197566.q Council File No. 197566— In the Matter of constructing a public sanitary sewer. from Burns Avenue to Trunk Highway No. 12 in an easement (to be obtained) for sewer purposes, the center line of said ease- ment being the east line of the West ;� of the SW% of Sec. 35, T -29, R -22; in Trunk Highway Igo. 12 from the FINAL ORDER ,Lxj In the Matter of Consti'uctin� a'pub3ic sanitary sewer.,.frQ~n-.Burns Avenue t'run Ri;haa 110w�2 # ari easeclrat' (to Ile obtained) for- sewer purpos °s; the. center 1i:xx 9 °— ssi(l easefrent kie3Yl�g'' the cast lixze of the West 1/ 2 df their SW 1/4 of Sec. 35,, T-'29r R, =22; in ' rizlk 1� HJ_9Iiway. loo: 1 foie_ they above l-enti�on'&4' basement; (to ,be obta�n.ed),�to tYt� enter' ?ne , -- nf='°Vdh,`D k ,.Sire t pro4uceds,southerl-,�'of ;01a.`Hudo la-1-; tiri_ 4-,eaqi�rric;i °.x - �_ '' w o. _12 tb Old IiudSdit'R' ad, t le ob:haiiie.d) for sewer purposes frotT3uh�C�??,1?'y:. -I� ,� . y cent6f -line of said easement being the center°lirie of Van Dyke Street produced southerly of Old Hudson Road; in Old Hudson Road from Van Dyke Street to White B ,3ar Avenue and in White Bear Avenue from Old Hudson Road to E. Third Street. under Prelimifiar Order.. - -- - - -.•- 196843- .-- - -__ -- p A_ �, ?� ' Also construct ng a storm water sewer iii aid ffi� nt- -(to 7 •o , neod.=)Yfrom Tr- vnk ....... ZAVV4K-WMiL19y C19140.. old Hudson Road, the cent �lr . l� of said easement (to be obtained) Ise . tr 'et " r di- -ed southerly of Old .. being �qq. l.e 'iijR f�c��nbee�g p�„ i���•tY',vc n ro t ,�e{� any r. n �1sI ` C tncil &4fIPR IiRR�yu� eQsl�dii � Qoti IlftirQ col E'� a i �'e a . ' b tliez e o &ndr�lav�inn fully aco sidered ?;�enh:�Y��'i i°hl Oil. Hudson Roaoonway Itt O�aV I?, gg� the i -nineil of +I? � rit of St x,11 #t t �� ,..,� - h.��.;r,, 'I Said easeme;it (to Be obtained) for sewer pi rpose l et�een Burns Ave31tue' eYid4 Trilnlc� '�V i iijayi7 Flo ; ;� 2.rb�i+..g �4p st�ijj q� 1 and 30 ft . in width, the center line of said ,, * : . f 4\ easement being the east line of tie West 1�2 of the SW 1�4 of Sec. 35, T -29, R422: r d.. Also.said-e.asemnt .(tQ -be obtained) for sewer purposes between, Trunk Highway, -No. 12 and• Old `,iiudsoil Road,. beizig� a . &fi ip of iaiid 30'� t:. iia. widtYl;` -the ee ter` ] iie ",,of said a� = 1 ea'taeent being..tYie ,:center` l�:;ze; of iFan Dyke. atreet, prgduCec - �ouEthex�ly. Qf'0]d - iiudson Road - ,air- of �ihich%is-' to;b.Q; Qim :�} ;:Che._WHITE rBEA �,AVENUE.;OT.D HUD 11OAD ,Sh - SYSTEY1 i. C} r, +,. � wyt t�f,` u.'ti .:.T' �,3' t. �+.r':ti - "(.. r�M..y •� 1 —i2ji =� .',ys .1.:._ .0 LL,:ti .-. -r _ - tfiu cf:rlter cJnd or sa�c� easement tieing the center line of Van Dyke Streetrluced,, #+'' southerly of Old Hudson toad; in Old Hudson Road from Van Dyke Street to bite $w Avenue anc in ite Bear Avenue from Old Hudson Road to E. Third Street. and the Council'hcrely orders said improvement to he made. Al �n5t �e ��' �Fr��t � 'e i�P i"h"T�e �,� >� �lc( pvr c� I'o�bM&.edl nisi RN; � ir;I;�rluked and f } r r c n n in ,� .R diw 1IVY �1b�Pa12 drbi n I S `'R his t �� �'l iii `�jP �'� �u�si5'.�1�� 'it 9 o ii tr�linerd ) a iri l �d s ^��i 2�ds ls� �t i�r�Lc3' teirr �$'�ero I�if ' � ie reae 1;' b�.t�c Z oOU Yiez 3 e�p �0 od pro - celii�d�b��i1 �b' sc�; al�ii��Or�ls $�i�s'$�iPRbai�i��d� $�i�'rD��ee i"gS`ji`tlo White Bear Avenue, and in White ptairb3 pniouncim Ol%i ti slonR�o�ad to Conway Street. r ` Said easement to be obtained for sewer } e �•j ! ( ) Pupoe,,Il tw e. BtirnS Avenues di Trunle, y �. �,.