197567COUNCIL FILE N0.__ ,!�---- ______ B---------------------------------------------------------------- 4k wt In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Overbrook Addition, from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. Council File No. 7567 — In the Matter gradin g a7surfac- ing with bitumins materiain Block 2, Overbrook AddiHoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. uary Order 195709, apprruary 5, 1960. A public hearing having upon the above improvement upon due ,t notice, and the Council having heard actions aq _Fecommen- under Preliminary Order ---- - - - -__ 195749--------------- --- - -- approved --------------------- Intermediary Order ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved ------- - - - - -- ----------------- ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,- be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that :ze-przeeis - `' p e with bituminous maters 1 ' �i��•ZLlTfil ri -' riir�'rYSrn - 1- n -' 1 s �— - ^-- - -..,a- r n +n' TA 1•: -n ,�: y vv�nuu.a_ Kivu, �t.t vtu s All orders ih the al)ove matter ba anJ the same are hereb7 cancelled, annulled _nd All and ad of ocevsdings in said matter be discontinued. and1h,e Council hereby orders said imp ement to be made. R LVED FURTHER, That the Co ssioner of Public Works be and hereby instr cted and directed to epare plans and specifications fo aid improvement, and submits to the Cou 1 for approval; that on said approval, the proper city o cials are hereby authorized an rected to o- ceed with the mak goof said improvement in accorda e therewith. Adopted by the Council_____) 1U_!)__ 1 11960 ________________________ JUN 141960 Approved------------------------------ File 11+80+ / Councilman DeCOURCY h Councilman HOLLAND d, Councilman J Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINIEfi� Mayor 2.55 2M 2 City Clerk. -- ------ -- - - - - - -- Mayor. - -- �T l' r • EMIL C. MOLANDER - 1562 Chamber Street Mr. Molander already has a garage, facing Hoyt St. GERALD H. CLOUTIER - 1568 Chamber Street Mr. Cloutier has a front driveway in from Chamber Street already established. WALTER H. BOESEL - 1574 -76 Chamber Street Mr. Boesel's building is incompleted - he has from 10 to 12 feet allowance in order to have a front driveway established, therefore an alley is not a necessity in his case. EMORY C. STANLEY - 1584 Chamber Street Mr. Stanley has a double car attached garage with a concrete apron from the street. WALLACE C. TUCKER - 1590 Chamber Street Mr. Tucker has a garage in the rear, with a concrete drive already established in from Chamber Street. Mr. Tucker is on a 40 foot lot - and has a 7 foot allowance along side of his home, in which he completed his driveway. Mr. Tucker was the first to build on Chamber St. THEODORE A CIERNIA - 1596 Chamber Street Mr. Ciernia has an attached garage with a completed ooncretedrive in from Chamber St. MR. LEEK - 1602 Chamber Street Mr. Leek is driving in from street, has no garage as yet, but planned on front drive. UNSOLD HOUSE - 1610 Chamber Street _Open for inspection - split level with garage in basement of house - drive in from Chamber Street. UNSOLD HOUSE - 1614 Chamber St. - Corner of Idaho St. Rein Realty owns this home, and doesn't want alley as garage plans to be built with drive in from Idaho Street. MR. ROBERT ODEEN - 1617 English Street No need for alley - garage if built will be drive in from Idaho St. MR. FRANK C. SCHWARTZ - 1605 English Street Mr. Schwartz has a garage in the rear, with a front drive established in from English street. MR. VICTOR CARLEEN - 1587 English Street Mr. Carleen has a concrete driveway established in from English street. MR. LEN ROSSBACH - 1579 English Street. Mr. Rossbach has a blacktop driveway established in from English street, with a garage. Page 2. • MR. RICHARD BIAGINI, JR. - 1573 English Street Mr. Biagini, Jr. as a concrete driveway established in from English Street. MR. RICHARD BIAGINI, SR. - 1563 English Street Mr. Biagini, Sr., has neither a driveway or garage established, but area for garage is so that entry would be from Hoyt. Street, as Mr. Molander's. • • r EMIL C. _',M6tANDER -: ,- 1562 ChamVer`;Street Mr; `Molar er. atlre 4 ;has a garage'*- facing Hoyt St. ,. 'GERALD :H..'CLOUTIEI 1568 Chamber` Streea`;r" Y. = Mr:° Cloutier, °.,lies' A- front = dri -V 444. yin `'from ''Chamber Street already estdblished� t ,k WnTER H. BOESEL.' .1574 =76 Chamber Street{' -Mr. ,Boesel'd. building is incompleted r--he has- from 10 to 12 toot-allowance ; i U ;order.' to "have a front ,dr�ve'wAy ; established,,. 