorized to act as police agents in an online undercover capacity. ICAC personnel shali not, electronically upload, transmit, or forward pornographic or sexually explicit unages. Other than photo�aphs of .law enforcement officers who have proviaed fneir iniormed wrii�en coriseuy uv a� � u�==u^. �=w��s shaii be upioaded, u�ansmitted, or iorwardzd by ICAC perscar.e?. During online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative target to set the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversafion. Image transfer shall be inifiated by the *arget. ICAC Program Operational and Investigafive Standards -5- /: � i ____ -- �j - _�n�ercover o_uTuie acfivi€y sTa�T��-recor�d--anci-doe�x�eated-- Any depamues from this policy due to unusual cucumstances shall be docsmente3 in the relevaat case file and reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. E. Evidence Procedures The stozage, security, and destruction of investigative information S}'^4�.�. �� C(SIIS:St� :: W:t.ti; 2�+�.^.Cy i,C�:C j�. E:CC�SS �C * ��S° . S;:C'�:,�C: be restricted to authorized personnel. 2. ICAC supervisors should ensure that qualified personnel conduct forensic exainiuz.tions of computers and related evidence. �_.._---..__- ---_,_, .. ___. - _--____. __.__....__. ,_. .... .__....__.----,--_�__..._—___.__._---__. --..------__ a. Chiid pornography is contraband and shou2d be maintained pursuant to each agency"s poiicies regazding sucn. Abseni a court order speciiically ordering otherwise, evidence contauung child pomography shall not be released to any defendant or representative thereof. b. When providing evidence containing child pomography to ancther law enforcement agency, such evidence must be hand-delivered, digitally protected or sent via a delivery service which tracks the shipment. ZCAC Program Operational and Investigative 3tanciards � � -81v� Effecuve Date: I ' I � 3/08/02 � Subject: � Page 1 of 1 Information Sl�arin� 1. Gonven�oaal bowdaries aze virtaally meaningless in the electronic world of the Internet and the usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These factors increase the possibility of ICAC agencies tazgeting one another, investigaring the same subject, or inadvertentiy disrupting an ongoing investigation. To foster coordination, collaboration, and communication, each ICAC agency must contribute basic case information to a common database. 2. Each ICAC agency shall contribute case iniormation on all acuve investiga$ons (local, interstate, reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by the ICAC Boazd of D'uectors. This information should be submitted at the earliest practical opportunity. 3. If any common target is identified, the uutiating ICAC agency is responsible for contacting the other law enforcement agency targeting the suspect. ��� �"- -�- - 4 Initiating IGAG agencies should also consider contacting, other_ local, state, and federal agencies which may be involved in similaz investigations. ZCAC Program Operational and Investigatiue Standards -7- b�-S1�5 Effective Date: I I I 3/08/02 � Subject: � Pa2e 1 of 1 Sll OTVISIQIl 1. Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shaLi nrcvi�lz fo* obse*_vaticn, docur�en*aticn, and peacdic review of ICAC activiry. Such system should comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards. 2. ICAC agencies may submit any proposed operations to the Board for review. To assist the Boazd in its review, the proposals shall be submitted to the Boazd Coordinator at least 21 days in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting. Yroposais shouid be submitted using tne ioiiowing iormai and inciude the following information: a) goals and objectives ofthe operation; b) personnel assigned and/or responsible for invesfigation; c) duration of operation, i.e., projected start and stop dates; d) offenses targeted for investigation; e) investigative tazgets and limitation on government contact; fl operafion scenario and techniques (language for contact letters and -- - advertisemsnts must.be included.with.proposal); .. _,._ _ _ g) liaison and/or case referral procedures with Federal law enforcement agencies (include the names of Federal agents when known) and; h) other relevant information 3. The Boazd, at its discretion, may suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with the presenting agency. Notice of the results of the review of investigative proposais from satellites will be communicated to the satellite representatives by the Board Chair. 4. The ICAC submitting the proposal for review may seek the support of the Boazd. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards �:� /� . � Effeciive Date: 3/08/02 Subject: � � Pa¢e 1 of 1 � Selection of ICAC Task Force Personnel Managers and supervisors should evaivate prospective ICAC candidates for work history 1 indicates pricr investigative experience, cowrt testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudenfly, and a genuine interest in the protection of children. ICAC Program Operational and Irrvestigative Standards � i ♦ • � 1. Prevention educafion activities are a critical component of the OJJDP ICaC Progam. ICAC agencies should foster awazeness and provide practical, relevant guidance to children, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concerned about ciuid safety issues. 