197565i Council File No. 197565— _ In the matter of Improving the NORTHERN ROUTE by surfacing the present crushed rock base with asphal- ------------- -------- tic concrete from Snelling Avenue to 550 feet east of Snelling Avenue, by paving with concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing from 550 feet east of ----------------------------- Snelling Avenue to Grotto Street; grad- ing and paving street, alley and drive - FINAL O way returns; constructing new curb and sidewalk where necessary; con- structing new sewers, water mains and gas main where necessary; constructing In the Matter of t Improving the JN01t,EWT ftdUJtp,�by`suj�-f-aPing -the- p`resent,,- crushed -row" ass ww ht ,, asphaltic concrete froth 8 nelling Avenue to 550 feet east of Snelling AYenua; by paving i4th_concrete, base and asti lal is eoncret4'; izr cing -from 550 feet r, +�. ea> t� off. Snelling •AVenue.; to .('xro tQ,,; treet ;:r' ad3rig- and;:P g` root, s. av3ri stn • grim. s rivewa�r r atiAs ;' conetruetirig'neW: curb and - sidewalk where necessary; constructing new severs, water .mains and ga.$ main where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property Linea where neee'ssary; extending existing sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary in order to conform to the widened street and roadbed; ,grading and improving boulevard greas; constructing new ornamental .lighting and traffic unc,-ozitxolnsya.tefisi with. n�- eds ry- .conduits ga d ,aq�purtenan��> f — onetrueti.ng-the.-. --.- paving, curbing afid sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity ante tl ifssic�?li 4provement -and - doing all othq_'1_')Ita8Ykdwhich -.is -- necessary and incide#}tal... t& iYazlr ©ez sidl,i ip o3er n$�d upon the a #iove improvement upon Clue zi,,Hve, at:d the Council _haying heard all persona, objeeiions and recomraez�dations reLative thereto, and having fu!ly considered ! the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Improve. the 110rit ikM RM:i tiy, su�ipg the present crushed'rock base with asphaltic concrete from Snellirig- Avenue.' to 550 feet east - -of Snelling Avenue; by .p4 vinp; with ebn0re to baser a d; a$plZa tic crete. sun - Pacing frtlznr 5S9 feet t. of SzielZing �ivenuoo Cirotto'4txeet;; grad,tlg' and paving street, alley and driveway returns; "constructing new curb and sidewalk wbcre necessary; constructing new sewers, water mains and gas main where necessary; constructing. sewer, water and gas service Connections from street mains tv the property lines where necessaiy ;. extending existing sewer., grater and gas .service connections awYlcl�n?' sy^ no 'o'zrde�at'ifoi�oriii��Ot�tFr`e Widgned street and roadbed, ci r radi andR�r"rS'�z � ]l %a i d and' anetir �� , 4Ct3rftrQloe�'$te]iis � and specificationy for said improvement, and submit sage to the Council for p .1.1 pv "" rypc.g iduii s an a Wtgpance c gist �7�},i,7�� the - approval; that I on 8, , ► �.a t t i� . r :llu 9i sir coy �itlr�'.,gph llz iaaZl�-' I i t0 pro- . ceP&V%�' �tEcur,;z�t'.igs�a id.s g t ,k e$Rlzt �� I� � gi �i�i rest�Z�g,eta wher4 not in. oon oxzni y with said Iriproverzen and to ng a ]. other work which is necessary and incidental ` - ; - - - -- - - - -- - dity Clerk. Approved - - - -= JUN 14 1960 } File14833 •-------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - -- Councilman De-COURCY �`� Mayor. Councilman-, HOLLAND Councilman /��, Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROB ouncilman '`J / 4 -2 -re d'- � •% Z � �� i �.. ����Iu� or 1, 2.55 2M 2 °O!W (A) a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER FINANCE 1 In the matter of Improving the Northern Route By surfacing the present crushed rock base with asphaltic concrete from Snelling Avenue to 550 feet east of Snelling Ave; by paving with con- crete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing from 550 feet east of Snelling Avenue to Grotto Street; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; constructing new curb and side- walk where necessary; constructing new sewers, water mains and gas main-:where necessary; con- structing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; extending existing sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary in order to conform to the widened street and road bed; grading and improving boulevard areas; constructing new ornamental lighting and traffic control systems with necessary conduits and appurtenances; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: �gD October 279 1959 19�� The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $1170, 860.00 City's Share (M.S.A. Funds) $416,823.00 Assessment $54,037.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $See P W. Letter The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LANDVALUATIONBLDG. Y � t Brawn s Subdivision of Lots One 3 I I and Four, Block Three, College 11$ 500 $ - - -- II I I I Place, East Division II IlI 1 I 1 College Place, East Division II 1,000 -- -- 11Subj to Northern Route; I 2 I 1 I do II 19150 --- -- II do 1 14 I 1 I do 1,225 - - -- part taken for orthern IlExcept Route; I 1 12 I do 1050 10,750 Subj to Northern Route; Nortfi feet of I 2 12 I do II 300 - --- of vacated asc o n (lEast ing & subj to Northern Route; 1 2 13 I do lI 2,100 1,000 11West a of vacated Pascal St. adjoin I I ing & subl to Northern Route 1 do 600 -- -- Subj to No rthern Route & subj to re -} iitaining wall easement I 14 4 do 750 I! Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -58 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) i IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. IlLots 1 thru 1 4 1 5 1 College Place, East Division 11$28 ..200 $23 ..000) Lots 8 tbru 1 14 1 5-1 do 11 ) IAs u y Ave. vaca weep oc s I S I 6 I do II ) IlLots 1 tbru 1 7 161 do 11 ) IlExcept Snelling Ave; Lots 8 tbru 114 16 1 do II ) iiSubj to esmt; & except West 0 feet the North 43.7 feet of 1 1 1 121 do 625 2600 iiWith easement; West 50 feet of 1 1 112 1 do 600 3,550 II I 2 121 do 23,850 - - -- II I I I'AII I Como Park Addition 11 25 - - -- I;West 10 feet of Lot 17 and all of I 161 1 1 Gilbert's Addition 1I 525 4,500 Iwest 10 feet of Lot 19 & except Wes I10 ft; Lot 17 & all of • 1 181 1 1 do 800 4,750 i1Except East 20 feet; Lot 20 & ex- cept West 10 feet; 19 1 do 500 42750 16ast 20 feet of Lot 20; and all of 1 211 1 1 do 1 600 4,850 IlWest 10 feet of Lot23 & all of 1 221 1 do II 500 4,800 11Except as feet; Lot 24., and ex cept West 10 feet; 1 23 1 do 600 2650 (East 10 feet of Lot 24 & all of 1 251 1 1 do I1 500 4,750 Lest 10 feet of Lot 27; & all of 1 261 1 1 do 500 4;750 11Except es t 10 feet; Lot 27 an es 20 feet of 1 281 1 1 do 500 4,500 pExcept West feet; Lot 28 & su a !Ito Lexington Ave.; 1 291 1 1 do 11 750 4 ►750 Lots 3 and 14 I 2 1 do ll 500 -- -- IlLots 5 and 1 6 12 l do II 500 5,800 iiLots 28 & I 291 2 I doc'_.) 