08-85Council �71e #F � �S Green Sheet # 3048690 OF �'re�nced RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA l3 1 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul kereby appmves and ratifies the 2 attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federation of State, 3 County and Municipal Employees, I.oca12508 (AFSCME — Clerical} and I,ocai 1842 (AFSCME — 4 Technical ) for employees in the Police Departmenf and Information Services regazding qn-Call 5 procedures/compensation for January i, 2008 through December 31, 2010. Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy B y' ` � �? Approved b aytl . Date ?y By. Requested by epar ent uman Resources By. Angela Na zny Appro the e of ' ancial Services By. Approved by ity Att q� ^ f � f� By �{ � '� �'�°! Approv b ay r fo ubmi ' to C�6jiucil B �, ,�� ��� � Green Sfieef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� r�� DepartmeMlo(ftceleou�ti: Date tnitiated: H �, -�,��R�a� ,��� Green Sheet NO: 3048690 Comact Person 8 Phone: Jason Schmidt 266-6503 * Assign Number Fw Routing Order 0 amanRevourca 1 amauResources D arm�e¢tDirector 2 inancist Services ffice ESnsncisl $ervices 3 ' Attorne � 4 a or•s0f5ce Ma orlASSistsnt g p�p�y C' Cwnd'1 6 Clerk CS Clerk Doc.type: RESQLUTIONW/$TRANSAC E-DOeumeM Required: Y Document Contaa: Sue WegweHh Contaet Phone: 268-6513 ! � Totai # ot Signature P�es _{Ciip AII Loeallotts for Signature) Resoludon approving ffie continuaGon of the attached Iviemorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paut and AFSCME District Council 5- Local 25Q8 (AFSCME - Cierical) and Loca] 1842 (AFSCME - Technicaf) employees regarding On-Call procedures/compensation. iaations: Approve {a) or K Planning Cwnmisston C!B Committee Civil Service Canmission 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has ihis persontfinn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skpl not normatiy possessed by aay current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separaie sheet and attach to green sheet laHiatlng Problem, lssues, Opportunity (lMho, What, When, Where, Why): Continue tLrough tte agreement date (204$ - 2010) the piocess to compensate AFSCME Clericai aad Techuical employees so that they must be available to resolve critical information system problems during off duty ho�us AdvantagesffApproved: ' Provides ffiat AFSCME Clexical and Technical staff wiIi be available at a11 times for eridcal information system problems during off duty hours. Llisadva�iages 8 Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: GYiricai information system problems may not be resolved in a timely fas6ion. Transattion: Fundtng Souroe: PSnanciai �nfortnatlon: (Exptain} i ���r �r�l�m CosVRevertue BWgeted: Activity Number: Page 1 Ob'-85� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ANn AFSCME CLERICAL LOCAL 2508 AFSCME TECHIVICAL LOCAL 1842 This Memorandum ofAgreement (hereinafter "MOA"} applies to the parties below until December 31, ZO10 with the intention of incorporating it into or attaching it to the collective bazgaining agreement if it is acceptable to all parties. Definition: Employees required by the Employer to be available to answer a page or call, and perform work if necessary during hours outside their normal work shift, shall be considered "on-call." The Employer will establish a written on-call schedule one month prior to implementation. Ernployees must provide notice of unavailability prior to the issuance ofthe schedule. Requirements: If assigned as on-call, employees must ensure they aze available to be contacted. Employees must return calls within 30 minutes of receiving a page or voicemail message. If reguired to return to work, employees must be able to do so within two hours of being contacted. Compensation: Employees who are on-call will receive $25 per day for each week day (Monday — Friday) they are assigned on-call. A week day shall consist of the hours from 5:00 pm until 7:00 am the following morning Monday— Friday. Employees who are on- call for each weekend day (Saturday or Sunday) or Holiday as designated by the collective bargaining agreement will receive $50 pet day. A weekend day and Holiday day sha1l consist of a 24 hour period from 7:00 am unti17:00 am the following morning. In addition to the above compensation, employees who aze on-call and aze contacted to resolve a critical information system problem shall be granted two hours minimum cornpensation either in compensatory time or pay for their efforts per incident. An incident shall begin when the telephone or page is answered and end when the problem is either resolved or further efforts are deemed futile. This means multiple calls regarding the same pmblem are considered one incident. Ifthe resolution ofthe problem takes less than one and one halfhours, the employee will be paid straight tnne for the two hour minimutn. If the resolution of the problem takes more than one and one half hours, then the overtime pmvisions of the contract will apply. Scheduling: The City will create a list of volunteers who will be scheduled first for on- call status. If insufficient numbers of qualified employees volunteer, the City will assign employees to the list. The City will create an assignment mtation that distributes the on- call assignments as evenly and fairly as is reasonably possble. DB-�� This MOA shall apply only ta employees in Police and Information Services and will become effective on January 1, 2008. This MOA sets no precedent and shall not affect any other conditions or tenns of employment. CITY OF,,SAINT P Labor Relations Manager AFSCME DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 LOCAL 2508 and 1842 C =��C ��---- Chns Cowen Business Representative January 17. 2008 Date � /���,,�- � ��%'�--e...i Tracey B1 s Labor Relations Specialist Januarv 17 2008 Date �-/�.�-v� Date Klemaseski President, Loca12508 �-%6-Q � Date �il , � ;. •�. :� - PresidenY, Loca11842 January 15, 2008 Date