08-840Council File # �/o�g'7(/ � ----------�teen�heet-#-- _ — RESOLUTION - - - - Yresented By: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paui has received a$50,000,000 federal grant from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) for the Republican National Convention (RNC) to be held from September l, 2008 to September 4, 2008 at the Xcel Energy Center in downtown Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, this grant provides funding to facilitate the public safety and security planning measures to help ensure the safety and security of all persons who live, wark, and visit Saint Paul; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Mayor Christopher Coleman to implement the attached agreement. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on recard in the Office of Financial Services. I2equested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date: �%//,, /��% Adoption Certified by C,euncil Secretary: By: �,� � �v�,� Approved by : Date: ��L � O� By: �j : Form Approved By: Approval Recommendc'�d by Financial Services: By: �� App ved Mayor for Submission t ouncil: By. I:\Republican Convenhon 20081�inance Sub Committee\RNC Grant Acceptance Council Resolution.xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Contact Person 8 phone: Erin Dady 266-8878 must ee on Council Agenda by (Dafe): 06-AUG-0B Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W!$ TRANSAC E-Document Required: N Document ConWct: ConYact Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Hx� �,� 0 or's Office 1 a or's Office De ariwent Direcbor 2 inancisl Servica ffice Fnancial Services 3 i Attorne �` 4 a or's O�ce Ma or/Assistant 5 ounc� Ci Cooncil 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk Signatutes requested on the at[ached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul to enter into the attached 2008 Republican Na6onal Convention (RNC) Securiry federal gant ageement. �aauons: Approve (n) or h� Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IniNating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul is the fiscal agent for the 2008 RNC Security fedenl grant of $50,000,000.00. This gant is intended to cover the security costs incurred by state and local units of govemruent directly related to the RNC. Advantages If Approved: The City of Saint Paul will be reimbursed through the 2008 RNC Security federal grant for security costs incurred that aze directly related to the RNC. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The City of Saint Pau( will not be reimbursed through the 2008 RNC Security federal grant for securiry costs incurred that are direcfly related to the RNC. Trensaction: w�a�ny so�rce: 2008 RNC Security Federal Financial lnfortnation: Gfant (F�cplain) Activity Number: 080-30410 CosURevenue Budgeted: July 24, 2008 11:52 AM Page 1 as-gya _ � - � � Departmentof3usHCe ' `; ` s —__—_ — — — . — _ _— ____— �_— _ — -- _ .s,, ��, ; OfficeofJusticeProgxams Office ofiLe Assistanc Attomey Genernl Wo.shfngron, D G 2D53i July 22, 2008 The Honorable Christopher Coleman Ciry of Saint Paui 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 55102-1621 Deac Mayor CoLeman: On behalf of Attomey Generel Michael B. Mukasey, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Office of Justice Pmgrazns has approved your applicarion for funding under the FY 08 Solicited Awazds m the amount of $SQOOQ000 for CiTy of Saint Paul. Enclosed you will find the Gtan[ Awazd and Speciat Conditions documents. Tlus awazd is subject to all administrative and financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financia] and programmatic reports, resolution of all intenm audit findmgs, and the maintenance of a minimum level of cash-on-hand. Should you not adhere to these requirements, you will be in viola4on of the texms of this agreement and the award will be subject to termination for cause or other adminishative acGOn as appropnate. If you have questions regazdmg this awazd, please cOniact: - Program Questions, Brent D. Eckberg, Program Manager at (202) 514-5674; and - Financial Questions, ffie Office of the Chief Financ�al Officer, Customer Serv�ce Cenur (CSC) at (800) 458-0786, or you may comact the CSC at ask.ocfo@usdoj.gov. Gongi'ahilations, and we took forwazd to working with you. Sincerely, �1� ��� /// Jef&ey L. Sedgwick Acting Assistant