800 ---- 11 1 3012 I do 400 3 .,550 11 13 I 2 1 Hersey Woolsey Addition II 175 ---- pots 10, 11 and 1 121 2 1 do II 525 200 1East 75 feet of I 5 i 3 I do II 150 `- -` 1 TOTAL II FORM 0.3.11 NOD 3-99 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) I' IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION (Lots 1 thru 4 and, except East 5 131 Hersey Woolsey Addition 11f 725 $ 93,900 11 113 1 3 1 do 11 400 - - -- 11 1 1141 do 11 375 - - -- 11 1 21 4 1 do 11 350 - - -- 11 131 4 1 do 11 350 - - -- 11 1 4 1 4 1 do 350 2,300 5 1 4 1 do 350 2,950 11 1 6 1 4 1 do 350 -- -- 1 714 do 11 350 - - -- 11 8 1 4 1 do 11 350 1, 700 II 1 91, 4 1 do 350 - - -- II 110 1 4 1 do 11 350 1,650 11 1 11 1 4 1 do II 350 2,200 11 11214 1 do 11 350 2,450 II 113 1 4 1 do 11 350 2,650 II 114 1 4 1 do 11 350 1,250 1 151 4 1 do 400 2,450 I�Except alley and except part NEly o Ia line from a pt. on E line of Blk 5 1 1 ,Iblk. � ft. S of the NE corner of sd. to a pt. on N line of sd Blk 1 1 1 11 P i. W o sd. NE corner s 1, 2 and 1 3 1 5 1 do Il 00 ---- 1 hose pars of Lots 1 to , Blk , o St. Paul, Minn., bounded b the tllaqing4escribed rse Woo sey Addition 11 itnes: Comm. at the NE corner of sd. e E line of sd. Lot 1, a distance Lot bf 95.58 1; t ence S on rt. to a point; 1n a nor westerly rection on n the N line of sd. Lot 7 distant 258.25 P st aigh ft.1W line to a pt. of the afore - 1 vai Pt. o eg ni.ng as measured al enue, th. E on the sd. S line of T�ylo ng he S Ave line of Taylor to the pt. of 11 fego,, of sd. property being situ aint Paul, County of Ramsey, State ted Of Wn. in t e Cit y of I do 11 Valuation Not Available Dj 0 vorthern Route & alley; the ol: Lot 4 & E 30 ft. of 1 5 5 1 do 11 37 - -- 1 TOTAL 11 FOAM 7.9.11 .00 7 -84 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED i S ubj to Northern Route & alley; e fol: Lot 6 and West 10 feet of I 5 15 I Hersey - Woolsey Addition 11$ 350 $ ilExcept a31ey3 l 7 l 5 I do II 300 21700 II 18151 do II 300 __..- II I 9 15 I do II 300 1,350 I� 110 15 I do II 300 12600 I� 111 I 5 I do 300 1.1900 II 112 I 5 I do 300 -- -- II 113 I 5 I do 300 .,.. -_ . II I14I5I do II 300 ,_ -- �I Ii5l 5 I do II 350 20600 II I 1 I I Kalman's Division No. 4, Addi- 25 - - -r II I 2 I I tion to St. Paul, Minn. II 25 - - -- II I 3 I I do II 25 MM 4 I do II 25 __ -- II 151 I do II 50 II 161 I do II 50 _ -_- II I 7 I do 50 II I 8 I I do 50 - - -- 191 I do II 50 __ -- II I10 I I do II 75 ---- l u l I do II 75 II 12 I I do 75 II 13 I I do 100 i!Except Lexington Pkwy.; I 14 I I do II 100 - --- !!3 10 ft of W13. ft. ofS .3 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 2, College Place 1 I IJ. S. Monroe's Subdivision of II East i sion, and all of I 1 t 3. Bloch 2, Cillege Place st Division II 375 13900 TOTAL II FORM o.9.11 500 348 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. 