197680ORIGINAL TO CI'-Y CLERK , + ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN I RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM r Al Q- ATE .r A COUNCILh FILE NO• WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has secured additional right -of -way on the north and south sides of Selby Avenue adjacent to the westerly end of the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Pacific Railroad tracks, to provide access to the proposed Short Line Road and WHEREAS, Property owners have already set back existing buildings or plan to construct new buildings and desire to construct parking .lots to the new grade of the Short Line Road and WHEREAS, Access to Selby Avenue at proper grade must be given to the adjacent property owners prior to the scheduled Short Line Road improvement; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That removal of trees and grading_ be done by City Forces RESOLVED, That the Comnissioner of ~Public Works -be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary tree removals and grading to furnish access to residents abutting the northerly side of Selby Avenue at the westerly end of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul t� Pacific Railroad Bridge, such work to be performed by City Forces at an estimated cost of $2,075.00, which cost is to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, and which fund is to be reimbursed from the Short Line Road Bond Fund 200 ST -9. µ Couricil Pile No. 197880— y ',Milton Rosen— t Whereas, The Department of Public Works has secured additional ri ht- of-way on the north and south sides oiwSelby Avenue adjacent to the west- erly end of the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad tpcks, to provide access to the pro - �sa -:�� :?nc�.r.,..:..... -.. -: ry'G JUN 211960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays �llN 1 1,60 DeCourcy Holland Loss Approve 19 Martinson //J;"� Peterson IIn Favor Mayor S4M Ag ainst resident, Mrl'avM� 5M 7 -5e 8 DUPLICATE -TO PRINTERrr71ZA 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER en DATE WHEREAS] The Department of Public Works has secured additional right*of -way on.the north and south sides of Selby Avenue adjacent to the westerly Brad of the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Raul t Pacific Railroad tracks, to provide access to the proposed Short Line Road and WHEREAS, property owners have already set back existing buildings or plan to construct new buildings and desire to construct parking lots to the new grads of the Short Line Road and WHEREAS. Access to Selby Avenue at proper grade must be given to the adjacent property owners prior to the scheduled Short Line Road improvowt; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That removal of trots and grading be done by City Forces RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary tree removals and grading to furnish accost to residents abutting the northerly side of Selby Avenue at the westerly and of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul t Pacific Railroad Bridge, such work to be performed by City Forces at an estimated cost of $2,075.00# which cost is to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving fund, Code 3001, and which fund is to be reimbursed from the Short Lino road Bond fund 200 ST -9. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loft Mortinson Peterson In Favor \ alesen -- `-1 1 �- 10= Av against Mr. rl�ess dent, 5M 7 -W� 8 SUN 211960 Adopted by the Council 19 ,llN 2 11960 Approved 19 Mayor