Susuension 8%06/2008
W'HEREAS, through their hard work and determination, KAYS�cepjpr�eraduared w�ffi Ieadersh�p, communication skills, and STEaM (Science, Technology,
Engmeering, Art, and Math) experiences that wifi Sorever impacl thev lives and the hve5 of others
WHEREAS, the Kitry Mdersen Youth Science Cen[er, led by Director Mika Ward, Program Managers Robby Schre�ber, Rachel Gates, Cara Johnsoq Krisren
Popp}etoq Dan Haeg, and Zoua Pha, Leaming Technolog�es Cen[er staff Kristen Murtay, Keith BraaEladt, Amanda Luker, Asia Wazd and Khns
McDonald, Evalua[ion staffAmy Grack Nelsoq Program Coordinators Isadora Collins, Luke Ekelund, Erica Schram, Christina K�Ilen, S[ephame Alden, Shauna
Crow, Courtney Roney and Maureen Ragalie, Amencorps members Dorthy Gbolq Cazol Sevin and Lauren Bensoq Intem Ca[alma Carbonell,
and graduatm� alumm Mazoo Barclay, Jerome Burts, Chen Jackson, R�chard lordan, Cameron O'Neal, Vuitton Ferguson, Cheemang Her, Jusbn March�o, Tina
Fahnbulleh, Ashleigh Hayee, Chee Kue Lee, Naana Mensah, Kia Vang Pang Vang Chue Vue, Ma� Nhia Yang, Bee Her, and Qerra Lamb-Baker, has made
9enifican[ contnbu[io�s [o Ihe Samt Paul Commumry
WHEREAS [ht 12 youth of the Cell Lab Crew worked wrth over 40,000 museum visitors, and 200 youth and adults on commumty outreaches from July 2007-
June 2008, and explored cell biology through canoefn� and camping at W�Iliam O'Bnen S[a[e Park
WHF.REAS [he 10 you[h of [he Fluid Power Crew worked wrth over 1,200 museUm v�sitors and lead 7 commumry outreaches s�nce they began in Oc[ober 2007,
and expenenced flmd power m naNre [hrough camping a[ Wild Rrver State Park
WHEREAS [he 8 youth of Leammg Places Crew have grven back to the communines they live m by creahng STEaM acnvihes for you[h m afterschool
programs at Commonbond commumty advan[age centers, and were the rec�pien[s of the Joe Erzigo advantage award give by Common6ond Commun�ties.
WHEREAS the 8 youth of KAYSC Leadership Team have worked together [o provide ieadershiq advisement and suppon to the KAYSC youth and leaders
WHEREAS [he 12 youth of the Inven[ion Crew have offered engmeenng assistance to Saint Paul Parks and Recreation m their effort to im[iate a pazks-wide
wortn composting sys[em.
WHEREAS the 7 youth of the KAYSC Water Crew have completed excensrve Missssippi Rrver research and work with exhibrt developers end educated over
500 youth through commumry outreach programs and mtemal museum events
WHHREAS the 9 youth of the KAYSC Park Crew have ennched the hves of 2I9 St Paui Pubhc School children m 2007-08 [hrough dedroated em�ronmental
outreach programs and I S00 museum visrtors through hands-on activihes led in the Big Back Yard exhibrt.
W'HF.REAS, through mnovatioq creatrvity and an abundance of recycled matenals the I I youth of the KAYSC Devgn Team bwlt [hree boats ro be launched
August 12, 2008
THERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha[ the Samt Paul Qty Council does hereby proudly and pubhcly acknowledge [he outstandmg ach�evemen[ of [he K�tty
Andersen Youth Science Center you[h partwipants, and be rt
FURTHER RESOLVED, [hat the Saint Paul Qry Councd aclmowledges the dedicahon a�id [alent of all of the KAYSC staff and preceding directors, Janet
Madzey-Akale and Mary Ann Steiner, and be �t
FMALLY RESOLVED, that [he Sam[ Paul C�ry Councii affirms the aforementioned pride by proclaiming each and every participant and program leader—
honorary good will ambassadors Sar the QTy of Saint Paui and proclaims Samrday, August 9, 2008 to be forevetmore known m the Ciry of Saint Paul as
Requested by Department of:
Approved by the Office of Financia] Services
Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council:
I -/ I /f I U II By:
Date ���� �J� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy.
By: __ � ^i
Approve y M Date ��(��
Council File # 08-860
Green Sheet # 3057913
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
' �� 1. �
� l:0 — Council
' ConWct Person & Phone:
�� Melvin Carter
� 266-8610
' Must Be on Council Agenda by (DatE
I 0 6 - AUG-08
�: Doc. Type: RESOIUTION
; E-DOCUment Required: Y
i Document Gontact: Joan Reidell
� veparcmenc oent�orerson
0 ounc0
Ass�gn 1 ouncil
Number Z � Cterk
Routing 3
Order 4
Contact Phone: 266-8670 I I
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All locations for Signature)
Procliaming August 9, 2008 to be known as Kitty Anderson Yovth Science Center Day in the City of Sain[ Paul.
Recommentlallons: Approve (A) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
7 Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a sktll not oormaily possessed by any
current cily employeel
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
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Funding Source:
Financial Infofmation:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number.
August 6, 2008 3:24 PM
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