1 1 8 I I W.S. Monroe's Subdivision of 11$ 425 $ 2,100 1I I 9 I I Lot , Blk. 2., College Place East Division 425 ---- II I 1 I I Pease Bros.' Rearrangement of II 150 - - -- Il I 2 IBlock I One, Hersey - Woolsey Addi -II tion to the City of St. Paul 150 -350 lI I 3 I I do II 150 - --- 4 I I do 175 - - -- 1 - 1 Suh I I do 300 ---- 11Except S 90 feet of Lot 13, & subj. to Northern Route & ex. S 90 ft.; 1 14 1 1 do 250 -- -_ ii 1 20 1 1 do 11 150 1,150 Lot 21 & the West 12.50 feet of 1 22 I 3 I Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangementll 375 --- IlEast 17.0 feet of Lot 22 and West feet of 1 23 I 3 I of Block , an or one-haix of Block 2, Winter's - Addition 325 2,600 IlEast 7.80 ft. of Lot 23, all of Lot 24 & West 1.80 feet of 1 25 3 to St. Paul., nneso do 325 --�- 1!Subj. to Hubbard Ave., & Pc. East 60 feet; the S 2 of 1 1 1 I Rose Walsh Addition Il 350 5;150 liSubj to Hubbard Ave.; the East feet of the South j of 1 1 I I do II 400 2,550 il 1 6 I 1 do 11 1 400 2,050 11East feet o o a es 11.40 feet of 1 26 3 do 325 2200 IEast 1 0 feet of Lot 2 and West feet of 1 27 1 3 ( do 300 1,600 IlEast 9 feet of Lot 27 and all of 1281 3 I do � 750 2,600) 29 I 3 I do 11 ) Il - 130 1 3 1 do 11 ) l 131 13 I do 11 450 1,150) ll 32 I 3 1 do ) lI 133 I 3 I do 225 1,200 11 1 34 I 3 I do II 350 .950) 11West 18.60 feet of 35 1 3 I do II ) lEast 11.0 feet of Lot 35 all of 136 1 3 I do 11 300 50 1 1 TOTAL 11 FORM 7.9.11 X00 7 -N 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. !I 1 37 1 3 l Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangementll$ 225 $ 23150 i! 1 381 3 of oc and florth one - 1 of Block 21, Winter's Addition1, 11 225 11,650 i ! 39 1 3 Fauiq Minnesota— 1 do 1i 225 11,500 l! 1 40 i 3 1 do ll 225 11,300 ll l 1 1 1 etzel's Subdivision of Lot 41, ll 575 41,250 2 113lock . 0 o ege as ace Division Addition to St. Paul 525 43,150 11 ! 3 ! ! do 525 43150 1! l 41 l do 525 4,]:50 !I l 51 l do ll 600 4,150 iiSouth z of ! 1 1 2 1 Winter's Addition to St. Paul 11 200 11,550 !!North 2 of 1 1 1 2 1 do 175 11,450 II ! 212 1 do 11 350 11,400 it l 3 1 2 1 do 11 350 1,450 4,121 do 11 350 1,550 !I l 5 l 2 l do 11 350 11,900 6l 2 l do 1l 350 11,650 l! l 7 l 2 1 do 350 29200 II l 8 1 2 1 do 350 1, 950 ! 9 1 2 1 do ll 350 11,650 II 1 10 l 2 l do I! 350 700 Il l 11 l 2 1 do, 1l 350 1, 450 ll l 12 1 2 1 do 350 11,900 11 l 13 1 2 1 do 350 11,550 !I 1 14 1 2 1 do ll 350 11,800 !! l 15 1 2 l do 11 375 3,100 l 1 l 5 1 do ll 375 43650 Il I TOTAL TORN 10.5.11 .00 7 -18 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) FORM 8.9.11 90 3-9* 8 i" ' t DESCRIPTION I LOT ISLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED 1l I 2 1 5 I Winter's Addition to St. Paul III 360 $ 1,800 3151 do I1 275 - - -- II 1 4151 do 11 275 1,650 II 1 5151 do II 300 -- -- IlLots 7 and 16 15 1 do 11 600 2,150 iiLots 82 9 and 1 10 1 5 1 do 900 - - -- II 1111 5 1 do 300 - - -- 11 112 1 5 1 do 300 - - -- ►I 113151 do 11 300 _--_ II 1141 5 1 do 11 300 -- II 115 1 5 1 do 275 - - -- i1Except West 1 feet; Lot 2, and all of 1 1 1 6 1 do I1 600 4j,200 (West 16.4 feet of Lot 