2. Presentations to school stafF, parents, and community groups are excellent ways to promote awareness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherwise in the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic or sexuatly explicit images. Presenters shall not discuss confidential in.�estigz:ive techaiKUes. 3. No member of an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the express consent of an 077DP Program Manager. While appearing at public presentations, ICAC members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avoid an implicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicate adequate alternatives. Program Operational and Investigative Standards -10- �'�lP� Effective Date: 3/08/02 Subject: Page 1 of 1 li�Iedia �2eiat�o�ns and 12eleases TviP.uia i�i�3S�S I�ia ui� iv YivS�°.CuuCiiS� Ciuii� nieiiS 67 Gui�2 uiBiieIS CGiiC2lTiius ICAC operations shall not include information regazding confidential investigative techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Force participants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies invoived in the investigation consistent with sound information management and media relations practices. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards -11- • � � �: L� � e ; � C� D g`��� --- __ --- -- - - - ------ -- ---_ ----- _ - � __ __ . _- —=--- — _ __ ----- --- - - Saint Paff1 PoIi`ce I�AC Task Force (3ntemet Crimes Against Children) Policy Statement Policy Purpose: The puipbse of ttus policy is to establish resnonsibilities and widelines regarding the St. Paal Police Departments response to reports of exploitation of children, and the possession and distribution of child pomogtaphy using computers. Policy Statement: It sha11 be the poiicy of the St. Pau1 Police Deparhnent to adhere to strict guidelines with respect to investigations of computer related child exploitation. The standards adopted pursuant to thi s �GAiG� uAiliCii TsiOSB y.eSCiw�.'�i �y v�i7C� vi � u'✓�a11� +2+St:C. 3u� v�.iIlCj':: D.�'.`J�^.�''.O,T.S�S (OJJDP) InCernet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Porces, and ensure compliance with those protocols accepted by the Federal Bureau of investigafions (FBi�, U.5. Customs, and the U.S. Postal Inspector's O�ce. Definitions: A broactive investieation is designed to identiiy, invesugate and prosecute offenders, which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant de2ree of pre-operative planning. A reactive investi2ation involves the investigation and prosecution of a known target(s), and whete the need to proceed with the invesfigation is urgent. It also includes a response witl�in the community or area of jurisdiction to a spec�c complain brought to the deparnnents attention by another law enforcement agency, a reputabie source of information such as the Cyber-Tipline at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children or a lazge Internet S.ervice Provider. The department must also zespond to complaints made by citizens, scnoois, Ii�raries, or businesses who believe illegai material bas been hansmitted or potentially dangerous situations, such as child lure attempts have been communicated through the Internet. i'IlO i.oiiu iuiciu2i �i7iiai,S � ie�cu;,S� f,'�'�,.'�"�B rtr 0�'\;rrl„riPC hnth nrnartiyP anc� rea�tiVQ �,......� ......».,.... ......_ r '.._' _ investigauve acuvities as :,u`1•;ne3 abave. An investigation is deemed to be urgent when there is a reasonable beiief that the target presents an imminent fhreat ta the well being of another person. Procedures: . - - ---_,_ _------ -- — --� `___ Work sgac� and E�;:iYmeat Inter�et C Agaiast Children (ICAC) compuiers and software shall be reserved for the exclusive use by denartment designated ICAC pe:sonnel. When possible, undercover compute�s, soitwaze, and online accounts shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipmenf shail be used in iCAC investigarions and z i3 soicwaze shaii be properiy acqu'ued and licensed. All ICAC oniine investigations shall be conducted ?n governmenf work space zs designated by the deparltnent. Care P:adicaaon and Priorifization Cases may be initiaced by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet Service Providers, or other law enforcement a�encies, and by information eathered through subiect interviews documented public sources, direct observations or suspicious behavior, public complainis, or by any other source acceptable under cutrent deparhnent po7icy. ICAC Supervisors aze responsible for detc�m,n;ng investigafive priorities and selecting cases for investigation. Assumuig the inforznation is deemed credible, that determination should begin with an assessment of victim risk aad then consider other factors such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteristics. The following prioritization scale was established by the ICAC Task Force Review Boazd and wi11 apply to the assignment of cases within the department: ' 1. A child is at immediate risk of victimizakion; 2. A chi]d is vulnerable to victimization by a kttotvn offender; 3. Known suspect is ago essively soliciting a