'therefore an alley .is_ not a necessity in his case, EMORY -C. _STANLEg - 1584 Chambetr Mr. Stanley ' has.a - double car attached garage with a concrete - „apron from, the strereti _ _. . = WALLACE -0 �'TIICi{ER 1540 ,Chamber Streft �'+ - . Tucker has a- garage is the _- rear, with �a caicreter drive already established_• in from Cham' +er_'Street.. -. fir: - Tucker is on _.a 40 foot lo_ t and' has a 7 foot - allowance along side 'of -his, home., - -in which ha completed ; hie driveway' = Mr., Tucker „q was the first'to :build on ;Chamber•.St •-,'l ; THEODORE A.CLERNIA 1596, Chamber Street' Mr. Ciernia ha8 an attached garage with a 'completed aoncretedrive in from ° 'Ckiamber St. MR: LEEK” 1602 Chamber, Street Mr.' -Leek is driving in from streets he's .no garage as yet, but planned on. - front drive: " • r . UNSOLD HOUSE x.1610 Chamber_Street •• =- - ` Open for inspection -- •split level with garage . ire basement. of hcluse -drive fill from Chamber Street. UNSOLD HOME - 1614 Chamber St: - +Corner 6f Idaho St.' ' Rein° 32ea1t3r owns ,this home, arid" doesnf t :want .alley as garage as to be built . • with drive -in f_ rom` Idaho', Street AMR.-'ROBERT ODEEN• 1617 $nglish Street' - _ _'No- need'fo3_ °alley -- _garage if`built' will be,drive in from Idaho St. MR. ,FRANK C. SCH'dARTZ 1605" English Street. _ M r: _Schwartz''hag a garage in th'e rear; with' a •front'`_ d_ri#e� established in ` from- English street.' k MR, VICTOR- 'CARLEEi�k 1587 English 8'treet f _ - ' - Mr: ;Car een has a concretes driveway established in -from English street. , MR. LEN ROSS$ACH _ 1579 English _Street: -Mrs Ross ach has a blacktop driveway established in from. Erigli0h street,'-with= _ - �. l'. .7 - . , - .' ; -1 +J Y I �. , ' •v , .. (• -• _ - -.. , .. ' -- ,.x + i .r }, -- V -• • r,1 ,• ` l r'`r. , ' �y -..a r '., -,_ _•- :•.1 ^_ '- #+ r,..`• -•_+ - -4 -4 f r- _y- . ' ' ': _` ' {; -•,�r -• '- j .• ;t.. ` _r. , `2 •Page - -• - MR. RICE4RD kAGINI, °JR. - 1573 _English Street Mr..Biagini, 'Jr. s a concrete drideway established in:.from_ ' English; Stre t MR. RICHARD_BIAGINI SR.'- 1563 English Street'` Mr. r Biagini -- Sr: ; has neither. a dr3 veway dr garage establis$ed but ar'ea'—for` -._' garage'.ia so that'. emtry would be- ,fromio�h Streets 'as Mr, _ A�olander +s. ._ • ..:. �- . - i�J- "' F - t a •q I - G '' -T. •. .. r .. ,•ter -- - _ y ••LL aim '.. •.- .1.. -; - _ e'!•t -_. _ .. ? �' ••r _ � ter` •^ -_ .. -_. gr'• _ - - f +,- i - - ;. �+ _ .F � `� . �;LL,_e' } Pr's ; ._ ` - ' • ` 1� • — J LIN ,-(Z y, �, ly—Q T. sp ") V-- V rd U a� t a � a v�cJ'k,14J q� F ¢� o Q� Ci Q/'7�) CJ Il �� O , Cb� 1� QiZ CA ` V �V —1 rd 4. oj IC y, n) jQ 4 Ewa o 0/ Uk(V Ln cq-- --0 V c KJ U►�. Q� � - 1 �C• ., py Z �' 0) ly—Q T. sp ") V-- V rd U a� t L� • E CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 21, Overbrook Addition, from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave.., 1975-67 1966-78 Paul; . fjn': Sine lj; 1960 I-being-unable to attend the hearing before the council of St. Paul' Mim7i. "scheculeed for 10:00 AeNq 9!i-June 14., 1960,2, tt ,LL -1, present this affidavit as being, apposed to the establishment of an alley betvieen F,nglish,and Chamber Sts, from Hoyt St. to Idaho Ste 'I j Ire%. T- 2. A. -on,this , same day personally appdlared, the��above ,jznowm personally-to.bi thi6 -person '-w"n'o",executed-:the-cTore,- going statement aiid•-acftiioiil,edge'--t-hdt�it .was: executed freely and voluntarily as s free act deed, r. Notary C� F_ orm B. B. 10 IM 3-68 12 & 113 N M.- 600 8,100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II a DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. If South .2 of Lot 1-4 and all of 1 151 21 Overbrook 11$ 350 5,550 ilExcept north 20 ft.; Lot 17 and all! 161 21 do 11 175 5,300 !! North 20 ft. of Lot 17 and all of 1 181 21 do 11 150 5,250 !I 1191 21 do 11 300 !I 1 201 21 do 11 300 !) 