2 and all of � 1 3 1 6 1 do I1 500 2;050 1i 1 4 1 6 I do 11 350 2j950 11 I 5 6 1 do II 800 2,35o) 16ast 10 feet of Lot 7 and all of I 6 16 1 do II ) llExcept Easterly 10 feet; 1 7 -1 6 1 do 250 - --- ll 1 816 1 do 700 2, 700 ) 1 9 1 6 1 do II ) 1 I 10 1 6 1 do II 350 1 .,400 l Subj to Northern Route; Lots 1 , 179 land 118 1 6 1 do 1I 725 - --- 11 119 1 6 do 250 - - -- 11 120 1 6 1 do 250 - - -- 11 12116 1 do 11 250 - - -- 11 111101 do II 50 __ -- 1I 1 2 110 1 do I 50 --_- 1 1 TOTAL FORM 8.9.11 90 3-9* 8 i" ' t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATION LAND BLDG. II 1 3 1 101 Winter's Addition to St. Paul 11 50 $ ---_ !! 141101 do II 50 -- II 151101 do 11 50 1I 1 6 1101 do II 50 -- -- II 171101 do II 50 -- -- �I 1 8 1 101 do 50 - - -- ,I 1 9 1 101 do 50 IiSubj to Northern Route; 110 1 10 do 50 - --- 11 do 13-1 1 101 do 1I 250 ---- 11 do 112 101 do 11 250 -- -- II do 113 1 101 do 225 - - -- II do 114 1 10 1 do 11 150 -- -- I lSubj to Northern Route; Easterly ,3 feet of Milton St. vac. adj. & 115 10 I I do 125 IlSubj to Northern Route; of vac. Hubbard Ave. adj. & fol: subj to I I I II Pton St. over East 21 feet; Lot and all of Lots 19 thru 1 241 11 1 do 2,85o 50,400 11subj to Northern Route; Lots 25,26 � 27 1 11 1 do 11 1,400 - --- 1 f Lots 2 thru 3 , Blk 11, ex. 280299300193 933 & 342 Blk he t. ol: �ou= hose pts. by the I.Ifol, desc, lines: comm. at the SW c*nerlof sd. addition; th N on the E line of hat L+ wor•t� t 32 in St. a �ight istance of 1 3.23 ft. to a pt.; t of 1220 14130" on a straight at ne 4n an�le o a to the t, on the idne o Hubbard Ave.; th, W on the t of beg. acc. in sd. 1 N lie 1 11 to the do I 700 - - -- 11Subj to Northern Route & widened 1 I I II 1 ; e 2 o vac. Ave. accruing & pt. NEly of SWly line of sd. Iroute, of o s 21 thru 130 1 12 1 do 925 - - -- 11Subj to Northern Route St. & Esmts•I I I II also ex. sd. Lots 1 !Pots , hru 5 & Ex. Lots 13 thru 18, pt. FW17 o sd, routes o 1 32 I do InI 5,9575 81,400 il - 1 TOTAL II room 7.0.11 .00 a•q 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATION LAND BLDG. IiSubj to Milton St.; the N1, of vac. I I 1 Winter's Addition to St. Paul 11$3.1,9825 $ -� -- NEnglewood Ave. adj. & fol: Lots 1 �ithru 6 & Ex. S 15.75 ft -; vac. Englelwoodl Ave.I II adj. & fol: Lots 7 thru 10, also su j. t No thern Route & Milton St.• Lots 21 thru 30 all ii i B1k�13 also S2 1, Ilof vac. Englewood Ave. adj. & fol: I�Ots th�ru 29 & ,subj to Milton St.; 130 141 II 1 to Northern Route; the fol: E I I I II ft. of Lot 3 & all of Lots 1 i1 and 1 2 1 181 do 875 ...._,. iiSubj I I to Northern Route; Ex E 15 ft.;l Lot of II 1 41181 do 675 2,650 11 1 5 1 18 1 do Il 425 3.9300 6 118 1 do 11 425 1,450 to Northern Houtej o !!Xubj all of 1 7 1 18 1 do 450 750 II I 8 1181 do 11 425 2100 Il 191181 do 11 425 4,400 II 110 1 18 1 do it 425 4Y450 ith Esmt. to Oxford St.; the E 10 t of Lot 12 & all of 111 1 18 1 do II 50 2 i 950 1pubj to esmt.; the a of Lot 13 & 112 1 1 !Ex. E 10 feet. • 18 do 11 550 5-i250 to esmt.; the W2 of Lot 13 & 11Subj !Ex, West 10 feet.; 114 1 18 1 do 550 59250 bjto esmt.; the W 10 feet of Lot m all of 115 1 18 1 do 550 300 Ii5 50 feet of Lots 16, 17 & 118 1 18 1 do 11 No Valuation