197685Council _" cil File No. 197685-- �wbereas, A written proposal for the A 9 of the following improvement, vh�? � I. Ic . ruct Public sanitary and storm To_______ ___ ____ ___________ '9-11�. �, XOBP 0- '' Itk Streqt from Upper PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .......... t676jti­ sanitary ....... storm, sewers: 1_0"Kiit, t:F4it rom­­6'pjp-e"r`_­Af'0 ruct ...on, Roam 'Driv Let o a . rL. ,td r-y. po .000 .04J. Kchael Avenue fioirqi Uo­'pie'r Afto'n Road" to Larry Ho 0rlVe;,.jrn,. ttipheil from eet �to-­Mtchael Avenueq in,-Powars,�,Avenuo- '��"'I,nthrop--ttrait,'t6�Michae�l- ihrop Str r I r e Creek Heights L, Pjat� ; I Avenue; and in an easement '(t6 be obtained) o 'tt ............. 11. .. V ", ..". I 1' 1­­4 '- "I W Rba r Int op f rom,W# al Avenue Ao Powers, venu'o,;: r 1. . -..cry ........... 1AW1 Also cons-trutt, 6,�torm a,eW6r in, Ho Drlvd f rdm, Winthrop •ttreetjo Mg,01.9h t I 1 .1 r' Battle , _�,b 1 J �,�of Road; and in Ruth stre,et­fro� Larry Ho Driver'4o- reek _�which-A-v!'to, be known 'as, the Ruth C Kt%'.1k ',,�SE,WER S . T Tg"!'- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ....... ....... 't, PuW k santtary and St -p Ruth Street frrm Upper Afton' Road Consteuc ;ewer' *f too­.f ,�t& �Wrryvw W. fvarl to ro I qjh' p DrIV At jehej 1, �, Avenue' from Mq4P.11 Avenue' f M­ Up Afton Road 0 LWYMO 1A A Mr - 'fii 064er_$ -'A " ''S' . '* " 'Allah' 0, $treat t6 M chae Avanup; rith �Inthtop rop troat t6 a •-Avenue;- I -and In an *d0i�Qnt__(to-, be,.-obtal ned).. lock,'. 3... B,att,10 f, 141 A, -Averin cov Av e n l n ge on R00 frWiVint Wop WOO to, x 11� Afton I 1:11 MWnCA ovtfie C ;,tv ............ ....... ........... I I ng, stledidt-ii p h 01'1 CollStr OrIV6 qp - ` ­ ruet gr �_tdrM IS ton W10thro, Street to $�tght $dW tnr Larry , , - 4 gc� 1.$, tq'be 1W_,tk t r 'pead'-,"t @qS-1tft karr - j, y4Hb 0 knoWn 'E S"Aft.1 .10N,SEWOR YST 'timE VWX 'HE I GOT 1!i! . ry o , t, i g C 8�-�! impro t. A. 1, d , iur,, or 'Lla rx extent cost 2.- T6­iffvesigate—thd-Yatifr6, —exffn improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 11_1*1 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - i 1 1960 Adopted by the Council ............... jUK..?,. ........................................... I YEAS NAYS Councilman)MXXXXX DeCourcy JUN 211960 XUXUXM( Loss Approved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- HOLLAND ZXX=)(= _Roserr- k MORTINSON � .7 PETERSON --------------------- ----•------------------- __----- - ------ C�MVAESIDBNT 1laV0U+tT-- Mayor. 3W,VI7 54 6—