197507i { COUNCIL FILE NO 197507 ORDER Council File 197507 — In the matter of constructing a public sanitary sewer in Van Dyke St. from Old Hudson Road to Third St. In the Matter of constructing a public sanitary sewer in ola H� Roa_ d. uvkSt. — -- - -rte- -- — - Van Dyke St. from Old Hudson road to Third St. Old Hudson Road from Van Dyke St. to Luella Si. Luella St. from Old Hudson Road to Conway St. Wilson Ave. from Van Dyke St. to Jayne Ave. Jayne Ave. from Wilson Ave. to Conway St. _ _Conway St. from Hazel Ave. to Ruth St. Third St. from White Bear Ave. to Ruth St. Hazel Ave. from Old Hudson Road to Fourth St. Fifth St. from White Bear Ave. to -Hazel Ave. li, gpy Ave. froml,Haz62 Ave. to White oAye, Atlril 12, 1960 under Prg1in. , a y'�,ttr4�x — Arl'so (coifs- 'ra8thrn"geatYpublitc Ps&Ata Vf`sS0ervi� tari eo:selffent t( o-be obfa °ined�# from upoTh'�irdaSt=le t oI1FY sifib"lf't�tA�?e'�d, hsai'�7 e:�s�;lfintd t6odbrertainree '' sQoives ease ent d) being a 20 ft. wide �. na • t115, Ra xK oBl a�. hgRobert� hj�r�l relz�arEa ate o; ;ge ghtsaAddittionr; itheeovement Is h�dn a a Une o� hsa�d�ease�e�jtj�(to be obtained) being the center line of Van Dyke St. (as pMt ed south of Third St.) produced northerly to remont Ave. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommen is Y,o construct a Also constructing a;public sanitary sewer in an easement (to be obtained) from � pubFremontiAve;r towFifh St., said easement (to be obtained) being a 20 ft. wide easement, the centerline of said easement (to be obtained) being described as being the des G;-line� ofr,ot0� :B]:ockr16oRobertT,. (Ware , s Eastern Heights Addition, - all of ;whichais; kgoU known, =as, the�NA7FLt�HIRD S RF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Luella St. Pro'a Old Eludson Rcat.l to St,, - r= irrro�Ju -gg rca-- fi.'Iu- ccu- } r ;i 4v,a ; '.vTar., . 7s Jayne, Ave :�fxo Conway �t utli Conwat;�oin Hazel -A'�e to' 1l, St: • ^ ��'7a' �. °; - Im `" Thrir&, S,t. from ' ` with ng .alte dZI.45-CO � Iud a`d "ve t Tth_. �` t� om did on Road o Fourtl�'St - Fifth St. from " White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave: . ont v a .fro Resolve X WL", Ai :gay - r l�azelz jeje 1#:0.1 Whi -t-e ol�veent on the 5th dap of t ' ° , ^f �'h Ur yO cl k A. M in th Co nc'I Chgmber of the Court Also_const uet-ea p�zb3 c��sarl se er n as easement .(-' ob.�aine ) tom Hot Thirdl �gt`y JTd,11Fr8�orTt� , '-he Qa4 j f cr �,;lt natbr.n© mrlll. r;rb o; r�.w��.: l?U At5tlee 4f Afire . , said ease 'en _ o o�'taine ) e 20.. ide, dideas6menitt(i, AhL•o "t;Y. n Z3� th- 5 r r pr.,�,� q DUN e , �It c t e �.m4 ,tcY',,.... a of %�'. Bl0ek�7, Rol3$�rte L. Ala 'sbri h,sdition, the healcentehel�n lr6fo�sX' a sgfne °n "i;eT(tt -idle n�itt9`Aba)b0ng the ceRearr line of Van Dyke St. (as platted south of Third St.) produced northerly to Fremont Ave. Also construct a public sanitary sewer in an easement (to be obtained)Vf or9 FY'ellibnt 9L e . to Fifth St. , said easement (to be obtained),. b�•j *+*TnTT •r�T•1 t Sao tect r v I.rvC :�C�U1it,'�'g a'�� ft. wide CO 'eR ement�Nthe center line of said easement ('to i o twined) being described as Yeas being the i,;e.1 line of Lot 7,, Block 6, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights-Addition, - all of,which is to be known as the HAZEL -THIRD STREET SANITARYiSEWE_S YSTEM Approv Tn Favor - Mayor .Against