` . �I -/. ♦ . ..S�.F .. .... , Highway No. 12, being aUatrip of -land 30 ft. in Zdtl-1, the center line oCkita�kk R� k 2 �•, easement being the east Rne of the West 1/2 of tile- SW 1/4 of Sec. 35, T-'29, R -22, Approved_ . / Also said easement (to be obtained) for sewer pu4ry and Old Hudson Road, being a strip of land 30.-ft., F� seW being the center line of Van Dyke Street Ro�driztrin�l3nofjLVh• yis to be known as the WHITE, f Councilman HOAR QD_ --a Councilman Councilman a�TER�ON / ,�,,,•� Councilman Councilman sl �- Mayor ,�pu 4 2.55 2M 2 i�b *weeli Tr, #C Highway No. 12 ri'.th' -'(V .ce ter..1•ine of said duced southerly of Old - Hudson AVENUE -OLD HUDSON R(xD SEWER SYSTEM ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) FINANCE In the matter of Construct a public sanitary sewer from Burns Avenue to Trunk Highway No. 19'4& . easement (to be obtained) for sewer purposes, the center line of said easement being the east line of the West 1/2 of SW4 of Sec. 35, T -291 R -22; in Trunk Highway No. 12 from the above mention ed easement (to be obtained) to the center line of Van Dyke Street produced southerly of Old Hud- son Road; in an easement (to be obtained) for sewer purposes from Trunk Highway No. 12 to Old Hud- son Road the center line of said easement being the center line of Van Dyke Street produced southerly of Old Hudson Road; in Old Hudson Road from Van Dyke Street to White Bear Avenue and it White Bear Avenue from Old Hudson Road to E. Third Street. Also construct a storm water sewer in an easement (to be obtained) from Trunk Highway No. 12 to Old Hudson Road, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being described as the center line of Van Dyke Street produced southerly of Old Hudson Road; in Old Hudson Road from Van Dyke Street to White Bear Avenue, and in White Bear Avenue from Old Hudson Road to Conway St. Said easement (to be obtained) for sewer purposes between Burns Avenue and Trunk Highway No. 12, bean@ a strip of land 30 ft. in width, the center line of said easement being the east line of the West 1/2 of the S►e4 of Sec. 35, T -293 R -22. Also said easement (to be obtained for sewer purposes between Trunk Highway No. 12 and Old Hudson Road being a strip of land 30 ft. in width, the center line of said easement ETC. under 'Preliminary Order approved April 26, 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 115,703.5o front The estimated assessment pei/foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 7.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION I LAND BLDG. IISubject to sewer easement; except II ins Ave. and White Bear Ave. and I I I I� cept east 1070 feet and except par of1sout II 11530 feet, west of east 1517.7 feet o so th- est W. part of said southwest 1 sou h o Sta 22 I 1,770 $ Wrunk Highway 12 -108 in SECTION 359 T. 29, R. - - -- Except White Bear Ave.; That part uth of Hudson Road and north of S4te u g way -10 o the west 2 0 t !�Outhwe.' 5t 4 of I do 9,400 472150 o vacate alley adjoining an of north 10 ft. for Third St.; s I thru BundeTs Park Addition to St. 130 I 4 I Paul II 12,175 294000 II I 1 I 1 lGodes and Licha Addition lI 450 4,550 2 I 1 I do 400 5.000 II 3 I 1 I do 400 4.1250. Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 . CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II f DESCRIPTION I LOT I BLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. I! I 4 I 1 k Godes and Licha Addition 11$ 400 $ 4,900 5 I l k do II 400 4,250 Ik 11 I 2 I do II 400 4, 850 �I k 2 I 2I do kk 400 4,550 II k 3 2 I do II 400 4,000 II k 4 l 2 k do n 400 4.9000 5 I 2 I do 400 4.,550_ II I 1 3 I do 400 4.,800_ II I 2 I 3I do I! 400 4,400 II 3 I 3 I do I� 400 4.9550 4 I 3 I do 400 405o II 15 3 I do II 400 5000 j 1, 2 and 13 I 41 do II 425 - - - -- � 146 feet of south 67.37 ft. of I 6 I 4 Hudson Road Gardens II 300 5,400 i st 146 feet except north 107 fee t; ; rot 7 also except north 100 feet an I I II !except west 40,2 feet; lot 4. excepts West 40.2 feet„ lot 5 and except sough I I II ,. 7.37 feet; the west 146 feet of k 6 I 4 I do 375 - - - -- (test uth 7 feet of north 107 feet of 146 ft. and south 50 feet of rorth 100 feet of 17 I 4 I do II 325 4,450 i6rth 50 feet of k 7 I 4 I do Ik 300 5,450 II k 8 k 4 I do kk 700 3050 16outh 55 feet of 9 k 4 I do 320 - - - -- ikxcept south 55 feet; k 9 k 4 I do 380 1,800 110 k 4 I do kl 750 k; 1kxcept west 100 feet; k 4 k 5 I 5 5 I do I do kk 275 1, 900 Ik 250 - - - -- ii k ( TOTAL k FORM G.S.fl .DD . -O 8 I, r • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCK I ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. ILst 100 feet of 15 1 5 IHixdson Road Gardens 16 300 - - --- !!South 50 feet of 1 6 1 5 1 do 11 300 5.,750_ IP.xcept nbr ee an excep sou 0 feet; 6 1 51 do I 300 4,600 i Forth 0 feet o o a except north 88 feet; 1 7 1 51 do 300 5,800 (North 88 feet of 1 7 1 5 1 do II 525 2,900 11 18151. do 725 750 ,The [Except north 10 feet or Th3xa west 4 feet of lot 9 and except Bor ee ; o a except orth 150 feet of west 59.69 feet; 10 110 are s, as rn I Heights 700 - - - -- 1pubject to 3rd Street; the north 11150 feet of Lot 11 and north 150 feet I�of west 59.69 feet o 10 1 10 ! do 1 750 9,700 I! I I I 11 II I I II II I I I II II. I I I II I I II I,I I I I 11 11 1 TOTAL 37,695 $ 462,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--759-w" l 96 p X 2 _ �GI Comm' ommissioner of Finance. � Form B.B. 12 1M 8-58 8 r OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE April 28th To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: 190 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 196843 approved April 26th ' 1960 , relative SIM� �td�u� . ;: q eves t 1 getesl the ".:otters and things rste'rre o rrc ereb �'� >tis ,, lid i� �. 01.d, s .ids tom, con Upe of Ovid eras t, , (to be 4 ` d) �W4 7iW 'f�,t€i r 1l.+at< � ► x� + e r3 ? 5 it 11 ral? l e . tt 'f0 �44f�Y,'i�4'�x.4,��+Ai '�ti:c� 3ie�+a cost pro to COMMA' :fit t. See a per tsct�ect theeeof is $ and the,nature and extent of sold Improve�iment 34ne of gold, 04i tl lba a ORW nt* ot", . wise W -2 -of, tho .. V4• * Iii ; N6.12 #rA ,lids afnowl 4a0her-l7-tsor M �� A Vtaeba !Not* be� fib* " tar Uno of V.4.1t-- *,, Otpa �� pr�Zaed 'boon Poo. �-' ilr1 brrY, der 5.--a—aid improvement is asked for upon petition of three or ow rs roperty, subject to assessment for sa'd vement. WfiVE0 _. ,ommi stoner fnblic orks APR 29 1960 N DEn, O Comm ss i one" o Pu , i W .r- S FINANCE w� GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator T t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House April 28, 1960 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Si r: EUGENE V. AVERY Chief Engineer 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for con- struction of the WHITE BEAR AVE. -OLD HUDSON ROAD SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order C. F. 196843, approved April 26, 1960. Estimated Total Cost $115,703.50 Engineering & Inspection 10,518.50 Assessments 29,400.00 City's Share 31 E -1 86,303.50 _ Cost per front foot 7.00 Frontage 4200 ft. Yours very truly, Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance / � L drian . Winkel Commissioner of P 'N 6IN FI C I P 0