Attomey General Enclosures C�-B�fD __ � �S July 22, 2008 The Honoxable Christopher Coleman CiTy of Saint Paul 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, M1V SS 102-1621 Dear Mayor Coleman: DepartmentofJustice Office of Justice Progra.ms Office for Civil Righu Washengron,D.C. 20531 Congratulations on your recent awazd. In establishing financial assistance pro�ams, Congress linked the rece�pt of Federal funding to wmpliance w�th Federal civil rights laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Jusfice ftograms (O]P), U.S. Deparhnent of Justice is respons�ble for ensunng that recipients of financia] aid &om OJP, its component of£ces and bureaus, the Office on Violence Against Women (OV W), and [he Office of CommuuiTy Oriented Policing Services (COPS) comply with appUcable Fedeml civil rights staNtes and regularions. We at OCR aze available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirements that come with 7usrice Department fuuding. Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Programs As you 1aww, Federal iaws pcohibit cecipients of financial assistance from discriminating on the basis oFrace, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disabiUty in funded programs or acbviqes, not only in respect to employment pracrices but also in the delivery of services or benefits. Federal law also prohibits fitnded programs or activiries from discrimmating on the basis of age in the delivery of sernces or benefits. Providing SerVices to Limited Eqglish Proficiency (I.EP) Individuals In acwrdance with Department of 7usticz Guidance pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.SC. § 2000d, recipients of Federal financial ass�stance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningfu] access to iheiz programs and achvities for persons with ]�mited English proficiency (LEP). Foc moie informatlon on the civil righCS responsibil�ties that recipients have in pro�iding language services to LEP individuals, please see [he website at http://www.lep.gov. Ensuring Equal Treatment for FaitL-Based Organizations The Department of Justice has published a regularion specifically pertaining to the funding of faith-based organizations. In general, the regulation, Participation in Jusnce Department Programs by Religious Organizarions; A'ovidmg for Equal Treatrnent of all Jusrice Deparhnent Program Pazticipants, and known as the Equal Treatment Regularion 28 C.F.R. part 38, requires State Administering Agenc�es to treat these orgawzations the same as any other appl�cant or recipient. The regularion prohibits Siate Administenng Agencies from makmg awazd or grant adminishation decisions on the basis of an organizarion s religious cliaracter or affiliatio», religious name, or the religious composirion of its boazd oEdirectois. The regularion also prol�ibits faith-based orgazuzations from using financial assistance from the Department of Justice to fund inherently relig�ous acvviUes. Wlule fa�th-based organizarions can engage m non-funded inherently religious activities, they must be held sepazately from the Department of Justice funded program, and customers or beneficiaries cannot be compelled to panc�ipate m them. The Equa] Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizanons partic3pafing in programs funded by the Depaztment of Justice are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. For more infonnation on the regulation, piease see OCR's website athttp:!lwww.o�p.usdoj.govfocrlet£bo.htm. �� Sfate Administering Agencies and faith-based organizations should also note that the Safe 54eets Act, as amended; the Victims of Crime Act **+Pn�iai� a e�r venn`on Act, as _�--- �ed, cAntain pzolvbitions against discximination on the basis of religion in employment. These employment provisions have been specifically incorporated into 28 C.F.R Part 38.1(� and 382(�. Consequendy, m many circumstances, it would be unpexmissible for faith-based organizatioas seelang or receiving fundiag authorized by ihese statutes to l�ave policies or prnctices tl�zt condition hiring and oTher employmeabrelated decisions on the retigion of applicanu or employees. Progrsws subject to these nondiscrimic�arion provisioas may be found on OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocrL Quesnons about the regularion or Ihe s[atutes that prohibit discriminarion in employmen[ may be directed to ihis Office. Enforcing GYnl Rights Laws Ail recipienis of Federa] financial assistance, regardless of the par[iculaz funding source, tUe amount of the grnnt awazd, or the number of employees in ihe workforce, are subject to the prolvbnions against unlawfui discriminanon AccordutgLy, OCR investigates recipients ti�at are the Subject of discriminarion complauUS from both individuals and groups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, OCR selects a number of recipienU each year for cOmpliance reviews, audits that require recipients to submit data showing that they are providing service5 equitably to all segments of their service poputation and that their employment practices meet equal employment opportunity standards. Complying witL the Safe Streets Ac[ or Program Requirements In add�tion fo these general prohibitions, an organizafion which is a recipient of 5nancial assietance subject to rhe nondiscnmination provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Sfreets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c), or other Federal grant program reqwrements, must meet two additional requirements:(1) complying with Federal regulat�Ons periainmg to the development of an Fyual Employment OpportumTy Plan (EEOP), 28 C.F.R. § 42301-.308, and (2) submming to OCR Findings of Discriminauon (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.205(5) or 31.202(5)). 1) Meeting the EEOP Requirement in accordance vrith Federal regulations, Assumnce No. 6 m the STandazd Assurances, COPS Assurance No. S.B, or certain Federal grant program reqwrements, your organization must compTy with the following EEOP reporhng requirements: If your orgamzation has received an awazd for $500,000 or more and fias 50 or more employees (counting both full- a»d part-time employees but excluding politica] appointees), then it has to prepaze an EEOP and submit it to OCR for review within 60 days from the date of this letter. For assisfance in developing an EEOP, please consul[ OCR's website at Lttp://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.hmi. You may also request technical assistance from an EEOP specialist at OCR by dialmg (202) 616-3208. If your orgamzahon received an awazd between $25,OQ0 and 35Q0,00� and hu 50 or more employees, yuur organization srill has to prepaze an EEOP, but it does not have [o submit the EEOP to OCR for review. Instead, yow organiza6on has to maintain the EEOP on file and make �t available fox review on request, In addition, your organization has to complete Section B of the Certification Fo=xn and relum it to OCR. The CeNFication Foxm can be found at http://www.ojg.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. If your organizafion received an award for less Ihan $25,000; or if your orgazuzarion has less than Sd employees, segazdless of the amount of the award; or ifyour oiganizahon is a medica] institution, educational inst�tu5on, nonprofit organization or Indian tnbe, then your organizarion is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, your orgamzation must compiete Section A of the Certification Form and retum it to OCR. The Certificarion Form can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htrn. 2) Submitting Findings ofDiscriminadon D�-��D ln the event a Federn] or State Court or Federal or State admimstraUve agency makes an adveise finding of discrimmarion against your ocganization after a due process hearing, on ffie ground of race, color, rel�gion, national origin, or sex, your organizabon must submit a copy of the findmg to OCR for rev�ew. �; : 1 — EasuringtheComplianceofSubrecipienfs _ If your orgenization makes subawazds to other agencies, you aze re5ponsible for assuring that subrecipienrs also comply wiih all of the applicable Federnl civil right5 law5, including the requirements pertaining to developing and submitting an EEOP, reQoxting Findiags of Discriminarion, and providing language services to LEP persons. State agencies tUat make subawazds must Lave ia place standazd gant assurances and review procedures to demonstmte that they aze effectively monitoxin� the crvil ri�hts compliance of subrecipients. If we can a55ist you in any way in fiilfilling yow civi] rights responsibilives as a xuipient of Fedeml funding, please call OCR at (202) 307-0690 or visit ow website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. Sincerely, �� a. �---- Micbael L. Alston Director ce: Grnnt Manager Financial Analyst ��-�yv �,. _ _ _ _ _ a 3 4 a,.,,,g, ; — �' � — —____ ___—_—_ — ,<_..