197641i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Council File No. 197641 —By Mrs. Donald 41 S �M. DeCourcy— COUNCIL CITY OF 4 - +Resolveed, That the routes tto��f the FILE OFFICE OF THE City Railway ompanyfw thinSthe City COUNCIL RESOLUTIO °f St. Paul 1p revised as follows: i, �R�ai�. .S.,Gr'fv's*R .SLi•y!r9it.3i—t. !ra , PR CO TF la t ti RESOLVED, That the routes of the following bus fines of the St. Paul City Railway Company within the City of St. Paul be revised as follows: 1. Route 5 (Como - Stryker) Eastbound. To operate on Como Avenue as far as Rice Street, thence southerly on Rice Street to Aurora Avenue, on Aurora Avenue to Wabasha, thence on Wabasha as at present. Westbound - no change in present route. 2. Route 7 (Hamline- Cherokee Heights) to operate on Como Avenue•as.far as Rice Street, thence southerly on Rice Street to Aurora Avenue, on Aurora Avenue to Wabasha, thence on Wabasha as at present. Westbound - no change in present route. 3. Route 16 (Interurban) Eastbound - no change. Westbound -to operate on Wabasha as far as Park Avenue, thence northerly on Park Avenue to University Avenue, thence westerly on University Avenue to Rice Street. 4. Route 11 (Falcon Heights -South St.Paul)--southbound. To operate on Cedar Street to Kellogg Boulevard, thence on Kellogg Boulevard to Robert and south on Robert Street he at present', and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution be .filed with the Railroad and Warehouse Commission by the City Clerk. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Martinson Peterson Rosen W+nkmt , Mr. President, DO- 5M 7-69 8 _5 JUN 211960 Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 211960 Approved 19 1 In Favor Mayor Against �^ BUREAU OF WATER f ' CITY, LEONARD N. `HOMPSON, GENERA MAFJAO ERA CLIFFORD W. HAMBLIN � i✓^ DEPARD ASlISTA NT GENERAL MA NA RS. ;- DONALD M. De! Commissioner of Public; SW' Fee -1 � 45l 4 SAINT PAUrL�I�� /�(BED r of Minnesota e f Hpa: a 11.c_ CBIJRH )FIPU.BLIC, UTIL`�TIES, a a A iH� ' 4+?• •• i CAP L 4- -46.12 ., ......'" U RCY, r 14 heal ' r'cC2 i6 in 0 n pt'kOF INVESTIGATION WjIN[ V JONES, UTILITIES aNGINKER A,' j OF LIGHTING q WARD -LOWS, SU `PERINTXNDENT A61'dF,,.KARKETS ? HOGAN, DIRECTOR UNTANT �' 4 r.- CONNOLLY \r - e x• .•• •-• ••� 'Y Y i Li 7d i.e1 LA kt :.�I 7f - awa.:L.+, a„r I..a a.r 7- THEODORE A. LOYELAND t"° t # f ._Deputy CGmmleeIOner ot�SWc`1U1liHes 1 { t i June 17, 1960 Mrs. Donald Me DeCourcy Commissioner of Public Utilities City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. DeCourcy: Present plans call for the changing of Park Avenue in the vicinity of the State Capitol to one -way operation on Wednesday, June 22, 1960. This change will necessitate several changes in bus routing as follows: Route #5 (Como - Stryker) eastbound and Route #7 (Hamline- Cherbkee Heights) also eastbound now operate on Park Avenue and it will be necessary to change this operation to operate southerly on Rice Street to Aurora Avenue and on Aurora Avenue to Wabasha meeting the present route at that point. The westbound interurban line Route #16 will operate on Wabasha as far as Park Avenue, thence northerly on Park Avenue to University, thence westerly on University to Rice Street. Also in order to comply with the recommendation of the Traffic Committee, Route #11 (Falcon Heights- So.St. Paul) will be rerouted on its southbound route to continue on Cedar from Fourth to Kellogg, thence on Kellogg Boulevard to Robert instead of operating on Fourth as at present. The attached resolution has been prepared to cover these changes for submission to the State Railroad and Warehouse Commission. You7 very truly, h• . Edwin F. Jones Utilities Engineer EFJ: er