197686Council File No. 197686— mWhereas, A written roposal for the aking of the following improvement, (3.1 _: a Jod- - - -• - - Open, widen and extend an alley in block 21, West End, by taking and PROPOSAL FOR I condemning a strip of land 20 ft. in °•id +.h the center line of which is de- the, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthemaldngof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: S, '� JN, , :. r ,y,.r.. _.. .'.�'. .......,...T iiii , on,'id� rind, extends az.,allb `J].oalc' 21�. YPest) d�,'byk and condemning .;•+: a gtr of 1arid� `2Q' 'in iii catYie. i Y., . center line, of which .1s dead bod' as, follQ�rs :._,; eg.nning.:•at,. the- southeast..eot"' k"of.,Lot 1,,_.E1ock.21 West E`nd ;' thence in a soutb*6a terly direction along the eouth•_line of tote 1,2,3, and 4 a distance .. ....... of--2.QGm ft-;; thence' oft ,-90271. 44" ..and'°diatant'-60.83 -'t, f �t ence' .right •90,27 ►..:1�� 7��l•,, a1Ong._ a l f#e, paraXl,91 to the ,south line:,,of Tots 5 and 6Z�,n said 'lV'est, EYid 'to a - .. ..... _... point ( "ft: i~ram tii® east, 'line of 101 2. 2- in said West -'End measured perpendicularly to said east line; thence southxesterl3r, along a. line par -klel 'to .�t- he.•- east,,Iine 1 o.f,said.Lot 11 to the northerly line o£ Montreal Avenue; a strip 20 ft* in width, 10 f't* on each aide of described line, as follows ;. 1eginning at the � monument. at the.- sontheast. corner. .of Lot 1, Block. 21, West.. End; thence in a- •southResterly direction along the south line of Lots:1,2,,3 and, 4,:for a distant* of ,200, ft.; thence left1:9,2T,144R1j9cir of 60.83( ft.; thence right 90:27 t44" along a. line par'al el, to the south line of Lots $, And 6 to a point from- the rea8t'AUli :04. Bo`tigl thence south- westerly along a'lino parallel to the -east line; of Lot 11 to the northerly ` line of Xontreal,Avenue4'' /r t z �i�ij. Sr r:: ° {v�•,�a i�S.%iL:y /. ~.r �. ■. py �'w •, _`iti r , - ��; YMy'�" i'•�ny+•.y�1 y••p y, 7.Iy +i "�! il'r1 LlRyI . *i`:.. Ma+'a -}iii a . k . r -F. .. )� 4.. ..•�.•..ii. fit- . VMrw ,4 .T b,.i r • �s:. �ir�1.n c ♦ -. wouth^a..,1U ii+i� i +..': L � 4.� �i... _ R..:.t Y. •:.N .• ', hwi+ k �� ..... in dir._. ,1Qn AlW.3 t °a jljj ;s o'tLutes )xPx3 +i d #4x o d'.st -ara -,o -of-200 ft;, thence -Yei'E y 27 ilia and distanz -o0.aj fc,I Ln-ence rigni -y cr" " h' ' sClbnk,,a lin6' 41- tot -the south lire %' f- Lots 5 and 6- -in' said West End'- to a'- _ E tuert'rj, point 10 ft. from the east line of Lot 11, in said West End measured perpendicularly' t,%to' said east f line; ,thence,, southwesterly along. aline. - parallel Ito t he, east line_ ` ``'i of said. Lot A to the northerly line of Montreal Avenue ;.a strip of land 20 ft. ' iri iPicitYi� l0lrft; oii'�each amide `of3rdes�ribecl'41'ineoa "s 1fo11oRS; "`Beginning at the 2. monument�cattthe_ southeiast�cornerrof•tLot� 1;�B1ock)r2l,- rWest!End ;, ithencetin_a)OL southwesterly directionL�aoong ,.the,,soutq.,line of Lots 1,2 3 and 4 for a distance of 200 `ft. ";, thence lef 9 27' 1.�L1" ,for a distance of. 60083 ft.; thence right 9o2'j`�ljlip`= a38iigraA�] lie" �arallel =Tta'the' south. line'b�f'Lots� 5 �andm6't8 a -point f., 10 ft:froml t2 �e,.# east�7ine,£ Q_ f_ �Lot3lltmeasuredPerpendicularly; thence, south- westerly along a line parallel to the east line of Lot 11 to the northerly Adoptedlinejeof_, Montreal - Avenue. 1 ............... I ....... ...... .............. Y-AS INATS Loss Dd=wwpw,r Mortinson 130r& Peterson . YAESIDENT 3000 Z)-4 Qa�o,® �l 1 ------------------- - - - - -- Z -------- - •------- �- • - - - -- Mayor. - - - - - --