child(ren); 4. Traders of images thaY appear to be home photob aphy with domiciled children; 5. P.ga essive, high voiume chiid pamograpny traders who either aze commercial distributors, _*epeat offenders, or speciaiized in sadistic images; 6. Traders and solicitors involved in high-volume tr•afficking or beloag to an organized child pomography rittg Ehat operates as operates as a criminal conspiracy; 7. Traders in previousiy icnown inlages; 8. Traders in digiratly aiiered images. Record Keepiag T�Z�"C investi unifs sliali tie sub�ecTto t}ie'e�stiva aenc ortiria rocedvre and g 7 a� Y P oP case supervision s3>stems. Invesagators will obtain. a case number at the outset of each case and fully document their activities through the completion of iniha.l ans supplemental reports. RepoxTS csill be compieted and reviewed by a supervisor in a�mely iashion. Investigation aad / � _.__ _ _ _ -- case maa�ges�enr acfi��tes �zi}lt�cc��a�ccordance witlz e�isung deparnnenral policies and -- proce uies. Closeout reports witL mcucate the manner m whicn a czse h2s oeen resolved ti�itn copies fo,-warded io the prosecutors office andlor the law enforcement agency continuing the. inves�igation when applicable. Undercover Invesfigations Cazeiuuy managed undercover operafions conducted by weii-uained oihcers ue among the mosi effective techniques availabie to law enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses, Undercover opera�ions, when executed and documented properly, coileci vZrtually unassaiiahle evidenca re2ard�ng a s�spect's predilection to seYUally exploit childrea. However, these inves�gations can trig�er serious legal and ethicai considerations because of concern that inappropriate government conduct may induce aa ofher�ise innocen2 citizen into committing a cr;me. All investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of due process. Task Force investigators sha11 avoid uniawful inducement of any indiVidual not othe_rwice �isgosed to co�it the offenses be�ng investigated, and will not engage in conduct thai is shocking or offensive to notions of fundamental fairness as descrioed in appucabie case 1aw. � Officers should aiways be awaze that their actions, in addiuon to those of the offender, may be at issue in deciding if chazges aze brought, whether refenals to other law enforcement agencies aze acted upon, and in determinfng the guilt or innocence oi tne oiiender at trial. 1�ereiore, it is criticat that tkus task force wark closely with local prosecutors when investigating ICAC offenses. Accordingly, the iolTowing minimum standazds apgiy tc undercover iaves�gazions bp the task force: a) Only sworn on-duty ICAC Task Force personnel shall conduct ICAC investigations in an undercover capacity. Privata citizens shall not be asked tp seek out investigative targets nor shall tkey be authorized to act as police agenis in an online undercover capacity. . b) ICAC Task Force personnel shall not, under any circumstances, upload, tTanam;t, or forw2rd porno�ap?��c or sea�zalIy explicit images. c) Othe: than photographs oT Iaw eaforcement oxncers who nave provided tneir informed written consent, no human images shall be upIoaded, transmitted, or forwazded by ICAC Task Force personnel. d} Other tuan aut}iorized a�iove, iaiages considered fo"r �.iploa�iag shall be approved by the ICAC Task Force Project Director and reviewed by a locai prosecutor. Images uploaded for investigative purposes shall be nonhuman and encrypted. Sexuaiiy suggestive fiues snall not be used. b�'gr�� - -- __ .__ : _. _._ -- - _ _ -- ----_ __ � I1� nal�,�a3og�e,�mdercover o�'scers should allow the investigati*ae _-- tar�ef to sef the foae, pace, znd subject ma�er of+he ori;ne convers�on. �aQe _ uploadina shall be initiated by rhe tar�et Evidence Procedures Aii undercover on3ine activiry shaii be recorded and documented. Any cteviations from this policy due to unusual circumstances, shall be documented in the relevant case file and reviewed by the IC<vC Tasic Force Commander. The storage, security, and destruciion of investigative information shall be consistent with agency policy. At a r��n;mum, inforrnation should be maintained in locked cabinets and under the control of ICAC Task Farce personnel. Access to these fiies shouid be restrieted to authorized personnel with a legitimate need to l�ow. Task Force sizpervisors shduld en_,�ure that forensic exauiinafions of computers and related evidence are conducted by qualified personnel that have received specific training in computer forensics. Information 8haring Convenfional boundaries aze virLuaIly me in The electronic world of the Intemet and the usual constraints of time, piace and diskances Iose their relevance. iliese iactors inerease the possibility of ICAC Task,Forces targeting one, another,_investigating the same sub}ect, or inadvertenLly disrupfing an angoing investigation. To foster coordination, collaboration, and communication, �77BP requires that each TCAC Task Force contribute basic case iafo:�a.tion to a common database. Federal Guidelines have been established through the Departnient of 7ustice's ICAC Task Force Infornzation Sharing Worldng Crroup. The OJ7DP Task Force Review Board reviewed, modified, and adopted the below information sharing system and procedures. The St. Pau1 Task Force will comply with these guidetines. Task Force investigato:s sha11 contribute bzsic and case update info_�a+�on on al1 cases (locai, interstate, reactzve and proactive) to the Case Deconfliction Srystem maintained through the Law Enforcement Data Exchange (LED�. 