�s' Department of Jusrice D4fiee-of3�stice£rogrems � - - Office of tfie Chief Financial Officer Washington, D.C. 20531 July 22, 2008 The Honorable Cluistopher Coleman Ciry of Saint Paul 15 West Keltogg Boutevazd St. Paul, MN 55102 - 1621 Refezence Gxant Nucnber: 2008-DD-BX-0303 Deaz Mayor Coleman: I azn pleased to infom� you that my office has approved the foltowing budget categories for the aforementioned grant award in the cost categories idenrified below: Category Personnel Fringe Benefits Travel Equipment Supplies Construction ConteacNal Other Total Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total Pxoject Cost Federal Funds Approved: Non-Federal Shaze: Progcam Inoome: Budget $4,491,794 566,269 578,862 $4,591,311 $5,109,906 50 $34,091,571 $0 $48,435,713 $1,564,28'7 SSQOOQ000 $50,000,000 �0 $0 Match is not required for this gant progam. All individuai consultant fees in excess of $450 per 8 hour day require prior approval of OJP. All Sole Source procurement m excess of $100,000 reqwres writtenjustificalion and the prior approval of OJP. Ttie applicant �s a local govemment unit and is not required to subm�t an mdirect cost proposal. The applicant must retain the cost allocation plans on file for audit purpose. 6$'8�a Ifyou Lave quesrions_regardingShis aaazd,.plezse coniact _-_ — ----- - Pro�am Quesrions, Brrnt D. Eckberg Progam Manager at (202) 5145674 - Financial Quesrions, ffie Office of Clvef Financial Officer, Customer Service Centex(CSC) at (800) 458-0786, or you may wntace the CSC at ask.xfo@usdoj.�ov. Congatularions, and we look forvrazd to woilang with you_ Sincerely, 6� �S �0 ' – `�'� Department of Justice - � - - -_ �� �� OfficeofJusticePrograms � I = G _ _ — _ _ , -�ea�rof3H$hce�$sl$tanle -`_ - —, �,.;.;.M � . �� ... ���� � j 1. RECIP� AA'D ADDRESS (Includ'wg Zip Code) Ciry of Saivt Pavl I IS WestKelloggBOUlevazd � StPaiil,?vA5i302-1621 IA GAAI�7EEIRS/VENDORNO. 416005521 3. PROJECT TITLH 2Q08 Republican Natwnal Convenaon Secunry Grant � 4.AWARDNU�IBER ZWS-DD-BX-OiO3 5 PROJECf PERIOD: FRO.Vi 10/01/2009 TO 09130R008 BliDGETPERIOD:FROM 10/012D07 TO 09/30/2005 6.AWARDDA"CE 07122R008 I7.ACTION 8. SUPPLEMENT rUMBER ���� 00 i � 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT S( 10 AMOUNT OF 7HIS A WARD S 50.000,00( 1 L'COTAI. AWARII s sa,oao.oao 12. SPECIAy CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBIECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR UMITATIONS AS ARE SET FOR7H ON THE ATTACHED PAQE(S). 13 STATUTORY AUTHOAPLY FOR GRANT 1'his pwject is xuppoRed u¢dec FY08(BIA - P�eaidennal CandWate Nomi�anng Conventmxis foe 2008) P.L I10.16I 15 METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS � AGENCYAPPROVAL � 16. TYPED NAME AND Til'LE OF APPROVING OFflCIAL lefheyL.5edgvrick Ac[mg Assistant Attomey General 17. SIGNATURE OF AYPROVING OPFtCIAL /�� JY / � AGENCY USE OI�LY — 20 ACWUN7INGCLASSIFICATIONCODES 21 HD6UGT0020 FISCAL FZ77�D $UD. DN YHAR CODE ACT OFC. REG. SliB. POMS AMOUNY X B D6 80 00 00 50000000 � GAANTEEACCEPTANCb _ 18. TYPED NAME AND TfCLE OF AUTHORCZED GRANTEE OFFZCIAL CLnstopLer Colemav hfayor 19 S7GNATUREDFAliTHORIZEDRECll']ENTOFFIC7AL I 19A.DATE O7P FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-87) PRPVIOUS EDTCIONS ARE OBSOLETE OJP FORM 40WB (RSV. 4-88) � ����a,� _ _ __ � Otfice of Jusuce Progams PROJECTAtiMBER 200&DD-BX-030i __ AWARD CONTINtiATION ----- SH�ET Grant AWARDDA7E 0]/2?YL008 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. The recipient agees to Gomply with the financia] and administrarive requirements set forrh in the cwrent edition of the Office ofJusrice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if rec�pient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Secdon 42302), that is approved by ihe Office for C�vil R�ghts, is a viola5on oF its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or tersnination of funding, �nh] such time as the recipient is in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees w comply with the organizational audit requixemenu of OMS Circular A-133, Audus of States, Local Govemmenis, and Non-Profit Organizarions, as further described m the cwrent edrtion of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 4. Aecipieut understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, eiffier directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modificanon or adoption of any ]aw, regulation or policy, at any level of govemment, without rhe express prior written approval of OJP. 5. Prioi to the expenditure of cqnfidential funds, the recipient and any subrecipients agez to sign a certification indicating tttat he or she has read, understands, and agrees to ab�de by all of the conditions pertaimng to confidential fund expendinues as set forth ip the OJP Financ�al Guide. 