il1 221 18 1 do II No Valuation Except es fee E-;- 2 and an of 1 1 1 19 1 do I1 650 4.050 ast 17.8 feet of and West X32.2 feet of 1 2 1 19 1 do 625 4 000 Icept East .; Lot 3 and ex. 11.4 feet; 1 1 I est 4 19 do 625 4050 o a East 3 . Ies , eet of 15 19 I do II 62 4000 . of , Except East 38,6 l !'tj Lot 5 and all of 16 1 19 I do II 625 4 750 ft.; Lot 7&a3-1 of I 8 19 I do II 62 4_,250 II TOTAL II I03M 0.3.11 No 7•59 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIO 11Subj to Griggs & Hewitt; I "A "I (Registered Land Survey No. 98 III 1,900 $ ilSubj to Griggs Ave.; I IICIII I do II 5,950 ---- II I "D" I I do II 4,675 IlSubj to Hewitt & Lexington Ave.; I "E't I do II 10,825 I of W2 of SW4, bet. Kalman's I I I II Division A. e Blocks "A" of Como Park Add., in Sec. 26-29 -2� I SEC. 26, T. 29, R.,23 17,000 -- -� ,11& iiSubj to Northern Route; Except Ave- nue and btreet; kart or o F e wood Ave., of SE of SE4 of S4 of I I do ec. _ - I I I II 8,500 ---- �I �! I I I• � II I I I II I. I I I II II I I II II . I I I II II I I I II I I .II II I I I 11 hI I TOTAL 16170.,725 $433, 4o0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,p Date eZ, Commissioner of Finance. ✓� Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -58 °�8 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE March 14th To the Commissioner of finance of the City of Saint Paul: >y r,; 3 19--6—O The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre liminary order of the Council, known as Council File- No. 194464 ," _ approved October 27th , 1gi9 , relative to IubLOA.91l6U ,F Gr 7 tJ G' rti: Pcl:`� I�f'.,1 i,y" 5i.'� fps^ � g �i�'� �►t" *i'�y crt ",4 K' Pr!'t° FC��f^ :xiLl� -- "9o.I•cr3� l.lC:P�Iss1.f�A9 Kc {VIS14,11z. Vr, (z,pnvv ASpPq ,.Ep�clgrutg`.l.f�p:-c6u;b :1crb 2.0 by � A9�K r; °��l fl?s,�'f' saasc ;ti,eJa i�6ls arr gr.s ug$,:a °ut�oU o w.l: �l�,rnl ��;.2 Iz� fwbtoA;- eiubulpi gpEe ig�A- cougUl z eu9*g §bgi:.;PMPYcg2' 4tCCOt_►24s_ncfipa TN6 :bbnlu8; ~rtnLp-fugreui ;21'gs_ r9L,4.9 x :jf;.l�l.aN l.ue7 suq: 9 �1c con�cot� 4 i gsyci9,Iz rla9P e(�q?LpSgp6q !o4eq:u3i auq;3 ruby on:I u3cpond_ J .. sx sugl• ua;�sx_i;2iu8{- 2t�s�.rt�g�g ;i�q dg2w�srnlcs- couusc�ourtir�p�r ,�ussazstk}e�,; and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. V 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 470,860.00 , and the total cost (See Letter Attached) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. GO 7DEPT. TADR ill RKam'!Commi loner 1960 Lf C:E �, • GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House March 14, 1960 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: EUGENE V..AVERY Chief Engineer I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving the NORTHERN ROUTE by surfacing the present crushed rock base with asphaltic concrete from Snelling Ave. to 550 feet east of Snelling Ave.; by paving with concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing from 550 feet east of Snelling Ave. to Grotto Street; grading and paving street, alley and drive- way returns; constructing new curb and sidewalk where necessary; constructing new sewers, water mains and gas mains where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property line