2. $asic case infoimation shati include, but is not limited to: a} Submitfing Task Force b) Person submitting information c) Telephone number for verification p�uposes c1} ISate oi sufimissian e) Brief synopsis of invesii�ation � Qffender screen name(s) g) Idenfifiers (U�RL., FTP, Newsb oup, TP Address) � i) Other suspect iniomzrion (ii known) j) Undercover offrcer screen name(s) Case update inzormation shaIl include, but is not Liu�ired io: a) Submitting Task Force bj Pezson submitting inTormation c} Z'elephone number for verificataon purposes d) Date of submission e) Date investigation initia.ted fl Identity of subject(s) including address, daie af birth, sociai security number, address (when available) g) Criminal proceedings (e.g., arrest, indictment, seazch warrant, conviction, etc.) h} Sentencing information (when available) , 4. Each ;nvesCg3tor wor7�tta w!*h the ICA r�k f�rce will sia up foT a_ccess to LEDX vi2 their website. Information on how to gaan access will be provided by the unit commander. 5. Each investigator shall query LEDX once they bave established an investigative interest. For the purposes of the ICAC Task Force Prograsn, an investigative interest is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a crime has occurred or there is a reason to believe that a screen name or other potential}y identifiable entity has engaged in a _ sequence_ of acfiyities that is likely to lead to the sexuat_ex of a child.�Assuming no other active investigations aze discovered and that reasonable suspicion is present to initiafe an investigaiion, the agency wiI: sub�t czse inforn,lation ta LEBX. Fzc� Tzsk Force should submit tlus information within 24 hours of initiafing the case or as soon thereafter as possible. 6. If any duplication is found, the initiating investi�ator is responsibie for contacting the other law enforcement agency. Additionally, initiating investigators should also contact tl�e U.S. Customs Cyber SmuggIing Center (703-293-8005) to ensure there is no duplication with regazd to their ongoing investiga�ons. Similazly, once au offender has been identified and assoeiated with a known address, contact shoutci be made with the U.S. Yostai inspector responsioie foz cluld sexual exploifation offenses whe:e the offeader resides. E�st depa-i�nental supervisory systems and procedures snzll apply, wirh specmc empbasis on observarion, documentation ana periocic evaluation of cases assigned to undercover invesiigators. Written directives will rerlecf �e principles oi auality case management and easure that ICAC Task Farce acriviries compty �vith both a;ency and ICAC Task Force Standards. 2. At a minimum, mauagement or supervisary policies attd practices sha$ include: a) review of daify ICA� Task r orce investigative reports; b) periodic review of undercover session recordings; c) direct participation in formulating ICAC Task r orce investigative plans and establishing investigative priorities; d) development of work schedules including approval of specific overtime expenditures; e) assessment of equipment and trainin� needs; and, ij ieV:E'N a".Ilu 3.�iYivVBi Gi uu'j i.�..r�i� TflSiC �vZC.° �SC� u.?x�.°.iS. Selecfion of ICAC Task Force Personnel Whiie e�sting agenc j personnel procedures apply, managers and supervisors should evaluaie prospective ICAC Task Fozce candidates for work history that indicates prior investigative cxperience, court teskimony skill, ability to handle sensitive information prudendy, and a genuine interest in the protection of chiidren. - Task Force members should be coFnputer literate, knowle3geable regarding child - exnloitation issues, and be familiar with Federai and State statutory and case 1aw pertaining to 3CAC investigations. Prevention and Education Activities Prevention education activities aze a critical component of+,be St Pai1 Police ICAC Task Force Frogram. Supervisors and investigators are e�pectad to develog and lead prevention progtams to foster awareness and provide practicai, relevant guidance to cliildren, parenTs, educators, Iibrarians, and other individuals conce:�ed about child safety issues. However, these presentations shall nat depict identifiable victims nor shall they use porno�apbic or sexually t:,.:.:..-.. �.e m,- h ii „�����„ g jny ciioativP tPr_.hnirtnP Gh�1114J11313J.�1i.�. A 1V.��uw.a.S �u�4u �aQ w5 �.v�.. _ Z _ .S. ' Nledia Relations and Releases Copiss of inedia releases related to this initiative wili be forwarded through the iCAC - linic Gommander to the Pubiic Infosxuation Office f�r dissemination. Copies-of.radio or ��ideo segments and press clippmgs wilI be used to promote and sustain public support for ICAC activities and circulated witfiin the Review Boazd. Media releases re:ating to prosec�utions, cr:ne aierts or other matters cottcerning iCAC Task Force opezations shall not include information regazding specific investigalive techniques