6. The recipient must submit a certificahon ro BJA that all grano-funded equipment has been purchased and is already operaUOnal as of the date of ihe certification. The certificarion must be received by BJA no tater than fourteen Q 4) calendaz days prior to the commencement date of the presidential nominating convention �anth respect to which the grant is made. No funds awarded under this gant may be obligated, expended or drawn down to cover costs fon any equipment that is not covered by the cerhfiCation. 7. At least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of tLe Republican Nattonal Convent�on, the recipient must submit to the B7A, documentarion that idenrifies by name, all state and ioca] ]aw enforcement agenc�es/jurisdictions that the recip�ent anhcipates to reimburse vrith gtant funds for secunt}+and relaud wsu, including over[ime, associated with the Republican Nationa] Convention. No gant funds may be used for reimbw'semerrt of a state or tocal law enforcement agency(}urisdiction whiCh is not included on this Iist, without specific approval by the BSA Director. The BJA Director maintains the right to deny reimbursable expenditures incuxred by the grnntee if tLe expenditures are otherwise ineligible for reunbursement under any othex applicable statute, regularion or awazd provision. 8. All conRacts under this award should be competilively awazded unless circumstances preciude comperi6on. When a contract amouni exceeds $100,000 and there has been no competirion for the awazd, the rec�pient must comply witU niles goveming sole sowce procurement found in the cunent edition of the OJP Financial Gmde. 9. The reCipient agees to wbmit quarterly financial sYatus reports to the Office of Jushce Progams using Scandazd Foxm SF 269A on ffie Intemet at https://grants.ojp.usdo�.gov . These reports sfiall be submitted on-line not ]ater than 45 days afru the end of each calendaz quar[er. The fwal report shall be subm�tted not later than 90 days following the end of the grant period. 10. The recipient shall submit semiannua] progess reports. Progress repoiis shall be subm�tted wtthin 30 days afrer the end of the reporting penods, wh�ch aze June 30 and December 31, for the life oF the awazd. These repor[s will be submitted to the Qffice of Jusrice Programs, on line-through the Intemet at Lttps:(/gants.ojp.usdoj.govl. t��3- �D � - --- ,- - -- -- ---- -�- � , PAGE 2 OF 3 � oJP FoRM 400012 (REV.488) o�-� 4�0 --- — ----- -- _ _ --- - -- r .� y_ D��t ar,r,� - r -- -- —_ ' �- — — - — � _ , —, --- r — afliceoF7usncePrograms AWARDCONTINUATION — I _ R YPA�� TY�; �—�— I, PAGE 3 OF i � — _ — I � _ __ i � , \ �.;� ; �`sI3IIY , PROJECTMJ.�✓iBER 7A0&DD-BX-0303 AWARDDATE OI/?712008 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I1. The recipient agrees not to expend or drnw down any of rhe funds relating to budgeted items of $1,155,$53.00 for Seniot staff time (572,504.00 and 5428,049.00 in Personnel budget and 5655,000.00 in the OJP Contractors/Consulranu budget categories of the final OJP-approved budget) unril and unless the recipient submiu and the B7A D'vector approves documentadon wtuch sarisfactorily demonstrntes compiiance with ail OSP requirements, including, but not limited to regularions regazding the allowa6itity and altocabiliTy of ezpenses (including pre-award expenses) and regilations against non-supplanting. The recipient further agrees not to expend or draw down these fiutds unti] and unless a Grant Adjustrnent Notice has been issued removing tivs special condition. 