197592ORIGINAL TO CITY CL�RK! " " 10 /592 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILCOUNCIL NO. B ���IIIJJJ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER Frank L. LOSS /I DATE June 14, 1960 RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Fencing and Backstops and Stairs for the Valley Playgrounds located at Valley and Jackson Streets, Saint maul, as submitted here- with, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation.And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfac- tory to the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Holland ,"I"ff— Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, D11r fi Vavoulis 6M 7-59 c gap,8 Council File No. 197592 —By Frank LA Loss — Resolved, That the Plans and Specifi- cations for Fencing and Backstops and Stairs for the Valley Playgrounds lo- cated at Valley and Jackson Streets, Saint Paul, as submitted herewith, pre- pared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner` of Parks And Recrea- tion And Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent. is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Char- ter. 'Adopted by the Council June 14, 1960. Approved June 14, 1960. (June 18, 1960) JUN 141960 Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 141960 Ap roved 19 TT, Favor Mayor +Against I 0/01DIUPLICATE TO PRINTQR ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL .1"'7592 FILE NO. PRESENTED BY Frank t. Loss ,dune 14, 1960 COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVEDt That the Plans and Spetif ieations for Pencing and Backstops and Stairs for the Valley Playgrounds located at Valley and Jackson Streets, Saint, Paul, as submitted here - with, prepared by the City Architect under the dIxectlon of the Commissioner of Parka And Recreation And Public Buildings, be aAd the same are hereby approved, the same being sattsfac - tor to the Commissioner of Parks And Reereation.And Public Buildings, tnd the Purehasing Agent is hereby authorized ta� advertise for bids thereon in the .Hamner provided in and by the Charter. .. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Holland Peterson Rosen NRRM Mr. President, Hiflbft Vavo4lls 5M 7 -69 Ows b1w; SUN 1 � �qsl CI�A51� G , -pT. CITY pup, JUN 14 1966 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 14 1960 Approved 19 Mayor