where necessary; extending existing sewer, water and gas service connections in order to conform to the widened street and roadbed; grading and improving boulevard areas; constructing new ornamental lighting and traffic control systems with necessary conduits and appurtenances; reconstructing the pav- ing, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conform- ity with said improvement and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 194464, approved October 27, 1959, at an estimated total cost of $503,500.00 for paving, curbing and lighting, distributed as per the following schedule: Estimated Paving Cost $419,161.05 Engineering & Inspection 50,298.95 Water Dept. Changes 1,400.00 Total Estimated Cost (Paving & Curbing Work) $470,860.00 Estimated Property Assessment (Paving & Curbing) 54 03 :00 City's Share of Cost (M.S.A. Funds) $416,823-00 Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following it assessment rates per front foot: Rigid Paving (Commercial Industrial - 4163 lin.ft. (Residential - 1930 Jj, Flexible Paving - Commercial & Industrial -1475 lin.ft. /Y/ Y' A 0$7.50 — $31,22250 0$3.00 — $ 5,790.00 Y 0$5.50 = $ 8,112.5 4� Com.-Winkel - Page 2 - March 14, 1960 Concrete (Commercial & Industrial - 4163 lin.ft. 0$1.50 = $6,244.50 Curbing (Residential - 1930 " " @$1.00 = $1,930.00 Asphalt Curbing - Commercial & Ind. - 1475 lin.ft. 0$0.50 = $ 737.50 Total Estimated Property Assess.(Paving & Curbing) $54,037.00 Estimated Ornamental Lighting Cost $32,000.00 Engineering & Inspection 640.00 .Total Estimated Cost (Ornamental Lights) $32,640.00 Estimated Property Assessment 13,302.00 City's Share of Cost (Bond Fund 200- ST-10) $19,338.00 Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: 60 ft. 100 ft. North & East Sides (Commercial & Industrial 4702:ft. 0$2.16 $10,156.16 (Residential 1402 ft. 0$1.00 = $ 1,402.00 South & West Sides (Commercial & Industrial 936 ft. 0$1.44 = $ 1,347.84 (Residential _ 528 ft. 0$0.75 = $ 396.00 Total Estimated Property Assess.(Ornamental Lights) $13,302.00 SIZE ERM if Sewer service connections, where necessary, as per following schedule: W I D T H OF S TREE T 60 ft. 100 ft. $120. $200. $150. $250. 120 ft. 140 ft. $24o. $280. $300. $350. 150 ft. 160 ft. $300. $320. $375. $400. Water service connections, where necessary, as per following schedule: SIZE W I DTH OF STREET 60 ft. 100 ft. 120 ft. 140 ft. 150 ft. 160 ft. 3/4" $119. $175. $2o6. $237.50 $254. $269. 1" $125. $185. $219. $250. $265.' $281. 1 1/2" $175. $250. $288. $325.50 $344. $363. Water service connections of 2" or larger will be estimated by the City Water Dept. An additional fee of.$3.00 is charged if the meter is moved or a new one installed. Driveways, where necessary, $5.00 per square yard. Yours very truly, ��,Rhard L. Wheeler CAR4)? Asst. Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance / Y Adrian . Winkel Commissioner of i or V nerd 1s Y " I Q co 00, ((�� -J :Y n? ' o Q OA b' /V V nerd 1s 0 9 " I Q OA b' /V 4 � W L d/al 01.x /A - - -� .. 0 9 q44 /a,01 -?IA 0 L4S n= /V O-1 7/A/ Q L I -11 —i L ----------- — 0. CO bA 4'Y 0 -4x 0 EI-1 ti r. Lf r LQ g � f 9 7L- I� I l' i 1r 4�J j tt� I\ 1•& -7177 NJ -L S" "Va5v W -9/v/ 7