12. No portion of these federnl grant funds shall be used towazds any part of the annual cash compensation of any employee of tl�e grantee whose total annual cash compensarion exceeds I 10% of the ma�cimum salary payable to a member of the Federa] govemmenYs Senior Execueve Service at an agency wrth a Ceriified SES Performance Appraisa] System for that yeaz. OJP FORM A0002 (REV.4-88) o�-��a �� �:� ,�.. .. ;. Bureau ofJustice Assistance Wathmgmrs, D.0 2053I Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Maria A. Berry, Environmental Coordinator Subject: Categorical Exclusion for Ciry of Saint Paul Awards under this program wili be used to develop national demonstrarion, training, and technical assisiance progzams. None of the following acrivities will be conducted either under the OJP federal action or a related third party acrion: (1) new constructian; (2} any xenovation or remodeling of a properiy either (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or (b) located within a 100-year flood plain; (3) a renovarion that will change the basic prior use of a facility or significantly change its size; (4) research and technology whose anticipated and future application could be expected to have an effect on the enduomnent; and (5) implementation of a program involving the use of chemicals. Consequently, an agency-wide analysis has determined that the program meets the Office of Jusrice Progams' (OJP) criteria for a categorical exclusion under the provisaons of 28 CFR, Part 61, Appendix D, paragraph 4(b). b8-g�0 Deparmient of Justice ots� orJ,�e� r�o� Btueau.of-Susfice Assistaace _ _ , _ j GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: ' PROJECT_SIIIYIMARY --------', — — — _' ------- -- -- _ � ____—_ --- — � �_ .. _ __ -- ! Gr — I PROIECTVGTBER —� -- ' �. PAGE 1 OF 1 ' 12008-DD-BX-0503 This pcojecc is supponedundec FY08(BJA- Presarnoal Candidau �ominavng Conventions for 2W8) P.L. i 70.161 I. STAFF COr7ACT (.�ame & relephone number) Bcrnt D. Eckbecg (202) 5145674 3a. TI7LE OF THE PROGRAM 87A FY 08 Solicited Awazds 4 TITLE OF PROJEC7 2008 Republican Nano�al Comrntion Secunp� 5 ISAME & ADDRESS OF GRAN7EE Ciry of Samt Paul IS WestKelloggBou]evard St Paul, MN 55102-1621 7. PROGRAM PERIOD PROM 10/�ll2W7 TO. �4l302W8 9.AMOUNTOFAWARD $ SQOOq000 lt SECOHI] YEAR'S BUDaET 13. TfID2D YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 2. PROIECT DIRECiOR (Name, address & telephone number) Cnns Eitemillzr Senior Budget Analys[ 15 WestKelloggBoulevard Sc Paul, MN 55102-16L1 (6S1) 2658547 36. POMS CODE (SEE INS7RUCitONS ON REVPRSE) 6. NAME &ADRESS OA SIJBGRANTEE 8. BUDGET PERIOD FROM: 10(612007 10. DATE OF AWARD 07/22/1A08 ro: a9tsonoas 12. SECOND YEAR'5 SUDGET AMOUNT 14. THII2D YEAR'S BUDGEi AMOUIVT I5, SIIMMAAY DESCRIP'CION OF PROIECT (See instmct�on on revecse) 'Ihe Aepublirm4 Naaona7 Com�emion (IiNC)vnll be held September i-4, 20D8, in the crt�es of Saint Paul a¢d 7✓nnneapol�s, Mmnesora. The Republican Naiionai Committee awazded rts 2008 nauonal convennon m NLnneapolvs-Saint Paul in Septembec 2006 and sig¢ed a conaaccvrith Ne Mirmeapolis-Saint Pau17A08 Host Committee m Ianuary 2007. Wlille botL Mi�neapoLs and Saint Paul sre hosss to rk�e 2005 RNC, the Xcel Eve�gy Ceater is the site of rhe convention, which is located m Sa�at PauL The RNC was desigoared a Navonal Special Security Evrnt (NSSE) by the Depamnrnt ofHOmeland Secunry in Mazch 2007. With NSSE StaNS, the Umted Siates Secret Service (USSS) is tUe lead agency in chazge of secunTy for the RNC. WYvle the liSSS is tLe lead agrncy, the Saint Paul Police Depscmient is the lead local agency in charge ofsecuriry The Ciry of Saint Paul serves u rhe fisW agent for secunry fund�n� received from o�her govemmmt agencies. The Ciry of Sainc Paul vnll use @us grnnc co patrially offsec the coscs o£the secuiiry FORM 4000f2 (ItEV. 483) I bu � j avd relaud wsa sssociaud with llu RVC. Fuvds vtil be used pnnurily for of5cer overtime and e3uipmevt Previous convrntiovs held m 2004 , inBOStonand�ewYOrkCirydrmoasraredtheneedfocsigpificao[budgetresou.-csforgu6licsaferyuxvicesin+heimmediarehos�cityazwell______ _ ------ � � astfiesucloundiv men licanaresandLOS[stau. C ' ' - _ _ _—_ �Pmen2 _ —__ — _.- _. B °F° ��uY.�a�B�wilaiso�bcrosQtooffsei t urc5asesan or_pstsonnel- ---- _" _i - —.__ . — - . .erz fi_ _ � ' �hatitavrf ',. __ _ - _ _____ ..:__ P�� � � �13�ffi�P�'�eaageemeutsto'uPWRtheCiryofSaiacPwlaudMutneapoliswith ___ . I securiry, msponse, and cecova3' iYP= activiva. _ — � . _ _ _ -- _ -- — __ . _____ -- _ __ __— _'�tPmCp --_ — — — __" _ _ —_— _ _— _ ,,