1 211 21 do 300 !! Lots 22 and 1 231 21 do 600 6,150 II1 241 2 do 300 6,100 kouth 2 of Lot 26 and all of 1 251 21 do II 450 61200 korth of Lot 26 and all of 1 271 21 do 11 450 300 !! South a of Lot 29 and all of 1 281 21 do 150 II North of Lot 29 and all of 1 301 21 do 11 450 5,950 I! I I ! II II I I I . II II I I I !! I II II I I I 11 III � 1 TOTAL 17,350 362,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �� �� , / yb d ��� • .Clc C� Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 44WO8 r � FA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS } REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 9th 19±0-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimitiary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 195709 , approved February 5th , 19 _._6, relative to ,grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Overbrook_ Addition from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 4,039.75 (See Letter, Attached) 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition it 2 pp, A P• Wal o� mmi s i o P 1-'� Wor s FEB 9 1960 + O 1 cc s 5 - GEORGe M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House February 9, 1960 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: EUGENE V. AVERY -1109M. Chief Engineer transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Overbrook Addition from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 195709, approved February 5, 1960. Total Estimated Cost $4,039.75 Engineering 293.80 Inspection 73.45 Cost per front foot 3.37 Frontage 1200 ft. Your very truly, v� Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance A�irlA�WWil ke 1� Commissioner of PublrF,,tv �; 6, 00, W", To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn ----------------------------------------- 19-------- Y � City of St. Paul, Minn. • RVA • Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and surfacl-ng alley bounded by Chamber — English — Hoyt — Idaho -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - -St. Ave. from --------- - - - - -- --------------------------------- - - -St. Ave. to---------------------- - - - - -- ---- - - -St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION t"' r3 y I'/— -- � epk�l zi�2mz 0 /c3 ao 9 I I I 6M 6 -66 2 1► HEARING ON FINAL ORDER CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 May 27, 1960 City Clerk' . 386 Court House St. Paul 2. Minn. In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material, also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes, in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Overbrook, Addition, from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. under Preliminary Order 195709, approved February 5, 1960 under Preliminary Order 195710, approved February 5, 1960 You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement. The total estimated cost is $4,089.75 or $3.37 per assessable foot. A public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, on June 14, 1960 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. For construction information call at Room 234, Court House-or phone CA. 4 -4612, Extension 430. For assessment information call at Room 113, Court House or phone CA. 4 -4612, Extension 346. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE File 14804 & 14803, Page 4 The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance. w ��r � �J r - � n• OOM M.SHEPARD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator Capital of Minnesota DEPAR2NM OF PUBItC WMW AW.IA8 P• WIff=,, Commissioner CLIFTON G• HOIMGRIIJ, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House Mr. Eltor Dehn Valuation Engineer Bureau of Valuations B U I L D I N G Dear Sir: May 16th, 1960 Re: Alley Block 2, OverbrookBlock 2, Overbrook As you remember, alley in Block 2, Overbrook, was up for a hearing as to the advisability of grading and surfacing, on Tuesday, May 10th, 1960. At that time one of the property owners spoke against the improvement and another requested that we only grade it part way. At that time the Council instructed this office to make a study as to the advisability of constructing the alley with a turn - around. EU I V, AVERT Chief Engineer However, a new petition has been received by this office signed by a substantial number of property owners. These signers are scattered over most of the length of the alley, making a turn - around rather impractical. Will you, therefore, re- schedule a hearing on the above alley at your eatliest possible convenience, and oblige. Yours very truly Grege Beckett Engineer- Lands and Right -of -Way GB- REH CC- Commissioner Winkel Chief Engr. Avery •1 ' C 14" Y h t� 4 • ` 4 �4 7 LAKE PHA L E N. r i rT ,r 4 EAq 5 DULUTH ST r `I a rs, n l A TI-AIVriC ST. y C • r C/`�A"MBER ;., �'�` .Y ~r � fir•: L:. :ijLt !1,.. Af, I �Ipi 04.- e